The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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I sway my hips while following him. Playfully, I smack his butt as I walk past him after he’s stopped to take in the scene of my living room. Junk and wrappers are everywhere. There are, possibly, two empty bottles of tequila
, and definitely a snickering Rachel on the couch.

“Hey, big bro!
You look pissed.” We piss ourselves with laughter again.

“You were supposed to look after her, not get her drunk.” His tone is full of anger and annoyance as he practically yells at her.

“Oy, don’t blame her. The drinking was my idea, and after you hear what I’m going to tell you, you’re going to need it as well, or you might need to quit your account with Mr Chase.” I hiccup and burp at the same time. Any other time, I would never do this, especially in front of a guy, but in my current state of mind, I couldn’t care less.

“Rachel, do you want me to ring Axel to come get you?”
Corban asks stiffly.

She looks to me for her answer. I shrug. If she wants to stay, she is more than welcome to.

“Nah, I’ll wait for him to ring me. So, what did you get us for dinner?” She shoots up, grabbing the bag from his hand. With a bottle in her other hand, she walks, or should I say stumbles, back to the kitchen. I can’t say I’m much better at walking right now, but hey, it’s me! When have I ever been steady on my feet.

She digs through the bag of what looks like Chin
ese, grabs a plate, and digs in as if she is starving for food. Hmm…she could be. We have only eaten crap today, but after the day I’ve had, I needed it.

I grab the fried rice and a fork, digging in. It tastes delicious as it dances around my mouth, filling my alcohol filled stomach. Heading back to the lounge room, I notice
Corban is hot on my heels, ready to catch me with his quick hands. He knows me too well.

We stuff ourselves with the best Chinese food I have ever had. I decide to stop the shots and just drink water. I know I’ll feel the effects later. We eat in silence, such silence you could hear a pin drop.
Rach and I have sobered up a little, and she decides she better get going and leave us to talk.

When Axel arrives, he is shocked at her state, but just kisses her affectionately. Placing his arm around her for support, they leave wrapped in their love for each other. It’s so sweet.

Corban turns, eyeing me to see if I’m okay. He places his hand on my arm, giving it a rub, one that meant I’m here and ready whenever you are. I take a deep breath and dive into the deep end, telling him my final secret.

“Well, you remember how I told you the other night I have a sister,” he nods in acknowledgment, “well, the truth is,
a sister.” He looks confused, but waits patiently for me to continue. Oh, boy, I think I might need some tissues. I look around for the box I had this afternoon. Once located, I grab a handful and sit back down facing Corban. Worry is set on his face.

I continue with my story. “Well, she died three years ago this coming weekend, which is why I’m going home. Anyway, that man who came into the office today, the young fella,” he nods, taking in all the words leaving my lips, “he was her ex-boyfriend. She disappeared after going to go tell him she was leaving him. There was no body found. To this day, there is still no sign of her. There was blood throughout his apartment, but not enough to say he killed her, well, killed her
, at least.

“There was a court hearing and he was let off for lack of evidence to convict him, but deep down, my family and I know he did it. She would come home with bruises on her face and arms after being with him. We tried to talk to her and get her to leave him, but she wouldn’t listen to us. I guess she was in too deep, but the last night I saw her, she had her heart set on ending it with him. She never came home, and then she was gone.” As I finish my short version of what happened, I’m surprised I’m not crying like a baby.

Glancing up at Corban, I see his jaw tense. His eyes are glazed over and anger is emanating from him. I have no idea what thoughts are running through his mind. We sit in silence for a little while. I don’t want to say anything, just in case he chews my head off or something, so I hold his hand and wait.

I recall in the past when I’ve talked about Abby, I’ve always been a blubbering mess by the end, but tonight was different. I feel like I have finally accepted she is gone and I need to remember the good times and happy moments with her instead of dwelling on the negative things, like not finding closure. I feel somewhat healed, as if all parts of me that
were lost and falling apart have started pulling themselves back together. I believe it is because of the man sitting beside me.

He’s had my whole heart from the very start, and will have it right at the very end. He took a chance on a crazy girl who trips up stairs and slaps him in the heat of the moment. I giggle at the thought. I still can’t believe I did that to him.

“What are you laughing at? I don’t think this is a laughing kind of moment.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him.

Placing a kiss on his cheek, I rest my head against his shoulder. I didn’t think my heart could feel as full as it does. Do I tell him how I feel or wait a bit longer? I know I am falling for him, and falling hard.

“I know this isn’t the time, but since telling you everything already I want you to know…I feel a sense of peace. I’m usually a mess after I tell people, but not a tear tonight, and I think it’s because you have caught me…caught my heart and made it whole once again.” I climb on to his lap, placing my legs on either side of him. Taking his face in my hands, I kiss him so passionately it takes my breath away.

I look into those sky blues and hold his gaze. “You have stuck me back together, which is something I never thought would happen. I have felt broken and lost since losing Abby, but since you weaved your way into my life, you have helped me feel. I never thought I would be able to feel for anyone, because of my fear of men. Even knowing I was in the same room as that vile pig today, I’m at peace and I can begin to gain closure and move on.” I wrap my arms around him, pulling him to me. His embrace tightens around me comforting and supporting me.

“Oh, Melodi, it is you who has helped me. I always thought I was going to be alone. Me being who I am, girls are just after money and power, but with you, I know you are different. You prefer simple things, not extravagance; although, one day soon, I will be lavishing you with beautiful things because you deserve them.”

“I hate gold diggers and you never have to worry about that with me.”

“I know and that’s what I lo—” He clears his throat, trying to hide the last word, which I didn’t quite catch.

“What was that?” I pull back to make sure I’m not smothering him with my hair.

A worried look crosses his face. “Oh, nothing, beautiful. So, what am I to do about that man being my client?” His question halts my thought. I haven’t really given it much thought.

“Hmm…not sure.”

“I don’t think I can continue to have them as clients if this guy…what’s his name?”


“I’m not sure I could keep them as clients if this Jacob is going to be coming to the meetings. That would mean you wouldn’t be able to be there. I think I would rather you there. I will deal with it. Don’t worry, beautiful.” He runs his knuckles down my cheek.

Ya know what? I actually punched him in the nose,” I laugh.

A look of shock comes across
Corban’s face. “What?”

“Yeah, after the court hearing, he was being all smug and an arrogant arse, so I punched him. There was blood everywhere,” I laugh, climbing off him, picking up the rubbish around the lounge room.
Corban doesn’t answer, so I look over at him still sitting in shock. I kick his leg. “Oy!”

“Sorry, I can’t believe you did that.” He smiles at me proudly.

“Yeah, neither could my mum or dad, but it felt good. So now you know the whole story about me and my life,” I say as I walk into the kitchen, putting all the rubbish together to take out for trash day tomorrow. I turn around to see Corban standing there with his shirt off and a playful look on his face.

He saunters toward me, and I can’t help but laugh. He reaches me in the kitchen and proceeds to strip me of my top, placing kisses along my collarbone down to my chest. Out of nowhere, he lifts me up over his shoulder. I squeal in excitement as I hang upside down. Playfully, I smack his tight, sexy butt.

He walks into my room and throws me down on the bed before climbing on top of me, ravishing my lips like a hungry animal. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pull him closer, wanting to feel his body against mine and the warmth from him spreading over me. We take things slower this time, taking each kiss and touch in, engraving it on our hearts.


Chapter Twenty-One

I wake to my room lit brightly full of sunlight as my curtains didn’t get closed last night. I’m encased in the arms of my man. Can I call him that? I could quite possibly be falling in love with him. I won’t admit that to him just yet though. I try slipping out from under his arm as the bathroom is calling me.

Mornin’, beautiful.” He reaches out, pulling me to him for a morning kiss.

“I really need the bathroom…” I reluctantly pull myself away from his grasp, quickly running to the bathroom. I decide to quickly brush my teeth so I have no ugly morning breath.

Returning to the bedroom, I find Corban sitting up in bed. His bare chest showing off his toned six pack, the fire of desire returning within me. Will this buzzing feeling I have ever cease? I think not.

He glances up, catching me staring at him, and smiles his crooked, heart melting smile. “See something you like?”

“Yeah, something I wouldn’t mind for breakfast”
I can’t believe I just said that!

I run to the bed and jump on like a little kid does. He pulls me to him, kissing me. Then we are lost in each other once again.




We need to get up, but after our morning delight, it’s so hard to face the real world. Can’t we stay in our own little bubble and forget the crappy things the world throws at us?

“Are you busy tonight?” Corban asks as he begins to climb out of bed and get dressed back into the same suit he wore here yesterday. Seeing him in a suit it takes my breath away and makes me crazy for him.

“Umm…I don’t think so, why’s that?”

“I would like you to come to my parents’ place for dinner?” My stomach drops. Meet the parents. What if they hate me or think I’m a gold digger?
Snap out of it, silly girl; it’s just dinner!

Silence burns through the room. He looks to me, waiting for an answer. “Sure, why not,” I answer, trying to come across as confident, but deep inside, I’m screaming with dread.

“Are you sure? You don’t seem too sure about it.”

“Yeah, I’m good.” I hear the nervousness in my voice.

“So, what should we do about Jacob?” My fear of meeting the parents subsides and a new fear begins to bubble within me. I know I can’t be near him. I can only hope he didn’t see me yesterday. Who knows what he would do?

“I don’t know, but I do know I won’t be able to stay if he is going to continue being a client.” As scared as I am, I hate giving him an ultimatum of sorts, but I can’t stay if Jacob is here. “Sorry for putting it like that, but—”

“It’s okay,” he says, cutting me off. “I wouldn’t, or couldn’t, have him as a client now, especially after…well…you know.”

I nod in acknowledgement and feel ever so grateful to him for standing with me on this.

“Okay, well, I’ll leave that with you, and again. I’m sorry.” I eye his attire. “Are you wearing that again?” I ask, completely changing the subject because I have wasted too much of my breath on Jacob already.

Looking down at his suit and back up to me, he says, “I could, but I think I’ll go home and get changed, but…” He walks over to me with a devilish grin spreading across his face. My pulse
quickens, wondering what he has in mind. “I think a shower might be good,” he suggests, raising his eyebrows in anticipation.

He quickly scoops me up in his arms, and I giggle like a little schoolgirl. He carries me to the bathroom while placing a hungry kiss on my lips. Wanting to explore more, he strips me of my t-shirt.

He ravishes my body with his hands, and then his mouth. Finally, he returns to my lips. Pausing, he turns on the shower, which steams up the room in no time. I step in with Corban close behind me. Placing his arms around me from behind, he glides his hands over my silky wet body. I look over my shoulder toward him, seeking out his mouth.

“You’re beautiful,
Melodi. I want to spend every waking moment with you. You make me complete. From the moment I caught you falling down the stairs, you have owned my heart. I don’t want anyone else but you.” His words shatter what’s left standing of my walls into tiny pieces to never again be built back up, unless he breaks my heart. If he does, there will not be another as I wouldn’t be able to take that kind of rejection.

“Please, just don’t break my heart,” I say, and with that, I wrap him in my arms and pull him closer, claiming him as mine.

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