A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (23 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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When he pulled back gently,
I felt bare. Our eyes locked and for a moment we remained in silence
looking at each other. Then he smiled at me. A sweet loving smile.

I whispered.

I haven't dared too much.”He said softly.

David.. I...” Oh God, my heart was beating so fast. I wanted to
tell him so many things, but I didn't know what to say, my mind
refused to function.

is no need of words Cassidy. I know what you're feeling.” He
said as he caressed my face.“Let's go, there's another place to
visit before we leave.”

I nodded and grabbed his
arm. I felt so serene, I literally couldn't stop smiling. We walked
together until we arrived in front of the fortune teller's house. We
went in and in the middle of the room we saw a lady dressed like a
gypsy sitting down around a table. In front of her, neatly placed she
had some tarot cards.

you want to give it a try?” David asked me.

why not?”

this is just a game.”He reminded.

course I don't believe in these things.” I said quickly
re-assuring him. He waited for me at the entrance while I strolled
towards the fortune teller. She looked up at me and shot me a strange
glare, making me feel uneasy. I tried to ignore the uncomfortable
sensations I was experiencing and sat down in front of her.

do you want me to predict your future?” She asked me. This was
the reason I was there.

why not?” I said laughing, trying to hide my anxiety. For some
reason even though it was just game, I wasn't sure if I wanted to
hear what she had to say.

skeptic, why do you want me to do this if you don't believe that I
can see your future.” She asked in a low voice.

not skeptic, it just that I never did it before and I was curious.”

She glared at me again
before looking down at her cards. “OK, let's start.”
Saying that she grabbed the tarot cards and started shuffling them.
She then put them face down and selected one which she placed face up
on her left. After that she selected another two. When she was done,
she looked up at me. Her face expressionless.

living in lie my dear.” She said. My heart missed a beat. And a
shiver ran down my spine as she looked deeply in my eyes.

I asked confused.

past will destroy your happiness if you don't be cautious.”She
continued. I looked stunned at her. My past? How did she know? “I
see love, an incredible love and a a man who would do anything for
you. I see sadness and despair.”

How is the man, is he blonde?” I asked eagerly hoping she'll
say yes.

can't see these things. Listen all I can tell you is, the future is
in your hands. Maybe not always but most of the time it depends on
us, on the choices we do and on the persons we choose to have near.
So be careful, try to choose well this time, you're lucky, not
everyone has a second chance in life.”

I was stunned, she seemed to
really know what I was passing through. Maybe she was really a
fortune teller. “You'll have to face many obstacles but in the
end you'll be happy.”

that man you mentioned?” I asked eagerly.

don't know, I'm not sure, your life seem so complicated, I can't tell
you more, sorry. I wish you good luck.” I thanked her and left
to go back to David. “

So how did it go?Did she
tell you anything interesting?"

told me some things. She said that I'll..” I stopped.

what... Cassidy this is just a game don't take it so seriously.”

she said I'm living in a lie, that my past will destroy me.” I

He looked astonished at me.

she just tried to guess.” He said trying to reassure me but I
knew that this wasn't what he was thinking.

don't think so..”

what else did she tell you?”

there is a man who loves me and would do anything for me.”

in this she was right...” 

I looked up at him. His eyes
looked deeply in mine.

isn't anything I wouldn't do for you Cassidy. I love you.”

I looked startled at him. My
heart pounded heavily in my chest. He had just said he loved me? Oh
my God, this was a dream. 


Cassdiy don't say it if you don't mean it. You'll say it when you're
sure OK. I want you to be 100% sure this time.”

time?” What do you mean?"

He ignored what I had said.

go now, we have a long ride and we still have to eat and hopefully
rest a little before the concert.”

He didn't say anything else
but grabbed my hand and together we walked towards the exit. He
remained silent during the whole ride and I kept thinking about the
words of the fortune teller and about what David had just told me. I
felt happiness and sadness at the same time. I was afraid that in my
past there was something bad. Something which would devastate all my
life if I had to get to know about it. I didn't want to think about
anything. I just wanted to enjoy the time that I had left with him.
When we finally arrived at the hotel, I hurried to our room. I needed
to take a shower badly. When David was ready too we went down to eat
lunch. We ate in silence. David seemed to be lost in thoughts. Had he
regretted telling me his feelings? I was already worrying when I met
his blue eyes. He was looking intently at me. I shivered. He suddenly
smiled melting all my doubts and worries away. Then his hand moved
over mine, tenderly.

should go and rest now.”He said as he leaned forward. His face
almost touched mine.

to be honest I would rather do something else.”

My face turned scarlet as I
smiled shyly at him. I had a rough idea of what he meant and I fully
agreed. Then we left, we walked to the lift and pressed  the
button to go back to the room. The lift was empty, I went near him
and grabbed his hand. He turned around and looked in my eyes and then
kissed me again, this time he wasn't gentle. He was passionate, it
wasn't a long kiss because the lift was soon going to open but it had
left me breathless. He had kissed me hard  with desperate
hunger. I was positively surprised. I looked shyly in his eyes and he
smiled at me, before planting a small kiss on my nose. Then the lift
opened. I shivered as I stepped out. David took my hand in his and we
strolled long the corridor. This man never ceased to surprise me. He
looked timid and gentle yet he could be fiercely passionate. When he
opened the door of the room, I was still trying to come to terms with
what I was feeling. He went in and I followed. I put my handbag down
and sat down on the bed. I turned my gaze to him who stood still
looking at me. His eyes dark with passion, his body tense, probably
he had felt it too. The uncontrollable desire to be more intimate, to
be more close. I let my eyes trail over his sexy physique as I tried
in vain to control the wild fluttering of my heart. I loved the way
his white shirt hugged his body and how the fitted denim jeans shaped
his lower body. I took a short sharp breath as I forced myself to
stop fantasizing.

maybe you should sleep a little.” He suggested.

what will you do?”

lay on the couch, watching some TV.” He replied. He opened the
collar of his shirt and kicked off his shoes. I couldn't take my eyes
off him.

are you sure you're OK? Maybe I should have insisted to take you to
hospital. The sun is not good for you.”

The sun had nothing to do
with what I was feeling. “Why don't you sleep as well? Tonight
is your night, you have to rest.” I said ignoring what he had
just said. 

only one bed.” He said stating the obvious.

eyes searched my face and I blushed. Maybe I had to slow down.
Perhaps I was making it too obvious that I couldn't wait to be with
him in a more intimate way. I felt so inexperience. I wasn't sure if
I was behaving the right way. This was the first that I have fallen
in love. Damned memory, if only it returned, I would know exactly how
to move with David.

I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.”

won't. Come on David,we are both adults and you need to get some
sleep.” I reassured him, although deep down I wished he
wouldn't sleep. He seemed undecided. He kept shifting his gaze from
the bed to me. I knew exactly what he was thinking. I wondered if he
felt what I was feeling. He sighed and then bent down to pick up his

are you doing?” I asked.

think I'll go out. I need some fresh air. I'll be back soon,”
he replied as he put on his shoes again. Then he left the room.

Why had he left? Didn't he
understand that we both wanted the same thing? We needed each other
desperately. My body yearned for his touch. “Oh David.” I
groaned with frustration. Maybe he thought it was too early and
probably he was right. I wondered if I were ready for that step. This
was stupid, considering I was 25 years old. I was pretty sure I was
not a virgin, but since I didn't remember anything of past it would
be like the first time for me. I lied down on the bed and continued
to think about him. About the kisses we had shared, about the
emotions I had felt. Oh, David I have fallen head over heels for you.
I closed my eyes, trying to relax. I needed to rest and somehow I
fell asleep.

I was woken up by the ring
tone of my mobile. I opened my eyes and reached out to grab the
mobile that lied on the bedside table. I looked around and saw David
sleeping on the couch. He must have come back while I  was
sleeping. I pressed the answering button and held up the mobile to my

I said in a sleepy voice.

Cas, were you sleeping?” I recognised immediately mum's voice.

I was taking a nap. Is something wrong mum?”

no, Kylie just wanted to speak to David to wish him good luck for
tonight. I tried to phone on his mobile, but it's switched off.”

sleeping right now..” Just then I looked at my watch and..“Oh
my God, it's four o'clock.” I exclaimed.


mum I shouted in your ears, we overslept.”

You and...”

mum what are you thinking? Just give me a second so that I'll wake up
David, it's getting late.”

I went near David and shook
his shoulder.


He opened his eyes and
looked at me.


late, it's already 4 and there's Kylie on the phone.”


I gave him the phone and sat
down near him. I looked at him tenderly while I heard him talking to
his daughter. I loved the way they talked  to each other. It was
clear that they really loved each other. They had a wonderful
relationship. It must be wonderful to have someone who cares for the
way David cared for his daughter. I wondered if I had a dad. Mum
hadn't mentioned him and I hadn't asked. Was he dead?Or maybe they
were divorced, or else I didn't have one. There weren't any photos of
him at mum's house. David hung up and then stood up.

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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