The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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“Oh, yeah, just having a girly chat. I would hate for you to witness these chats,” I laugh nervously. I wonder what he would think if I was pregnant. I know Athena would think I wanted to trap him. I can’t believe I was so stupid…
seriously, I did sex education at school! I guess I was caught up in the moments with him, but he didn’t even think to put anything on! If anything comes of this, it will be just as much his fault as it is mine. Like the saying goes,
It takes two to tango.

He tightens his grip on my hand, squeezing it in comfort.

We decide to go to a popular Italian restaurant right near Central Park. It is a beautiful view from our seat, looking out at the lights through the park. It looks peaceful. Perhaps if I wasn’t so done up to the nines, I would go for a walk, but these heels won’t allow me to walk for that long. I’ll have to bring Mum and Dad here this week while they are here.

I wonder what we’re going to do. I’m so excited they are here and
Corban organised it all. Although tomorrow is Abby’s day and we will release balloons like usual, maybe it is time for some new memories. I can’t live in the past forever as much as I wish she could be here with me enjoying this moment with our family, the man I love, and the girl I now class as a sister.

We continue the night with drinks and chatting. By the end, our table is one of the loudest and as we leave, the
staff is happy to see the back of us. Corban pays for everything, and let’s just say the wine isn’t cheap. I may have had too much of it. I stumble out to the footpath with Corban quickly catching my arm before I take a dive onto the pavement. Like usual, it’s always me falling on my butt.

I notice Mum clinging to Dad’s arm. She looks a bit seedy as well. I’ve never seen my mum like this; it’s quite entertaining. I smile at the image in front of me. I bet she will be hurting tomorrow. Why
is it the boys don’t seem affected? Rachel looks to be okay, as well, but I can see it in her glassy eyes that she has had a few as well. I’m sure she will recover just fine.

Jonas pulls up and we all pile in again, laughing and being loud. Dad and Axel are being the loudest. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but I think Axel is trying to talk Dad into getting a tattoo.
Yeah, like hell that will happen.
I’m sure Mum would tear him another breathing hole if he ever did.

I rest my head on
Corban’s shoulder, taking in the scene before me. These people are my family. I have the most beautiful parents who love me for who I am. I have the best friends who are always here for me to cheer me up and support me. And now I have the love of my life, who has promised to always be here for me, love me, and one day make me all of his. How did I get to be so lucky?


Abby, if you’re listening, I love you. You will always be my best friend and sister. I know you aren’t here anymore and I hope you can hear me wherever you are. I always see your smile when I close my eyes and I know that’s you letting me know you’re okay. You will never be forgotten. You are my past and Corban is my present and future. I no longer feel lost. I’m surrounded by love and I feel you with me everywhere I go. I love you.




After dropping Rach and Axel back at their place, we take Mum and Dad back to their five-star hotel. They’re living in luxury. I don’t know how to ever repay Corban for paying for everything for them. I know he would never accept anything, which makes it hard.

I close my eyes with my head resting on
Corban’s lap and my legs resting across the seat. Corban runs his fingers through my hair. It feels amazing. It’s my all-time favourite thing in the world for someone to play with my hair. I moan, letting him know I like it; plus, I’m feeling really tired and I don’t think I can move my lips to make a coherent sentence.

The car comes to a stop a lot sooner than I expected.

“We’re home, beautiful.” I look up a little confused and realise we are at his place.

He climbs out and waits for me, extending his hand to me. I take it, and my body feels like a dead weight. I’m that tired. He pulls me to him, says a goodnight to Jonas, and we head up to his apartment.

Walking into his large, spacious apartment, I see a small suit case sitting in the doorway.

You planning on running away?” I smile looking up at him.

Never…that has your clothes in it. I asked Rachel to pack a few things and Jonas brought them over when we were at dinner.” Oh, that’s thoughtful; although, I would be happy with just one of his shirts.

“Good thinking, handsome.” I lean up and kiss him.

He pulls me around to the front of him, embracing me while his mouth massages mine. His tongue dances in my mouth. I’m suddenly wide awake, taking his passionate kiss in every way I can.

“Let’s get you out of this dress…as beautiful as it is, I’ve been dying to see what’s underneath,” he says as a low growl rises in his chest. In a swift move, I’m in his arms. I scream from shock and he laughs at me. I try giving him my dirtiest look for frightening me and lightly punch his chest while shaking my head.

He walks me down the small hall to the door at the end…his room. Memories of the last time I was in that room come flooding back. That was before he declared his love for me. Now there is love pouring from our hearts for each other.

We walk in and it smells like his cologne. His king-size, dark wooden-framed bed is made all neat and proper. I’m sure he has a maid, but he has never told me.

We walk over to the bed and he throws me down, not so politely, and quickly lays down beside me, scooping me into his arms and kissing me hard. His hand runs from my butt up to behind my neck. He grabs the top of my zip and undoes my dress. My hands roam over his clothed body.

“I think you need to lose some of your clothes before I lose mine,” I breathe while he busies himself placing kisses along my neck and collar bone causing goose bumps to rise on my sensitive skin.

He moves and I’m looking into his crystal blues. He has this heart pounding effect on me that makes me feel like my heart is in my throat. Every time I see him, it does a dance, which sets the butterflies off. He sits back and undoes his shirt, our eyes never leaving the other’s. Once his shirt is off, I sit up and place myself on his lap, one leg on either side of his body.

My fingers trace over every curve and enjoy the feel of his skin rising with goose bumps from my touch. I rest my hand over his heart and it beats as erratic as my own. It makes me happy
knowing I have this effect on him. His eyes are closed as he’s taking in the moment. I kiss him softly and push him back onto the bed.

I lean down to him, but trying to tease him, I keep my body off his.

“What are you doing?” he asks, in his voice husky.

“What do you mean?” I ask innocently, trying to hide the smile on my face. He laughs, wrapping his arms around me, and pulling me firmly to him.

There is no better feeling than skin-to-skin. His warmth caresses my body.

“I love you so much,
Melodi,” he breathes into my neck as he flips us over and I’m on my back. Hearing him repeat those magical words will never get boring to me. They are the song to my heart.

We spend the night wrapped up, or should I say tangled, in the sheets making
. It’s such a new experience to make love to that person who wants to be with you forever. Even though there is no ring on the magical finger, I still have a promise ring and a promise from the man I love dearly who holds my heart in his hands.


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Waking up in the arms of Corban is a perfect way to start a hard day. Today is the day we lost Abby. A sense of loss comes to the forefront of my thoughts. We usually go visit her grave, but since we are in New York, that won’t happen. I lay beside Corban listening to his breathing. It’s calming compared to the raging seas I feel within me.

I still need to tell
Corban about douche bag. I know I shouldn’t be worried about what Corban thinks, but I don’t want him to worry constantly about me. I will tell him tomorrow. I want today to be about family and he is a part of that now. I slide out of bed to use the bathroom. He stays asleep while I escape and relieve myself.

Once finished, I go to the kitchen searching the fridge for some juice. I pour myself a glass and find my bag with my phone in it. Looking at the screen, I have a missed call from Mum and Dad and a few messages from
Rach, Blake, and some unknown number.

I ring Mum back and we make plans for today to go to Central Park and do the balloon thing and have lunch with some shopping afterwards. After I hang up, I check the messages.



Hey, Melodi, just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and your family on this day. I’m here if you ever need anything.


Oh, isn’t he sweet. Why couldn’t my sister meet someone like him?



Thinking of you today.
Just want you to know you’re like a sister to me (more than my own blood sister) xo


Oh, I love this girl. I quickly reply.


Thanks, lovely. Right back at you. We are heading to Central Park today at about lunch time. Then going to lunch and shopping. You’re welcome to join us if you want?


I then go to the unknown number message. I read the first line and my hands begin to shake with fear. My pounding chest can be heard in my ears. I’m sure the colour has drained from my face.


I know your sister is still alive. She has deceived everyone and I plan to find her. I know you know where she is. I want answers. If I don’t get the answers I want, expect the unexpected.


Jacob. That’s the only person who it could be.
How the hell did he get my number?
He seems to know everything about me. The fear that’s now instilled in me has set my warm blood to ice cold. I sit on the lounge and shiver with fear like a little kid scared of a spider.

This is so much more. How can he know Abby is still alive? He was the one who took her from me. Has he lost the plot? I need to tell someone, but who will believe me. I’m sure
Corban would, but what can he do but comfort me and be here for me.

I quickly send a text to him.


Blake, I had this message this morning from an unknown number. I will copy and paste it here for you to read. I think it’s him. I don’t know how he keeps finding out all these details about me. I’m scared, not just for me, but for my family and friends.


I copy and paste the message to him and wait. I need to get up and do something, anything to take my mind off it until I hear from Blake. I decide to cook a breakfast in bed for my man.

I search the kitchen for all the things I need to make bacon and eggs with toast. As I busy myself, my thoughts keep turning back to the text message. As I stand at the stove waiting for the bacon to finish, hands wrap around my waist, startling me and causing me to jump a mile high.

“Oh, hell, you scared the crap out of me,” I laugh nervously. Turning to face him, I see his hair all messy and he looks delectable. I press my lips to his. There’s that lime cordial flavour again. “

“What’s that for?”

I suddenly feel silly for making that noise. “Oh, I…When I first kissed you in the club that night, you tasted like lime cordial and just now again…It’s my favourite.” I shrug, making light of the moment.

He grins. “Want to taste some more?”

Without responding, I pull him to me, taking in his taste. Our hands become busy again and my temperature rises with each kiss and touch.

My phone beeps, startling me. I step back, and tripping over my feet, I place my hand on the stove to stop myself and end up burning my hand on the hot fry pan. Pain shoots up my arm and I cry out in agony.

“Damn you! Friggin’ hell!” I yell, pushing past Corban to the sink. I run my hand under cold water. It feels better right away, but I know once I take my hand away it will sting again.

“Baby, are you all right?”
Corban’s concerned voice fills my ears. I have tears welling in my eyes. The pain is unbearable, like a seven to eight out of ten for pain. I didn’t think I had my hand on there that long. As I look at the burn, I can already see it starting to blister.

“Oh, I’m so stupid,” I say, angry at myself for my stupidity, but the main thing is that message. I know it could be Blake with some answers or something. That frightens me more.

“Come on, let’s go raid the first-aid kit in my bathroom.” He soaks a tea towel and wraps my hand in it and we walk down the hall to his bathroom. My tears silently fall from pain, or fear. I’m not sure.

takes care of me while I sit silently watching him. His hands gently put burn cream on and bandage up my hand. Once he finishes, he places a small kiss on top of my bandage. I return his affection with a weak smile.

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