The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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My chest becomes tight and my breath fails me. He spots me and a cruel, evil smile spreads across his face. How does he know my car? I didn’t think he had seen me yesterday. Wasn’t I wrong!

He approaches me with his hands in his pockets. My chest is pounding with fear and hatred. Can I feel those both at once? I want to show him he doesn’t scare me, but it’s a little late for that. I know he can see it streaked across my face. What do I do? Run? Talk to him?

“Hello, you…” he sneers at me in disgust. “So you’re the reason they didn’t take my family’s company on?” He stops in front of me, looking me over with his green eyes, which makes me feel dirty all over. I feel the need to scrub every inch of myself.

My mouth won’t function and my fists begin to clench at my sides. He is standing inches from me. I can smell his foul breath, instantly making me want to gag. He doesn’t look smart like he did yesterday in the office. No suit and cleanly brushed hair, just jeans with tears in them, a plain black shirt, and messy hair. Yesterday was just another fake image of his. The only thing people need to know about this foul man standing before me is he is a woman basher and a killer.

“What do you want?” I jeer at him when the feeling finally comes back to my feet and tongue. Rage is slowly building within me. I take a step back, but he proceeds to come at me until I’m up against the wall of the building. With nowhere else to go, I stand up right in the face of danger. I do it for all the times Abby couldn’t or wouldn’t. I won’t allow him to push me around like he did her.

“Well, I wanted to know the real reason behind why Case Constructions couldn’t take us on. Can you imagine the surprise I got when I saw you walk out of the office yesterday all upset?” He is right in my face, and I can feel his breath on me. Even a fleck of spit flies on my cheek, giving me the urge to quickly swipe it away. I need to get out of this situation and leave quickly. The swarm of emotions coursing through me ranges from fear, to anger, to ready to cry at any moment, but then I remind myself not to let this man reign over me as he probably has with every woman he has ever come in contact with in his lifetime.

What can I do? He has me pinned up against the wall with no escape. I can’t even get to my phone to call Blake. “Look, if you don’t back up, I will ring the police.” I get up my courage and forcefully push him back from me, putting distance between us.

The other people on the street look, but don’t stop to help. What is with these people? Can’t they see a bad situation when it’s right in front of them? I open my mouth to call out for help. But his laugh cuts me off sending chills through me.
Please, someone help me
, I beg and silently hope I get out of this. “Go on, ring them. See if I care.”

“I never told them not to take your company on. It has nothing to do with me who they take,” I talk really fast as if I’m running a marathon with my words.

“Sure. I decided to follow Mr Andrews yesterday, and boy, was I shocked to see him come out of your apartment building this morning.” My blood runs cold with anxiety.
He knows where I live!

I’m lost for words, and no matter how much I want to stand up to this man, my fear of what he could do frightens me to the pit of my stomach. I think I’m going to be sick. Perhaps being sick all over
him might not be such a bad idea. At least it would get me out of here and I can run to my car. Ideas keep smashing through my head.

Just as I’m about to speak, a man comes out of nowhere, pushing Jacob away from me and slamming him against the wall right beside me. I look over to see a police officer pinning him face first against the wall. The way he’s pressing his head hard up to the wall, I’m sure it’s abuse on the officer’s behalf, but I couldn’t care less. He can hurt the bastard for all I care, kill him even.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jacob yells at Blake, who is standing there red-faced with anger at the man before him. His gaze is a burning flame, and I can sense all his hate and aggression toward Jacob. My insides sigh in relief from Blake showing up.

“You looked to be harassing this young lady here. Was he harassing you, miss?” Blake looks to me, his eyes glancing over me to verify nothing on me was harmed.

“Umm…” I’m not sure how to answer. I don’t want to throw more fuel on the fire.

“No, I wasn’t harassing her. We were having words. We are friends from way back.” The look in his eyes is evil as he stares at me as though I’m a piece of rotten meat that needs to be thrown out to the feral cats for them to tear to shreds.

I say nothing, but I’m sure the look on my face is enough for Blake to go on. I look into his green eyes and he knows. He can see the pleading in mine. He turns back to the waste of space he is holding against the wall.

“Well, you better steer clear of her because if I catch you near her again, you will find yourself thrown in a new lot of trouble.” Blake releases him, and Jacob shrugs him off, flicking him away.

“See you later, Mel-O-di,” he sneers at me. He looks dangerous and the evil in his stare speaks volumes. What am I going to do? He knows where I live, where I work, and what car I drive.

I watch him walk away without looking back. As he turns the corner, I collapse to the ground, an emotionally drained wreck. Blake rushes to my side, evaluating me. His arms wrap around my shoulders as he gently pulls me to him, calming me. I put everything I can into not breaking down in his arms.

“Are you okay?” His voice is soft and full of worry as he takes my hand, comforting me more. My breathing slowly returns to normal and my heart rate comes down to its regular pace.

I stay sitting on the ground until I know my legs can hold me. Perhaps I should go back up to
Corban, so he can take me home.

“He knows where I work,
where I live, and what car I drive,” I breathe, trying not to let my nerves get the better of me. I really wanted to prove to myself how strong I am, but the moment I needed that courage, it failed me. I failed Abby and myself.

“What!” Blake yells, releasing me and practically jumping to his feet, storming around in a circle. He is seriously pissed.

I finally decide it’s time to get up. Blake spots me and assists me by taking my arm and lifting me. My legs feel steady enough and my nerves are slowly adjusting back to normal.

“Look, I need to go. I don’t need my boyfriend to see me here in this state, or he will flip.” I walk toward my car with Blake right beside me, ready to help if needed.

“You need to be very careful. Is there anyone who could live with you for a little while or anywhere you can stay?” he asks. He is dead serious.

“I know. I’ll figure something out. I’m going home this weekend, so I’ll be with Mum and Dad.”

“Please, put my number in your phone and anytime you need me, ring no matter what. I won’t fail you like I failed Abby.” He hangs his head in shame for something he could not help. I know exactly how he feels, because I have felt like that since losing her.

“Don’t think like that. I promise I’ll figure something out,” I assure him, gently rubbing his arm in comfort. Our eyes meet and I see sadness and loss, but I also sense he is hiding something, but I can’t be sure what or who it relates to. Did Abby mean more to him than he let on all those years ago? And why is he here? How did he know I was in trouble?

So many questions and I wonder if I will ever get those answers, but right now, I need to go home and lock myself away for a few hours before Corban comes to get me. Plus, I still feel the need to sit in the shower and scrub every inch of me to erase his scent and spit off me, Just the thought of its presence turns my stomach into a gymnasium.

“Please do. I’m here if you ever need anything,” he assures me again.

We say our good byes and I drive home. Tears don’t fall, but I know they will soon. I don’t want to cry again. Damn it! I need to be stronger!


Chapter Twenty-Three

As soon as I walk in the door, I lock it and collapse in a heap on the floor. My body is weak from the shock of what happened. I can’t bring myself to get up, so I lay on the nice, cool floor, not knowing what to do next. Do I tell Corban?

I close my eyes and Abby’s face is there staring back at me, smiling a peaceful smile. She is happy wherever she is. Is there a heaven? Will I see her again in the next life if there is one?

I feel a burning in my throat as I scream as loud as I can, not caring if the neighbours hear me. My heart hurts along with the searing pain in my throat. I’m petrified for my life. I was so lucky Blake somehow came to my rescue.

I lay here on my comfy, cool spot on the floor, unable to move. I know I need to move, but I can’t. After some time, a loud knock at the door startles me and my heart jumps into my throat. Is it
My blood runs cold with fear.

voice echoes through the door, “Melodi? Are you there?” I release the breath I didn’t realise I was holding.

I get on my hands and knees, holding onto the doorframe for support. Pulling myself up, I know I need to tell him, but maybe after the dinner tonight. I don’t want anything to wreck this evening. I dust myself off and wipe my face. I’m hoping he doesn’t notice anything.

I pull the door open and there stands the sunshine that lights up my soul on a rainy day, like today. He is in his black suit pants and his white shirt, but he has removed his tie and rolled up his sleeves. He looks delicious enough to eat. My heart is in my smile as I push this afternoon’s event into the back of my mind for later tonight. I still need to tell him about Blake as well.

“Hey,” I greet him. He looks at me with a worried look on his face. He takes in my attire and I realise I’m not dressed for tonight. “Sorry, I fell asleep when I got home and you just woke me up. I won’t be too long,” I assure him as I race to my room on weak, wobbly knees, trying to stay upright.

Corban follows, and before I get a chance to go digging in my cupboard, he scoops me up in his arms. I immediately melt into them. Hearing his heart beating steadily instantly calms me. He tilts my chin and I am lost in his ocean blue depths. He leans in, his lips brushing mine, causing them to light up with a tingling sensation from the feather light touch. I ache for more.

I take his face in my hands and pull him to me, kissing him as though his kisses are what I need to survive. Our desire builds and our bodies heat up at the intensity of our kiss. I don’t want it to end. He completes me in a way I never imagined would ever happen for me.

He pulls back and I’m lost. “Wow…that was some kiss.” I know he felt my need, my urgency for him. He keeps me grounded.

“I know,” I whisper, placing a small kiss to his lips before I step back to get ready. He tightens his grip on me, holding me securely, and that’s all I need. A tear slides down my cheek, and I try to quickly wipe it away before he notices.

“Are you okay, beautiful? You seem quiet, and while I didn’t mind that sexy kiss we just had, it felt like there was more to it.” His questioning eyes burn into mine. He can read me like a book. I don’t think I can ever keep something from him.

“Yeah, I’m okay, but when we get home, I need to tell you a few things.” Taking a deep breath, I give him a quick smile and pull out of his grip to go get dressed or we will be late.

Unease is in all the concerned creases on his beautiful face. I know he wants details now, but he won’t push the issue, which I’m grateful for.

“It’s okay. I promise everything is okay. I just don’t want to ruin the night,” I assure him to put his mind at ease.

I strip my dress off in front of him, trying to distract him from what I’ve just said. A cheeky smile wipes across his face, which quickly turns to burning desire. He begins to come at me, a tiger stalking his prey. I hold my hands up, placing them on his firm chest, stopping him in his tracks.

“Nope, I don’t think so or we won’t get to your parents’ tonight,” I giggle, surprised I’m standing here in my lacy underwear in front of him.

“Oh, come on now, that’s called teasing.” He stalks toward me, a playful, a glint in his eyes and a devilishly, drop-dead gorgeous smile on his lips. I back up in to the closet with him inches from me. My heart is pounding as his hands wrap around my bare waist, sending goose bumps over my body. I can feel myself wanting to give into the desires of my body.

His body crashes to mine as he pins me against the wall. Everything within me is screaming at him to touch me. As if he reads my thoughts, he strips me of what remaining clothes I have.

We continue kissing and devouring each other until we reach our points of pleasure, calling out each other’s names with such longing as passion envelopes us.

He sets me on my feet,
steadying me. “Wow…” I breathe. “That was amazing.” I gift him with a wicked smile and another kiss.

“I know…I can’t seem to get enough of you. I want as much of you as you will allow me to have. I have never felt this way before…for anyone.” His hand cups my cheek and I feel myself falling in love with this man. As my gaze locks with his, I can sense he feels the same. He has locked my heart to his and thrown away the key. I want no other man in my life. But now I have to worry for his safety as well as my own. What do I do?

I push him back. “Now I need to get ready. It looks like we
late.” I smile as he fixes himself up and gives me another kiss before walking out, leaving me standing bare in the closet.

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