A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (47 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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need you to do me a favour.” I said breathlessly.


has to think that I'm with you.” I said weakly. He looked
stunned at me.


have to leave him.” I said with a broken voice.

have? What do you mean you have?”

can't explain now.. he will soon come out. He has to think that I
want you. That I still love you.” I repeated trying to hold
back  my tears.

you're asking me a lot. He will kill me you know that?” He said
with a concerned voice.

sure you can defend yourself. And  well you did want me right?”

and I still do but tell me why?” he asked me again. I looked
behind me and saw David at the door; he hadn't seen me yet; he was
talking to a student.

me, please.” I said in a pleading tone. Tyler looked shocked at


is coming, kiss me.” I asked again.



much as I want you, I can't do it. Unless you tell me why. Did he do
something to you?”

of course not.”

hell why?” he was losing his patience.

have to leave him to protect him.” I said feeling terrible.

him from what? Cassidy tell me the truth or else I won't help you.”

Someone is blackmailing me. They know about David and I. If I don't
leave him, he'll lose his job. The same thing that happened to you.”
I said in a whisper.

He looked at me stunned.

Cassidy who's blackmailing you?”

girl who is in love with David.” I cried.

this is not the way of doing it. I knew there was something wrong
yesterday. I'm sorry I can't do it.”

Tyler, I would never ask you anything else in the future.”

It doesn't make sense. Talk about this with David and find a
solution. If he really loves you as he says, he will be ready to
leave his job for you. I'm very tempted to do it, don't think I
started loving him. He stole you from me, he took you away and
believed me, make him suffer would make me surely feel better, but I
can't do it because I know you'll suffer. You'll just use me. You
don't love me.. you love him.. it has always been like this. Only now
I know.”

the hell are you doing here?”

His angry voice cut in on
our coversation. I turned around to meet David's angry gaze. My heart

David, how are you?” Tyler told him coolly.

it off Tyler, why are you here?” he snapped coming nearer.

Tyler looked at me. I looked
at him with pleading eyes. Claire was looking at us amused.

Cassidy of course.” Tyler told him. 

are you going to leave us alone? Can't you take a no? Don't you know
when it's time to give up? She doesn't love you.!” David was
shouting now.

I looked up at him, his eyes
dark with rage. I've never seen him so angry.

please lower your voice, all the students are looking at us. You'll
lose your job.” I cried.

don't care. He got on my nerves now. Hell she's mine OK.. Tyler just
go away.”

Tyler's jaw tightened while
he swallowed. I knew he was angry as well and that he was trying to
remain as calm as possible.

you don't have to make a scene for nothing OK. I've only come to take
her to work. I need her.”

thought today she wasn't working.” he replied harshly.

she wasn't but I have an urgent matter which needs her attention.
Cool down and don't do things you'll regret. Everyone is looking, if
you want to take this matter further no problem but not here.”

David moved towards Tyler
and grabbed him from his jacket. Tyler for a moment froze..

to me and listen well, I'm not that idiot you knew any more OK..
Don't try to touch her with one finger or else I'll kill you, and I'm
not joking.”

I felt my stomach clenching;
my God what had I done? Were they going to fight? I looked around me
and waves of panic washed over me. Everyone was whispering; the
teachers were looking suspiciously at us and Claire was staring at us
stunned while Blake smiled amused. 

it both of you.” I cried.

Both guys looked at me...

I have to go with Tyler, I can't go out with you today I'm sorry. You
heard him; he needs me.”

need you too Cassidy.” Saying this he let go Tyler, who fixed
his tie and jacket then...

go Cassidy,” he said while he grabbed me from the wrist and
drew me to him.

David, you'll meet her another time,” he told him then. David
looked at me.

please don't go.”

I felt tears coming into my
eyes; his face was so distraught, I knew I was hurting him but I had
to do it.

sorry.” I murmured, and I started to walked towards Tyler's

Tyler told something to
David and then he started towards me.

in.” He said as he opened the door for me. Then he strolled to
the other side and climbed in after the wheel. He started the engine
and drove away. I burst into tears. 

I don't know why you're doing this. I have never seen David like
this. He wanted to kill me.”

sorry I put you into this but I didn't know who else to call.”

God I didn't kiss you he would have pulled the hell out of me in
front of the school. Listen you have to tell him the truth. Tell him
about the blackmail.”

can't.. If I do, she will take the photo. She has a proof.”

What photo?”

and I together.”

it's isn't a big deal. He won't go to prison, you're not under-age
anymore. When we met you were only 17, my situation was much more
delicate. There is still the possibility but that he'll lose his
job and possibly his teaching licence. I'm not sure, depends on how
the principal reacts and depends on the regulations of this college.
You know teachers have to sign a contract when they are hired. One of
the Claus says that a teacher can't have a relationship with a
student no matter how old and who she is.”

I looked up at him



reacting very differently than I've thought. I thought you would have
been happy. I mean you've tried it all to make me yours.”

Cassidy. It would have been very easy for me to kiss you. I'm still
in love with you and I still want you. But I won't get you when
you're vulnerable, when you keep crying for someone else. No. It's
obvious that you don't love me any more. If only your memory comes
back than I would hope again. Maybe you will remember the beautiful
moments we passed together and forget David once and for all.”

I didn't say anything, I
couldn't. I didn't want my memory to come back. I didn't want to
remember the beautiful moments with Tyler. I just wanted to be with
David and no one else. I cried silently until we arrived at the

What are you going to do now?” he asked me when we entered his

I'm here I'll do some work. I need to stop thinking.”

you wish.”

He left me there and closed
my office door, and I broke down again and cried. Claire, how much I
hate you.

The following day when I
arrived at school my legs trembled while I walked in class. English
was my first lesson. I looked inside; David was not there yet. As
soon as I stepped in, five girls of my class came in front of me.
They were all grinning oddly. I looked narrowly at them...


who's that hunk you were with yesterday?” One of them asked.

God, he's so sexy, and he must be really rich,” said
another one.

never seen a Ferrari this closely before,” said the third one.

All of them were speaking
altogether. I couldn't understand anything.

Cassidy you're not going to tell us who he is?” Asked Claire
amused. I turned around abruptly. I just wanted to hit her and erase
that impertinent smile from her face.

of your business.” I snapped before going to sit down.

The five girls followed me
and continued
questions at me.

my ex OK and I work for him. Are you happy now?” I snapped.

They nodded.

your ex, I would have never left a guy like that,” Lexie said
from behind me.

Lexie at least you can you spare me?”

you have to admit that you put on a nice show outside. I've never
seen Mr Bayne so angry in my life, do the two know each other?”
She asked ignoring my plea.

they do and they hate each other. Lexie I called my ex because I
wanted David to believe I'm having a relationship with him again.”

Lexie widened her eyes.

Cassidy no. Please don't let Claire win.”

else can I do? We didn't discover anything about her yet; the week
has almost passed. And she will give that photo to Ms Jacobs.”

with Mr Bayne, there isn't another way,” she insisted.


don't be stubborn. Do it, or you'll destroy both.”

I knew she was right. I had
hurt David again, and I was hurting myself. David didn't come for the
lesson. I was really worried. That day at midday while I was in Mr
Clark's classroom a teacher came in, to tell us to go all in the
hall. The results of the contest were out. With tears in my eyes I
walked silently at the hall. I was going to see Claire triumphing
again. At the front near the stage, I saw David. He looked my way and
our eyes met, he seemed sad. I was about to go and take a seat at the
other end. I wanted to be far from him but suddenly I saw him walking
towards me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach when he got closer to

come with the others; my class has to be seated all in the first

I nodded, my heart raced
 when he looked directly in my eyes. His gaze was soft and full
of melancholy. He had the same expression he used to have when I was
in hospital. I stood up and followed him. I sat near Lexie, and I saw
Ms Jacobs going on the stage where there was a man that I had never
seen. Probably he was one of the judges or a representative of the
contest. Ms Jacobs began her speech and when she finished the  man
took her place behind the microphone. I kept glancing secretly at
David; his eyes were constantly fixed on me. I was still staring at
him when Lexie hit me in my arm.

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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