A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (49 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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I replied as we both climbed the three steps that lead to the
entrance of what seemed the most luxurious hotel I had ever seen. The
grand hotel, looked old and shabby compared to this.

owns this hotel. It's simply amazing!” I asked gasping at the
marvelous reception.

would be surprised. My dad. He bought this recently.”

My jaw dropped as I looked
at him astonished.

Oh my God.”

was my reaction exactly. I wonder when the old bear is going to stop
building his empire.”

ambitious, like you are..”

it seems it runs in the family.” He conceded.

We checked in the
presidential suite as it was predicted. My Spencer had obviously
reserved the best room for his son. I couldn't contain my amazement
when Tyler opened the door. The room was enormous, if it could be
called a room. It looked more like a small apartment. It had a
entry. A state-of-the-art kitchenette. A dining room which could seat
at least 12 people and a rich half circle shaped seating area with
home theater system.

isn't it?” Tyler said.

more than impressive. Wow, I could live permanently here.”

could if you wanted to.” He said. I gazed at him. His blue eyes
deep and penetrating. “And you haven't seen the bedroom yet.”

that he walked past me and moved to the left side of the dining room.
He opened the door and I looked inside to see a wonderful round bed
sitting on real wool carpet. I swallowed as I suddenly realized that
there was one bed.

isn't it?”

but if you're thinking that I will sleep here with you than you're
totally wrong. You have to ask for another room.”

will be no need. I'll sleep on the sofa.” He said curtly.
Saying that he opened the door which led on the balcony. The cold
morning wind hit my face making me shudder. I took a look at the
opulent surroundings and at the sweeping views of the city. The view
was breathtaking.

it's better if we do the revision. It will soon be the time to go.”
I said. Tyler seemed lost in thoughts as he looked in front of him.


coming. Just leave me alone a moment. I need to breathe.”

I did.
I returned back inside and grabbed my briefcase. I pulled out the
papers containing the figures I had worked out. They showed all the
profits and then I grabbed Tyler's briefcase. I opened it up to take
out the files. It was at that moment that I saw the edge of a photo
hidden in one of the pockets. I tugged it out and my heart missed a
beat. The pickets showed Tyler and I smiling at each other. He was
hugging me and I was looking happily at him. I looked young, probably
the photo was taken a long time before.

always keep that with me. It reminds me of a happy period.”

voice made me jump. I put the photo hurriedly back in its place and
looked at him embarrassed.

sorry, I opened your briefcase to get a file and I saw it.”

doesn't matter. Cassidy if you only managed to remember about that
time. We were so happy. We were so in love.”

please don't start again. That time is dead and buried. Now let's
concentrate on the proposal.”

surrendered and sat down next to me. We had about 30 minutes to go.
We revised everything together, he did his speech, I did mine and
then we went down into the boarding room. The others were already
there, all dressed up smartly. I sighed nervously and looked at Tyler
before going in. He nodded and took my hand in his. The meeting
began. There were many businessmen interested in the contract and
some had very good proposals. I was beginning to doubt ours was as
much as good but there was no time to change it. When it was our
turn, Tyler made the introduction. He talked about the changes he did
to his hotel and about new ideas which could attract more tourists.
He showed the new planes of the extension he had in mind and also the
proposal for a new tourist village which had to be build on the roof
area of the hotel. I was amazed how easily he got the attention of
all those present. Probably he had been an excellent teacher. The
persons seemed mesmerized by the sound of his voice and how he made
things look so easy. When it was my turn I had to swallow hard to
find the courage to speak up. I walked towards Tyler and talked about
the financial part of the project. I was good with numbers even if I
hated them. As I went along I gained confidence and suddenly
everything seemed so easy to explain. I kept seeing the business men
nodding in approval and when I finished they had clapped their hands.
One of them had stood up and announced that ours was surely the best
proposal of all and that he wanted to be part of it. The meeting was
a success and Tyler obtained what he had worked hard for, for months.

my God, we made it!” I shouted happily when we walked out the

pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I froze before pulling back.

sorry but I had to do it. You were amazing in there. I never thought
Germond would be the first one to speak. He's the most difficult to
convince yet you managed!” He exclaimed as he pressed my hand
ignoring my feeling of uneasiness that his kiss had provoked. “We
have to celebrate and I have to call Dad to inform him. He'll be out
of his mind with happiness. Thank you Cassidy, for the first time in
my life I managed to arrive somewhere, to reach a goal without the
help of my father. You can't understand how much that means to me.”

having an idea.” I said with a smile.

smiled back. “I'll call him and then we'll go to celebrate.”

I was
happy for him, he looked euphoric. But I was in no mood to celebrate.
I took out my mobile and dialed David's number. I needed desperately
to hear his voice even if I didn't know what I was going to tell him.
He didn't answer. I tried 3 more times before giving up. Probably he
was too occupied with Claire to answer.

had finished his phone call and was looking at me.

ready?” I asked as I put my mobile hurriedly back in the

He's isn't answering?” He asked gazing at me in a peculiar way.

I wasn't calling him.” I stuttered.

both know you were.”

looked down, there was no point in denying.

return into our room. I have a surprise for you.”

followed him as I tried to stop thinking about David and Claire but
it seemed an impossible thing to do. When we arrived Tyler grabbed
the suitcase he had brought with him and opened it to take out a big

is for you. A thank you for coming and for helping me during the past

Tyler you shouldn't have.” I said taking the box from his
hands. “ It seems you were sure that we were going to win.”

but I bought you the present just the same. You deserve it. Please
open it. Hope you like it.”

opened the box to see a wonderful blue chiffon dress.

Tyler this is wonderful.”

glad you like it.”

at that moment there was a knock on the door. Tyler opened and a
waiter came in holding a tray with two glasses and a bottle of

thank you. You can put it on the table.” Tyler told the young

you need anything else don't hesitate to tell us.” The waiter
replied politely before leaving.

to celebrate.” Tyler said as he grabbed the bottle to open it.

tried to smile, to share his enthusiasm and although I was happy for
our success, I couldn't cheer. I couldn't stop thinking about David.
What if he surrendered to her? What if he accepted to have a
relationship with her. He had told me so in a moment of anger but-

you want to eat here? I could order room service.” He said
gazing at me in a suggestive manner.

no.. I would like to wear this dress and I would be more comfortable
if we leave the room.”

chewed his lip and put the champagne down.

don't you give me a chance Cassidy. Let me make love to you.”

stared at him shocked. My face had turned scarlet, my cheeks burned
as I looked into the intensity of his eyes.

you mad?” I asked, my voice a shrill.

sure that it will help you remember the passion that we once shared.
The fire there has always been between us. The chemistry and the
attraction. Cassidy we were made for each other.”

shook my head. “Tyler no. Listen it has been a mistake coming
here. I should have known that you weren't going to give up. The
business was just an excuse. You could have done it on your own.
You're the CEO and I'm just a part time secretary. I've been a fool
to think that I could be of any help.”

threw the dress on the bed and was about to go when he snatched my

I'm sorry.. I let my emotions talk for me. We'll go and eat at the
restaurant and I'll be a good boy, I promise. Now please go and get
ready. I want to see you with that dress on.” He let go of my
hand and I nodded with reluctance.

went inside the bathroom to
get changed. I put on the dress that Tyler had given me. It was
beautiful and expensive. I looked at the mirror, it really suited me.
The colour was perfect, it brought out my eyes. Tyler had good taste
but I didn't feel like to do any celebration. I stared at the image
in the mirror and I only saw a stranger, a lost soul. The person with
those sad eyes couldn't be me. I was stunning but desperate. I didn't
want to be here. I wanted to be with David. A tear rolled down my
face as I imagined him with Claire. What had I done? I should have
never let her win. I had to leave. I had to go to him and fight for
him. I had to be honest and let him know what I was going through. I
didn't want him to lose his job but I would regret it all my life if
I didn't go to him. I glanced one last time in the mirror and then I
turned around. I opened the door slowly and looked at Tyler who was
sitting on the bed. When our eyes met Tyler understood.

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