The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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“Well, honey, we received a call the other day from…I think her name was Rachel. She is
Corban’s sister?” I nod in confirmation, and Mum continues, “She said it would be a great surprise for you if we came here.”

Corban organised this?” I ask, shocked and looking to Flick for answers. She nods, smiling. Her eyes are red and her cheeks are stained with tears.

I’m stunned. Where is this man I love so I can kiss the crap out of him? I don’t care if my parents are here. As I go to hug Mum again, in walks
Corban, looking sexy as hell. He has changed out of his suit and is now in dark blue jeans, which fit his butt nicely—
Can’t wait to rip those off later—
and a plain white tee, showing off more fabulous parts of his perfect godlike frame.

I run at him and leap into his waiting arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He holds me tightly, pressing our bodies together. My lips search for his and I kiss him with such a need that I’m sure he could forget his own name if I keep going. He returns the kiss will equal desire.

My dad clears his throat and I slowly unwrap myself from Corban, planting my feet back on the ground, but giving one last peck on his kiss-swollen lips.

“Thank you so much for this,” I whisper to him. I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I’m so happy and it’s all thanks to this man who makes me feel all kinds of giddy. He brings his hand up cupping my cheek and brushing away my free-falling tears.

“You deserve it, and I thought it might be time for some new, happy memories at this time of the year for you and your family.” He pulls me to him, hugging me tighter. I’m completely stuck back together, and not just temporarily, but forever.

I turn back to Mum and Dad, who are beaming at me, although Dad looks a little sceptical about
Corban. Taking his hand and pulling him behind me, we stop just in front of my parents.

“Mum, Dad, this is
Corban and, Corban, this is my mum and dad, Jenny and Darren.” Corban puts his hand out and Dad shakes it, but Mum pulls him to her, placing a kiss on his cheek.

“We can’t thank you enough for bringing us here and paying for all our accommodations. I have no words…you just bring me to tears, dear boy.” Her voice catches and she quickly wipes away the tear that falls.

“Yeah, thanks so much, young man. Now, what are your intentions with my little girl?”
Wow, Dad, don’t hold back!
I’m gobsmacked. I see Flick giggling behind Mum and Dad, and I’m sure my face has gone the shade of bright, cherry red lipstick.

“Dad…” I hiss at him, my eyes narrowing as I glare at him.

“I have a right to know, dear,” he replies gruffly, crossing his arms and waiting for an answer from Corban.

stands tall, not even blinking at the question. He clears his throat before proceeding with his answer. “I plan to stay with her for as long as she will have me.” His eyes are serious and never leave my father’s. My heart is racing. Never did I think I would have someone like Corban confess his love for me and tell my father what his intentions are.

It’s like a staring match in my living room; the tension in the air is unbreathable. My body is tense and I can hardly take my next breath while waiting for my dad’s response. I look at my dad and see a sly smile on his face, and I can breathe again, realising he is having a joke on us. I reach out, slapping his arm, and laughter erupts through the room.

“I can’t believe you, Dad!” I yell, hitting him again. A sense of relief washes over me.

“Oh, honey, you know your father. He can’t help himself, and plus, he has already had the talk with this bright young man here.” She smiles, gesturing toward
Corban who’s looking very smug and absolutely sexy as hell!

“You knew he was joking?”

Corban laughs, “Yeah, we had a chat on the phone the other day when I was organising a few things. Then I got busy and Rach took over.” He looks up at Rach who is standing there grinning and silently giggling to herself. “By the way, thanks, Rach, for organising this.” He nods in her direction, but pulls me to him, kissing my head. I didn’t even realise Rachel was here. She must have come with Corban and I got wrapped up in the moment.

I can’t believe he organised this for me. My family is here and they are happy with
Corban and I couldn’t be more ecstatic.

“So, what are the plans tonight, you mentioned dinner?”

“Yep, we’re going to any place you want to take your mom and dad… but first, surprise part two.” He answers with a sly smile; I look up at him confused.

“There’s more? This was plenty.” Leaning on my tiptoes, I place my lips to his. I just want him right here and now, but, yeah, that wouldn’t go down so well.

“Yep, there’s more.” Once I’m back on flat feet, he takes my hand, leading me to my bedroom. I become aware that Mum and Dad might not appreciate me taking a boy into my room, but they haven’t spoken their concern, so I keep going as my heart races with anticipation.

We walk into my dark room and
Corban turns to switch on the light. There in front of me, lying perfectly across my bed is the most gorgeous dress with all accessories to go with it. A clutch, new shoes…wait, is that a Tiffany & Co box? My heart does a little dance and kicks the speed up a notch.

I’m sure my mouth is hanging open. I slowly walk over to my bed. The dress is a purple sleeveless dress, slim fitting, short but modest, with a small split up the back. There’s a Victoria’s Secret bag, and I’m a little nervous about that one. I’ve never had such nice and expensive things in my hot little hands like what’s before me. It’s usually just window shopping at these kinds of places for me.

My eyes dance over to the shoes, which are silver, peep toe heels with just enough purple diamantes over the toes. I’ve saved the best for last, picking up the Tiffany & Co box. I notice there are two boxes, not one.

The one in my hands is a large square. Opening it, my eyes bulge out of my head, I swear. Inside is a simple, white gold necklace with a simple—diamond?—princess cut pendant sitting perfectly in the box and there are matching princess cut earrings.
Oh, my goodness! I can’t accept these gifts. They must have cost a fortune.

I look at him and see he is anxiously waiting for my reaction. I’m speechless. “I—I—I can’t accept these, and now I’m afraid to open the other box.” My voice is shaking with excitement and nervousness.

He chuckles at me. Walking to the bed, he takes the other box and comes to stand back in front of me. I can hear the pulsing of my heart in my ears. I actually think I might collapse.

He looks confident in what he is about to do. Not shaking or coming across as nervous at all. Taking the other box from me, he places the small one in the palm of my shaking hand.

I slowly lift the lid and automatically want to close it again. Inside is a white gold ring, with a not large, but decent size solitaire diamond in the middle of two smaller ones with the band wrapped in a smaller set of diamonds.
Oh, he is proposing…CRAP!

I panic and close the box, giving it back to him. I see the look of hurt in his eyes.

“I’ve only known you a short time. I can’t possibly marry you!” I whisper at him, so no one in the other room hears me.

He smiles. “It’s not an engagement ring. Trust me, if it was, it would be bigger and I would go all out to propose to you, not just a dinner. This is a promise ring.” He opens the box, removing the ring and taking a step closer to me.

“A promise ring for what?” I’m sure I sound dumb, but right now, my mind is reeling at what is happening.

“Right here, right now,
Melodi White, I promise to be here for you no matter what and to take care of you. You’re my everything. The way you make me feel is like nothing I have ever felt before. This ring is my promise to you that you are, and always will be, my sunrise and sunset, and when the time is right, I will place another ring on the other finger and make you mine in every way. I love you.” He takes my shaking right hand.

Never have I had words spoken to me like that. My heart constricts with such emotion. He slowly glides the beautiful ring on to my right ring finger and it fits perfectly. My vision becomes blurry with tears as I look at the ring sitting perfectly on my hand. I’m on an emotional high right now, in a good way. I throw myself at him and kiss him with everything within me and he returns it equally.

“Thank you so much. I love you.” I finally release him, but not before another quick peck on his lips. “Now you need to leave so I can get ready.”

He laughs and walks toward the door, but stops and faces me with a beaming smile on his face. “I love you, beautiful; don’t ever doubt that.” I can’t help but return his infectious smile.


Chapter Twenty-Six

Forty-five minutes later, with the help of Rachel and Flick, I feel like a princess right down to the silky laced purple underwear from Victoria’s Secret. I have never felt so beautiful. The dress fits perfectly and hugs all the right places. The split maybe a little higher than what I would like, but I just need to remind myself not to bend over too far and not to show the back of it to my dad. He might die of a heart attack seeing his little girl exposed like this.

“Oh, honey, you look beautiful.” Mum walks over, taking my right hand, she gazes at the ring, smiling. “It fits perfectly.” Her beautiful blue eyes are filled with happiness as they look into mine.

“You knew he was going to give this to me?” I ask, unable to hide the shock in my voice.

“Yes, he spoke to us about it a few nights ago.” She hugs me and whispers, “He’s a keeper.” My chest is pounding. I know he is a keeper, but to hear my mum tell me that fills me with relief knowing my parents approve of the man I chose, or rather, who chose me.

I remember I still haven’t told him about my run in with Jacob the other day. I feel guilty, but work and other things got in the way. Blake did message me this morning to see how I was, but I haven’t replied because I’m not sure how he got my number. Being a cop would give him that advantage, but still, why am I surrounded by guys who like to get information the wrong way instead of just asking me?
Kinda makes me angry, but right now, I will push those feelings aside to enjoy my night out.

“All right, everyone, let’s go,”
Corban announces, walking toward me. His eyes look me up and down and I know they are slowly undressing me. Desire is clear in his face as his crooked smile lights that fire deep within me. As beautiful as it is, I can’t wait till later for him to remove this dress. I crave his touch.

Placing his arm around my waist, he guides me out behind everyone. His palm sitting firmly on my butt, he gives it a light squeeze, making me jump forward with a little giggling. He shuts the door behind us and we follow everyone. It’s going to be one hell of a night trying to keep our hands off each other.

Jonas is waiting for us downstairs with a stretch limo. Grinning brightly, he greets everyone, with a nod; such a gentleman.

I smile at him.
“Hey, Jonas.”

Melodi, you look nice tonight.”

“Thanks,” I reply and slide as gracefully as I can into the car with
Corban close behind me. Mum is sitting beside me talking with Rachel who is sitting on the opposite seat. Flick is meeting us out with Liam when he finishes work. I’m so glad my parents get to meet the other important people in my life.

The boys get into their own conversations and my dad instantly takes to
Corban and Axel. I was worried the tattoos would bother him. Hopefully, he knows me well enough to know I wouldn’t get a tattoo. Just the sound of that little needle would send me running for the hills.

I join in the conversation with Mum and
Rach who are discussing Corban, of course. Mum wants all details, like every mother does.

Mum turns to me and lowers her voice. “Honey, you’re being safe aren’t you?”
What is she referring to? She can’t possibly know anything about Jacob because it’s only Blake and I who know those details. My non-existent reply gives her the answer she is seeking and a worried look spreads across her face.

“You know, with…sex?” she asks, her voice even lower. My stomach instantly drops and smashes over the road.
Oh, my…How could I have been so stupid!

“I…” I can’t get the words out, but Mum and Rachel are gawking at me like I’ve got two heads. I can’t be…I can’t even say the word.

“It’s okay, honey, we will get that sorted this week. It’s very unlikely anything can happen straight away.” Mum rubs my numb arm. I begin to breathe again. I hope Mum is right. Rachel hasn’t said anything, but has a small smirk on her face.

“Can you imagine what Athena would think?” Rachel laughs. Oh, she is evil! “I wouldn’t care either way.” I’m sure she is thinking of all the ways she can spill the beans to Athena or how we should name it Rachel if it’s a girl.
Oh, dear…

I will be getting that looked after this week! I’m due for my periods this week, so I hope Mum is right. The pounding in my chest hasn’t subsided. Talk about a shock to the system.

“You all right, beautiful?” Corban’s voice fills my ears like a song only for me.

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