Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (5 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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As Mitchell checked the food Charlie kept the conversation going.

“We went to an audition today and have got some parts dancing in a pop video” she said, suddenly remembering how exciting that sounded.

“Wonderful, you are both fabulous dancers” Pam said, smiling over at them. They soon finished their tea and stood up.

“Well if you need anything we’re only at the bottom of the garden” Pam said, as Peter took her hand.

“They know that” he said, winking at his grandson with a knowing look on his face “We were young once”

Chapter 9


As Friday morning dawned I looked out through the window at the sky, it was a bit cloudy but at least there was no rain. I was looking forward to a nice drive through the countryside to this fabulous hotel, but beyond that I was trying not to think too much about what might happen. I pulled on a pair of trousers and my favourite pink shirt, smart but casual I thought. I toyed with my hair and in the end decided to put it up in a messy ponytail, leaving some tendrils hanging down to frame my face. I finished packing my last few toiletries and then zipped the case shut, taking one final look at the lovely lilac underwear that lay on the top. I still wasn’t sure if I would have the nerve to wear it.


Downstairs in the kitchen I put the radio and sat and listened to Paul. The familiar strains of George Michael as he sang “Waiting for that day” I smiled as I listened to the lyrics, hoping they would talk to me this morning, calm my nerves and somehow they sort of did.


“Come back to your baby

              I miss your kiss, I miss your smile”


It was as if George had written the song for my whole life up to this point in time. Paul dedicated it to another couple who had phoned that morning, but in my heart I knew it was fate playing its part in my life once more. My phone beeped and I looked to see the message from James.

“Can’t wait to see you later, I miss your kiss, I miss your smile”

I knew that he must have been listening to the same song just a few minutes before.

“See you in a little while” I replied. Too afraid to say what I really wanted to; too scared to tell him that the depth of my feelings was like the endless ocean stretching to the horizon. He had always been the one for me, and he always would. This time it would be sink or swim, I felt frightened and exhilarated at the same time as the emotions swirled around like eddies in the current.


Taking one final look at the house, I locked up and loaded my case into my car. The sun had decided to appear between the clouds above and I decided to risk it and deployed the sun roof. I always felt better when I could drive along with the wind in my hair and the sun on my face, singing as loud as I could and hoping no one at traffic lights could hear me. Plugging my iPod into the stereo I chose the Listen without Prejudice album so that I could hear the words again. Then I switched to my favourite “Faith” album as I needed to have some faith in myself.


I nearly missed the entrance to the hotel but as I turned into the driveway I could feel my heart beat increasing. My hands started to shake on the wheel at the thought of seeing him again. Pulling into the parking lot I scanned the cars around me, which one belonged to James? I remembered him telling me he had some sort of four by four but I couldn’t see one. Walking up the steps a smartly dressed doorman, held the door open and smiled.

“Good afternoon ma’am” he said. I smiled, not used to being addressed so formally. In reception I walked over.

“I’m waiting for someone, but he has booked us a room” I said.

“Certainly Ma’am, what’s the name” she asked. I was about to reply when the door opened again and I turned to see James.

“Under the name Cooke” he replied, as he reached my side.

“Sorry I’m late” he said, quietly. He reached for my hand and I closed mine around his.


We waited whilst the receptionist sorted out our key and then James picked up my case and his bag and we found our room. I pushed open the door and gasped in amazement at the sight before me. A huge bed dominated the room but there was still space for a small table and chair arrangement in front of the French windows.

“You’ve certainly excelled yourself Mr Cooke” I said.

“I aim to please” James replied putting the bags down at the foot of the bed.

It really did feel strange yet familiar as we hovered around each other trying not to look at the bed.

“Shall we go and grab some lunch and have a wander” James suggested.

“I’ll just freshen up first” I said, heading for the door to the en-suite. He nodded and smiled.


Once inside I gazed in awe at the opulence that surrounded me. There was a large glass framed open shower at the one end and a whirlpool bath at the other. Looking up I spotted a skylight located directly above it and found myself dreaming about lying in hot water and gazing up at the night sky. In between the two the toilet and a double sink unit framed by mirrors with lights built into them. I pressed the switch and saw the colour was a soft purple hue

that softened all the white tiles around me. I ran the tap and washed my hands before casting a critical eye in the mirror. I had deliberately gone for minimal make-up so I just re applied some lip gloss and left the safety of the room.


James held the door open for me and then we headed down the corridor and back to reception and spotted the doors to the bar and restaurant. Choosing a table next to the window we were able to look out over the surrounding park land.

“Jester would love it here, especially that large lake as he’s a bit of a swimmer”

“Well they say dogs are like their owners” I said, smiling.

“Yes, I still swim a lot, keeps me fit. What about you”

“Not as much as I used too but I try and walk when I can”

As the drinks and menu’s arrived silence fell as we both chose something from the snack side of things.

“We’re going out this evening” James said, as I deliberated.

“Somewhere nice”

“Absolutely, be prepared I am aiming to spoil you rotten” he replied, as miraculously an ice bucket with champagne arrived at our table.

“I could get used to this” I giggled. Listening to my heart was so much better than fighting it with my head.


With the champagne steadily going to my head I hoped the delicious food would help to stem the symptoms. Once we finished we headed outside and wandered slowly down to the lake. James found my hand and held it tightly.

“Are you happy” he asked, as we paused at the small shoreline. It was a little like standing by the river in Ross as my memories fought with reality.

“Yes I believe I am” I replied, turning to look up into a face that I had known forever. Pulling me closer I was in his arms as his lips claimed mine for the first time since we had arrived. I knew it was right, I knew I was home again. Feeling his hands loosen the pony tail so that my hair fell loose onto my shoulders I fell even deeper than I thought possible.


When I finally re-surfaced I opened my eyes and looked into James’

“You’re amazing” he said “Truly amazing”

I didn’t know how to respond so I just smiled and reached for his hand again.

“Well, shall we go and check out the other facilities or would you rather have another drink” he asked. As the kiss had really made my temperature rise I nodded at the drink suggestion to try and cool down. Sitting in the lounge part of the bar it felt so normal when James put his arm around my shoulders and I rested back against his firm body.

“So tell me what it’s like to be a fireman then, is it as exciting as you thought it would be”

“Yes, I guess so but as with any job there are loads of boring bits too. There is nothing to beat the rush of driving a huge vehicle at high speed down the street with the lights on and the siren blaring or saving someone from a burning building” he said “Oh yes…and I’ve been scratched by loads of cats” he laughed “Maybe I’ll show you them later”


I caught the suggestive undercurrent of his last comment and tried not to blush. Even after this long it was still the physical side of this new relationship that was worrying me. And as there was only one bed in the room I needed to quell my fears fast.

“So do you fancy a swim then” he asked “The pool here looks great and hopefully it will be quiet”

“Ok” I said, as we headed back to our room and grabbed our costumes and dressing gowns, even though I was not sure this was the type of hotel that welcomed guests wandering around the corridors in their robes.


Changing into my new bikini I took a deep breath and headed from the changing rooms into the pool area. I stepped into the water as I spotted James waiting for me at the far end. We had the place to ourselves, a far cry from the times we spent together in Ross Swimming Pool. Pulling up beside him I felt the shiver of desire course through my body.

“Hey there’s no life guard here” I said.

“You’ll have to pretend I’m one then” he said. His hand reached out and stroked my arm, clearing the water away from my skin. I could feel my heart starting to pound faster and faster just from that one small touch, Christ what was it going to be like later, lying next to him in bed.

“Race you” I said, pushing off from the side. I knew I wouldn’t win but it was fun trying. He soon appeared beside me and then being competitive he overtook me and was waiting on the steps.


I sat down next to him and found my voice

“I need to get a bit fitter” I said.

“You look fine to me, absolutely great” he said, as he nuzzled my neck

“So give me a longer head start” I said, pushing away and heading back up the pool as fast as I could. I heard him behind me and then felt his hand on my ankle as he pulled me under and towards him. Then his hands reached my waist and held me close, I didn’t open my eyes as I knew what was going to happen and I wanted it too. His lips found mine and I was a seventeen years old once more as the current passed between us, igniting my dormant nerves like a fire blasting through a draughty corridor. It battered through the last remaining walls around my heart and left them desolate.


When his lips left mine we broke the surface together and I finally opened my eyes to drink him in. He was mine again and I was his in such a way that we had arrived full circle, joined together in an underwater kiss. A kiss that had never left my lips in all the years we had been apart. When we reached the side neither of us could speak, the emotions were overwhelming. Instead he reached for my hand and held it in his, stroking his finger along the raised edge of my scar. It felt as if he was trying to erase it from my skin as he looked into my eyes and I started to see the love there. Leaning in I kissed him again, this time I stared into his eyes, trying to communicate the full depth of my feelings for him. My legs brushed against his and he let go of my hand and reached down and ran it along the top of my thigh.


His slow touch burned a trail over my cool skin as his lips never left mine for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly we heard a sound and broke apart just in time as another couple of people entered the pool area.

“Shall we get out” he murmured, managing to brush a stealthy kiss on my cheek. I nodded as we swam back to the steps.

“Do you think we should risk it and walk back to the room in just our robes” I said.

“Hey why not, let’s live dangerously”

We picked up our clothes and hurried back along the corridor to our room. Once inside I started to laugh.

“That was fun” I said “I was expecting that polite door man to appear and address me as ma’am”


James looked at the clock on the wall.

“We have an hour before our taxi arrives to take us for dinner” he said “Do you want to use the bathroom first” At that moment I loved him so much as I knew that he probably wanted to join me in there and release all that pent up passion from the pool. But he held back and in a way I was glad because I wanted our first time back together to be special.

“Thanks” I replied, as I headed into the bathroom. With the warm water running all over my already warm body I thought again about the moment in the pool.


Chapter 10


I was already dressed and working on my hair when James emerged from the shower. He had his towel slung round his waist and part of me itched to reach over and remove it. To once again be able to gaze at his adorably sexy body was something I still had to look forward too.

“You look gorgeous” he said, his eyes took in my new pink dress. It was fairly fitted with layered frills from the bust line down. As soon as I had seen it I knew it would be perfect.

“You too” I replied, grinning at him before I turned back to the mirror. Applying the last of my make up I pulled a silver necklace out of my purse and tried to fasten it behind my neck. James spotted my struggle and walked over.

“Let me” he said. His hand brushed my hair away from my neck so that he could see the catch. His fingertips were lightly touching my skin and I could feel my breath speeding up once more.


I ran the lipstick over my mouth, I could see his reflection in the mirror and I watched him put on a gorgeous dark grey suit with a lilac shirt underneath. I remembered back to the only other time I had seen him look so smart when he had taken me to the end of year dance at school. The picture from the photo album appeared in my mind and I smiled.

“Do I know you” I joked “Where’s my James”

“You like” he asked.

“Most definitely”


The driver took us into the nearby town and dropped us off outside a tiny Italian restaurant. There were plenty of people inside but we were shown straight to a table in the far corner. James ordered some red wine and after choosing from the menu we chatted. The food was fantastic and after a second bottle of red I was starting to feel the effects despite the food I had consumed.

“Dessert or coffee” James asked, as he spotted the waiter heading in our direction.

“Just coffee for me thanks, I really don’t think I can manage to fit anymore in” I said. When the bill arrived I pulled out my purse but James was too quick.

“As I said earlier, I’m spoiling you”


On the drive back to the hotel James put his arm around me and pulled me in close. Despite the alcohol I was starting to feel nervous again at what lay ahead. James must have somehow guessed my thoughts.

“What happens later is entirely up to you, no pressure” he said. Then I felt his hand gently stroke down my arm. I turned to look up into his face and smiled; before his lips came down to meet mine.

“Night cap” he asked, motioning towards the bar. I shook my head, his lips had reawakened my desire and I didn’t want to wait any longer.


Inside the room the sexual tension swirled around us as we both seemed unsure who should make the first move.

“I’ll just freshen up” I said. Inside I cleaned my teeth again and sprayed some more body spray. As I came out James popped in and I guessed did the same thing. I noticed that the television had an input socket so I plugged my iPod in and found my favourite playlist compilation. As the lilting strains of “So Beautiful” filled the room I closed my eyes and swayed along as Darren Hayes sang


“And darlin’, you know

              That you make me feel so beautiful

              Nowhere else in the world I wanna be

              You make me feel so beautiful”


Suddenly I felt James’ hands on my waist and pull me into his arms. I opened my eyes and looked up into his.

“Lovely song” he said “Don’t think I’ve heard it before”

“It’s by Darren Hayes fro

“No George Michael then”

“His songs are in my playlist somewhere” I murmured as I moved my hands up to the back of his neck.

“I just wanted to start fresh with some new songs, a little like your clean sheet analogy” I smiled shyly and watched as his lips came down onto mine. They pressed gently and then as our mouths opened our tongues entwined and I knew everything was going to be perfect.


James’ fingers discovered the zip down the back of my dress and slowly pulled it so that it slipped from my body and he stood back to look at my underwear. I had chosen the new pink lace set that I had bought on Thursday and teamed it with some skin tone, lace topped hold ups. I heard James take a breath and then let it out again slowly.

“Beautiful” he breathed as he pulled me back into his embrace. His hands ran over my skin that was burning under his touch, it felt as though his fingertips were leaving marks on my pale skin. I ran my hands down to the buttons on his shirt and started to undo them all. I let it drop from his body and finally ran my hands over his smooth chest and then down to the waist band of his trousers.


He had already slipped his shoes off so his trousers soon pooled at his feet and he stepped out of them.

“Shall I turn the lights off” he asked.

“Yes, just leave the lamp on by the bed” I whispered. As James did this I walked over to the bed and started to take my shoes off. I found him kneeling in front of me as I pulled my feet out of them.

“No tickling” I said, softly.

“As if I would” he replied, as he ran his hands up to the lace edge of my hold up’s. Then he rolled each of them down and off so that on his second run up he touched bare skin. I was glad that I was sitting on the bed as I trembled under his touch. Then his hands wandered back up and I touched him so that I could pull him down on top of me. The softness of the bed welcomed me into it’s silky hold, supporting me as the weight of James took my breath away as our full bodies touched for the first time in over twenty four years.


His hands ran up and over the outside of my bra, catching under the straps so he could pull them down. His fingers pushed beneath the fabric and touched my nipples for the first time and I kissed him even harder, they sprang to life and throbbed for his tender touch. Wanting to be free of their constraints I paused and sat up so that I could reach round and snap the catch. Looking at James I threw the bra off the bed and grinned at his expression of lust. George Michael was now singing to us.


“I guess that cupid was in disguise

              The day you walked in and changed my life

              I think it’s amazing

              The way that love can set you free”


Smiling up at him it was my turn to take control as I pushed him back on the bed and straddled him, all my inhibitions gone as the desire flowed through me like a stream into a river. I ran my hands over his firm chest and muscles and then lower to the waist band of his underwear. Then I leant down and trailed small kisses in the same direction, stopping at his nipples as I recalled how much he liked that when we had been together before. Then James rolled me over beneath him as his lips trailed down my body to the pink lace panties I wore.

“These are very lovely” he said, his breath as he spoke tickled the nerve endings there.

“But I think I need to remove them” he whispered, before I knew it they were off and I watched his blond head venture lower. I blushed as I thought of my newly shorn status. Once again he must have read my mind.

“Love this” he said, stroking his finger lazily down the strip of hair I had left, pausing a moment before he encountered my wetness.


Closing my eyes I kept my hands resting on his arms as his hands had returned to my nipples as his mouth and tongue tasted me. I could feel the bubbling feelings of desire already leaping around inside me; my head was spinning at a fast rate in time with my heart. I was out of control and I loved it, I wanted it, I wanted James. He must have felt the beginnings of my throbbing as he pulled up and his lips came down on mine so I could taste myself on him. It was intoxicating like an exotic wine to my palate. My hands slid down and his briefs found their way off. I could feel his hardness against my thigh and I reached down to rediscover the feel of him in my hand.

“Baby” he moaned “I don’t think I can last much longer”

He moved over me and slipped inside, the feel of him had me reeling back in time.


I was almost on the brink anyway as he thrust inside of me, slowly at first but them with more urgency as my hips met his stroke for stroke. In the background I could just make out the faint but familiar song playing, it was our song from the past, back to seal it’s self into our present and secure its place in our future together.


“Turning and returning to some secret place inside

              Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say”


James must have heard the song too as he whispered the words to me and I whispered them back to him before we came and the song and our feelings, emotions and bodies took our breath away. Sealed together we both floated on the tide of our love as it ebbed and flowed from one to the other. I opened my eyes and finally found the courage to say the words I had been waiting to say again the whole of my life.

“I love you” I whispered, softly.

“I love you so much” I said, slightly louder. Testing the feel of them on my lips and watching his eyes widen.

“I have loved you all my life” I finished, my lips touched his again in confirmation of my statements.


Looking down at me I watched James join me back in reality as he replied.

“Oh my fucking god Stephanie, I love you so much these words don’t seem to be enough anymore” he said, kissing me back.

“We will be together forever, I promise you this once more, till the end of time” The passion and love in the tone of his voice touched me to my very soul. I could feel the tears glistening under my eyelashes, tears of joy as I just held him tight. He was mine again and I was his. Lying together on the bed soothing silence fell between us
had started to play as I let the sentiments join us together with a newer song.


“I love you more with every breath

Truly, madly, deeply do”


Music had been the one true constant in my life and now it was going to be forever joined with the true love of my life, the man I had discovered as a teenager. We had both grown but our feelings were still the same as before.



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