Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (3 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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Chapter 5


After the ride back to Mitchell’s house Charlie was glad to see James looking just as cheerful as her Mum had when they left. She was so excited at spending a whole week with Mitchell, even though she wasn’t sure what they were actually going to do. Mitch soon came up with a plan as they lay on his bed later in the afternoon in front of his laptop.

“They are holding auditions for a dance video on Friday and I thought we could both go along” he said, smiling up at her.

“Really, you think we should” Charlie said, as the excitement built inside her.

“Well, I need some money behind me to start my dance school so this would get me my website design money in one go”

“Ok, so when do we start practising then”

“How does tomorrow morning sound, in the meantime I’m sure we can find some way of keeping our muscles limber” he purred, pulling her into his arms.


Mitch still couldn’t believe the magnetic attraction he felt for Charlie when they were together. It was like nothing else in the world mattered other than making her happy. As her lips met his and their tongues collided he pulled her closer and ran his hands through her hair. Twisting the strands in his hand he held her tight and she squirmed in his arms. Both of their t-shirts were pushed up so that their skin could press against each other.

“I want you” Charlie whispered in his ear. Her breath tickled him as she ran the tip of her tongue down his neck. Her hands greedily pulled his t-shirt off as she moved on top of him. Sitting astride him she pushed her hair from her face and licked her lips, she knew it drove him wild.


Mitchell was quick to respond as he pulled her down onto him and slipped his hands into the waistband of her leggings, he found her naked beneath.

“Shall I take them off” she said.

“Yeah I think you’d better” Mitchell breathed.

“But you need to take your clothes off too” she teased.

“I will if you will” he grinned back, as she reached for his belt buckle. Once they were naked she ran her tongue over him and took him in her mouth. She looked up to see his eyes half closed as he relished the feel of her tongue as she moved the velvet bulb. Pulling her up he pushed her down onto the softness of his mattress and then headed lower so that he could taste her sweetness.


“Fuck me now” Charlie whispered. He could feel the urgency in her body under him.

“Hard or soft” he asked. She licked her lips.

“Surprise me” she said, waiting as her heart beat increased.

“Lie down then and I’ll surprise you” he said, his voice filled with desire. As the soft pillow supported her head she watched as he advanced up her body and then plunged into her.

“Raise your legs over my shoulders” he said. As she did it felt as though he was buried even deeper inside of her. As Mitchell felt her muscles tighten around him he leant down and kissed her as he continued to push deeper and deeper. Neither was in control as their bodies found satisfaction from each other.


The sweat poured off them as they lay naked on the bed together, she was holding his hand as their bodies touched.

“I love you so much” she whispered,

“I love you too Charlie, more than you’ll ever know” Mitch replied, nuzzling her head into the incline of her neck. His breath tickled her and she smiled and pulled him closer, content in their relationship. Later that night he kissed her all over and worshipped her body as she came and then he did, wrapped in a tight embrace. Falling asleep in his arms she knew that she had found the right person for her and hoped that he felt the same.


The next morning Charlie woke him up and then once they had satisfied their carnal cravings they headed down for breakfast. James was already up and the radio was on and tuned to Love Shack.

“Morning Charlie, Mitch” he said “Toast is ready”

“Hey Dad” Mitch said.

“Hi James” Charlie said, not sure now how she should address him now that he was dating her Mum.

“What are you up to today” he asked.

“Dancing there is an audition we want to go to on Friday” Mitch said.

“Does Stephanie know about this” he aske

“Umm no but I’ll tell her”


After breakfast they changed and headed for the studio.

“So do you know who the artist is” Charlie asked.

“No, but they want street dance so I’m guessing it’s a hip hop artist so I think we need something along those lines” Mitch said. Finding some suitable music they stretched out in front of the mirrors. Charlie kept glancing over at Mitch; she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. As the music entered her body she started to move and advanced towards Mitch.

“Shall we look at modifying the Suit and Tie routine so it’s just the two of us” Mitch said.

“Sounds good” Charlie replied, dropping a kiss on his lips as he passed to change the track. She waited for the song to play through once and then stood and stared at Mitch.

“So what’s the plan then boss!!”


As the day passed they formulated a whole new routine to the music. It was a lot edgier than the one they had done on the weekend and more daring. Charlie loved that she was light enough for Mitch to throw and catch her easily. With the sweat dripping off their bodies they paused for a drink and some lunch in the kitchen. James had gone to work so they had the house to themselves. Between mouthfuls Charlie said.

“So what do you think will happen with my Mum and your Dad”

“Well I overheard him talking about a hotel this weekend so unless Darren is home we’re going to be here alone” Mitch said.

“That sounds great…you know the hotel thing….and yes us alone too”

“I hope that if everything goes ok that we might end up living together soon” she replied. Mitchell grinned at her.

“Now that I could get used too, sleeping with you every night”


Before Charlie could say anything else about the little amount of sleep they actually did in bed, he had reached for her hands and pulled her closer across the table. Their lips touched and opened but before anything more could happen they heard the front door open and close.

“Hi guys” Darren said, as he stepped into the kitchen.

“Do you want a drink” Charlie asked “I was just about to pour us a cold one from the fridge”

“Sure Charlie” Darren said, sitting down next to Mitchell.

“I’ve just been to visit Mum and told her about the move t
soon, she said you hadn’t been over for ages” Darren said. Behind the fridge door Charlie scowled, she really didn’t want to hear about the woman who had nearly killed her Mum”

“I guess I’d better go and see her” Mitch sighed.


Charlie placed the glasses on the table and before she could sit down opposite, Mitchell pulled her onto his lap.

“What do you say about a ride out on the bike tomorrow and you can meet Mum” he said. Charlie hesitated as she tried to clear the images of a blood filled bath.

“Ok” she replied, quietly. She didn’t want to upset Mitchell in front of his brother but she knew they would need to talk about this later. Darren got up and wandered upstairs leaving them alone again.

“Now where were we before we got interrupted” Mitch said, as his lips found hers and his hands reached around her tighter. As they kissed Charlie tried to drag her thoughts away from the shadows that lurked there and hoped that she could contain her rage tomorrow.


After a couple more hours of dancing they showered, changed and took Jester for a walk and on the way back picked up a take away for everyone. Later in the darkness of the bedroom Charlie turned to Mitch.

“I’m not sure about meeting your Mum tomorrow” she said timidly. Mitch pulled her in tighter.

“I can understand that but she’s ok in small doses and tomorrow’s visit will be as quick as I can make it” he said.

“You won’t tell her who I am will you” Charlie whispered.

“No, well not unless she somehow guesses or Darren said anything when he saw her” Mitch replied “Anyway that business with your Mum is all in the past now” he finished, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

“I hope so” Charlie said, reaching up so her lips could return the kiss. She would just have to hold in her rage and try to not to judge Felicity too quickly. With Mitchell’s breath in her ear she eventually drifted off to sleep in his arms.


Downstairs, James locked the house and headed for bed. He wondered what was eating Stephanie and wished that he was there with her now. Lying in bed alone he thought back to the night in th
hotel when she had fallen asleep. Her body was still as lovely as he remembered it, smooth freckled skin that enhanced her pale colouring. He hoped that the weekend to come would ignite the physical side of their relationship once more and banish those remaining dark shadows that clouded her blue eyes.

Chapter 6


On Thursday morning I was up and i
early to do the breakfast show for a change. The sun was just coming up and turning the river golden as I walked over the old bridge and int
Hereford. Smiling I let myself into the silent office and got on with things, knowing that it would be a little while before any of the other’s appeared.


The time flew by as I covered all of Paul’s usual competitions and I soon handed over to him and spotted Sarah already waiting in the office.

“So where shall we head first then” she said.

“Coffee so we can plan our attack” I replied. I waved goodbye and headed out into the warm but slightly overcast day. After browsing around Monsoon we headed for TK Maxx and I soon found some nice dresses that were not going to break the bank. Then it was Ann Summers for the all important underwear. There was such a huge array of different styles and colours and I wandered around empty handed for the first few minutes. What sort of things would James like to see me in or should I just choose things that I liked and suited me?


“Hey Steph, what about this” Sarah said, as she held up a lilac baby doll set. The filmy material shimmered in the shop lights like butterfly wings as I held it up against my body.

“That’s definitely you, it will blow his socks off” Sarah giggled. I was about to hang it back up when Sarah intervened and handed it to the sales assistant hovering nearby.

“Can you put that on the counter for us, we might be here for quite a while” she said. Satin and lace sets soon followed; bras, briefs and thongs in black, white and pink. I thought back to the black and white satin set that he had bought me for my seventeenth birthday and I grabbed some stockings and a suspender belt too. Between the two of us the cash till rang and as we left the shop Sarah grabbed my hand.

“This is such fun! we should do it more often”

“Perhaps I’ll have more cause too from now on”


Over lunch in our favourite café we reminisced.

“Do you remember the first time we saw James in the swimming pool” she asked.

“Of course, I was so glad you invited me to go that day” I said, tucking into the lovely prawns.

“I was so glad he had a gorgeous friend for me” Sarah laughed. I joined in and for once the memories only made me happier instead of wistful.

“I am doing the right thing” I asked her “You know going back”

“I think you are, especially if it makes you this happy” she said, staring at the scars on my wrists for a brief second.

“So what have you got in store for me this afternoon then” I asked, as we walked back to my car so we could head for the spa.

“Now that’s a surprise” she giggled.


With trepidation we entered the main house at Holme Lacy; neither of us had been there before so it felt like an adventure. At reception I let Sarah do the talking as we were shown round all the facilities. In the changing room I pulled on the soft dressing gown and waited for Sarah to do the same.

“Ok, we are going to get waxed” she said “Then massaged and then we can spend the rest of our time in the sauna, Jacuzzi and pool” I had never been waxed before but had heard that it was the best way to get rid of hair but that it was also painful. The girls in the beauty room settled us in and then went to work. After the first pull as they did my legs I soon got used to the slight pain, the waiting for it was worse.

“Are you having the full works” the assistant asked.

“Yes” said Sarah, before I had the chance to ask what that entailed. I looked across at her and mouthed “What’s the full works”

“You’ll see” she giggled, as I found myself naked.


As we relaxed next to each other on the massage tables I turned to look at my best friend.

“Do you really think James will like me with only a strip of hair” I said, nervously.

“It’s the fashion these days and Chris certainly does” she replied, a blush staining her cheeks. It felt like we were teenagers again, giggling about what we thought men liked, except we knew. Closing my eyes I gave myself over to the feel of the hands sliding over my skin. My nipples started to tingle as once again I remembered the baby oil and James’ hands on my body. After showers we headed for the pool and swam for a while before jumping into the bubbles.

“So are you excited about the weekend?”

“I guess so, better now I’ve got all my new clothes. Nervous too as it’s not just the two of us it’s Charlie, Mitchell and his other son Darren we have to consider” I replied. I caught the flicker of sadness cross Sarah’s face as she thought of all the times her and Chris had tried for a baby.

“If it’s meant to be then it will work”


Driving home we continued the conversation.

“So how does Charlie feel about it all?”

“Ok I guess, she did tell me that she wouldn’t mind James being her step Dad” I said “But I’m not sure she has really thought everything through. I guess she thinks that we’ll move in together at some point and she can then see Mitchell every day”

“You’re worried that her relationship won’t last”

“Well, you do have to consider that” I replied “After all she is only seventeen”

“Don’t knock it, it can happen” Sarah replied “Look at me and Chris” I nodded and smiled.

“Absolutely, you guys are the happiest couple I know” I replied “And I’m glad to call you both friends” With Wham on loud we sang along for the rest of the drive to our favourite songs.


I dropped Sarah off and although she invited me to stay for supper I declined.

“Thanks for today” I said.

“Anytime” Sarah replied “Just promise you’ll let me know what happens at the weekend”

“Deal” I said, before I reversed out of her driveway and headed back to my house. Pouring a glass of wine I spread my shopping out over the bed and started my packing. The nerves fluttered around inside me like a caged bird trying to escape. Undressing I stared at my newly buffed body and ran my hands down my slim curves as I tried on the various different sets of underwear. With each set I gave myself a critical look in the mirror before packing them in the case. I could hardly believe the transformation as I slipped into the lilac baby doll.


Suddenly the phone rang and it made me jump

Steph” James said “How was your girly day with Sarah”

“Hi James, it was great fun thanks” I replied “I’ve spent a fortune though”

“Well I am almost certain that I will appreciate it all when I see you tomorrow” James replied “I hope you went to my favourite shop”

“Maybe” I teased back, enjoying the light hearted flirting as I sat on the bed. I was still wearing the lilac baby doll, the fabric brushed against my nerve endings bringing them to life.

“I’m just about to go and start my packing, you do know there is a pool there so we can go swimming together” he said.

“I’m looking forward to that, I’ve just packed my new bikini” In my mind I could see his smile at the comment.

“Great, so I’ll see you tomorrow at noon then”

“Yes, I’ll be there…well unless I get lost trying to find the place”


In the pause I heard voices in the background.

“I’ll say goodbye until tomorrow bu
wants a quick word with you” James said.

“Bye James” I replied, and then waited as the receiver changed hands.

“Hi Mum”

“Hi honey, is everything ok”

“Yes Mum, I just wanted to check it was ok for me to go to a dance audition with Mitchell tomorrow” she said “Please say yes Mum, I’ve been practising all week” she pleaded.

“What’s it for” I asked. I was careful not to burst her excitement but I also needed to make sure it was all above board.

“For a rap singer’s video, not sure who yet as they haven’t said. I’ll be with Mitch and we’ve already decided that it will be both of us or neither” she said.

“Ok, but you know the rules” I said.

“Yes Mum, no nudity or anything too sexual” she said, I could hear her groaning in the background.

“You can tell me all about it on Sunday” I said “Good luck”

“Thanks Mum, you’re the best. Hope you have a good weekend with James”

“Bye honey”

“Bye Mum” Charlie said, before the line went dead.


I soon finished my packing and decided to get an early night as I slipped under the covers. In the moonlight that filtered through the curtains I stared at the lilac underwear on the top of my case and wondered if I would be brave enough to wear it tomorrow night? Closing my eyes I found the James of my teenage years waiting for me in my dreams.


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