Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (4 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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Chapter 7


On Tuesday Mitchell and Charlie spent the morning dancing and for Charlie trying to expend all the nervous energy into her moves. The closer the clock ticked the worse her dancing got until Mitch shouted at her.

“Can you please try and concentrate, this is not a game” he said, sharply.

“Sorry I am trying but I keep thinking about this afternoon” she said, not liking the angry side of Mitchell.

“Well, try not too we need to get this sorted for Friday” he said, turning away from her to put the track back to the beginning. Charlie took a deep breath and tried to block out the thoughts in her head as they started the routine again. This time it went slightly better and after another couple of tries Mitch called it a day, his scowl replaced by a smile again.


Pulling her sweaty body close he murmured in her ear.

“Sorry I shouted earlier”

“It’s ok, you were right” she said, reaching up to coil her arms around his neck.

“Come on then, let’s go get wet together” he said, as they headed for the shower. Then they changed and headed out to the bike. Clinging onto Mitch Charlie enjoyed the ride until they slowed down and turned onto a long driveway leading to a big house.


As Mitch knocked Charlie slid her hand into his and waited. He felt her hand shaking slightly in his and gripped it tighter as the door swung open.

“Mitchell” a female voice said. He had to let go of Charlie as he was pulled into an overpowering perfume fuelled embrace. Standing aside Charlie weighed up Mitch’s mum with a somewhat biased eye. She was probably just less than six foot and her hair was still long and black, as her Mum’s diaries had stated. The fake tan on her skin was a little over the top and the outfit she wore made her look like she was off out for the evening, even though it was two in the afternoon. Before she could take in any more of the jewellery she felt Felicity’s gaze on her.


“Mum, this is Charlotte my girlfriend” he said, as she felt his hand in hers once more.

Charlotte” Felicity said, extending a well manicured hand towards her. The skin of the knuckles was stretched and wrinkled giving the evidence that she was older than the rest of her body was trying to look.

“Hi” Charlie managed shyly. She was under her gaze and for some reason immediately felt like she was competing for Mitchell’s attention.

“Come on in then, we can’t stand on the doorstep and I’ve got some champagne on ice in the conservatory” she said, showing them into the spacious hall. A chandelier cast light over the opulent surroundings within as Charlie tried not to feel over awed by this spectacle of wealth.

“We’ll, just jump out of our leathers if that’s ok Mum” Mitch said.

“Yes that would be better for you both, just come through when you are ready”


Charlie watched her click down the corridor ahead, not pausing to wait for her son and his guest. Mitchell turned to Charlie and reached out to unzip her jacket.

“Are you ok” he whispered. She nodded; glad he was helping as her hands were still shaking, partly from nerves and partly from anger about the past.

“Just one drink and we’ll head home” Mitch said, as she watched him remove his leathers and reach for her hand again. In the conservatory she spotted a younger guy sitting with Felicity.

this is Daniel, I don’t think you’ve had the chance to meet my new boyfriend have you Mitchell” she said, totally ignoring Charlie.

“Hi Daniel” Mitch said, reaching forward and shaking his hand before Charlie did the same. Daniel’s eyes swept over Charlie’s body and made her feel uncomfortable as he looked only a few years older than Mitchell.


She saw Mitchell try to contain his scowl as he watched Daniel hold onto her hand slightly longer than was necessary. Felicity spotted it too and quickly interrupted.

“Daniel, let our guests sit down. I want to hear all about the recent dance competition, since I was unable to attend” she said. Felicity glared at Daniel as he quickly dropped her hand and poured them both a drink.

“It was fantastic Mum, our groups came second and we spoke to Arlene Phillips about the possibility of auditioning for the stage production of Dirty Dancing early next year” Mitch said. Charlie remained quiet and tried to avoid the gaze of Daniel, he was creeping her out. Felicity also seemed to be doing the same.

“You’re very quie
Charlotte, is everything ok”

“Yes thanks” Charlie replied, smiling outwardly. In her lap her free hand was clenched into a tight fist, one she would have liked to land somewhere on Felicity’s perfectly made up face.


“Your brother was here the other day telling me all about the other news, like his new job i
Manchester” Felicity said.

“It’s great news for him and Sophie” Mitch agreed.

“Darren also told me that James is dating again” she purred, her gaze directly on Charlie.

“It’s early days” Mitch said, cautiously.

“Have you met this new woman then” she asked. The curiosity in the tone of her voice meant that Darren had not mentioned Stephanie or her connection to Charlie.

“No” Mitch replied “But he does seem much happier” he said. Charlie smiled and promised to thank him for the lovely comment later.


Felicity poured another glass of champagne and offered Charlie and Mitchell more.

“No thanks Mum, I have to drive back” he said. She looked across a
and then said.

“And you look a little too young for anymore” Felicity laughed. The sound was so false like fingernails on a blackboard. Charlie bit her lip.

“I’m not much of a champagne girl anyway” she retorted, her smile like ice on her face as she hoped the mask would not crack. If Felicity wanted to be a bitch to her then Charlie was quite prepared to get her claws out too. Felicity arched her eyebrows.

“I see you’ve picked up a little spitfire with this one, I’ll reserve judgement if it lasts long enough” she said, choosing her words carefully for maximum impact.


Charlie looked down into her lap, both her hands now clenched into fists as she fought the urge to fight back. She felt Mitch’s hands stroke the top of her thigh, trying his best to sooth her simmering anger.

“Well Mum, I really think we need to be getting back now” he said, standing up and pulling Charlie with him.

“If you must, anyone would think you didn’t enjoy spending time with your mother” Felicity said, she remained seated “Daniel will show you out, won’t you sweetie” she said, turning her fake smile on him. As they reached the corridor they paused as Felicity suddenly said.

“If you want to have your twenty first birthday party here I’m happy to arrange it for you, whatever you want I can give you”

“Thanks for the offer Mum, I’m not sure what I’d like to do yet so I’ll let you know” he said, turning to go back and give her a quick peck on the cheek.


Finally they were out of the house, Charlie watched Daniel close the door behind them and actually felt sorry for him.

“Come on let’s get out of here” Mitch said, his hands sliding down the curve of her spine.

“Yes” Charlie said, feeling safe and secure again as she held on tight. The bike kicked up the gravel on the driveway as they headed home. Before they reached any familiar landscapes Mitch pulled off the main road near to some woodland and a stream. Climbing off the bike they secured their helmets and wandered along to the bridge over the river.

“Sorry about my Mum she shouldn’t have said those things to you” Mitch said, turning to her apologetically.

“From past experience it is always best to just ignore her comments as if you rise it only tends to get worse” he said “I saw the way your hands were clenched into fists in your lap”


“I was a bit angry that you didn’t jump to my defence” Charlie admitted, as she laid her head onto his chest and breathed in the alluring smell of leather and Mitchell.

“Do you think Darren told her” she said.

“I don’t think so but you can never tell with my Mum, she likes to shock”

“I realised that with her comments about your previous girlfriends” Charlie whispered “I hope I’m going to last a bit longer”

“I hope so too, but she never actually met any of them, you’re the first”

Then he leant down and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“I love you” he declared.

“I love you too” she replied. In her heart she wanted it to last for a lifetime.


They walked back to the bike and headed home and spent the rest of the evening lazing about, happy in each other’s company. By Thursday their new routine was running smoothly and they felt happy enough to have the afternoon off to visit the Salsa Club instead. It was starting to become a regular thing for them and Charlie loved it when the floor cleared to allow them the space to show off their moves. Perhaps if things worked out with her Mum and James then this would be a weekly thing.

Chapter 8


Waking early on Friday morning Charlie and Mitch decided to have a further couple of practises of their routine before heading into the centre o
Birmingham. At eleven they finally stopped for a drink and early snack in the kitchen.

“Well both, I’m off now” James said, as he finished his coffee with them.

“Ok Dad, I’ll see you on Monday morning” Mitch replied.

“I guess I’ll see you soon” Charlie replied. They could both see the nervous excitement on James’ face as he picked up his bag.

“Good luck with the audition” he said “Let us know if it’s good news”

“Sure Dad” Mitch replied. As the front door closed Mitch looked across at Charlie.

“Well, we have the house to ourselves and an hour before we need to leave” he said, grinning at her.

“Shall we watch some television then” Charlie replied, cheekily. They headed upstairs and soon found themselves in the bedroom.


Eventually they were ready to go, Charlie could already feel the nervous butterflies inside of her, but at least this time she didn’t feel sick.

“Now, if they ask you how old you are don’t forget to add a year” Mitch said.

“Yeah, I know I’m eighteen for today” she said, smiling. He lent down and kissed her one final time before they adjusted their helmets and climbed onto the bike. When they arrived at the studios they filled in the various forms and headed through to weigh up the competition. Mitch spotted Simon and Lee from their college group so they headed in that direction. As Mitch caught up on the news Charlie looked around at all the other dancer’s warming up or just sitting around and talking.


“Come on” Mitch said, taking her hand so they could find a spot to leave their bags and leather’s safely. They warmed up and then waited for other’s to file in and out again until it was their turn. Squeezing her hand they stepped into a slightly smaller room and handed over the music.

“Let’s do this” Mitch whispered as they waited for the song to begin. The music filled the room and Charlie forgot all about the watching critics and let her body flow to the melody. When they finished she waited to hear the applause but having never been to an audition before it never came.

“Thank you both, we’ll let you know either way by the end of the day” the male voice said. Even his tone never gave anything away as they headed back out.


Charlie turned to Mitch.

“Is this what always happens” she asked.

“I’ve only been to a couple and yes normally they let you know at the end of the day, sometimes they don’t even let you finish the dance you’ve prepared”

“So that’s a good sign then, that we danced the whole thing” she asked.

“I guess so” he replied. They headed back across to Simon and Lee who had waited for them.

“How did you go” Mitch asked.

“They cut me off after a minute” Lee said, despondently.

“I finished mine so just have to wait” Simon said “Do you guys wanna go for a drink somewhere” he asked.

“Sure, we’ll just get changed and see if we can leave our leather’s here to save carrying them around” Mitch replied.


As they headed towards the changing rooms a guy came hurrying up to them.

“Can you both hang fire for ten minutes and dance again” he asked.

“Ok, no problem” Mitch said.

“Fuck they must like us” Charlie breathed, as the excitement bubbled away under her skin, turning it pink. Mitch found out where Simon and Lee were heading and promised to join them shortly. The guy who had asked them back met them at the door.

“We really liked the two of you so the artist wanted to have the final say in the decision” he said.

“Who is it” Charlie asked, quickly.

“Ne-Yo” he replied, before he took their music and they walked back into the centre of the room. Mitch smiled at Charlie “We really need to nail this” he said, his grin matched hers.


Finishing the routine for a second time they paused and this time there was a small amount of applause.

“You guys are hot” a voice drawled in the semi darkness “I want you in my video”

“Thanks” they both managed to breathe. A female voice joined in.

“If you both see the girl on reception on your way out she’ll give you all the details and we’ll see you again” she finished. Once they were back out Mitchell picked Charlie up and hugged her so tightly.

“You are definitely my lucky star” he said.

“That’s what my Mum calls me” she replied, kissing his neck and face before their lips finally caught.

“Come on let’s go and celebrate” he said, grabbing her hand as they ran down the corridor like a pair of children.


In the pub with Simon and Lee they finally got the chance to look through all the information they had been given, including a contract to sign for the permission to show their images as part of the video. Charlie could hardly speak as she sat and sipped her glass of wine. Every now and again her eyes would meet Mitchell’s and then the smile on her lips and his would broaden.

“You guys are fucking lucky” Lee said “Ne-Yo he’s massive”

“I know” Mitch said “It’s amazing”

“Unbelievable” Charlie said “Am I awake or dreaming this”

“Well if you’re dreaming then so am I” Mitch replied. She could feel his hand on her thigh beneath the table. The pressure of his fingertips on her body just added to her feelings of excitement and desire. Reaching down she squeezed his hand and licked her lips. She guessed he would know what that meant.


Finishing his beer Mitch stood up.

“Great to see you guys but we’re going to have to get going now” he said.

“Keep us up to date on this, probably see you at some other auditions” Simon said.

“Sure will, just give me a call if you want to meet up at any point” Mitch said. They both nodded as Charlie followed Mitchell out of the pub and back to the studio to collect their stuff. On the way Mitch suddenly pulled her into a small alleyway off the street. Pushing her up against the wall he kissed her long and hard. She could feel his body crushing her as she snaked her hands down his back to rest them on his ass.

“If you had a skirt on now” he breathed in her ear.

“Another time” she replied. She could feel her nipples brushing against the fabric of her cropped top. They were yearning for his touch, separated only by the clothes they both wore.


In less than ten minutes they were on the bike and streaking down the roads towards home. Mitch fumbled with his key before they got through the front door.

“Darren” Mitch shouted. Silence reigned so they ran upstairs, shedding clothes as they went. Once in his room she turned to Mitchell, her eyes wide with desire and longing for him. The gap between them closed as she felt him pick her up and place her on the bed. His tongue slid down her body, tasting the saltiness of her sweat before the sweetness between her thighs. Charlie sighed as her body responded quickly to his touch. Before she had chance to repay the favour he had pushed her into the pillows and eased between her legs, entering her smoothly. It only took a couple of thrusts before they both exploded in a shower of lucky stars.


Satisfied they lay on the bed together, studying each other with eyes full of love and excitement.

“Fucking hell” Mitch finally breathed “What a result”

“We’re going to be in a video, a proper video, on television with a huge star” she sighed “Wait till I tell Mum and Julia is just going to scream”

“Perhaps after tea we’ll have a better look at the paperwork as we don’t want to get ripped off” he said, seriousness tinged his voice. Leaning over Charlie kissed him on the tip of his nose and then his lips. Her light teasing kisses travelled to his ear as she whispered.

“Can we do that again?”

“Christ, you really are insatiable” he laughed, watching her as she travelled down his body with her lips and hands. Seeking out the places she knew he loved her to kiss before she took his softness into her mouth. In a couple of sucks he was hard and filling her as she let her tongue explore before she moved back up his body and eased down on top of him and started to ride.


His hands reached for her hips and held her in place as she writhed on top of him, clearly enjoying every thrust he made. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds lighting her flushed skin.

“Mitchell” she screamed, as she throbbed around him, gripping him tightly. She continued to move as the pressure started to build within her once more as she felt him slow before he held her tightly too him.

“Charlie, Charlie, my lucky star” he breathed, capturing her lips on his once more “I think I’m going to start calling you lucky”

“It’s the name of a Madonna song from the eighties” Charlie replied. Mitch extricated his arm from beneath her and grabbed his phone. Typing it in he soon had the video and song ready to play.


As they listened to the lyrics he reached for her hand and held it close.


“You must be my lucky star

              ‘Cause you shine on me wherever you are

              I think of you and I start to glow

              And I need your light and baby you know”


“That’s exactly how I’ll think of you from now on” Mitch said, when the song finished “The words are so true” he said, kissing her lightly once more.

"I’m starving after all that, what’s for tea chef” she asked.

“Perhaps we’d better go and have a look” Mitch said. He jumped off the bed and shrugged on a pair of loose shorts.

“Do we have to get dressed, I like being naked” she said, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.

“I love you naked too but if you want to eat tonight you’d better get dressed” he said, throwing her his t-shirt. She pulled it on but defiantly left off her knickers and followed Mitch downstairs. On the way they picked up their discarded items of clothing and threw them in the direction of the bedroom door.


Mitch pulled open the freezer and found a couple of pizza’s buried at the bottom.

“Will these do” he asked. Charlie nodded as she opened the fridge and found a couple of bottles of beer. Mitch took one from her and before she could say anything ran it down her t-shirt and over her already erect nipples. Charlie sighed and then pulling Mitch close ran hers up his spine, making him jump from the cold on his hot skin.

“Stop it” he said, laughingly pushing her away as he tried to get the pizza’s in the oven. Giggling she found a bottle opener and then took a sip from hers, taking the bottle from his grasp opened his. She handed it too him and then jumped up onto the kitchen counter. It felt cold beneath her warm skin as she watched him gather plates and set the table before turning towards her.

“What shall we do while we wait” she asked. She swung her legs open and then crossed them, watching his pupils dilate with desire.


Mitchell crossed the floor and as she opened her legs once more he slotted his hips between them and pulled her closer once more. She wrapped them around him as her fingers raked through his hair and down his neck as they kissed. She could feel his hands on the top of her thighs and as he slipped underneath the hem of the t-shirt they heard a knock at the back door.

“Fuck” Charlie said. As Mitch let her go and she jumped off the counter and peeped around him.

and Gramps” Mitch said, grinning at her “I told you to wear more clothes” he said, watching her cheeks stain red with embarrassment.

“I’ll just pop and put something else on” she mumbled, slipping out of the kitchen door and running upstairs. Mitch took a couple of deep breaths, waiting for a part of his anatomy to lie down again before he wandered over to the door to let them in.


“Hi Mitch, your Dad asked us to pop over and check you guys were ok” Peter said.

“Yes, come on in we were just waiting for our pizza to cook” Mitchell replied “Would you like a drink”

“Yes please, a cup of tea would be lovely” hi
said, bustling past him to fill the kettle up. He heard Charlie’s feet on the stairs as she appeared in the doorway, still looking just as lovely as a few minutes before.

“Hi Pam, Peter it’s great to see you” she beamed. Mitch noticed her cheeks still held a faint hint of red as she winked at him and slowly licked her lips again when only he was watching. They all sat down at the kitchen table.

“How’s Stephanie” Peter asked her as she passed him the cup of tea that Pam had just made.

“Mum’s fine, hopefully having a great time with James” she replied.

“We’re sorry we missed the event on the weekend, it sounded great” Pam said.

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