The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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I finally decide on a pair of black skinny leg tights, a sky blue top, and my flats. Nerves are starting to kick in as I step out of my building. I can’t help but nervously glance around to see if Jacob is around somewhere, watching me, waiting for the perfect chance to pounce on me again.
Corban takes my hand, guiding me to the waiting car. I notice Jonas standing by the door of the same car he picked me up in last time. I greet him with a warm smile.

“Hey again, Jonas.”

“Hey, Melodi.” He smiles and nods at us. “Mr Andrews.”

“It’s all good, Jonas, you know you can call me
Corban,” he laughs, giving him a friendly slap on his shoulder.

Jonas opens the door and we slide in. First thing I notice is a massive bunch of red roses sitting on the far seat. My face lights up. Nothing makes me happier than flowers. I look to
Corban, and he takes my hand, gently placing a warm kiss on my knuckles. My feelings for Corban just keep growing. I don’t know if I could even love someone else in the same way.

“I thought, after your day yesterday, you might like something to cheer you up. Plus, they mean true love and,
Melodi,” he takes a deep breath and my chest tightens in anticipation for the next words about to come from that kissable mouth of his, “I think…I’m falling in love with you. You have captured my heart and made me whole in every way possible.” My hand is clutched to my heart at the words he speaks, and my stomach is twisting in knot upon knot. My heart feels as if it might explode with all the love—
yes, I said love—
for this man here. I’m so overwhelmed; tears fill my eyes and are slowly dancing down my pink cheeks.

brings his hands to my face, wiping my salty tears away as he places his heart skippin’, magical lips on mine. I’m so caught in the moment that I, literally, jump on his lap. Passionately kissing him, my hands slip under his shirt, massaging his body and pulling him closer to me. His hands run up through my flowing, long hair. I stop our moment, looking him right in his drop-dead sexy eyes.

“I never thought I would actually say this to anyone…I am so
freakin’ in love with you too, Corban Andrews. Do you think it’s too soon to be confessing our love?” I worry a little about this happening so soon, but it’s so perfect and he is the one for me. He fills me in a way I can’t explain. He has erupted the volcano within my body, spreading a hot lava of love and affection for him and him alone.

“No, I don’t. It’s how I feel, as well, and I want you and the rest of the world to know.” He ravishes my lips again. My chest is exploding with love and happiness. I’m absolutely on top of the world right now.

The car starts moving, and a little embarrassed, I remember where I am, poor Jonas. I hope he didn’t see any of that. I slowly climb off Corban, but still sitting as close to him as I can. I rest my head on his shoulder, gripping his hand in mine. I’m sure I have the goofiest smile plastered on my face, but I can’t help it. He has just made me whole. I no longer feel lost and alone; I have him. I can’t keep the Jacob issue from him now; otherwise, that trust would be broken. Tonight it all comes to light.

We continue our drive in relaxing silence. I relish each moment with him, not just the intimate moments,
but these kinds of moments. Eventually, we do make small talk as the drive to his parents' place is taking what seems like hours, when, in fact, it’s only been an hour.

As we approach the suburbs, I notice we drive just on the outskirts where there are limited houses, see
ing them makes my mouth drop at their size.
Holy crap, I am so out of my element.

Panic sets in and I squeeze his hand tighter. Picking up on my unease, he returns a comforting squeeze.

“It’s okay, beautiful. They are going to love you.” He continues to hold my hand tight, rubbing his thumb over my sensitive skin. My heart is in overdrive and I’m secretly praying his family will accept me. Well, I know Rachel does, but I don’t know about Athena. He has made me feel a little hesitant with her and how she might react to me.

The car begins to slow as we pull into a long driveway leading up to a large, two story,
white brick home sitting perfectly on a small hill. I swear my heart stops. I knew his family was well off, but this is insane. I take a few deep breaths to settle my ever growing nerves and prepare myself for what lies behind those large glass and oak wood doors.


Chapter Twenty-Four

We walk up the few stairs leading up to the door, and Corban gives my hand one last squeeze before he opens it and walks in. I am lost for words at the sight before me.

A wide, wooden staircase leads to the next floor, and straight ahead is the kitchen and dining area, which looks to lead out to an outdoor entertaining area. The room on my right is a sitting room with beautiful coloured lounges, not the usual black and white ones, but
. I can’t believe how well it suits the plain white walls and dark curtains. We keep going and walk into the room on the left, which contains the similar lounges, large glass coffee table, and upon the perfect walls are pictures of what looks to be the family.

family is sitting in there, waiting and chatting amongst themselves. It’s Rachel who notices us first and immediately jumps up, a little squeal escaping her lips. She wraps her arms around me, pressing me to her. Yeah, this girl is my long lost sister. I smile at the thought that, hopefully, one day she might be my sister-in-law.
Whoa, take a step back there. Who’s talking about marriage here? Snap that thought clean out your head, girlie.

parents look younger than I imagined, maybe mid to late fifties both of them. They must have been a teenage love. He helps her off the chair to come and greet us.
What a gentlemen he is.
They stand before us and Corban makes the introductions.

“Mom, Dad, this is
Melodi.” Quickly, I notice how his smile matches his father’s. Before I can say another word, his mum has me in her arms, and I can see where Rach gets her hugging nature from.

“So happy to meet you, dear.
Rachel, here, has been filling us in.” Oh, crap, what has she told them?

“Hello, Mr and Mrs Andrews, it’s nice to meet you both,” I say, my polite, professional voice kicking in.

It’s Corban’s dad who speaks up. “You can call me Paul and,” he gestures to his wife, “my wife, Catherine.” He doesn’t wrap me in a hug like Catherine did, but shakes my hand and seems genuinely happy to meet me.

“Very happy to meet you both.”
I smile while on the inside every nerve is dancing to its own tune.

“So, what part of Australia are you from, dear?” Catherine queries as we follow them back into the room, taking a seat. I eye
Corban who is smiling brightly at me. I can’t seem to ever keep my eyes, or hands, off him. Then I remember I haven’t answered his mum’s question.

“I’m from Brisbane in Queensland…” I continue to tell them about how my family came to live here. My nerves are slowly subsiding, that is, until I hear the front door slam with angry force behind it.
This must be the hateful, moody sister.

I look at Rachel, who looks at me and rolls her eyes, giving me a half smile and offering me some comfort.
Corban takes my hand and squeezes tighter. So, taking in the way these two are trying to comfort me, I realise it must mean I’m in for a long night.

I hear heels clicking on the tiled floor. I look to the doorway; waiting and wanting to run right back out the door. While I’m lost in thought, in struts a blonde bombshell.

She has bleached blonde or white hair; I’m not too sure her face looks like it has been dipped in a tin of paint, and she might need a paint scraper to take that crap off. Talk about soaking up the dollars of those who actually make the money.

She lets out a huge sigh, not paying any attention to me or even her family. She takes a seat, but still says nothing. Her eyes look up from her phone for an instant and glare
s right at me.
Wow, if looks could kill, I’m sure I would keel over on the floor right now.
Her glare is ice cold, sending chills through my body.
Note to self, keep clear of the rich bitch.
It’s Catherine who breaks the tension in the room.

“Hey, honey, how are you? I thought your new boyfriend was coming tonight?” She smiles toward Athena, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. There is a lot of tension in a room that was so comfortable a few minutes ago. Athena is the complete opposite of Rachel and

She doesn’t look back up from her phone, which seems to hold all her attention. “No, he decided not to.” Her tone is harsh and uninviting.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here. This here is Melodi, Corban’s…” She is unsure of our relationship status, and really, so I am. I know we said the love word, but still it hasn’t been confirmed.

Corban offers, smiling at me and my heart plummets knowing he has just made
public. “This is my baby sister, Athena,” he continues with the introduction.

She glances over her phone, her pale blue eyes meeting mine. I see nothing there, no soul. What is her deal? How can she be so closed off to her own family? “Hey,” she says and goes back to her precious phone.

I hear Catherine let out a small sigh in defeat, a sigh that says it’s all too much. My heart hurts for her and the rest of her family.

“So, Mel, you up for another weekend out?”
Rach speaks up, ignoring her sister’s icy attitude. I guess she is like this all the time.

“No, sorry, I’m heading back home for the week or so, which will be good. I haven’t seen Mum and Dad in nearly two months.” Athena looks up from her phone and seems to be taking in the conversation, but not saying much at all.

“Oh, that will be good,” exclaims Rach. “Oh, well, we’ll hit the town when you get back. This fella will have to keep me company.” She nudges the silent, tattoo covered Axel beside her. He looks quite comfortable in this setting. I guess, since they have been together for a while, their family has grown to love him. Rach winks at me with a cheeky smile. Oh, gosh, they will definitely keep each other busy in more ways than one and maybe multiple positions. I giggle, knowing what is running through her head.

I notice Paul just sits there, taking in everything around him. He is the strong, silent type. We all continue chatting amongst ourselves until Catherine announces dinner is ready.
Corban is up before me, holding out his hand to assist me, like his dad does for his mum.

I take his hand and he quickly yanks me up into his arms and kisses me feverously, not caring who sees. I hear a loud irritated sigh come from behind us, instantly knowing who it is. As we conclude our kiss, I realise the room has cleared, just leaving
Corban, myself, and rich bi— I mean Athena. I figure I should attempt to get to know her.

“So, Athena, do you work?” I ask, but out of nowhere,
Corban bursts out laughing at my question. I glare at him, backhanding him in the chest, so he quickly composes himself.

Athena rolls her pale blue eyes and glares right at
Corban. “I do have a part-time job at a dress boutique on the main shopping strip,” she announces proudly. She stands a little taller, thinking it’s an achievement of sorts. Maybe for her it is.

“Oh, that would be awesome. Maybe we could go shopping sometime?” She gets up and looks me up and down. Her eyes say
,  “You wouldn’t be welcome in our store.”

An evil smile replaces her pursed lips. “I don’t think you could afford the clothes I like and the stores I visit.” With that, she walks out laughing, or more like cackling like a witch who should be riding a broomstick.

I turn to Corban, gobsmacked. “Can I slap her?” I don’t care if she is his sister or not. She has done her dash with me, and if you wanna be rude to me, you’re cut and I won’t even bother with you again.

He laughs off my comment, thinking I was joking, but I wasn’t. “Come on, let’s go eat and leave the ice queen alone.” I look at him, shocked he called his sister that.

“You actually call her that?”

“Yeah, obviously not to her face. You should hear what
Rach calls her.” He grins, taking my hand and leading us down the hall into a vast and very open dining room. There are large glass panels instead of windows looking out into the beautiful clear night. I can see straight into the large kitchen where the workers are hard at it. I automatically think I would hate to clean those windows, or doors, whatever they are. On a closer look, I see they lead out to the outdoor entertaining area. I walk over to have a look. There is a brightly lit, crystal blue pool and spa out there.

I am so out of my league.
Dread fills me, knowing full well this is not my scene. Athena was right in the fact that, yes, I would never be able to afford anything she wears or anywhere she shops. Panic slowly sets in. Corban comes up behind me, wrapping his muscular arms around me, giving me some security. Can I put our rich and poor differences aside and continue to love this man?

I can’t imagine myself without him now, like a favourite accessory I can’t do without. I know, lame comparison, but
that’s what he is like to me, except this accessory is one I absolutely love and couldn’t be without. He gives me strength I never knew I had.

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