The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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She gestures to herself.
“Me…Nosey Parker? I think not,” she says as though shocked at my accusation. “I heard a scream and thought I should move closer just in case I needed to intervene or to block the entrance if someone came into the office,” she innocently replies, batting her eyes. I’ve never noticed until now, but she and Corban have the exact same eyes.

“Whatever,” I
reply, rolling my eyes at her and shooing her out of my seat and back to her desk.


Chapter Nineteen

Sitting at the table with Flick and Rachel is interrogation central. If it’s not Rachel asking the questions, it’s Flick. I think it’s just plain weird how Rachel wants details when it’s her brother. When I voice my concern, she replies with, “Oh, when you tell me, I ignore it’s my brother. I picture some other random.”

Shaking my head at her answer, I reply with, “You better not let your brother hear you say that. He might hate you for picturing me with another guy.” All of us burst out laughing.

I’m sure the others customers are sick of us being so loud, but, hey, we don’t care. If they have a problem, they can leave. Well, except in the case where the owner comes up and tell us to leave. Hopefully, that doesn’t happen.

My phone goes off just as I take another bite of my delicious burger. I scramble though my bag in search of it. Looking, I see
Corban’s name flashing across the screen.

“Hello?” I answer excitedly.

“Melodi, I need you to come back to the office. I have a client and I can’t find the files needed.” His voice sounds professional and slightly panicked.

“Oh, yeah, all right, I’m leaving now.” I don’t give him a chance to reply. I hang up, gather my things together, get my lunch in a to-go box, and bid the girls farewell. They aren’t happy I’m leaving, and Rachel offers to go instead, but since I’m going away next week, I need to step things up a bit before I go.

As I power walk back to the office as fast as my heels allow, my phone sounds off again. Without looking at the screen, I answer it. “Hello?”

Mum’s voice rings in my ear, “Hello, darling, how are you?”

I sigh inwardly, knowing it’s been a while since I contacted her. I should know better.

“Oh, hey, Mum.” My breathing is fast as my legs pump quickly.

Mum picks up on my hastiness. “You okay, honey? Why are you out of breath?”

“Sorry, Mum, I’m trying to get back to the office to help the boss find some files.”

“Oh, okay, sweetheart. Will you call me later with your flight details for this weekend?”

“Sure thing, Mum.
Sorry I can’t talk to you more, but I promise to call tonight when I finish work.” I feel terrible and I would love to fill her in on everything that’s been going on with me, but it will have to wait for later.

“Okay, sounds good; talk to you then. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mum.” I hang up, placing the phone back in my bag, and continue my power walk.

I look down for a split second, and as I look back up, I slam straight into something or someone in blue. I’m quickly caught before landing on my ass and flashing myself to the world around me.

“Are you all right, miss?” I steady myself and look up in to bright green, familiar eyes. I’ve seen these eyes years ago on a handsome, young man in police uniform. He seems to be as taken aback by the sight of me, as I am with him.

Uhh…yeah, sorry, I looked away for a second. This seems to be how I run into guys lately,” I laugh nervously.

“You look very familiar. Have we met?” The look in his eyes says he knows exactly who I am, but he’s playing coy with me. His gaze dances over me.

This is the police officer who tried to help Abby, and here he is right in front of me three years later. Why is he in New York?

“Yes, I know you, and I’m sure you remember me as well.” I pause as the look on his face changes from strained to a little relaxed, but I’m not sure why, though.

“Yes, I just didn’t want to look like a fool in case you didn’t remember me.” He smiles his bright whites at me. I would recognise those emerald eyes anywhere, and I will never forget the guy who sought us out to tell us he tried to help my sister.

I can understand that. How have you been?” We’re standing in the street, and I realise he still has a hold of my hand. I quickly take my hand from his, but in a gentle way as to not come across as rude.

“Yeah, pretty good, thanks.
How about you?”

“Not too bad. Just moved here about a month ago,
ya know, starting new and everything.” I don’t know why I feel shy speaking to him. This is our first actual conversation, since he did all the talking last time.

“That’s really good.” I notice his eyes never leave mine. Then off goes my bloody phone again and my mind clicks into action.
CRAP! Corban needs help!

When I answer, he is screeching like a panicked person. “Yes, I know. I’m sorry. I will be there in a tick,” I try to placate him, feeling his annoyance through the phone.

“I rang you over twenty minutes ago, and I still cannot find those files. Hurry up. The client will be here shortly.” Yeah, I’m in trouble. I hang up, not continuing the conversation with him while he’s this worked up. Knowing it’s my fault seriously sucks.

“Sorry, Blake, I have to get back to the office. I think I’m in some trouble.” I smirk, knowing I will melt the hardness of
Corban’s mood when I get the chance.

“Okay, sorry to hold you up. Look, here is my card. If you ever need anything, my
number’s on the back, call me, even if it’s just to catch up. It would be great to get to know you.” His bright smile beams at me. I take the card, thank him, and race off.

I actually run the rest of the way to the office. Thankfully, I don’t fall. I step off the elevator and see
Corban pacing the office in a huff, his face slightly red with anger and annoyance.

“I’m sorry.” I race over, grabbing his arm to try to calm him. He jerks away from me and I step back in fear. I hope he would never hurt me, but still it frightens m
e seeing him in this state. “Wh...Whose file are you after?” I proceed with the business at hand.

“Mr Chase’s files.
He changed his appointment and will be here in the next few minutes.” As if on cue, the elevator alerts us to our clients. I look up and see an elderly gentleman with a younger guy assisting him off the elevator.

My hea
rt falters at the sight before me. My blood runs cold and I can’t speak. I can only stare at the nightmare walking toward me. Fear clutches my heart with its tight grip.

Melodi, speak to me. You’ve lost all colour in your face and I’m worried.” Corban stands right in front of me, blocking my view of
Jacob Smith.

I need to run. I can’t be here, but my feet are grounded and my tongue is too heavy to even get a word out. Grabbing my shoulders,
Corban shakes some sense into me. I blink multiple times, glancing into Corban’s worried face.

“The files are on Rachel’s desk,” I announce, and without another word, I literally run from the room, barely making it to the bathroom before bringing up all my lunch. I violently shake all over, unable to control it. Why of all places in the city did he have to walk into my work place and disrupt my life again?

I know my reaction has caused Corban to worry once again, but I didn’t know what else to do. I can only hope Jacob didn’t see me. What would I do if he had? Could I punch him again? Hmm…no, I don’t think that would go down well in the work place. I know I’ll need to tell Corban something, but I have no idea what. The truth.

What if he thinks I’m just being silly and only thought I’d seen him? I know it was him. How could I forget that face, the face of the man who killed my sister?

I don’t think I can bring myself to tell Mum and Dad. If they knew he was here and near me, they would surely make me come home or something equally drastic. I’ll need to remember to keep myself well hidden when they have appointments.

I’m sitting on the floor of the cubical when I hear the door open.

“Mel, are you in here?” Rachel’s calming tone emanates through the bathroom.

I gather my courage, pick myself up off the floor, and step out into the arms of Rachel. I can’t hold back any longer. The tears flow and they flow hard. They are tears of fear at seeing that man again and of sadness for the loss of my beautiful sister.

When the tears begin to slow and I’m finally able to speak again, I look at Rach and see worry filling her blue eyes.

“I…I’m sorry,
Rach.” I grab a bit of tissue, wiping away these pesky tears that continue to flow.

“You want to tell me about it? I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I want you to know you can trust me. Whatever it is, I promise it’s safe with me.” She rubs my arms in comfort.

I nod at her, wiping away more tears. They just keep dripping like a leaking tap. “The thing is, I
a sister, Abby, and the young man in with Corban right now, is the man who killed her. He is her ex-boyfriend.” I stop, taking a large breath. Rachel’s face is one of shock. Her mouth hanging open and her eyes look as if they might pop out of her head.

I continue, “There was a court hearing and he got let off because there wasn’t enough evidence. Her body was never found, so my family and I haven’t had the closure we would like.” The waterworks start again, uncontrollably.

I began struggling to breathe. My chest is heavy with burdens of the past. My head begins feeling light, like I’m floating. I need to get myself in order before this panic attack takes full control and I pass out.

Out of nowhere I feel warm, familiar arms surround me from behind.
Corban is here, trying to calm me, and whispering sweet words. His tender words lift the weight off my chest. I turn myself in his arms, inhaling his aroma. He gently sways me never releasing or loosening his grip around me.

My inner turmoil calms and the profuse shaking
subsides, but I’m unsure if my legs would hold me up. Corban is my support and my constant.

Ahh…aren’t we in the ladies’ room?” I question him, slightly confused and amused. How long have I been in here?

He chuckles, while raising his hand to wipe away my remaining tears, and giving me a feather light kiss on my cheek.

“Never mind that. Are you okay?” Worry is written all over his face.

Did he hear my conversation with Rachel? “Wait, where is Rachel?”

“She left when I came. She looks like a mess now as well. What did you say to her?” So, he didn’t hear it. Relief floods me, but at the same time, I need to explain myself.

“Will you come around tonight? I don’t want to go into things here and have another breakdown.” He nods, accepting my answer. I’m sure he will have plenty of questions later. “Umm…what happened to your meeting?” I hesitantly ask.

“They’re still here. Rachel is getting coffees for them, and they think I’m getting some files.” My stomach drops; I can’t stay here.

“I can’t stay here. I—”

Corban cuts me off. “It’s okay, beautiful. You go home and rest. I’ll be around after work, and I’ll bring some dinner.” He removes a stray hair from my face before cupping my cheek. I melt into his hand. Closing my eyes, I take the moment in.

He walks me out to my desk, where Rachel is waiting with her bag, as well as mine.

“Where are you going?” I ask, a little confused.

“I have been ordered to stay with you for the rest of the day.” She smiles at me, trying to cheer me up. I look at
Corban and he nods in answer to the question I didn’t need to ask. He’s asked Rachel to stay with me. How did I get so lucky meeting this wonderful guy? Maybe I should pinch myself and make sure it really isn’t a dream.

“You go with Rachel, and I’ll see you later.” Our lips meet briefly before he walks into his meeting with that scumbag. The fear draining from me is replaced with hate, pure and utter hatred for the person who caused my family so much grief. If I could, or was game enough, I would go give him another broken nose. I smirk at my thought; maybe one day I will get that chance.


Chapter Twenty

Rachel and I spend the afternoon back at my place, stuffing our faces with as much fatty food as we can. Chocolates, sodas, popcorn, a few tequila shots, and we have a party happening! Okay, maybe the shots were a bad idea, but I seriously needed some numbing.

Six o’clock rolls around and there is a sharp knock at the door, startling us into fits of laughter. I answer it to a stone-faced Corban who looks pissed.

I can’t help but ignore the face and be a smartarse. “What’s happening, baby?” I wrap my arms around his neck, placing small kisses on his lips. He isn’t in a good mood, so he is barely kissing me back.

“What, you can’t even answer my calls or messages, but you can sit here and get drunk off your arse? Where’s Rachel?” He storms passed me. I stand here taking in the sight of his tight suit pants.
Hello sexy!

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