A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (44 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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you see that?”

He looked dazed at me..


flash of light. I know I saw it.” I stood up breaking free from
David's grip and looked around. There was no one.


let's go away from here. Do you think you can drive or it's better if
we call a taxi?”

don't you drive?” He suggested.

me? But I don't know how.”

course you do. You used to drive, you can't have forgotten that.”
He insisted.

I'll try. David will you wait for me here? I have to get my bag.”

but don't be long.”


I left David and went back
to where the party was being held. I looked around in search of
either Blake or Claire, none of them was in sight. I was going to
head to Blake's flat when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in a
dark area. Stunned, I looked up to meet the gaze of a beautiful
brunette. She was about 40 years old, very elegant and probably rich.
Her dress seemed very expensive. I looked at her questionably
wondering if she had mistaken me for someone else when..

is using you. He will never love you,” she said in a sad tone.

I looked at her bewildered.

me I don't understand.” I stuttered staring blankly at her.

just wants you to cover up.” She continued.

up? What?”

relationship,” she said in a whisper.

My eyes widened and I nearly

please don't look at me like that. I know, I'm old enough to be his
mother but that doesn't mean I will stay here without saying anything
while he shows you off as if you were a trophy.” She said

My jaw dropped. Oh my God, I
couldn't believe what was I hearing. He had a relationship with this
woman. Then it was to her he went to during the night. I was shocked
to say the least. A lot of questions began to whirl in my mind, a lot
of doubts which made my stomach ache.

you don't have to worry, there is nothing between me and Blake.”

hope so. You seem a nice girl and...” 

like you said, he needed a cover up and he asked me to do him a
favour. So you can relax. I'm not going to take your man away from
you.” I said, I didn't need more enemies and this was the

I hate this situation, we always have to hide. If Cledia finds out
about us, it will be the end. I know that I shouldn't have fallen for
a man so much younger than me but I couldn't help it.” She said
a little bit embarrassed. She seemed a nice woman.

you don't owe me any explanation and I really have to go.”

Sorry, if I frightened you, but I was jealous. I felt bad. I love

I smiled at her, she seemed


I left dazed as I ran to
Blake's house, still startled by what I had just discovered. The door
wasn't locked and I could go in easily. There weren't any lights on
in the living room. I tried to find a switch, but I couldn't. I
continued to walk touching things, trying to find my way in the dark.
I had left my bag on the armchair. I almost stumbled twice but
finally I managed to find it. I grabbed it quickly and I was about to
leave when I heard voices coming from inside. For a moment, I
panicked as I began to move in the dark, hoping to find my way out
but suddenly something I heard made me halt in my tracks. The voices
were familiar.

it and give me that damned money.”

It was Blake who was
talking. I was curious to see with whom. I tiptoed quietly in the
corridor until I found his bedroom. I stopped, the door wasn't
completely closed and I could peep in. A shiver ran down my spine
when I saw Claire and Blake.

not what we agreed Claire, you owe me more,” he shouted. He
seemed rather pissed off.

you didn't exactly do what you were told if I'm not mistaken,”
she snapped back.

were you expecting, that I have sex with her?”He asked harshly.

My blood froze in my veins.
Were they talking about me?

if necessary yes and I don't think you would have had minded right?”
She said  sarcastically.

He smiled a wickedly...

she's beautiful and I do like her so no I wouldn't have. But may I
remind you that I already have a girlfriend.”

yes, Mrs Oldy, I wonder how long this comedy will go on Blake, my God
you could have any girl in the world and you want her.” She

look who's talking, the one who's trying desperately to get in her
teacher's pants.” He responded in a mocking tone.

Claire chuckled. “Well,
I would have succeeded if you haven't taken Mr Bayne away from me, he
was getting drunk pretty fast with the drinks I kept giving him.”
She said leaning against the wall.


know I really didn't like this part of the plan.” She

Blake walked towards her and
put an arm around her shoulder.

you'll like it even less when you'll see the photo I've taken.”

She looked up in his face
with concern.

what's in the photo?”

the camera and see.. those two were going to have sex,” he said
with a grin. I felt my stomach churning. He was talking about us.

Oh my God no.. where are they now?” She asked angrily

Blake shrugged his shoulders
and smiled.

knows. Oh, come on Claire, you're only wasting time with him. He will
never want you.”

up!” She rapped out.

it's the truth.”

Saying that, he grabbed her
from the waist and pulled her to him. I was left staring, my mouth
falling open. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

know if I were him I wouldn't think twice to make you mine,” he
said kissing her neck.

Blake no..  you're my step brother for God's sake. let me go."

"Well there is no blood
relation, what's the problem?"

"I hope you don't want
to make Gloria jealous do you?” She said amused.

not here is she? And you're dying for a man.” He smirked.

not that desperate.”

yes, you are.. your precious Mr Bayne is having sex right now with
another woman. While you are here getting frustrated and trying to
find a million ways to make him yours. Maybe you need some

Saying this, he kissed her
on the lips. I was going to throw up. My stomach curled in revulsion.
My God. She pulled back slowly and smiled evilly.

even though you're right I won't sleep with you. I'm already paying
you enough for bringing me the proof I needed.”

this would be an extra for the inconvenience and I'm sure you'll
enjoy it as well.”

Saying that, he ran down his
hands on her body grabbing her from the bottom and pulling her dress
up. I had heard and seen enough, I felt awful, I couldn't believe
this. Blake had been with Claire all the way, they were preparing a
trap for me and I had fell in it like an idiot. I turned around
abruptly to leave, I didn't want to see more, but I carelessly hit
something with my bag which fell down making a huge noise. I looked
horrified at the broken pieces of glass and then I stormed out. I
heard the door opening and then the sound of footsteps. I had almost
arrived at the door when a big hand grabbed me by the arm. The lights
went on. It was Blake. He looked at me horrified while Claire was
staring at me with hatred.

are you doing here?” Blake asked me.

me go,” I said struggling “ You're just a traitor.”

He looked in my face and for
a moment he seemed sorry.

guess you heard everything. Well, Cassidy sweetheart  it's
nothing personal really. I like you but I needed the money and
immediately. This was the only way to get it.”

Claire was still staring at
me wordlessly.

her go Blake we don't need her anymore. Cassidy since you seem to
have heard everything I guess you know what you have to do now
right?” She said crossing her hands on her waist.

I don't. You both have something to lose if I speak up.” I

They both glared at me.

up? What about? Blake kissing me? Oh no, big deal.” She said

I hated her coolness, I
hated her face, her stupid smile and I just wanted to hit her. She
couldn't keep doing this to me.

him and Gloria, I know everything. I talked with her.”

I saw him getting pale. I
turned to face him. I wanted to look at him in his eyes.

wanted to use me to cover up your relationship. If you don't give me
that photo now I'll tell your father.” I said steadily trying
to appear determined although my legs were shaking.

will do nothing of the sort.” Snapped Claire. “I guess
you don't have any proof right?”

I bit my lip..

Cassidy, I haven't reported David yet because I didn't have anything
to show. I could have gone to the principal and said I saw him with
you in class, but it would have been my word against his and yours.
But now it's a different story.”

I felt my stomach contract.
She was going to win again. Nothing I said seemed to have effect on

please just stop this. I'll change school OK so I won't bother you.”

Cassidy don't you dare do that. You think I'm an idiot? If you change
school, you will be free to be with him so forget about doing that. I
want you there so I can keep both my eyes on you. I want you to leave
David. I want you to make him think that your relationship is

knows that I love him, he will never believe that!” I cried.

do you think so, not if he sees you with another guy and not Blake.
It has to be someone else. Someone David can't stand. Listen do
whatever you want I don't care how you will do it but he has to hate

I looked away hastily and

will never do that!” I shouted in disbelief, tears coming into
my eyes. “I'm in love with him,” I yelled, almost choking
on my answer. Blake looked me stunned, but Claire didn't seem

then first thing in the morning I'll go and pay a visit to Ms Jacobs,
I'm sure she will be very interested in what I have to show her.”

I didn't want to give her
the satisfaction to see me crying, but I couldn't stop tears from
coming out and stream down my face, nor I couldn't hide my

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