Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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Un-Break my Heart

Audrina Lane


This book is entirely a work of fiction.

The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.


Copyright @ Audrina Lane 2014




I would like to dedicate this book to all my friends and readers. Without your support I would never have even considered writing a second book. Your comments and reviews are all the inspiration that I need.

A quick reminder from Where did your Heart go?


After saying goodbye to all of them I felt James’ arm around my shoulders as we wandered across the grass towards my home. As we walked together in silence I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to the day. We reached the car park for the swimming pool and I turned to James.

“I have something for you” I said, softly. Looking inside my handbag I found the small scrap of material and pulled it out.

“Hold out your hand” I said. Then I carefully dropped the silver chain back into his outstretched hand and closed his fingers around it. Looking up into his eyes I could see all the questions there about how I had come to have this. James opened his palm and held it up so that he could just make out the inscription on the back of the St Christopher. The soft moonlight picked up the shine on the small medallion as he handed it back to me.

“You put it on me” he said, bending down slightly so that I could reach. My lips found his at the same time and we kissed as the chain found its way back against his skin.

“This time it will be till the end of time” he breathed, holding me tight.

“I hope so” I replied.

Then we kissed some more, James tilted my head as our tongues collided and our emotions did too.


I knew that there would still be an awful lot of work to do to get our relationship back to where I wanted it to be. I still had fears and insecurities about our future together but I didn’t want to dwell on them tonight. James had reached out to me again and I had taken the chance on falling back in love with him. Perhaps time and love would finally Un-Break my Heart?


Chapter 1


When I reached the door of my house I hesitated for a moment. Should we just go for it or should I stick to my rules and let James stay in the spare room. Turning the key I pondered this thought as I felt his body so close behind me. Once inside I turned to look into his blue eyes.

“Do you fancy a drink?”

“Sounds good” James replied, as he followed me into the kitchen and I opened the fridge. The blast of cool air bought goose bumps to my warm skin as I reached in and then hesitated.

“Beer or wine?”

“It should be champagne really” he replied “But I’ll settle for the beer”


Pulling two bottles out I motioned him over towards the sofa and rocking chair in the conservatory. Outside the night sky filled our view, moonlight dappled the garden with light and the tree’s shadows moved across it.

“Well, Steph, what a perfect day” James said, taking the sofa. I hesitated and then chose my rocking chair. I was afraid of the magnetic pull his body still held over me. I had made my mind up that we would have to go slowly with this new relationship.


Curling up on the cushion of the chair I was able to look across at James. In a way he was the same as I always remembered him. I could just make out the odd grey hair and wrinkles around his eyes as they stared over at me.

“So how shall we do all this” he asked, leaning forward to be closer.

“Slowly” I paused “I think we need to consider our children and how this might affect their relationship. Also I would like to meet Darren but I’m a little worried about that”

“Because of what happened” James prompted. I nodded.

“I don’t want to hate him for what he did to us as it really wasn’t him it was her. But he was the product of our breakup” James nodded and smiled sadly across at me.

“It was me too though; I gave in to her demands”


James stared at Stephanie sitting across from him as he took her hands in his and felt the raised edge of the scars on each. How was he going to get through this without either breaking down or killing Felicity next time he happened to see her? She was right that they would have to move slowly.


The look of pain on his face tugged at my newly formed heart and I quickly closed the gap between us. Sitting next to him on the sofa I once again gazed into his eyes, the hurt and anger easy to see there. As he pulled me closer I instinctively shut my eyes, wanting to just feel the wonderful touch of his lips on mine again. I could feel his breath near my ear as he whispered.

“Enough talking for tonight, let’s not ruin the start with the shadows from the past. Remember what I said it’s a clean sheet”

Then before I could respond his lips had captured mine and I was transported back in time. Freefalling as our hands stayed entwined, as if both of us were afraid to let go. When we paused for breath I could feel my body warm from the flush spreading over me. I smiled up at him.

“Well that’s a relief at least I haven’t forgotten how to kiss” I joked.

“So how about the rest of the tour” James grinned.


I stood up and hoped that my legs didn’t look like they were shaking, as after that kiss I knew they were. He followed me into the hallway and paused to pick up his bag. Heading up the stairs I relived the many times in the past that I had either led or followed to the bedroom, his or mine. Pausing on the landing I pointed out the door to Charlie’s room which was firmly shut, the bathroom, my small office and then the spare room. Without hesitation James placed his bag on the floor and looked around

“You have great taste in colours” he said, viewing the chocolate and cream scheme. Finally I opened the door to the room I used to share with Mark. I had re-painted it a couple of years ago when I had also replaced the bed too.

“Wow, four poster bed” James said, taking in the wooden frame that dominated the room. Pale lilac curtains lined the four posts, I rarely drew them but I just loved the romance of the whole effect.


Before anything more could be said we heard the front door open in the hallway and looking over the landing I spotted Charlie and Mitch heading in.

“Hi guys are you all danced out now” I asked, as James followed me back downstairs.

“Absolutely Mum, shattered but happy” Charlie said, heading for the kitchen.

“Help yourself to a drink if you want” I replied. I watched the two of them trying not to stare and wonder what they might have disturbed. This was definitely going to take some time to get used too. I turned to James behind me who was trying hard not to laugh, I grinned back.


Joining our children in the kitchen we retrieved our empty beer bottles from the conservatory and I grabbed some more from the fridge.

“The guys are all safely at the Premier Inn” Mitch said, tossing the keys to James.

“Great, you did remind them that I would be picking them up at eleven in the morning” James asked

“Yes Dad” Mitch said, leaning against the counter as Charlie sat on the nearest stool. They shared another of their secret smiles and I wondered how many of the guys had company with them from Charlie’s group of friends.

“You definitely wowed the audience today” James said, smiling “And the celebrity guest I believe” he looked across at me and winked.

“Couldn’t have gone any better” Mitch said “It feels a bit awful that we’ve got nothing to look forward to now, well except for my exam results”


They quickly finished their drinks and Charlie reached for Mitchell’s hand.

“We’re going to head up now” she said, trying to fake a yawn but failing. She couldn’t fool me; after all I knew all the moves as I’d used them in the past with my parents.

“Night both” we echoed, watching them head out and then listened to their feet on the stairs and their whispered conversation.

“I think I’d better turn in too” I said “It’s been a very long day”

“Mmm, sounds like a good idea” James replied, taking the empty bottle off me and dropping it into the bin.


I turned the key in the lock and moved towards him. It felt so strange to see him in my house, after all the years we had been apart. I rubbed my eyes and just checked he was still there in front of me.

“You looked beautiful on your wedding day” James murmured, turning away from the photograph to stare at me again.

“I guess, can’t say I felt like the radiant bride I should have been” I replied as we crossed the floor to meet each other in the centre. Just behind us the clock chimed two as his hands reached for mine once more. All the sounds from upstairs faded away I was lost in the moment as our lips collided again. Re-learning the feel of each other as our hands parted and he wrapped me in his strong embrace.


Upstairs on the landing Charlie had just come out of the bathroom and hearing the key in the door turn she crept closer to the banister rail. Looking down into the hallway she saw her Mum and James meet each other in the centre. His arms wrapped around her Mum as they kissed and Charlie hugged herself tight and watched. She noticed Mitch in the doorway of her room, standing in just his jeans so she quietly beckoned him over. Standing behind her Mitch leaned his chin on her head and looked at the scene below.

“Come on, let’s give them some privacy” he whispered, pulling Charlie away from the captivatingly romantic sight below. She nodded and turned to follow him into her room. The desire inside her for Mitchell had suddenly increased beyond control as she shut the door softly. Then they took the short walk to the bed and fell upon it as their lips joined them and their bodies followed suit.


Hearing the door of Charlie’s bedroom shut I pulled back a little and smiled up at James. Taking his hand in mine again we walked up the stairs and parted on the landing. I listened as James used the bathroom and then I did the same before returning to my room. Sitting on the edge of the bed I looked down at my hands, they were still trembling slightly, as I ran a finger over one of my scars. Removing my sundress and underwear I pulled the duvet over my body and thought about the day and what it had done to my life. I let my finger trail over my lips that felt fuller than before and then down to my aching nipples and lower. Christ I wanted him now but I knew that I couldn’t rush things and risk losing him again. I knew that if that happened I would never escape the blackness that would engulf me.


James lay in the darkness of the spare room and thought about how

amazing it was that Stephanie was back in his life. Part of him wanted to just take the chance and knock on her bedroom door but the other part knew that he couldn’t at this very delicate stage. Closing his eyes he could see her image clearly on the lids and as he drifted off to sleep.


Chapter 2.


Sounds of music and laughter woke me up and for a moment I wondered where I was. I glanced towards the window and saw the sunshine streaming in. Pulling on some faded denim cut off’s and a t-shirt I wandered downstairs to the source of the noise. In the kitchen Mitchell and Charlotte were making breakfast and at the same time trying to dance with each other. James sat at the island unit on the stool and laughed along with them. As I entered he glanced up at me.

“Morning sleepyhead, hope we didn’t wake you up”

“What time is it” I asked, hopping up on the other stool.

“Just gone nine” James replied, as Charlie passed me a cup of coffee on her way past. She spun round and ducked under Mitchell’s arm as he reached for the milk to add a splash to the scrambled eggs.

“I could get used to this” I laughed. The scent of the bacon irresistible as it filled the kitchen air and awakened my taste buds.


“It will be back to normal tomorrow” Charlie said. A brief look of sorrow crossed her face but she hid it again as she buttered the bread. It was a shame that James had to rush off to take the rest of the guy’s home but in a way it was good to have the breathing space again.

“So how are Pam and Peter, I was hoping they would have come down this weekend” I asked.

“They planned too but Mum was not feeling too well yesterday morning so decided it was best not to travel” he replied.

“Give them my best wishes when you get home later” 


Looking up I saw that our full English breakfast was almost ready on the plates and my coffee mug was almost empty.

“Would you like another” I asked James.

“Yes” he replied. As he handed me the mug our fingers touched and once again I felt that spark of electric race through me. It went straight to my heart where it fluttered and hid amongst the other beats. The four of us reminisced about yesterday over the lovely food before the clock reminded James that time was limited.

“Do we have time for a quick walk” he asked me “I’d like to see a little more of the Ross I once knew”

“Yes, why not” I said
started to clear up the plates.

“Just leave us to do the clearing up” she moaned, but the laughter was in the lilt of her voice.


“Where do you want to go” I asked. James just took my hand in his “you’ll see”

We walked into town before the uphill climb towards Greytree. Pausing on the bridge over the dual carriageway I remembered all the times I had crossed this on my way to and from school and also to the swimming pool. We came upon my old house first and we stopped to look at it. Our eyes met and yet there was no need for words as we silently shared our memories. Then we wandered downhill to a house that I had never been in. Walking the length of the avenue James came to a stop and looked across at the other side of the street.


“You never got to see this place” he said. I nodded, feeling the lump in my throat just from the memories that were surfacing.

“I truly thought I would never see you again, when you left that day” I whispered.

“All I thought about on the drive was your face in the mirror, getting smaller and smaller” he replied “I couldn’t believe how glad I was to see you that one final time”

“I’m glad it rained so you couldn’t notice my tears” I said “I went to the video shop afterwards and hired Top Gun”

“Yeah, I think Chris told me when I spoke to him on the phone”

“Hey all this talk about the past and really we should be thinking about the future, our future” James said, as we started to head back along the path.


“So where do we go from here” I asked

“What are you doing next weekend?”

“Well, I’m definitely not working after that extra long shift I pulled yesterday” I grinned “Yours or mine”

“I’ve got a better idea, I’ll find a hotel half way and we can have a weekend by ourselves before we become embroiled in all the family stuff”

He squeezed my hand a little as he waited for my reply.

“Ok” I replied, as I took the leap of faith. Thank goodness I had a week to prepare and time to talk to Sarah.


Wandering back along past the river I spotted John and the guys taking down the stage and dance floor.

“Hi Stephanie” he called, as he headed across towards us.

“Hi John, hope this won’t take you too long”

“Finished by lunchtime, I had a great time yesterday in fact so did the whole family” he said “I see the date is still on going” he laughed, as he reached to shake hands with James. I blushed at the comment.

“See you next year if we do this again” John said.

“Maybe” I replied, before we continued on our way along the riverside. I avoided the path through the church; that would be another day when I felt certain that I had done the right thing.


Back at home James packed his bag and then said goodbye to Mitchell, who was staying until Monday morning. Out in the driveway the feelings of déjà vu hit me as I was once more in his arms.

“Feels like old times” James said, echoing my exact thoughts.

“Yes, let me know you are home safe” I replied. My heart started to thump in my chest again, knowing it was going to be parted from its twin once more. Looking into his eyes I could see the love again, shining there just for me. Immediately it made me think of the song from the Top Gun soundtrack


“In your eyes,

              I want to see your love again

              In your eyes

              I never want this feeling to end

              It took some time to find the light

              But now I realise

              I can see the heaven in your eyes”


I hoped that mine would soon look the same as his, but I knew that I had some emotions to sort out in my own life before that could happen. I felt his hands in my hair and his breath on my neck before his lips captured mine for a final time. It was a kiss that even in its tenderness claimed me.


I waved as he drove away and then turned to the house and foun
in the kitchen.

“Is it ok for me to go home with Mitchell tomorrow for the week, he can bring me back at the end of next weekend” she asked.

“Well, if Mitch can put up with you that long its fine by me” I replied.

“Thanks Mum” she said, before racing back upstairs to tell Mitch. I grabbed another coffee from the pot that was still warm and headed for the conservatory. The sun was already heating it up as I opened the door into the garden to let the cool breeze float in. Sitting in the chair I closed my eyes, I still felt tired after yesterday and last night.


burst through the door of her room Mitch looked up in surprise from his lounging position on the bed. When he didn’t dance his body itched to keep moving and as long as Charlie was in reach there was plenty of potential for that. Flinging herself onto the bed beside him her lips sought his for a quick kiss.

“Mum says that’s ok so you’ve got a passenger tomorrow and me all week and next weekend” she sighed. Moving over her he pushed her down into the softness of the duvet.

“Sounds good to me” he murmured. Running his fingers down the side of her face he watched her close her eyes in anticipation of his next move. He ran them over her lips and she opened her mouth so they could enter. She sucked on them and relished the sound of Mitch’s breathing starting to quicken. She was just starting to get the hang of the power she could wield over him just with some very easy moves and gestures.


Opening her eyes she saw the desire burning in his as he replaced his fingers with his lips and started to kiss her. He ran his hands down her body and lifted the hem of her t-shirt so he could move it over her head. She wore no bra so immediately he sank down lower to capture her nipple in his mouth. Charlie ran her fingers down his back and pulled his t-shirt up so that her hands could feel warm skin beneath them. Mitchell was the one in control now, as she surrendered completely to his touch. Freeing him from his t-shirt, she hoisted up her hips and he removed her leggings and knickers in one swift tug.


“Turn over” he said, as Charlie grinned and wiggled her ass at him, she was having so much fun. Looking over her shoulder she watched as he slipped his jeans off and headed towards her. Sliding his warm hands up her legs to her firm cheeks he grinned.

“Are you ready to try it this way” he murmured. Charlie nodded and buried her head in the pillow beneath her. Gently he thrust into her, as his hands moved up to cup her breasts. Then he ran one down her spine as she arched, her sleek lines making her look like a feline in human form.


Her muscles gripped him as they rocked together, a gentle rhythm that increased as the intensity rose within them.

“Mitchell” she gasped, as she shuddered around him and he couldn’t resist any longer and joined her. Spread eagled beneath him she felt his weight resting on her as he dropped a kiss or two on her shoulders, before he rolled off.

“Oh my God that was amazing” Charlie breathed, as he lay next to her.

“I agree” Mitch replied “I needed to let off some steam and that is definitely the best way”

“Well, that and dancing” Charlie said, joining in as she snuggled closer to him.

“So I’ve got you for a whole seven days, what are we going to do” he grinned. His sexy smile got her every time as she leaned in and kissed him.

“I’m sure we’ll think of something”


Downstairs I heard my phone beep and realised that I must have dozed off. Retrieving it from the work top in the kitchen I saw it was a message from James.

“Hi Steph, just to let you know I am home, alone in an empty house and missing you already x”

“Hi James, that will be my house tomorrow when Mitchell heads home with Charlie in tow x”

“I’ll get on the internet shortly and find us a great hotel and email you the details x”

“Great, speak later x” I finished. As I had my phone in hand I found Sarah’s number and gave her a call.


After a couple of rings she answered

“Hi Steph, recovered yet” she asked.

“Almost, just tired and worried about lots of things. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?”

“Yes I should be finished at the Library around three so shall I call over to yours” Sarah said “I guess you want to discuss James”

“How did you know” I sighed.

“Because you’re my best mate, that’s how” she said. I smiled at her comment; she really did know me too well after our thirty five year friendship.

“Thanks Sarah, see you tomorrow, I’ll put the wine in the fridge”

“Or a cuppa, I don’t mind which” she finished “See you tomorrow”


I rustled up some food for tea and then gave Charlie and Mitchell a shout. Their flushed faces hid nothing and I smiled at their carefree romance and hoped that it would all last now that I was going out with Mitchell’s Dad.


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