The Living Bible (412 page)

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Matt 1:18
facts concerning the birth of Jesus
Matt 1:25
until her Son was born; and Joseph
Matt 2:2
newborn King of the Jews?
Luke 1:31
become pregnant and have a baby boy,
Luke 2:7
she gave birth to her first child, a son.


Matt 2:13
Get up and flee to Egypt
Luke 2:22
his parents took him to Jerusalem
Luke 2:46-47
He was in the Temple, sitting among

Baptism by John

Matt 3:13
River to be baptized there by John,
Mark 1:9
was baptized by John in the Jordan
Luke 3:21
Jesus himself was baptized;

Selection of disciples, see
Apostles, calling of

Beginning Ministry

Matt 4:12-13
he left Judea and returned home
Mark 1:14
Jesus went to Galilee to preach Gods
Luke 4:16
stood up to read the Scriptures.

Betrayal, see
Betrayal, of Christ

Matt 26:48
Judas had told them to arrest
Mark 14:10
priests to arrange to betray Jesus
Luke 22:4
to discuss the best way to betray Jesus
John 18:2
Judas, the betrayer, knew this place,
Acts 1:16
Judas, who betrayed Jesus by guiding

Trial, see
Trial, of Jesus

Crucifixion, see
Crucifixion, of Jesus


Matt 27:60
in his own new rockhewn tomb,
Mark 15:46
taking Jesus body down from the cross,
Luke 23:53
laid it in a new, unused tomb
John 19:40
they wrapped Jesus body in a long

Resurrection, see
Resurrection, of Jesus


Matt 28:9
suddenly Jesus was there in front of
Mark 16:12
he appeared to two who were walking
Luke 24:15
suddenly Jesus himself came along
John 20:14
It was Jesus, but she didnt recognize
John 20:26
suddenly, as before, Jesus was standing
John 21:1
Later Jesus appeared again to

Ascension, see
Ascension, of Jesus


Human characteristics

Matt 4:2
he ate nothing and became very hungry.
Matt 8:24
the boat. But Jesus was asleep.
Matt 26:38
My soul is crushed with horror
Mark 4:38
Jesus was asleep at the back of
Luke 2:21
at the babys circumcision ceremony,
Luke 2:52
Jesus grew both tall and wise,
Luke 19:41
the city ahead, he began to cry.
Luke 23:32-33
There all three were crucified
John 4:7
Jesus asked her for a drink.
John 19:30
Jesus tasted it, he said, It is finished,
John 19:34
pierced his side with a spear,
Phil 2:7
a slave, and becoming like men.
Heb 2:14
he became flesh and blood


As God (Jehovah)

Matt 3:3
Prepare a road for the Lord
John 12:41
Isaiah was referring to Jesus when
Heb 13:20-21
he who became the great Shepherd
Jas 2:1
Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory,
Rev 22:13
I am the A and the Z, the Beginning

As God (Creator, Judge, and Savior)

John 1:1
Before anything else existed, there was
John 15:21
they dont know God who sent me.
Rom 9:5
he who now rules over all things.
1 Cor 4:5
before the Lord returns
2 Cor 5:10
we must all stand before Christ
Titus 2:13
when his glory shall be seen

As equal to God

John 5:17
Im following the example of My Father.
John 16:15
All the Fathers glory is mine,
Phil 2:6
who, though he was God, did not
1 Thes 3:11
Father himself and our Lord Jesus
2 Thes 2:16
Christ himself and God our Father,

One with the Father

John 10:30
I and the Father are one.
John 12:45
me, you are seeing the one who sent me.
John 14:1
trusting God, now trust in me.
John 17:10
since they are mine, they belong to you

Divine characteristics

Matt 17:18
Jesus rebuked the demon in the boy
Matt 28:20
I am with you always, even to the end
John 2:19
this is the miracle I will do for you:
John 3:13
I will return to heaven again.
John 6:40
that I should raise him at the Last
John 16:30
you know everything and dont need
Eph 5:27
so that he could give her to
Phil 3:21
he will take these dying bodies
Col 1:17
He was before all else began
Heb 1:5-6
You are my Son, and today I have
Rev 5:12
to receive the power, and the riches,

Heavenly acknowledgment of

Matt 3:17
a voice from heaven said, This
Matt 17:5
This is my beloved Son, and I am
John 12:28
Then a voice spoke from heaven saying,


Examples of

Gen 17:23
cut off their foreskins,
Gen 21:4-5
Abraham circumcised him, as God required.
Gen 34:24
men agreed, and all were circumcised.
Exod 4:25-26
cut off the foreskin of her young sons
Josh 5:2-3
a day to circumcise the entire male population
Luke 1:59
came for the circumcision ceremony.
Luke 2:21
at the babys circumcision ceremony,
Acts 16:3
Jews of the area, he circumcised Timothy
Phil 3:5
Jewish initiation ceremony when I was

A Sign of the covenant

Gen 17:9-10
male among you shall be circumcised;
Lev 12:3
eighth day, her son must be circumcised.
Acts 7:8
gave Abraham the ceremony of circumcision
Rom 3:1
value in the Jewish circumcision ceremony?
Gal 5:3
favor with God by being circumcised
Phil 3:5
I went through the Jewish initiation


Phil 3:3
That is the only true circumcision.
Col 2:11
not by a bodily operation of circumcision


Jer 4:4
Cleanse your minds and hearts,
Jer 9:25-26
Unless you circumcise your hearts


Miraculous appearances of

Exod 13:21
guided them by a pillar of cloud
Exod 14:19
moved the cloud around behind them,
Neh 9:19
The pillar of cloud led them forward
Psa 105:39
He spread out a cloud above them to
Isa 4:5
a canopy of smoke and cloud throughout
Ezek 10:3
cloud of glory filled the inner court.

The Lord appears in

Exod 24:15
disappeared into the cloud at the top.
Exod 34:5-6
in the form of a pillar of cloud
Lev 16:1-2
I myself am present in the cloud
Num 11:25
the Lord came down in the Cloud
Num 12:5
the Lord descended in the Cloud
1 Kgs 8:10
a bright cloud fills the Temple!
Matt 17:5
a bright cloud came over them,
Luke 21:27
Messiah, coming in a cloud with power
Rev 14:14
I saw a white cloud, and someone sitting on it


Hos 6:4
love vanishes like morning clouds,
Hos 13:3
the wind, like a cloud of smoke.

, see
Holy Spirit, the Comforter


The ten

Exod 20:2
I am Jehovah your God who liberated
Exod 31:18
which the Ten Commandments were
Exod 32:19
he threw the tablets to the ground
Exod 34:1
Prepare two stone tablets like the first
Deut 5:6
I am Jehovah your God who
Deut 10:1
cut two more stone tablets like the

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