A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (50 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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leaving right?”

have to. I'm sorry Tyler. But I really have to go. This is not my
place. I'm so sorry.”

He nodded. “Then go.”


I looked at the busy
streets; the taxi was going painfully slow. There was traffic, and I
knew that the driver couldn't go any faster but I was getting
impatient. I just wanted to reach David as soon as possible. I felt
sorry for Tyler, for leaving him the way I did. I had grabbed my
luggage, without even change my clothes. I had told him goodbye and
left. He had come after me. I thought he wanted to stop me, but he
only called after me to give me some money. I was such in a hurry
 that I didn't even think that I needed quite some money to be
able to reach David. The trip was long. Probably if I had taken the
train it would have cost lest but I couldn't wait. I thanked Tyler
and kissed his cheek repeating I was sorry again. I'll never forget
the sad expression on his face, I really felt bad for him but I
couldn't do otherwise, we don't choose who to love.

Miss, I'm sorry but this will take hours. Probably there has been an
accident. Are you in a hurry?” the driver asked me.

I am, but we can't do otherwise right?”

I'm afraid, we have to wait.”

We remained an hour stuck in
traffic. As the driver had said, there had been an accident. During
that time I thought about my life and my future. I only imagined it
with David and Kylie. I closed my eyes, and I smiled imaging us a
family maybe with a baby or two. Yes, I wanted to have a child from
David. I loved Kylie so much, but I wanted a baby of our own.

A trip that was suppose to
take three hours took five. I arrived at destination very late. It
was about midnight. When the taxi stopped in front of the Victoria
Hotel, my heart increased its rhythm. Finally I had arrived, within
few minutes I was going to see him. I paid the driver and strolled
towards the entrance. I hurried to the reception where a young man
greeted me.

Miss, how can I help you?”

looking for Mr David Bayne. He's staying here. I'm his girlfriend.”
I said in one go. I was feeling very nervous.

Let me check..”

He looked at his computer
and then smiled at me..

Miss, Mr David Bayne is in room 415. Is he waiting for you? I would
phone him, but it's past midnight and..”

worry, he knows. I'll go.. is it on the 4th floor?”


I smiled at him and ran to
the lift. I pressed number four and sighed. I leaned against the
walls of the lift. I felt so excited. My heart beat was increasing. I
tapped my foot impatiently until finally the lift opened. I stepped
out and looked around. The door in front of me was 409 so room 415
mustn't be very far I thought. I began to walk in the long corridor
until I arrived at a corner. It was number 412. I looked at the end
of the corridor and heard a door opening. My heart stopped when I saw
Claire coming out. I hid; she closed the door and walked the opposite
way. I continued to walk until I arrived in front the door Claire had
come out from. I felt my stomach twisting; it was room 415. My God
no.. I felt tears welling my eyes. What was Claire doing in the
middle of the night in David's room? Had he really accepted her love
as he had told me ? I shivered just at the thought. I was going to
turn around and go away but then I stopped. No Cassidy you can't run
away. David loves you; there must an explanation if she was here.
Running away is never a good idea. I said to myself. So I made
courage, rubbed away my tears and lifted my trembling hand to knock.
 I knocked twice and waited...No one came...

Where was he? I knocked
nervously again, and it was then that I heard him yelling from

away, leave me alone. I'm fed up now. Claire I told you I don't want
you.. I don't love you... I...”

He stopped as soon as he
opened the door. He stared stunned at me. He had a towel in one hand;
just a pair of jeans on, no shirt, his skin was wet. His eyes had
lingered on me for a second before he managed to talk....

Cassidy.” He whispered.

I looked up in his eyes, my
eyes watering..

I love you.” I managed to say quietly.

He sprang forward and
crushed me in his arms. My face buried in his chest.

love you too sweetheart. Oh my God, you came. Cassidy you're here..”
He said huskily.

He rocked me in his arms and
caressed my hair then he cupped my face and lifted it up to face his.
He looked in my eyes and then bent down and kissed me. Gently at
first, then he deepened the kiss. He pushed me in the room and kicked
the door shut with his foot, never leaving my mouth...

missed you so much,” he whispered between a kiss and another.

missed you too. David there is something I need to tell you. The
reason I've been acting strange with you these days.” He looked
up at me; his face had become serious again. Then without  saying
anything, he sat down on the bed and...

on. Whatever it is I'm ready for it.” he said weakly.

What was he thinking? 

because of Claire,” I said then.

looked at me surprised..

What Claire has to do with this?”

knows about us. She saw us together, and she started to blackmail
me.” I confessed.


stood up in anger.

took a photo of us.. when you were drunk, and we were making out at
her house. She forced me to leave you or else she would have reported
you.” I said my voice filled with crying. His eyes darkened,
and his mouth trembled in anger..

bitch... I should have imagined. But why didn't you tell me?”

I looked

at me.. Cassidy why?”

I was afraid. I didn't want you to lose your job. I was going to do
the same mistakes of the past. I know how much you love teaching

He walked
forward covering the distance between us. He pulled me into his arms
again and cupped my face.

when will you understand that there isn't anything more important
than you in the world for me. I love teaching, but I love you more.
So I don't care.. Claire can do what the hell she wants. Nothing will
make us apart now.. nothing..”

that his mouth found mine, his hands slid down on my back and grasped
my bottom pushing me up to his tall frame crushing me against his
hard muscles, he was still damp..

I was taking a shower when you knocked,” he said huskily.

It d
matter... David..”


love to me.” I whispered. He smiled to me with that sweet smile
of his which melted my heart. Oh, how much I loved him. He continued
to kiss me, my lips, my chin, my throat. I felt a tingling sensations
running through my body. I put my hands in his silky damp hair while
I pressed my mouth to his. His jaw was so warm and smooth. He had
shaved. My stomach somersaulted when I felt his hands on my back
trying to pull down the zip. My heart jolted when the dress loosened
and fell down on the floor leaving me with just my underwear on. I
knew it was stupid, I knew I had already made love. But I still felt
the excitement, the pressure and the fear of the first time. For me,
it was the first time. The first time I will remember. I locked my
arms around his neck and kissed him while his hands ran on my body;
moving in circles on my back and lower down on my bottom. He then
swept me up in his arms and carried me to his bed, laying me down
slowly. He stopped for a second and looked in my eyes. He was so

beautiful...” he whispered.

I smiled
and blushed a little while his eyes lingered on my body. I could feel
his gaze caressing my shoulder, and then my breast, my tummy, my hips
and inner thighs... A wave of heat ran through my body in my veins,
and I inhaled when I saw his hands lowering to his buckle. He was
working out on his belt; my heart quickened in anticipation, David
had a really nice body. He was well defined, he had broad shoulders
and chest and a narrow waist. I swallowed when the jeans dropped down
on the floor, and I stopped breathing for a second when my eyes
dropped a few inches lower than his waist. I couldn't not stare at
the bulge in his pants.  My god, what was happening to me, I
felt my body warming up all of a sudden, a shameless need building
inside which made me ache for him. I was getting aroused just by the
sight of him. He walked towards the bed and climbed next to me and
pushed me in his arms once again. He began to kiss my face, my eyes,
my nose and finally my mouth again. His cologne wafted up in my
nostrils making me dizzy; I really loved his smell.. His hands kept
caressing my upper body then they found their way under my armpit to
my back to unclasp my bra. David took it off for me and then asked me
to lay down. I obeyed although I was terribly nervous and a little
shy, even though he had already seen me naked. But differently from
the first time this time the lights were on. He kissed me softly
again and then he leaned over me, his elbows resting on either side
of me, before bending down again to kiss me. I was still like a
statue while he moved my hair away from my face and while his body
moved on mine. Although we both, still had our under pants on I could
still feel his hardness pressing against my most sensitive part
sending electric shocks throughout my body. 

sweetheart and kiss me back. I need to feel you mine Cassidy.”

eyelids fluttered upwards looking at him...

am yours David, forever.”

He kissed
me again, hard this time with passion. His hands caught my wrists
pressing them down dipping them into the mattress. Then he pulled
back and moved down to capture one of my throbbing nipples in his
mouth. All the nervousness and fear I had felt disappeared when I
felt his tongue teasing and nibbling. My eyes widened at the
sensations of pleasure I was feeling.  Which wasn't only
physical.. it wasn't just body fulfillment, but it went beyond, I
felt loved, I felt wanted and special. My head began to whirl while
his hands kept moving down. His mouth still on my breast. Then I felt
something I wasn't expecting, his fingers had run down reaching my
thighs, going under the barrier of fabric. I sucked in sharply when I
felt his fingers deep inside. My whole body trembled.

you OK?” he said huskily.

I guess.. it's just that..”

know... but it will be fine.. I promise.”

I nodded
and smiled at him. His beautiful face was inches far from mine, and I
felt the urge to kiss him again but he didn't let me. He had moved
down, much more down. He slid down my panties and then placed his
mouth where his fingers had been. I quivered and tensed..and had to
hold my breath until I couldn't take it more. My God, how could I
describe what I was feeling. It was like being in another dimension.
I couldn't help but to moan and groan. David smiled but never
stopped, he kept teasing slowly, kissing and licking. My hands
reached for his head, and my fingers went through his hair. My legs
parted even more..Oh, my what had happened to the shy conservative
Cassidy.. I felt burning.. and the more he touched and kissed me, the
more I needed, the more I yearned.. I needed him so much; I ached for
him.. I needed to love him.. I....

My mouth
opened when he stopped abruptly and took off his pants hurriedly. I
knew what was to follow. I tensed; he was on me, his thighs between
mine, his hardness touching my entrance. I looked in his eyes, full
of desire and love which reflected my own.  He positioned
himself and without hesitation he entered me with one powerful
thrust. A cry tore out from my throat; my fingers clutched his back.
He groaned before his mouth found mine again, and his tongue plunged
deep inside. His hands cupped my bottom and lifted it me up so that
he could go deeper.  Air gushed from my lungs as he moved,
filling me up. I pressed my hands into his back and held tight to him
while he kept thrusting, building in rhythm until I let a cry out.
Something had ripped through me; I shuddered and then relaxed. I felt
weak. I was breathless, and I couldn't stop crying. David looked at
me for a second and smiled.

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