The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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“Come on…please…” he pleads, moving closer and placing a soft kiss on my lips,
skyrocketing my heart rate. My stomach twists in knots at the touch.

“No…” I breathe as our lips come ap

He pulls away from me. “Okay…no more of that.” He gestures between us. “No more kissing or touching or even hugging until you
get in that kart and do at least one lap.” He stands there in front of me, looking all serious, but I can see it in his bright blue eyes. He is joking with me.

I doubt we could keep our hands off each other, but if he wants to play that game, I can play too. I take a step back, making him aware I’m up for the challenge of the no touching. We stand there, both facing off, neither
of us wanting to give in.

A few moments pass and I’m already aching to feel
his body pressed against mine.

“Okay. Fine, I will do one lap and that’s it,” I pout. He breaks out in a victory dance, shaking his fine ass. I erupt with laughter and can’t help but smack his tight butt. He even goes as far as shaking it right in front of me, pretty much asking for another spank. I kindly
oblige with tears in my eyes.

I really don’t want to drive this
stinkin’ kart. I will only embarrass myself all over again. Corban takes off, grabbing my hand, pulling, or should I say, dragging me behind him. He stops, turning to putting a hair net on my head. Oh, my gosh, I really do look like a fool. Then he puts the helmet in my hands for me to put on as he places his on. The gleeful look never leaves his face.

is in such a relaxed, happy mood, smiling and laughing. It’s so different from the work place and even last night at the club. He comes across as serious most of the time, but in this moment, he is a kid in a candy store being allowed to choose as much as he wants to take home.

A guy from the go-kart place gives us a run-through on safety and what we should do in certain situations. Then it’s go time.

I sit in the kart, my hands shaking and my stomach in knots of anxiousness. I don’t think I have been more nervous, except maybe one other time, which I won’t allow to cloud my happy thoughts.

Glancing at
Corban, I see him sitting there practically bouncing with anticipation in his seat. Talk about boys and their toys. I’m sure he can see the unease on my face. Still he beams like a bright light back at me. I’m very grateful for an automatic kart. I don’t think my brain could operate everything at the moment as well as enjoy the view beside me.

Before I know it, the light turns green and
Corban is off and I’m left inhaling his exhaust fumes. I cough and accelerate a little. Now when I say little, I mean very slowly, granny driving slow. As I keep going, my confidence slowly begins to rise, and before I know it, I’m cruising the track as if it’s an old friend.

laps me and I shake my head at him, totally forgetting I’m meant to be paying attention. I end up crashing into the wall, my helmet slamming into the steering wheel and my body tugging against the harness. Yeah, that might leave a bit of a bruise. I’m left a little winded and tender in places.

I look up and
Corban is out of his kart in seconds, rushing toward me. He gently pulls my helmet off, running his fingers over my face, making sure I’m okay. Concern fills his facial expression.

“Are you okay?” he asks, his
eyes seeking mine for answers.

“I’m okay, but I did tell you I don’t like doing this and it’s for this exact r
eason.” I grin and he joins in.

He assists me out of my kart, pulling me to his side. We walk back to the start line and hand in
our helmets and fancy hairnets.

“You were enjoying yourself though, weren’t you?” he qu
eries as we exit the warehouse.

“Yeah, I was before I got caught up in your hotness, lost track of my thoughts, and then crashed,” I tease. He stops dead in his tracks, staring at me, his face turning serious.

Did I say something wrong?

“You’re not seriously blaming that on me?” A grin spreads across his beautiful
face. I get lost in his smile.

I walk back to him, taking hold of his face in my hands. Pulling him to me, I press my lips to his and fireworks explode within me, just as they do every time our lips meet or our skin touches. It’s like it’s the first time all over again. I keep reliving the moments and feelings, and everything within me explodes with so much passion and desire for this man. He has stolen my heart in such a short amount of
time. It’s crazy, but exciting.

“What are you thinking,” he murmurs into my ear,
sending a tremor down my spine.

“I was thinking about you and how you make me feel,” I answer honestly.

“And how do I make you feel?” He glides his hand across my cheek, pushing back the loose strands of hair.

“You fill me with so much joy and happiness, but I’m also scared it will all come crashing down.” I look down at my feet
, not wanting to meet his gaze.

“I will never hurt you. You fill my world with so much life and you make me want to enjoy life and all the things I haven’t in a long time because I’ve been so caught up in my work.” He places a kiss upon
my forehead.

I hear a car pull up near us and pull away to see who it is. Jonas is ba
ck and opening the door for us.

I look at
Corban. “Where are we going?” I ask, excitedly glad our date isn’t over yet.

“I have anothe
r surprise for you, beautiful.”

“What’s with the surprises?” I giggle, walking to the car
with Corban following closely.

“Because I love seeing your face light up, or fall in the case of the go karts. But I’m sure you’re
going to enjoy this next part.”

We sit in the car and
Corban produces the same blindfold as before. I frown, clearly not happy about being blinded again, especially after nearly falling flat on my face.

“Do I have to again?” I sigh. “I don’t re
ally fancy falling over again.”

okay, I will be here to catch you. Plus, this is the biggest surprise.”

I nod reluctantly, allowing him to place it over my head, settling it over my eyes. My heart soars in my chest at the thought of him planning all this for me. No one has ever treated me like this, and it all began as I drunkenly stumbled into the arms of this caring,
handsome guy sitting beside me.

The fancy car and driver, and his obvious wealth, do nothing for me. I’m happy just being with him and enjoying his company. He makes me smile and laugh. He takes my hand in his, entwining our fingers together, and I lay my head on his shoulder, enjoying our time together. This is our first real date and he has done a great job. We sit in silence for the period of the drive. It’s not an awkward silence, but a peaceful one.

Chapter Seventeen

The car pulls to a halt, jerking me forward a little. I must have nodded off. Wow, I must really be drained from my massive weekend.

“You ready to go, beautiful?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I yawn, snapping out of my sleepiness.

I hear the door open and
Corban releases my grip, sliding out, and then comes back to take my hand to help me out. I try really hard this time not to trip and succeed in staying upright. Corban thanks Jonas before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, guiding me. I hear a lot of traffic. We must be back in the middle of the city with all the horns blaring and yelling. Everyone wants to get home at this time of the afternoon.

We walk into a building and immediately my senses heighten. This place smells rich, a high-class hotel or apartment building. An elevator sounds in front of me, and
Corban guides me in, holding me tight so I won’t fall.

“Are you worried what this one will be?” he asks and I hear the playfulness behind his question.

“No, because I’m sensing we are in a high-class apartment or hotel, but I’m thinking apartment because we didn’t stop to talk to anyone at a check-in desk.” I’m being a smart arse and I’m sure he can tell.

“Good guess. Yes, we are in an apartment building…mine, actually.” I hear humour in his voice. He threw those last words in there to get a reaction from me.

Well, he got a reaction from within. At the mention of being in his building, my chest tightens with anticipation. I can’t believe he has brought me back to his place, but why is he blindfolding me?

The elevator stops, and he guides me off, walking to a door, going by the click of the door handle. Stepping through the door, I’m met with a light, fresh breeze, sending a shiver through me.
Corban continues to guide me, but then stops and pulls the blindfold off. I’m met with the most spectacular view of New York.

I stand on this rooftop, taking in the view before me. The sun is setting, bringing an arrangement of colours—pink, orange, and yellow—through the clouds. Taking my eyes away from the view, I take in what’s right in front of me. A beautifully set table with a centre piece of small red and white roses, something you would see in a high-class restaurant. The railing surrounding the rooftop is entwined with fairy lights. They are on, but haven’t got the full effect yet as there is still daylight, but once the sun
disappears, it’s going to be magical.

Am I dreaming?
This is surely something that would happen in a dream or a movie maybe, but never has anything like this been done for me.

“Do you like it?”
Corban asks as he wraps his hand around my waist from behind, pulling me into him. We fit perfectly together as though he is the missing puzzle piece in my life that makes me complete.

“I don’t like it…” I leave him to stew on that for a minute, and just as he is about to speak, I squeal, “I love it!” Turning in his embrace, I throw my arms around his neck and his safe arms wrap around my body, crushing me to him. I plant my lips to his, parting them to allow him to fully taste me and I him. We are lost in each other, our hands roaming and our kiss intensifying.

Corban pulls back, our breaths ragged and deep.

“We need to stop or we won’t be having dinner.” He smiles, resting his head against mine.

“Okay,” I pout jokingly. I want more of him, but I need to use some self-control before I make a fool of myself and he goes running for the hills. I don’t want that to happen.

He takes my hand, leading me to a seat at the table and gets me settled before sitting opposite me. As I watch him, a part of me fills with love for him. He is the one I know I want to trust with the one p
ainful part of my life, Abby. I have yet to fully let go of. Can I put all my trust in him? Or will he be the one who crushes my heart through a strainer and into the tiniest broken pieces? Only time will tell.

“I had fun today, right up until the part where I crashed into the wall, but you have made it all better by setting this up. By the way, how did you set all this up?” I query.

I see happiness in his eyes, mixed with desire and something else, which brings a bright shine to his eyes.

He laughs. “Well, I had help from Jonas. While we were at the go-kart track, he came here to set this up. I also had another friend help set up the table and deliver the food, which reminds me, it should be here any minute,” he says, looking at his watch.

“Jonas is a nice guy. Did you really help him out and get him clean?” I can’t help myself. I’m a nosey person and the question is out before I can stop it, the silly mouth of mine.

“Yeah, he is great. I did help him. I could see he had so much going for him and he was wasting his time and talents on that junk, so I helped him. He has changed my life just as much as I did his.”

“How did he change your life?”

“Lots of questions tonight, hey?” He looks at me, raising his eyebrows.

“Yeah, for sure, bring on the twenty questions,” I giggle, taking a sip of the water in front of me. “So how did he?” I push my question again.

“Well…I was a full on ladies’ man and got mixed up with the wrong girls and pretty much the wrong gang, not something I am proud to announce. That night he tried to rob me, I was about to use for the first time. I was younger and much stupider; plus, I thought I was invincible because of my money…” He stops, taking a deep breath before continuing, “Anyway, as I was about to use the stuff Jonas tried to rob from me, well, it was as if my future flashed before my eyes. Seeing someone in the desperate state Jonas was in, I never want to be that desperate for anything as he was for money and drugs, so I took care of him and helped him out.”

I’m speechless. This kind and thoughtful guy sitting in front of me is one in a million. Not everyone would admit to this kind of thing. He could have taken a totally different path and I would not have met this amazing man.

“Wow…you are…amazing.” My voice cracks as a lump forms in my throat and my eyes blur with small tears.

The door cracks open and out steps a delivery guy, one I recognise from Jerry’s.
What the heck? Why is he here?
Corban gets up and pays him, and then he is gone.

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