Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (7 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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Chapter 13


As morning dawned I rolled onto my side and opened my eyes to watch him sleep, carefully I reached out and touched his skin. I ran my fingers down his spine and he rolled onto his back. Perhaps he needed to remember my old wake up call I thought as I dived down beneath the covers and found a part of him that was definitely awake. Running my tongue over the tip I felt him stir and I continued until he held my head in his hands and I felt him fill my mouth. He pulled the covers off me and I grinned up at him.

“Guess you still enjoy that” he said.

“And you do” I replied, giggling.

“Well, now I’m wide awake it’s your turn” he said.


I lay back against the pillows as his lips captured mine first before he ventured lower. James’ tongue started to work its way from the edge to the centre in swirling patterns that teased me every time they touched my very core. Then as I dug my fingers deeper into his shoulders as I started to ripple he stayed on the spot until I couldn’t hold out any longer and I shivered and sighed. He paused briefly and then went straight back there until I came for a second time.


Feeling amazingly awake I looked at the clock.

“Do you think we have time for a swim before breakfast” I asked.

“Sounds like a plan” James said. We rinsed off in the shower and then headed along the corridor to the pool. It was deserted at this early hour but feeling the cool water touch my still burning skin felt fabulous. Lazily I did backstroke up the pool and then a further couple of lengths of breast stroke. James powered up and down for ten minutes and then mucked around just like we used to when we were younger.


Back in the room we showered together and then headed down for breakfast. I could hardly believe it was Sunday already and over food we talked.

“So where do we go from here” James asked.

“I don’t know, we have work and lives in different places, family too” I said, struggling to get my head around the concept of our worlds somehow fitting together.

“I know but I don’t think I can go on for too long with a long distance relationship again, we’ve been there before remember”

“I agree I really love my job, but I guess there are other local radio stations where you are if I moved”

“I could see if there are any full time positions in the Fire Service in Herefordshire but I believe most of the stations are operated using retained fire fighters” he replied “Otherwise I would happily move”


We smiled across at each other, realising that for both of us the ultimate aim was to be together permanently.

“We do need to think about Charlie and Mitch” I said, cautiously “They may be in love right now but how long will it last if we end up living together”

James nodded at my statements.

“I know what you mean, it’s not bad for Darren as he will be moving out shortly when his contract is sorted out with the BBC” James said.

“I wish it was only the two of us” I sighed, taking a sip of coffee. James reached across the table to lay his hand on top of mine.

“We’ll find a way” he said, softly.

“Do you have to go straight home today” I asked, not wanting to say goodbye again so soon.

“I’ll speak to Mum and Dad and get them to check on Jester as Mitchell will be at your place tonight and I can follow you back to yours” he said.


As we packed James made the phone call and soon everything was organised and as I pulled out of the car park and down the long drive I grinned at the view in my mirror. I chose Darren Hayes for the journey home and smiled as “I can’t ever get enough of you” started to play.


“There’s a symphony and a melody that plays whenever you’re around

              I think I’ve been found”


My heart felt as if it was filled to bursting point and I hoped that the stitches which held it now were strong enough. As the sun shone in through the windscreen I sang along and tried to keep my eyes on the road as I kept glancing back to James behind me. I recalled all the journeys we had made together, holding each other’s hands in the car, singing along to all our favourite songs.


Within the hour we were pulling into the driveway of my house. James carried the bags inside as I went through to the kitchen.

“Tea, coffee or something alcoholic” I asked.

“Just you on ice” James grinned. I blushed as I remembered the evening we had experimented with ice cubes.

“You still remember that” he asked.

“How could I forget and even if I did I can just read my diary” I replied. I pulled a couple of bottles of beer from the fridge.

“Yes the infamous diary, can I read it” James asked.

“Maybe” I replied. We wandered through to the lounge and James headed for my DVD collection on the shelf.

“Shall we snuggle up and watch something while we have the house to ourselves”


I nodded as he ran his fingers over the many titles.

“How many copies of Star Wars do you have” he asked.

“Ever single one” I replied “I do have to watch them at least once a year, Charlie doesn’t understand it”

James laughed at me “I guess I can put up with your yearly habit” he said.

“The dance ones at the end belong t
Charlotte, although I introduced her to Dirty Dancing, Footloose and Flashdance” I said.

“I still can’t get over the two of them and their dancing” James said “It’s mesmerising”

Then he paused and I knew exactly which DVD he held in his hand.

“Just put it in and come and sit down” I said, the sofa was too large without him next to me.


Snuggling into his arms we watched as the planes filled the screen and once again we joined Maverick and Goose on their journey. As the love scene filled the screen my lips found James’ and the kiss took my breath away once more. Did the years that we had missed really matter now that we were back together? It didn’t feel like it as I linked my fingers through his, I never wanted to let go again. Hearing the sound of a bike pulling into the driveway we sprang apart and waited for our children to appear.

“Hi guys” I said, as they paused in the doorway of the lounge, surprised to see James with me.

“Hi Dad” Mitch said. He noticed the look of contentment on his Dad’s face and smiled. I could see Charlie looking at me with new eyes.

“Mum, you look different somehow, glowing” she said. I pulled her into my arms for a hug.

“Are you hungry” I asked, noticing that the afternoon had faded into evening.

“Yeah, what’s for tea” Charlie asked.

“James and I will go and get a takeaway” I said “If you two are happy to get the plates ready”


With the orders placed I grabbed my bag and we headed out through the door.

“You’d better lead the way” James said, reaching for my hand.

“And I’m paying this time” I replied “No arguing”

“Ok” he sighed. It was great being spoilt but I also liked to be independent. On the way into town we continued to talk.

“Perhaps we should have a chat to the two of them tonight or do you think it’s too early for us to be talking about something so heavy” I said.

“Yeah, let’s see how things go with us over the next month, we can call it our honeymoon period” James said, pulling me close as we paused to kiss.


In the kitchen Charlie and Mitchell smiled at each other as they sorted out plates and laid the table.

“I think the weekend might have gone very well” Mitchell said “I haven’t seen my Dad that happy in ages”

“Yeah, Mum too” Charlie replied “She looks so different, kind of sparkling”

“You look like that all the time we are together” Mitch said, pulling her close as his lips caught hers.

“Your eyes gleam like emeralds whenever I look into them” he murmured softly. Charlie melted into his arms and quietly thanked her lucky stars for this wonderful guy.


When we returned we found the two of them sat in the conservatory talking and listening to the radio. Sitting down to eat I asked

“So who is the rap star for this video?”

“Ne-Yo, Mum” Charlie replied, pausing from her food as a smile lit up her face.

“It was so exciting we danced and then we had to go back in and dance again and then they told us straight away”

“They’ve just got to arrange the studio time and then they will let us know the date” Mitchell said, joining in.

“Are they going to pay you then” James asked.

“Yes, not sure what yet as we have to fill in some paperwork”

Looking across at James I smiled and he smiled back; it felt like we were a real family already. I spotted Charlie staring at me and then she quickly looked away and caught Mitch’s gaze.


Charlie and Mitch headed off to her room after dinner and it left James and me to clear up in the kitchen.

“Pour us another glass of wine” I said, as I picked up the plates and loaded the dishwasher.

“I’ll help if you want” he said. I shook my head and grinned at him as we heard the music echoing from upstairs. I had soon finished and we headed back into the lounge where I put some music on too.

“George Michael” James said, smiling. Opening his arms to me I stepped into them as George sang “A Different Corner”


“Cause I’ve never come close in all of these years

              You are the only one to stop my tears”


Once more the lyrics touched on our story so far; I whispered all the words as George sang them for me, for us. I trembled in James arms with the whole emotion of the last couple of days that we had spent together. Could I dare to hope that I had turned a different corner, into the reality that I had spent the last twenty four years dreaming about.


Time slipped away as we swayed to the music and didn’t speak just held onto each other until I heard footsteps on the stairs and hushed whispers entering the kitchen. Pausing we heard the kettle go on and then Charlie appeared in the doorway.

“We’re making Hot Chocolate do you want one” she asked, trying not to stare at the two of us standing in the middle of the room.

“Thanks that would be lovely” James said, as he dropped a quick kiss on my cheek. Charlie blushed at the sight of our affection before she returned to the kitchen.

“She’ll have to get used to that as when we are together I don’t intend to let go of you for too long” James said. We both laughed as we headed into the kitchen for our drinks.


We let Charlie and Mitch head up to bed first and then James followed me up the stairs as we entered my room. Closing the door I turned to find James sat waiting for me on the bed.

“So what wonderful underwear have you got for me this evening” he joked.

“The same ones you saw me in this morning” I replied “But feel free to rediscover them now”


Chapter 14


Sleeping, which had sometimes eluded me over the past years, was now a pleasure with James lying next to me. The last thing I saw when I drifted off was his face and then the next morning it was the first thing I looked at. My alarm went off at seven which was usual for my working day and I pressed snooze and rolled over close to James’ body. His arms folded around me and I felt his solid body pressed tightly against mine. Turning towards him our lips met once again, like another homecoming. With the alarm ringing for a second time I reached over to turn it off and tried to make a move to get up. James pulled me back toward him

“Not so fast I told you I didn’t want to let go of you” he said.


Pushing me back against the pillows he covered my body with his and ran his hands down to find me already wet with desire. My hands did the same as I gripped his firm ass and he plunged into me. Moving together we stayed quiet afraid to be too wild in case our children heard us from their room across the hallway. As James collapsed onto me I could feel his breath on my ear as he whispered

“You are truly beautiful” he said.

“I love you” I whispered back and then started to giggle.

“What’s so funny?”

“Us whispering, it’s just like we’re the kids again, staying quiet to avoid my parents catching us” I said. Stopping my laughter with kisses I eventually untangled myself and headed for the shower.


James waited for me to return and then after a cheeky tug at my towel he headed in that direction too. Once dressed for work I headed down to the kitchen and put the kettle on and some bread in the toaster. I jumped as I felt a pair of hands creep round my waist to spin me round.

“This is going to take some getting used too” I said, as I laced my hands around his neck and reached up to kiss him.

“You’re doing ok already” he murmured as we kissed some more. Hearing footsteps on the stairs I handed him a mug of coffee and picked mine up too as Mitch appeared in the doorway.

“Morning Dad, Morning Steph” he said.

“Coffee” I asked, and as he nodded I passed him a mug as he sat down at the kitchen island. James joined him and I really had the chance to notice their similarities close up.


“Is Charlie awake yet” I asked.

“No still snoring” Mitch replied “I’ll take her a coffee up in a bit” After a quick chat with James, Mitch grabbed the last mug and headed back upstairs.

“Tell Charlie I’ve only got an hour before I leave for work” I said. Putting the toast on the table I refilled our cups and sat down next to James.

“So are you working later today” I asked.

“Yes, I’m on nights from five this evening but I’ll head off at the same time as you, Jester will need some attention” he said “But my phone is always on so just message me anytime you feel like it”

“Same goes for you too, apart from when I’m on air I have my phone on me to, talking is going to be so much easier now than it was then”


After breakfast James loaded his bag into his car. Charlie had just emerged from the bedroom in time to wave us both off from the upstairs landing.

“See you later Charlie” I called up “I’ll be home around three”

“Ok Mum” she replied, before heading for the bathroom. Closing the front door I turned to James.

“Complete de ja vue” I said, as he held me close.

“But hopefully not for too long”

“Hopefully not” I echoed, as I reached on tiptoes to reach his lips. Our kiss seemed to last a lifetime before we reluctantly pulled apart.

“See you next weekend” I said.

“Try and keep me away, we’ll speak in the week and decide where and times” James replied, his hand still in mine.


As our fingertips finally parted I opened my car door and jumped in. I watched in the mirror as James pulled out of the driveway and then I followed him until our paths changed course. By the time I reached the studio there was already a text waiting to be read.

“Missing you the minute I pulled off the driveway, keep in touch honey as I love you loads x”

“Just arrived at work, hope you have the radio on as I will be playing you a song at lunchtime, speak later, miss you too x”

Paul looked up as I entered the studio and waved as I headed for the kitchen.

“Relationships definitely suit you” Paul said, as he left some songs playing and stood by my desk.

“Thanks, it’s still early days but I feel like I belong again, it’s hard to explain really but I’m just going with it” I said, grinning at Paul as I turned the computer on.

“Great Steph, you go girl” Paul hurried back into the studio as the song started to fade out.


I was soon on the air again and after running the usual competitions I turned my attention to the Lunch time requests that had already started to pour in. I also needed to decide what I could play for James that was different from our usual songs but would convey the already deepening feelings I held for him. Flicking through the songs on my iPod I suddenly found the very one that I needed.

“For all the new lovers out there this song is for you” I said into the microphone as the cords started and “Hopelessly” by Rick Astley filled the airwaves. I looked up and saw Paul still in the office and Ian had just joined him. They started to sway along and blow kisses at me through the window as Rick sang.


“I’ve lost control over the things I do

              ‘Cos I’m hopelessly falling in love with you”


At home James immediately turned on the radio to catch the lunchtime show and to hear Stephanie’s voice again. He had been in and out of signal for parts of the journey so he hoped that he hadn’t missed her song for him. When he heard the comment about new lovers he realised that this song was meant for him and he turned the volume up and sat down to enjoy whatever gem Stephanie had found for them. Smiling he listened to the words and once again was stunned at her choice of lyrics that spoke directly of how she was feeling now they were back together again. He knew she still had doubts and fears, worries that only time could heal but he would be there for her every step of the way.


Charlie had put the radio on in the conservatory now that Mitchell had finally left for home. She was always comforted by the sound of her Mum on the request show as she tucked into some crisps and wished that Mitchell was still there with her. He was her whole world and even though she knew how much heartache her Mum had gone through with James she knew that with Mitchell it was different, it was forever. She thought back to the morning when he had bought her up a coffee. They had waited until her Mum and James had left and Mitch had grabbed her from the shower and taken her over the edge of the bath tub. His urgency to feel her body exactly matched her growing libido for his as their bodies joined them into one pulsing being of lips and tongues dancing trails of complicated steps over their hot bodies.


Watching him ride away after a long goodbye on the doorstep nearly broke her heart but she knew that as soon as he was home he would be on the phone to her. They were using the messenger service on Facebook and it was fantastic just to keep sending little comments or messages that joined their lives together across the miles that separated them. Opening her phone she sent a quick text to Julia, as she had hardly spoken to her for the whole week, which was a long time even for their friendship.

“Hi Julia, can you meet today or tomorrow for a catch up”

Immediately the reply came through

“Hi Stranger, yes are you home as I’ll come over now” Julia replied.

“Yes I’m home alone until Mum gets back at three” Charlie replied and then quickly hurried to tidy up her room.


With my show nearly over I lined up the last couple of songs and sat back to look at my phone.

“Loved the song, I will try and wrack my brains for one tomorrow and text it to you later” James said.

“Do you want to call in for a coffee on your way home, I’m dying to hear about the weekend and Chris is out playing golf” Sarah had sent. Replying to both I then sent a message to Charlie.

“Slight change of plans calling in to see Sarah be home in time for tea I will pick up some pizzas” I typed.

“Ok Mum, Julia is over so bring home enough for all of us, see you later”

We were both turning to our best friends in the absence of our loved ones to analyse our feelings, it felt ever so slightly strange.


Pulling up at Sarah’s house later I turned my phone to silent. James already knew where I was going to be for the next few hours and he was starting his night shift so there would be no chance for us to have a long conversation until after nine in the evening. Then we had all night so I knew that I wouldn’t be lonely until sleep claimed me later.

“Hi Steph” Sarah said, hugging me on the doorstep before we headed in.

“Hey Sarah, are you ok” I asked. She seemed pale and worried just like the last time I had seen her. She must have realised that I was looking too closely as she quickly smiled and turned away to grab some wine and glasses from the kitchen. When she was back with me in the lounge she looked happier and more relaxed as we sank into her sofa together.


Kicking my shoes off I curled my legs beneath me and turned to my best friend, positive that everything I was going to tell her was already written on my beaming face.

“It went well then” Sarah said, reaching to squeeze my hand.

“Sure did, it was amazing, fabulous and wonderful all rolled into one feeling” I replied, too excited to even take a sip of the wine.

“Go on tell me” she said, feeling the happiness floating in the air around me.

“I was so nervous but then we just kind of slotted back into how it felt when we were together the first time. The advantage is that I’m more confidant with the way I look now so sex was sublime, he loved the lack of hair too” I replied, blushing as I thought of all the sexy things we had done over the weekend.


“So what’s the next step for the two of you then?”

“Well, we’ve talked about how we could move towards being together without the miles. I guess it’s probably going to end up being me moving as finding a job on radio is potentially a lot easier than James being a fireman in this neck of the woods”

“What about Charlotte and Mitchell”

“That could be the difficult part, obviously they are madly in love with each other at the moment and I’m sure if I told Charlie we were moving tomorrow she’d be all for it” I said. My mind started to show me all the possible scenarios of things going wrong and how they would cope if we all shared the same house.

“I think we need to take things slowly at the moment as there are a lot of things to consider” I said, sighing and taking a sip of wine.

“If only it was just me” I said, aloud instead of thinking it. I wished I hadn’t said it as I watched my friend break down in front of me.


Pulling Sarah into my arms I held her close as she sobbed onto my shoulder. I let her cry it all out until she pulled away and reached for a tissue.

“Sorry for saying what I did, I really didn’t mean to wish away my daughter like that” I whispered, full of remorse.

“It’s ok, Chris and I have been talking about it all again, having one last try for a baby before it’s too late” Sarah said, her voice shaking with emotion.


“I told him no as it costs too much and I don’t have any job certainty at the moment with the possibility of huge library cuts and the armed forces are making cuts too mostly to those in command” she stammered. Tears still streamed down her cheeks as she remembered their previous attempts at fertility treatment. All the hopes and promises the doctors gave them as they parted with the money, dashed like waves onto the rocks in a violent storm when nothing happened.


Reaching for her hand I held it in mine and gently squeezed it, trying to let her know that I was behind her, well behind them both in whatever decision they chose.

“I think Chris truly believed that we should try again and we had a massive argument this morning, that’s why he’s out playing golf”

“Chris will be ok, he just needs time to cool down and think about it. You know he’ll be back later with flowers and chocolates for you” I said, smiling at all their previous arguments over the years.

“I know he will, I just feel useless as a woman. Having a child should be the easiest thing in the world but I just can’t seem to do it” Sarah mumbled, as I passed her another tissue.

“Well if I can help at all please just let me know” I assured.

Sarah nodded as she wiped up the last of her tears and headed out to swill her face.


Pulling my phone from my bag I checked and spotted a message from James waiting for me and also that the time was creeping on. Finishing my glass of wine I waited for Sarah to return and then stood up.

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