A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (52 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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have given scandal Cassidy.”

it seems so.”

you want to go and eat something somewhere? There are many
restaurants in this area.”

I thought for a second and
then gazed into his beautiful eyes.

don't look at me like that, my  God. You drive me crazy when you
do.”He said huskily.


you're giving me an invitation. You used to look at me like that in
class, in the past. Sometimes I found myself saying stupid things to
the students. Forgetting completely the argument I was discussing.”

did I have so much affect on you?” I said smiling while my
hands went around his neck.

know darn well you do...and if we weren't in the middle of the street
you would know exactly  how much you affect me by just looking
at me.”

I giggled. “Show me.”
I dared.

He raised an eyebrow and



He smirked, and I got
silenced by his lips crushing mine as he pulled me closer to him. His
body felt demanding and powerful against mine. The fire which had
started this morning had begun to ignite again. He kissed me hungrily
in the middle of the street of Santa Rosa. There were hundreds of
people passing by yet I didn't even notice. The world had stopped,
and we were alone. His hands held my face up to his as he continued
to kiss me. Then he broke the kiss.

Sweetheart. I think we better go away before  someone will
report us for indecent behavior in public, and we get arrested,”
he murmured.

I laughed.

guess you're right but no restaurants. I want to go back to the
hotel. I want you David.”

He smiled against my lips;
his gaze was burning with passion. His hand tightened around my

let's go,”he said huskily.

And we did. We passed the
next four hours enjoying each other. We talked; we made love, and we
discussed our future. We ordered room service and ate in bed. I could
have stayed the whole day there with him. When it was time to leave,
I felt sad. I knew that as soon as we returned back things would have
become complicated. Although David had tried to reassure me about
Claire, I was still worried, and I was also worried about Tyler. I
had to face him at work. After the way I had left him, after the way
he had looked at me, I didn't know if I were going to be able to
return to work. During the trip, Claire sat near Malcolm. She never
looked back at us, and when we arrived, she went down without saying
a word. Blake was there waiting for her. He looked at us stunned and
then went to embrace his sister. She hugged him back and got on his
new car, and they both left. We caught a taxi and went to mum's
house. I needed to pick some clothes and some things to take with me
at David's house. Mum had not returned yet. I left a note saying
where I was, and then we went to David's house. 

will Kylie return?” I asked him while I put my clothes in the
drawers he had emptied for me.

is still time, probably at around nine, her friend's mother will
bring her here.”

do you think she will be happy that I will be staying here?” I
asked a little concerned.

He looked at me and smiled.

have doubts? She will be thrilled.”

don't know why she loves me so much. Not that I don't like that on
the contrary, I'm relieved but it's just strange. Usually girls are
jealous especially if their beloved Dad has a girlfriend. And she's a
Daddy's girl; she adores you David.”

will never be jealous of you. She loves you a lot. You have a special
bond Cassidy.”



He looked at me; his jaw
tightened a little; his expression got serious.

need to tell you something.”

look serious, what is it? A bad news?” I asked already feeling

no, it's not's bad news. But it will change some things. Let's go and
sit down.”

I followed him. Anxiety was
already clawing at my stomach. What was he going to tell me? He
seemed really serious. He seemed hesitant to tell me this thing. I
hoped it wasn't something of the past that would destroy the
happiness I was feeling right now. If that was it, I didn't want to
know. We sat down; he took my hands in his.


don't tell me. I don't want to know if it's something of the past. I
love you; that's all that matters.”

love you. But you have to know this. I'm sure it will make our love
stronger. Don't be afraid to know. Cassidy listen...it's something
about Kylie.”

about her?” I asked feeling a lump in my throat.

well she is your....”


David was about to tell me
something very important when his mobile rang interrupting us.

who is it now? I'm not going to answer. I have to tell you this

it could be important David. Tell me afterwards.” I insisted.

Cassidy. Kylie loves you because..”

The mobile kept ringing.

answer that mobile.” I snapped.

OK... but don't move. Now that I found the courage to tell you... I
have to do it.”

He grabbed the mobile and
pressed the button.

who is it?” He said annoyed.

All of a sudden he became
pale. His gaze darkened, his eyes looked at me with concern and his
lips twitched a little. What was wrong?

Is she OK? I'll come immediately. Thank you.” He hung up.

is it David?” I asked alarmed.

fell at the camp. She's in hospital.”

I felt my stomach
contracting, and my heart began to beat fast...

she all right?”

don't know, they told me she broke her arm. Let's go Cassidy.”

We left and a few minutes
later we were in the waiting room. One of Kylie's teachers came to
talk to us as soon as he saw us. He explained that the girls were
playing with the ball, and that Kylie tripped and fell and probably
her arm was broken. The doctor came to talk to us after about 20

are you the parents?”The doctor asked looking at us.

we are.”

I glanced  at David a
little startled, he already considered me to be her mum . That was
sweet but maybe he had just said yes not to explain to the doctor
that I was just his girlfriend.

this way. Kylie is OK, but she broke her arm. We had to do the
plaster, and she won't be able to use her arm for the next two

months?” I asked stunned.

she has a single fracture and it will heal without the need to
operate. She's still young so the healing process will be quicker.
She will be all right, don't worry.”

we see her?” David asked.

go in.”

I opened the door and saw
Kylie sitting on the bed; her face had still the marks of tears. She
must have cried a lot. I felt so bad for her. She looked up and as
soon as she saw us she stood up to come near us. I thought she was
going to go and hug David but unexpectedly she came to me and buried
her beautiful face in my stomach, hugging me with just one arm. David
looked at me and smiled.

mummy... I mean Cassidy.I was so frightened. I was alone. How much I
wished that you were here with me. Please stay with me. I need you so
much.” She said crying.

I felt tears forming into my
eyes while I knelt down to be able to hug her better. I kissed her
face and smiled at her.

worry sweetheart, we are here now.”

just now, I want you to live with us, please.”

David smiled at her and
knelt down as well.

Cassidy is staying with us. She moved in our house today, so from now
on you'll have a mum and dad who live together. Like you always

Her face brightened; she was
so happy that for a moment she seemed to have forgotten the pain of
her arm.

that true?” she asked looking at me. “You love my dad

honey, I love your dad and I love you.” I said. It was
incredible how much this little girl loved me.

that's fantastic. I'm so happy. Thank you mum.. please can I call you
mum from now on. I hate calling you Cassidy.”

sweetheart. I'll be your mum from now on.”

We hugged, and we cried
together and David seemed so emotional in seeing us like that. We
went home together. Kylie had to rest and take her pain killers. The
doctor told us that she was going to be in a lot of pain and that she
will have to rest for at least three days. Which was a problem. David
couldn't take leave; my mum was still with Edward, and I had to go to
school. That night I had slept near Kylie, she didn't want me to
leave her for a second. The next morning David woke me up.


What?” I said stroking my eyes.

are we going to do? We can't take her to school today?” he

stay with her.” I said sleepy.

you'll lose the lessons and...”

worry. She's more important than my lessons, and you can always give
me a private lesson when you come home don't you think? I said
smiling while I kissed his lips.

Cassidy. Thank you sweetheart. Today I'll speak to Ms Jacobs.”

My stomach contracted, and
my eyes widened  while I looked at him.

you sure it is a good idea?”

I have to do it before Claire does. It will be worse if we wait. I'll
phone you later to tell you how it went OK,” he said caressing
my hair.

I said weakly. I was really worried.

have to go. I love you Cassidy.”

love you too.”

He gave me a kiss and kissed
Kylie on the forehead who was still sleeping blissfully and then left
for school. I got out of bed and started to do some cleaning. Then I
went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Kylie. After about an
hour, she woke up.


coming sweetheart, “I said washing my hands. After drying them
up, I went in her room.

morning. So how are you feeling?” I asked sitting down beside

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