Grounded for Love: A Reunion Romance Novella

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Authors: Rebecca Talley

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Grounded for Love: A Reunion Romance Novella
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Table of Contents

Title Page



























Serena Johnson smoothed the front of her black pencil skirt and walked into the editors’ meeting with her notes in hand. She hadn’t read a book in months with a voice as strong as the one she’d read last night, and she was excited to share it with her co-workers. The story had kept her up until well past three o’clock.

Subtly brushing at her eyes, she hoped they didn’t betray her lack of sleep. The publishing business changed so rapidly she couldn’t afford to slack off—or even look like she was.

“Let’s discuss our current book projects. We’ll start with you, Amy,” Elise said, her dark brown hair slicked back into a polished ponytail. Serena’s boss had the reputation of being harsh. Elise’s life revolved around Media Three Publishing and she expected everyone who worked for her to show the same commitment. Since Serena had virtually no social life, she was the ideal employee, putting in long hours and coming in on the weekends.
Not as if that’s going to change anytime soon.

As Amy talked about her proposed edits and the timeline for publication, Serena thought more about the novel she’d read. This author had a real gift for language and imagery. How she wished she could publish every book she loved, but she knew better. Elise’s voice echoed in her ears.
A book must have strong sales potential. Period
Nothing else matters

“Serena, has
Butterfly Dreams
gone to press?” Elise broke into Serena’s thoughts.

“Oh, uh, yes. There was a delay with the last minute edits from the author, but it will ship on time.”
At least I think it will
. She’d never cut it so close with a project before.

Elise tapped her manicured nails on the table and studied her notes. She turned to one of the newest editors. “Jackson, what about your book from last week?”

“Elise?” Serena interrupted.

Elise gave her a sharp look. “Yes?”

“I’m sorry to cut in, but I read an amazing book last night and—”

“This isn’t the meeting for that.”

“I know, but—”

“Really, Serena. Please keep to the business at hand. Thank you.”

Disappointed, Serena sat back against her chair and gave a simple nod. Elise was the boss. And she flaunted it. Sometimes, Serena was sure that Elise had lost sight of why they were all there—because they loved books and wanted to bring the best stories to readers.

Serena paid attention to the rest of the meeting, listening to the other editors and the various stages of the already acquired books. Even Elise’s sour attitude couldn’t dampen Serena’s love for the written word. Serena wore the title of book nerd proudly, especially because reading books was so much more fulfilling than her own life.

After the meeting, Amy, with her bouncy red curls and bright smile, approached Serena. “Let’s go eat.”

“I was going to go home—”

“I refuse to let you hide at your apartment again tonight. It’s my job as your co-worker slash BFF to get you out into the real world. It’ll be fun, I promise.”

“I am
hiding. I have work to do.”

Amy gave her a doubtful look. “We are going out. That’s final.”

Serena let out a breath of defeat. “Okay.”

“Are we feeling Italian or German?” Amy rubbed her stomach and made a pained face. “Because I am starving. I could literally eat an entire cow right now. By myself. I’m that hungry.”

“I certainly don’t want you to starve to death.” Serena rolled her eyes at Amy’s dramatic flair. “Let’s go to Giovanni’s. It’s close.” Thinking about the Portobello-stuffed ravioli made Serena’s mouth water.

“Let me get my bag,” Amy said.

“I’ll meet you at the elevator.” Serena grabbed her purse from her cubicle and fished out a rubber band. She pulled her blond hair up into a messy bun.

At Giovanni’s, Serena and Amy sat at a table next to a large window and ordered their dinners.

“I love this place,” Amy said. “You can watch people and come up with their whole backstory while you wait for your meal.” She pointed to a guy with a grey scarf wound around his neck. “Like him. He’s been a private investigator, but recently discovered a secret that puts the country’s security at risk. He isn’t sure what to do or who to trust. He even broke up with his girlfriend… Raquel. Now he’s going to meet a source to confirm what he discovered when he was following some rich guy.” Serena couldn’t help but smile. Amy’s bubbly personality made people-watching extra fun.

Amy pointed to a woman with short black hair. “And her. She found out yesterday that the baby she thought died ten years ago is still alive. So she’s planning to meet her ex-husband to find out the truth. But he won’t make it because he was kidnapped by a terrorist group.”

Serena laughed. “Have you ever thought of being a novelist instead of an editor?”

“Maybe.” Amy played with her napkin. “And our waiter, who is hot by the way, moved here when he was a little boy, but his parents had to flee the country because they discovered who really killed JFK. Now he lives with his aging grandmother. Who is Italian, of course.”

“Of course.” Serena shook her head. “You have the most active imagination of anyone I know. Including all the authors I work with.”

“It’s a gift.” Amy shrugged. The waiter came with their dinners. Serena avoided eye contact, because she kept thinking about Amy’s ridiculous story. Amy, on the other hand, flirted shamelessly with him.

“He’s yummy,” Amy said after he left. She took a bite of her pizza. “So Dragonlady was on one today.”

“Yeah, she shut me down pretty fast.” Serena spooned some ravioli into her mouth, the warm cheesy sensation sliding across her tongue.

“You know how obsessive she is about following her schedule.” Amy raised her eyebrows and shoved another bite into her mouth.

“But this novel is so beautiful,” Serena said, recalling the lyrical language that evoked powerful images of love and loss. “It deserves to be shared.”

“Target market? How many copies will it sell? What other books are like it? Blah, blah, blah.” Amy sounded like their boss.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we could publish amazing books regardless of whether they will be bestsellers?”

“Now look who has an active imagination.” Amy smiled. “Do you have any exciting plans this weekend? With people, not books.”

“Are you kidding?” Serena dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin.

“Come on. What about that guy you met a couple of weeks ago at the grocery store?” Amy sipped her soda.

“We went to lunch and all he did was talk about working out and how much weight he can lift and how he’d been a big basketball star in high school.” Serena waved her hand. “No thanks.”

“I’m sensing a pattern here.”

“Me too.” Serena nodded. “No one to date.”

Amy studied her then pulled her brows together. “Wow, he really did a number on you, didn’t he?”

“Nope.” Serena shook her head hard. “This isn’t about him.”

“Sure it is. It’s always about
. Ever since I first met you a few years ago.”

“I have been over him for years.” She emphasized the last word to make her point.

“Then why haven’t you moved on?”

“I totally have.” She didn’t need to convince Amy, because her broken heart and botched relationship was in her past. Her very distant past.

“Yeah. Obviously.” Amy took another bite of her pizza. By Serena’s count it was Amy’s fourth piece. This girl could really put down pizza.

“Look, I’ve gone out with all the guys you suggested. And even a few more for good measure.” Serena was sure she’d met every available guy in a twenty-mile radius, and not one of them had captured her heart. Not even close.

Amy licked some tomato sauce from her lips. “Well, I haven’t given up hope of finding—”

“What? Mr. Right?” Serena shook her head. Amy was sweet, but she was so naive.


“No such thing.” Serena pushed the ravioli around her plate. “You might think so, but then he shows his true colors and you realize it was all smoke and mirrors.”

“He really has made you bitter.”

“Not bitter.” Serena sipped her lemon water. “More like he gave me an education. Helped me realize that the only men to depend on or trust are the ones you find between the pages of a book. ” Serena’s phone rang, interrupting their conversation. She looked at the caller ID. “It’s my mom. I better get it or she’ll keep calling.”

Amy nodded.

“Hey, Mom,” Serena said cheerfully.

“Serena?” Her mom’s voice was thick and shaky, changing Serena’s mood immediately.
Something is wrong

“Mom, what’s going on?”

“It’s your dad.”

“What?” Her chest felt heavy, and it was suddenly hard to breathe.

“He’s had a heart attack.”

“Is he okay?”
Please let him be okay

Her mom started to cry.

A rush of fear sent ripples through her stomach. “Is he… alive?”

After more crying and what seemed like forever, her mom said, “Yes, but he’s in critical condition. I don’t know—”

“I’ll book a flight.” All Serena could think about was making a beeline back to Colorado as fast as possible.

“I don’t want you to—”

Serena stood. “I’ll be there, Mom.” Urgency coursed through her.

“Thank you, honey.”

Serena ended the call, anxiety and sadness gripping her.
This can’t be happening. Not to my dad. He’s my rock. My foundation. He’s strong and invincible.
He can’t

“What’s going on?” Amy asked, her expression full of concern.

“My father had a heart attack.” She wiped at her eyes. “I need to go home. To Durango.”

Amy got up. “How can I help?”

“I don’t know.” Serena tried to corral her thoughts and focus on what she’d need to do to leave. “Um, I have edits.
A Moment in Paris
. A call. Meetings. Steve’s book.” Her voice broke. “But this is my dad!”

“And he needs you. I’ll check your calendar and take care of everything.” Amy dug through her purse and grabbed her wallet.

“Elise will have a breakdown.”

“Don’t worry about her. I’m on it.” Amy gave her a hug. “I’ll take care of the bill for dinner. Go do what you need to.”

Serena let out a jagged breath, her eyes burning. “Thanks. I owe you big for this.”


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