The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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He places me back on my unsteady feet before grabbing the body wash and wiping me over with his magical hands. I wish we didn’t have to work today so we could spend the day just being together.
Crap, work! What’s the time?

“We need to get to work,” I panic. He stops what he is doing and smiles his heart-melting smile.

“It’s okay, beautiful, there is plenty of time. We got up at six thirty, so it can’t be too late now. Stop stressing. I don’t think your boss will mind,” he chuckles, kissing my cheek before stepping out and wrapping a towel around his waist.

I’m sure I could catch flies with my mouth hanging open as it is right now. I’ve seen him naked, yes, but naked and wet.
Oh, my goodness!
I think I just died and went straight to heaven.
Snap out of it, crazy girl!
I mentally slap myself out of my stalker-like state before he catches me. 

Going back into my room wrapped in my towel, I begin my search for something to wear. I think I need to go shopping again. I’m sure Mum and I will go this weekend.
Oh, no! I forgot to call Mum last night.
I snatch up my phone, speed dialling her number.

“Hello?” Mum’s happy, chirpy voice comes though the speaker phone as I place it on my chest of drawers while I continue my search.

“Mum, it’s me. Sorry I didn’t ring last night. A lot happened yesterday and I don’t really want to fill you in on the phone, but I’ll tell you when I get there this weekend,” I spew my words out without taking a breath. I’m worried she’s mad at me for not calling.

“It’s okay, honey. I understand, but
is everything okay?” Her voice is full of concern.

“Yeah, Mum, it’s all good, I promise. How are you and Dad going?” I finally find a plain black, fitted dress and search for my strappy, red flats. After my attempt at running in heels yesterday, I’ve decided I won’t be wearing them again in a hurry.

“We’re doing well. We’re excited to see you this weekend. We’ve missed you.”

“I know. I’ve missed you both, as well, so much.” As I finish my sentence,
Corban comes in after taking a business call in the lounge room and practically announces he is here with me.

“Hey, beautiful—” I begin waving my arms in the air trying to cut him off, but I know it’s too late. Mum heard him.

“Who is that, Melodi?” Her tone is harsh. I look at Corban and give him a playful glare, letting him know he is in trouble once this call is over. The grin on his face is priceless, like he planned the whole thing.
What a douche!
I take my phone off speaker, pressing it to my ear. I don’t want douche to hear what Mum has to say. She can be pretty nasty when she wants to.

“Umm…just a friend,” I reply innocently, secretly hoping she might let it slide. Knowing her though, that won’t happen. How am I going to get out of explaining myself to her in front of

“Don’t give me that rubbish, young lady. Now spill quickly before your father comes back and wants to talk to you.” She sounds excited to hear the news. Do I tell her everything?

No better not. “He is just a friend, Mum.” I sigh because it’s the truth. We haven’t spoken about a relationship.

She cuts me off, “What’s his name?” Now the twenty questions begin.

I let out a sigh, knowing full well I have to tell her everything now. “His name is Corban Andrews. I met him over a week ago, and he’s my boss.” Let’s see how she likes them apples.

I hear her suck in a breath in shock. “Oh, my…
Melodi, you think that’s a smart idea getting involved with your boss?”

“I don’t know what it is right now, Mum. I met him before I even knew he was my boss.”

“Oh…” Mum breaks out in a giggling fit.
What just happened?
“Well, I bet that was a shock, hey?” She continues to laugh.

I laugh with her as I sit on the bed, putting my shoes on.
“Yeah, very much a shock.”

“He better
be treating you right, because if I have another case like your sister on my hands, I will be the one breaking someone’s nose.” I stop dead in my tracks. Never in my life have I ever heard Mum be aggressive toward someone. It’s not something you would expect to hear from your normally polite mother.

After everything she has been through, I understand.

“It’s okay, Mum. He seems to be a good one. You know me, I’m very guarded about this kind of thing.”

“I know, honey, but I can’t help but worry.” I get all warm and fuzzy within at the strong, caring woman I have in my life.

“I know, Mum, and I appreciate it.” My voice cracks and I continue tying the straps up on my shoes. Corban’s arm wraps around my shoulders, and he kisses my forehead. He’s letting me know he is here for me, and I am ever so grateful for him being here.

“All right, honey, your father wants a quick word. I’ll talk to you later. Oh, what time does your flight get in?”

“About ten thirty, if the plane is on time.”

“Okay, we will be there waiting. Have a good day, sweetheart. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mum.” With that, she hands the phone over to Dad, who is his usual happy and cheerful bloke.

“Hey, honey,” his loud boisterous voice yells over the phone, making me laugh.

“Hey, Dad,” I giggle

“What’s been going on?”

“Not a lot, just work and hanging with friends. You know, the usual.”

“Good job, now just stay away from boys and you will make me a happy man,” he laughs. Is he serious? I wonder how he would go if I ever introduce him to
Corban, who is still sitting beside me.

Ahh…what?” I have no words.

“It’s okay if you meet a guy, but he needs to meet me first and get my approval before he can date you.”

I laugh. It’s like I’m in high school all over again. “You do realise I’m not a little girl anymore?”

“I know, but I want to meet anyone you date, and that’s that, sweetheart.” He is firm with his demand.

“Okay, Dad. Well, I better get going. I have to finish getting ready for work. Would hate for my
to be mad at me.” I smile, nudging Corban, who has been very silent since walking back into the room.

“All righty, sweetheart, will see you this weekend. Take care, love you.”

“Yep, will do. See you then. Love you, too.” I hang up, letting out a huge sigh of relief.

“Your parents are very protective, aren’t they?”
Corban queries.

“Yeah, it’s how they are with me now. Mum wants all the details and Dad wants to meet the guys before I date them.” I release another long-winded sigh. “I guess it’s a good thing we aren’t anything formal then. Hey, at least you won’t need to meet Dad.”
Corban sits there in silence, releasing my hand. 

“I better go and leave you to get ready. I need to go get changed.” He seems unhappy about something and I can only think I have said something to upset him, but what?

“Are you okay, did I say something wrong?” I ask, unable to hide the worry in my voice. Fear of getting my heart broken sets in. How could I be so silly as to think he would want anything solid with me? I’m probably just another notch in his belt of ladies.

“No, I just have a busy morning. I better go.” He pecks me on the lips and leaves me standing all alone in my room. Alone, emptiness spreads through me. I can’t let this fear bring me down. I’ve been on my own for ages, and the moment this guy comes and sweeps me off my feet, I allow myself to fall and fall hard. I am a bigger person. I won’t allow myself to feel alone and I won’t allow whatever is going through
Corban’s head right now bring me down. I can only hope we’re still good and he will snap out of whatever mood he is in.

I finish getting ready, have a light breakfast, and then set off for another day. I wonder what will happen with Jacob. I can’t allow that man to fester under my skin again. It’s taken me three years to finally get over the past and begin to accept reality. I will always love Abby and her memory will live on through me. I’ll have all of our memories to make me smile, and even cry at times.

I will live my life and make it a good one. If it includes Corban, then that will be fantastic, but if it doesn’t, I’ll still find a way to be happy. He could be my happily ever after, and I secretly hope he is. He makes me smile and has, somehow, pulled me though the darkness that was surrounding me and brought me into a bright world full of light. As bad as it was seeing Jacob yesterday, it has put me in a place where I can now get on with things. He won’t ever bring me down again.


Chapter Twenty-Two

The day has been a busy one, and Corban and I have hardly spoken, except for a few things he has asked me to do. Since this morning, he has been acting weird, but I’m not too sure why? As the day draws to a close, I decide to face him and see what’s going on. Even Rachel has noticed something is weird. When she asked me, I had no answer for her, so she has told me to go slap some sense into him.

I stand in the doorway and watch him looking over files. He hasn’t noticed me yet, and I can see his brow is furled in concentration.

“Excuse me…” He looks up and a smile reaches his eyes, telling me he must be over his little issue. “I just wanted to check if everything between us is okay?” I’m a little hesitant.

“Yes, beautiful. Sorry, I just got worried about a few things this morning, but Rachel, literally, slapped it out of me,” he laughs, rubbing his head.
Note to self, thank Rachel later.
Calm washes over me knowing he is all good about us.

Walking around to me, he places his arms around my waist, pulling me to him and kisses my head. I don’t think I will ever get tired of being near him. His scent surrounds me, and I close my eyes, taking it in as though it’s my life force.

“That’s good. I was beginning to think the dinner tonight at your parents might be a little weird if you were acting crazy,” I laugh.

“No, I can’t wait to introduce you to my family. I know they will like you, but I will warn you now. Athena can be a little full on and protective of family or she can just be a bitch because she is the baby and gets what she wants.”

Great, now I’ll have another hater in the world.

“Oh, okay then. Yay, something to look forward to,” I cheer sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes at me, releasing me and walking back around to his seat behind his large desk.

“You will be all right. I’m sure she will warm up to you.” Sitting down, he grabs another folder to go over, meaning our moment is over.

“All right, do you need anything?” I ask, a little annoyed he brushed me aside like he just did.

“Only you.”
Oh, he melts me like butter when he speaks like that. My previous annoyance vanishing, I become a jittery mess, but I can’t help but smile.

“Well, you have to prove it,” I challenge him.

“Just wait and see, beautiful. You will be swept off your feet in no time.” A glint in his eyes reads, ‘Challenge accepted.’

“Bring it on, hot stuff. Now don’t stomp on my feelings or you’ll know what a broken nose feels like.” I shake my fist at him playfully.

“You go home, and tell Rach she can leave now, as well, since there isn’t much else to do this afternoon. Go get ready and I’ll pick you up after I leave here to go to my parents’.”

“Sounds good.
I’m sure Rach will love an early day. Talk to you later, handsome.” Leaving him to finish his work, I switch my computer off and grab my bag. As I walk to Rach, Corban yells from his office, “Do not drink any alcohol, either of you!” I look at Rach and can see she’s confused about what’s going on.

“He said we can go home early, which is what I was coming to tell you before he yelled that out.” A playful grin, which speaks volumes, grows across her face.

Speaking a little higher than usual, Rachel announces, “Come on, Mel, I know a good bar we can visit.” We snicker between ourselves, waiting for Corban to take the bait.

As Rachel gets her stuff together,
Corban comes over with a stone cold look on his face and my heart stops.
Oh, gee, we have done it now!

“Don’t even think about it, especially after yesterday. I’m actually surprised how you both aren’t affected by the amount of alcohol you both consumed.” I can see the glint of playfulness in his sparkling eyes. He is only having a little fun like with us.

“Yeah, yeah, don’t stress. We’re only kidding,” Rach says, putting his mind at rest.

We say our goodbyes to him and head out the doors, laughing and chatting about how men like to over react. I’m glad she is coming tonight. At least I’ll have her to keep me company if all else fails with her family. I do hope they like me. My heart and soul pleads with the man above. I’m not a religious person, but when the need calls for it, he has never let me down.

We hit the bottom floor and go our separate ways to our cars. Parking and traffic in New York is absolute madness. I thought Philly was bad, but it’s got nothing compare to The Big Apple. As I approach my car, I see someone leaning up against it looking in the opposite direction. He turns in my way and my legs have suddenly grown concrete blocks on my feet. I am unable to move. There, leaning against my car, is
Jacob Smith.

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