Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (34 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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“Come here sexy” Kyle said, motioning for Shelley to jump onto his lap
looked across at her friend Julia, oblivious to their return as she shared saliva with Simon.

“I’m just gonna pop to the ladies so I’ll grab some drinks on the way back” Charlie said. Shelley nodded and smiled.


Feeling desperately lonely for Mitchell she wandered to the rest room and locked herself into a cubicle. Leaning her head on the cool tiles she pulled her phone out of her bag and sent a text to Mitch. She knew it would soon be time for the first concert.

“Hi Mitch, missing you so much right now so sending you loads of my love and kisses”

She hit send and waited but as no reply would be imminent she left the cubicle and stared at her face in the mirror. Smiling at her reflection she could still see the loneliness dimming the bright green of her eyes to a muted olive shade. With a swift lick of lipstick she rushed through the door and bumped straight into Zach.


“Oh, sorry Zach” she said, trying to back out of his space.

“No need to be sorry” he replied, his hands steady on the base of her spine, holding her close but not uncomfortably so.

“I was just heading to the bar to get us all another cocktail jug” Charlie replied, pushing back slightly and trying at the same time not to blush and enjoy the feel of male hands on her body.

“Here, let me get it” he responded, as they walked together, his hand still lingering “You and Shelley looked great up there, I’m guessing that was not your dance for a week Monday?”

Charlie shook her head and giggled. She failed to see the jealous glances of the various women that they passed on the way to the bar. Zach, on the other hand drank in the looks he was getting from the other guys in the club. He had a reputation to uphold and being seen wit
was working wonders for his ego.


With drinks ordered Zach nodded to one of the bar attendants

“Can you take this over to the far corner booth” he asked. With a quick nod the jug and glasses were on their way. The music had turned to a slower pace and Zach turned t

“Would you like to dance”

paused and looked up, surprise in her eyes. Zack smiled and held out his hand

“It’s alright I know about your boyfriend” he soothed “You miss him don’t you”

“Yes and I guess one dance won’t hurt” she replied, slipping her hand into his.

They found a space at the edge of the dance floor and he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close.


Charlie felt so aware of his body pressed against hers through the thin fabric of the dress. He was not as tall as Mitchell so in her heels she was almost on a level with his face. She could feel his fingers tickling her spine as they swayed together and she tried not to rest her cheek against his. Dancing like this she felt like she had lost all sense of rhythm, it all just felt wrong. It only helped to highlight how much in love she was with Mitchell and once again how far away he was from her tonight. The music ended and she dropped a soft kiss onto Zack’s cheek.

“Thanks, but I must get back to my friends” she said, as he let her go.

“I’ll see you soon, just let me know when you and Shelley want to come in and practice” he said. Charlie nodded and he watched her go, this was going to take time, but that he had while her boyfriend was away.


He sauntered back to his office and sat down. He checked the bank of camera’s and then rewound the one that was focused on the dance floor. Watching his dance with Charlie again he smiled and licked his lips. A tap on the office door startled him from his sexy thoughts as Sherrie entered. She was one of his bar staff and also his occasional fuck when he needed it.

“Come over here” he drawled, spinning his chair around to face her. She wandered over and knelt down in front of him, opened his fly so that his cock could be freed. Her red lipstick stained him as she sucked and he closed his eyes and imagined it wa


Chapter 45


Simon walked Charlie and Julia home and once inside Charlie grabbed them all a drink.

“You’re welcome to stay” she said to Simon.

“Thanks Charlie” Julia breathed “See you in the morning” Charlie watched as her best friend led Simon upstairs to the spare room. Suddenly her phone beeped and she saw a message from Mitchell.

“Are you home from the club yet”


“Can you get online, I’m feeling horny and I need to see what you wore tonight” he said. Running up the stairs she entered her room and turned on the laptop and camera.


All of a sudden the screen was filled with Mitchell, looking so fucking hot it was incredible. He was lounging on the bed, droplets of water still hung on him, his towel slung around his waist. Taking a deep breath, Charlie did a twirl so that he could see her dress.

“One of my favourites” he murmured.

“I know that’s why I wore it, it reminds me of you”

“But what’s underneath” he asked. She quickly shrugged the straps over her shoulder and let the dress pool at her feet. She was wearing a simple set of black lacy underwear, her nipples were already straining against the material. The lace rubbed her in a tantalising way that only her fingers could enhance. Mitchell was in awe as she reached inside the cups and played with them, before setting them loose.


moved towards the bed and on the way hooked her fingers into her knickers and let them fall off too. As she lay back against the pillows she moved her fingertips over her ribs and down her belly to the mound. Watching the screen his towel dropped and she watched him work as she did the same too. It didn’t take either of them long to reach a climax. Each of them collapsing against their pillows and gazing at each other with desire and love.

“The club was awful without you, I had no one to dance with for the slow songs” she said, forgetting all about Zack’s arms.

“I hope you did dance?” Mitch said.

“Yes, Shelley and I did the Beyonce shimmy on stage together” Charlie replied.

“I bet you did” he laughed, as she leapt off the bed and wiggled for him.


“So are you ready for your first show then” Charlie asked.

“Think so, it’s only a few hours away now”

“I wish I was there with you”

“Me too baby, me too” his voice faded to a whisper that only he could hear. She could see his lips moving and she felt her heart beating even quicker.

“As soon as you can afterwards, send me a text so I can talk to you” she breathed.

“I will Charlie….I’m going to have to go now, even though I don’t want too”

“I know, but I’ll be with you in your dreams because you’re always in mine”

“I love you” he finished, blowing kisses at the screen. Charlie pretended to catch them and press them to her lips.

“I love you too” she replied, waiting and watching as the screen went black and he was gone.


Slipping under the duvet she lay awake for a while, thinking about Mitchell. She could just make out the sounds of her friend Julia and Simon laughing softly together in the spare room. Still sensitive from her orgasm she closed her eyes and tried to imagine that it was Mitchell touching her, but it didn’t work. A couple of tears slid down her cheek and she let them fall; they soaked the pillowcase she slept on.


was awake first and she quietly made her way downstairs for a cup of coffee and some orange juice. After all the alcohol she had consumed the previous night she felt dehydrated but luckily no signs of any hangover. Turning the radio on she listened to Paul on Love Shack radio and thought about her Mum and James. She hoped they were having a lovely holiday together, even though she missed them too. Boiling the kettle for a second time she opened the door from the kitchen to the studio and walked in. Once Julia left for home later Shelley was coming over for another practice and a costume fitting.


She was startled when Julia appeared in the doorway

“Morning” she said, then took a few moments to look around in awe at the wooden floor and mirrors.

“This is amazing” Julia gasped, as she spun around. It reminded Charlie of her reaction on seeing Mitchell’s studio the first time.

“I know” Charlie breathed. As the kettle clicked off they both headed back into the kitchen

“Where’s Simon” Charlie asked.

“He left just now…..but I have his mobile number and he’s coming down to Ross-on-Wye next weekend” Julia beamed.

“So you’re together then” Charlie asked. Julia nodded and smiled, taking the offered cup.


They lounged in front of the television together and chatted. Then they headed down the garden for lunch with Pam and Peter before he drove Julia back to the train station. As Charlie waited for Shelley to arrive she made sure her mobile phone was within reach as she lined up the music and started to warm up in the studio. Hearing the doorbell, Charlie welcomed Shelley in.

“Christ…..I’ve only just shifted my hangover” Shelley said, hugging Charlie and at the same time dumping the bags on the floor.

“I was ok” Charlie said “Julia’s gone home happy as she’s now with Simon”

“Cool, so are we ready to practice or should we try our outfits on”

“Practice first and then full dress rehearsal if it goes well” Charlie said.


Shelley raced upstairs to change into her practise clothes and then they hit the dance floor. Once they had finished the warm up Shelley sat in the corner and waited.

“So let’s see your idea to start with and we’ll go from there”

“Ok” Charlie replied “Hit play on the stereo for me”

Shelley nodded and the Katy Perry track filled the speakers as Charlie started to move. A couple of times she slowed and made a mental note to try something different but by the end she sank to the floor and waited for comments.

“That was brilliant Charlie, but don’t forget we somehow have to get some pauses in between the dancing to take our clothes off”

“Yes, I know that’s the bit I’m struggling with”

“Well perhaps the costumes might help” Shelley replied, leaping off the floor and heading for her bags.


She handed the one to Charlie and then started to take the outfit from hers. Charlie discovered some pink over the knee socks, trimmed with pretty white lace. A lovely bra and short set in white, covered with pink hearts and then a pink vest top with a zip down the middle and a full flared mini skirt. Finally a small pink g-string that Charlie guessed would be under the shorts and some press on heart shaped stickers.

“I think we should wear our hair in either a pony tail or pig tails” Shelley said, running her hands through her blond mane.

“What are these for” Charlie asked, with the heart shaped stickers in her hand.

“Where do you think” Shelley smirked “They’ll hide our nipples”

Charlie blushed and once again wondered what she was actually getting herself into with this dance.


Charlie put all the clothes back into the bag and headed over to her ipod to reset the music.

“Come on then, let’s start learning and modifying, after all we’ve only got a week to nail this dance” Charlie said, thinking she sounded a lot like Mitchell.

“Yes boss” Shelley said, as the music swirled around the room. A couple of hours flew by and they soon had the early semblance of a routine. Charlie was about to get them some water when her phone beeped and she rushed to read the message.

“It’s from Mitch” she said “I kind of need to take it”

“Sure, I’ll grab the water and a loo break” Shell replied “Oh and I might just try on the costume”

Charlie nodded and then once alone she rang his number.


“Charlie, how are you” he breathed, sending shivers through her veins just with the sound of his voice. “I’m just off stage whilst he takes his final bow”

He held the phone so that she could hear the roar of a large crowd in the background.

“Oh my god, it sounds amazing…was it good”

“More than good, I’m still pumped from the thrill of the crowds. You can’t see them with all the stage lighting but you definitely hear them at the end of each song” Mitch replied. Charlie felt a stab of something else, an emotion she realised was envy and jealousy that she was not there sharing this with him.

“I wish I was with you” she said, quietly.

“Me too, honey…look I’ve got to go now. We’re having a bit of an after show party but as soon as I’m back in my room I’ll let you know and if it’s not too late we can have a longer chat”

“I’ll be waiting because I love you” Charlie said, trying to hold back the sob that was forming deep within her.

“I love you too, Lucky” Mitch said, before the line went dead.


Slumping onto the cool wooden floor Charlie held her head in her hands. She was missing Mitchell so much but the news that he would be at an after show party bought all her jealous fears to the forefront. She just registered Shelley’s footsteps on the floor as she tried to dry her tears.

“Is everything alright” Shelley immediately asked.

“Guess” Charlie mumbled as a further tear rolled over the smooth skin of her cheek.

“He’s going to his first after show party, I bet there will be loads of girls there….what….what if he forgets about me”

Charlie found herself in Shelley’s arms as she let the tears fall and then slowly dry up.


Pulling back she wiped her face on her towel and then took a few deep breaths.

“Mitchell would never cheat on you. I’ve seen the way he watches you when we’ve all been together. You can see the love it radiates from him” Shelley said. Charlie nodded and smiled.

“Perhaps I’d better try my costume on and send him a picture of me in it” Charlie said, taking the time to look at her friend in the outfit.

“Have you told him then?”

“No, but I’m feeling guilty about keeping it secret” Charlie said.

“Well it’s up to you, I’m not telling Kyle until the night as he’s coming along”

“Now that’s brave” Charlie exclaimed, as she picked up the bag and headed for the door.

“Don’t be too long, I’m itching to try out the dance in this” Shelley said.


Upstairs Charlie took a few moments to snap a photo and send it to Mitchell’s phone. She hoped the fact that she was naked in it would ensure that he would not need to look at any other women at the party. Then after struggling to attach the hearts she pulled the rest of the outfit on and checked the mirror. Giggling at the sight she hurried back down to the studio and they both stood and stared in the full length mirrors.

“Looking good girl” Shelley grinned. It was infectious and soon the two of them were crying with laughter.

“Come on” Charlie said, eventually “Let’s have a couple of tries before we get some food”

“Ok” Shelley replied. Then as the music filled the space the two of them started to move, their bodies undulating in time with the seductive rhythm.


Finally they slumped down on the floor to take a breath.

“I think we’ve got the basics now, it’s just going to take practice” Charlie said.

“Well, I can do Tuesday, Thursday and Friday night, and then we could see if Zack will let us practice in the club on Sunday”

“I think that should be enough” Charlie said “Now shall we jump in the shower and I’ll order a couple of pizza’s to be delivered.

“Sounds good” Shelley said, heading for the stairs and the welcome warmth of water.

Charlie grabbed her phone and dialled the number for the pizza’s and then checked her messages. Sure enough there was one from Mitch, she opened it to find a picture of him grinning and holding a bottle of beer and a short message “I’ll call you in a couple of hours if you’re still awake”

“I will be” she replied, before heading upstairs slowly. Her whole body ached in a good way, but her heart thudded with desolation.


Hearing the shower stop she undressed and grabbed her gown, Shelley was still drying off in the bathroom when she entered.

“I needed that” she said. Charlie noticed the last few water droplets running over the swell of her breasts and then down the valley between. Charlie shrugged off her gown and turned the shower on and she was about to step under when she felt a soft hand on her shoulder blade. It ran down the curve of her spine and then paused at the swell of her buttocks.

“You’re so beautiful” Shelley breathed.

Charlie didn’t know what to say so she quickly ducked under the shower, leaving Shelley’s hand hanging in the air.


As she was staying the night she pulled on her pyjamas and towel dried her hair while she waited for Charlie to emerge from the bathroom. She hoped that her touch hadn’t scared her too much, Shelley had realised about a year ago that she was bi-sexual and Charlie was ticking all her boxes. Drying off Charlie thought about Mitchell and at the same time the few touches and the kiss she had shared with Shelley. She wanted to believe that the way she was currently feeling was just enhanced with the absence of Mitchell to scratch her sexual itch.

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