Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (9 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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“Yes, I’ve got work to do but something is telling me that I won’t get this image of you out of my mind”

“I’ll be joining you in my dreams” Charlie murmured. She blew Mitchell a kiss and then waved at the screen.

“Bye Lucky” he said, doing the same back to her “Text me when you get up I’ll be waiting” They both hesitated for one final time before they turned their computers off. As Charlie slipped out of her knickers she thought of Mitchell one final time before pulling the covers up over her body. She was still tingling from head to toe.


Putting my book down I turned out the light and lay in the darkness. James still hadn’t called yet and I hoped that he was alright. Closing my eyes I tried to find sleep but without James next to me it seemed impossible. I reached out and checked my phone once again and then turned my radio on. Toni Braxton was singing and once more I let the words seep into my heart.


“I need your arms to hold me now

              The nights are so unkind

              Bring back those nights when I held you beside me”


They reminded me of the last twenty four years but now that James was back in my life they no longer held any power over me. He was already starting to slowly un-break the heart he had shattered. Just as my eyelids started to get heavy I heard the sound of a text message.

“Just to let you know I am back safe and sound. Just wanted to wish you goodnight and sweet dreams”

Smiling at his words I replied.

“Glad you are ok I was worried but now I can sleep. Night gorgeous speak tomorrow”


Chapter 16


The rest of the week seemed to fly by, work as usual. Chatting to James in the evening and Charlie floating around the house with a permanent smile on her face. On Thursday evening I was on the phone to James as I heard the roar of a motorbike engine.

“It sounds like your son has just arrived” I said.

“Glad he got there safely. I can’t begin to tell you how I felt when he said he was getting a bike rather than a car. With the job I do you get to see all these horrific car accidents and bikes are always the worst”

Through the glass door of the lounge I spotted Mitch and Charlie as they headed for the kitchen.

“He’s got a little present for you” James said.

“So what are we doing this weekend so I know what to pack” I asked.


I thought this would be an easy question for James to answer yet the pause from his end made me worry.

“I’ve been dreading telling you this but here goes” he said. I could hear the nervous shake to his voice.

“Darren and Sophie got engaged last weekend while we were away and apparently my ex wife has arranged a party for them on Saturday night and we’re invited”

“Oh” I managed. As the thought of meeting the bitch again ran through my mind I subconsciously started to rub my scar.

“I guess we need to go” I almost whispered.

“Believe me I’d rather celebrate anywhere else but we are Darren’s parents and I would rather go with you by my side than without you” James replied.


Letting this information sink in I wondered how I could cope with another face to face meeting with the woman who ruined our relationship and made me try to take my life.

“We will all be going, my Mum and Dad, Mitchell and of course Charlie and I want you with me. I want to show her that she failed to keep us apart. I want her to see how much I love you” James said, the passion evident in his voice.

“Just don’t leave me alone with her, but yes I’ll go for you” I replied.

“Bring that lovely pink dress that you wore last weekend, I can’t get it out of my mind, well that and the sexy underwear you wore beneath it”

The dark mood had suddenly turned into flirting. It did take my mind off the thought of the party, but I knew it would be back to haunt me tonight.

“Well, I will look forward to seeing you tomorrow, when are you heading over”

“I’m working until two but should be on my way over by four at the latest”

“I can’t wait to see you again Steph, this week seems to have been too long”


After our long goodbye I headed through to the kitchen and the sound of music and laughter.

“Hi Mitchell” I said, watching as Charlie made him some cheese on toast.

“Hi Stephanie, Dad gave me this to give you” he said, handing me a small parcel. I looked at the card attached which said.



              Don’t open this in front of anyone it’s just for you.

              Love James x”


“Thanks Mitchell” I replied. Charlie looked up from her study of the grill.

“What’s in the parcel” she asked.

“None of your business” Grabbing a drink from the fridge I left the two of them alone. Upstairs in my room I sat on the bed and un-wrapped the present to find a beautiful set of pale grey underwear, the silk and lace were beautiful. Undressing I slipped into them and admired my reflection in the mirror before I grabbed my phone.

“They’re gorgeous, thank you so much” I typed.

“I can’t wait to see you in them at the weekend, perhaps you can wear them beneath your pink dress and I can tell you that there will be no way that I will be letting you go all night” James replied.


“I bought you a little present” Mitch said, producing a box from his bag.

“Thanks Mitch” Charlie said as she eagerly ripped open the wrapping paper. Mitch grinned as he watched Charlie pull out the vibrator he had bought her.

“I thought you could play with this when I’m not around” Mitch said “We can also play with it together” The magnetic pull between them was too strong to deny as their lips joined them together. Peeling her clothes from her body he was surprised to see the black underwear set from the start of the week. It didn’t last long and soon lay discarded on the floor as a naked Charlie stood before him.

“I think you’d better lie down and we’ll try this out” Mitch said, picking up the toy from the bedside table.

“Kiss me first baby” Charlie pleaded, wrapping her arms around his neck, her body pressed tightly against him.


They fell back upon the bed and Mitchell slowly worked his way down Charlie’s eager body. His finger dipped into her softness and then he followed with his tongue before he produced the vibrator. Turning it onto the lowest setting he ran it gently over her lips and watched Charlie squirm beneath the power of it.

“Wow, that feels good” Charlie breathed. Slowly Mitch slipped it inside her and then turned it up another notch as he pushed it in and out. Charlie felt her body moving in time with this wonderful plastic toy but it left her wanting the real thing instead. Reaching down she took his hand in hers and made him pull it out.

“I’d rather have you” she murmured, her hands pulling him back down upon her.

“I’m so glad you said that” Mitch whispered in her ear as he kissed his way back to her awaiting lips.


Arching her body to meet his they moved together as the music from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack surrounded them and penetrated their souls as one. On the point of orgasm Charlie whispered the words to “She’s like the wind” as Patrick Swazye sang it softly to them, changing her to him.


“I feel his breath on my face

              His body close to me

              Can’t look in his eyes

              He’s out of my league”


Mitchell heard her and shook his head and whispered.

“I’m not out of your league, I’m completely yours”

“Fucking hell” she breathed as the orgasm swept her away on a current of love and desire. Returning to earth a little while later Charlie leaned up on her elbow and looked down at Mitch dozing next to her. She gently ran her finger over his cheek and he opened his eyes so she could dive into their green pools.


She was wide awake again now after the short burst of energy and she wanted to know what their plans were for the weekend and maybe whether she could extend it into another full week with him.

“So what are we doing this weekend” Charlie asked, running her fingers up into his hair.

“Well, if you can stay longer our studio dates for the video came through this morning and it’s for Wednesday and possibly into Thursday next week” Mitch said. Charlie reached down and planted a long slow kiss on his lips.

“That’s fantastic and yes of course I can stay longer”

“Darren and Sophie got engaged last weekend and Mum is hosting a party for them at her place on Saturday night and of course we’ve been invited” Mitch said.


Charlie paused and tried to decide whether to smile or frown. She thought Darren and Sophie were a great couple and she was really pleased for them, it was just the thought of having to see Mitchell’s Mum again so soon.

“Fuck, does that invitation include Mum too” she asked. Mitch nodded as he watched Charlie’s sparkle dim a little with worry.

“Dad was going to tell her on the phone this evening, I guess that’s why he sent a present”

“She is not going to be happy about that” Charlie said.

“But at least we’ll all be there with her and I think Dad will probably want to slip away as early as he can” Mitch replied. Pulling Charlie close he held her in his arms, as if to soothe away all her worries in the touch of skin.


“Anyway let’s talk about which dress you’ll be wearing” Mitch said “I had your white one in mind, you know the one with the single strap”

“Ok and what will you be wearing” Charlie asked.

“My suit of course but you can choose the shirt” he replied “Although I’d rather be wearing you” he murmured, letting her wrap her lithe body around him once more. She was like ivy clinging to his bark and he wished it could be like this every day. Reaching up her lips met his once more and he surrendered to her soft touch.


As all seemed quiet in Charlie’s room I headed for the bathroom and ran a bath. The smell of my lavender oil took me back to the previous weekend with James and as I stepped into the water’s welcoming warmth I thought about the party and Felicity. Was I ready to face her again and would she still hate me as much now as she did back then? Although the heat of the water permeated my skin inside my blood ran cold as I realised it was not just me she would be meeting but Charlie my daughter. Did James still have any feelings left for her? Sinking beneath the surface I drifted back to the blood filled bath and my scars started to burn.


The bath had done nothing to calm my fears so I headed downstairs to get a glass of water and one of my anti-depressants as I knew without it my mind would just dwell on all the negative feelings that this piece of news had bought me. Snuggled up in bed I put my iPod on and turned to George, he was the only one who could stop my fears. Reaching for my phone I sent James a text

“Goodnight honey, wish you were here”

“Goodnight Steph, I wish I was there too” James replied, immediately.


In my sleep I was running in the darkness as I could hear voices taunting me in the distance. I was searching for someone between the branches of the trees that surrounded me, it was Charlie. Then I spied her in the grip of a dark haired woman, she was struggling to free herself but as I tried to get closer I seemed to be rooted to the spot, helplessly watching. Felicity turned towards me and spoke ‘If I can’t hurt you again then I will hurt her’ I woke in a cold sweat and immediately turned the light on to banish the dark shadows. Taking a couple of deep breaths I told myself it was only a dream, but even so I crept out onto the landing and across to my daughter’s room. Carefully I pulled the door open slightly and saw the shapes of two bodies beneath the duvet so I quietly closed it again and returned to my bed.


Friday went quickly at work and once I was home I started to pack my bag and get ready for the drive to James’. Charlie and Mitch had already headed over on his bike but she had managed to leave a bag for me to take in the car as she was staying for the whole week due to the dates coming through for the video shoot. The nice summer sunshine had been replaced by rain today and as I kept thinking about my nightmare it seemed to match my entire mood.


Pulling into the driveway I saw James’ vehicle and before I had even had chance to turn the engine off I saw James standing in the doorway. All of a sudden the thoughts of the previous night fled my mind as I was engulfed in his hug.

“So you found me” he said.

“It appears so, in fact I remembered some of the landmarks I used to spot when we drove here” I replied, looking up into his clear blue eyes. I opened the boot and James helped with the bags as we stepped through the front door. Although the décor had changed from my hazy memories the layout was exactly the same. Leaving the bags in the hallway we entered the kitchen.

“I’ve got a bottle of white cooling in the fridge if you’d like a glass” James said.

“That sounds great” I replied, watching as he found some glasses and then handed me one.


All of a sudden the other door into the kitchen opened as Charlie and Mitch appeared, hot and sweaty.

“Hi Mum” Charlie said “We’ve just been practising ready for Wednesday”  Mitch had wandered across the room and grabbed them some bottles of water.

“Hi Steph, did you bring Charlie’s bag in with you” he asked.

“Yes it’s in the hallway but be warned it’s very heavy” I replied, laughing at Charlie’s indignant face.

“I’m sure I can manage it” Mitch said, as Charlie followed him out of the kitchen and upstairs.

“Darren and Sophie will be here in time for dinner at seven. Mum is cooking something and bringing it up to the house” James said.


James reached for my hand and led me through into a room much larger than I remembered.

“It looks lovely in here” I said.

“Yes, Mum and Dad put the extension on so it’s almost doubled in size”

A bark startled us as a large blac
appeared from his bed by the fireplace.

“Hi Jester” I said, kneeling down and stroking his soft fur, until he lay down in front of me.

“He likes you, he is very particular with strangers” James said, kneeling down beside me as our fingertips touched.

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