The Living Bible (409 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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List of

Deut 11:26
Gods blessings or Gods curse!
Deut 28:2-6
These are the blessings that will come
Deut 33:1
This is the blessing that Moses,

Given by the priests

Lev 9:22
Aaron blessed them
Num 6:22-23
give this special blessing
Deut 10:8
to bless his name,
Deut 11:29
a blessing shall be proclaimed
Deut 21:5
to pronounce his blessings
Josh 8:33
ready to pronounce their blessing.

From God

Prov 10:30
shall never lose Gods blessings,
Isa 56:3
my blessings are for Gentiles, too,
Hos 3:5
his blessings, in the end times.
Luke 2:40
God poured out his blessings on Jesus
Rom 5:10
what blessings he must have for us
Rom 16:20
The blessings from our Lord Jesus
Phil 1:7
shared together the blessings
1 Thes 5:28
blessings from our Lord Jesus
Heb 12:15
fail to find Gods best blessings.
1 Pet 3:7
partners in receiving Gods blessings,
1 Pet 5:5
God gives special blessings to humble
2 Pet 1:4
rich and wonderful blessings
Rev 21:6
the Water of Lifeas a gift!


Examples of

Gen 19:11
blinded the men of Sodom
Gen 27:1
when Isaac was half-blind, he called
Gen 48:10
Israel was half-blind with age,
Judg 16:21
captured Samson and gouged out his eyes
1 Sam 4:15
ninety-eight years old and was blind.)
1 Kgs 14:4
Ahijah could no longer see.
2 Kgs 6:18
Lord, please make them blind.
Matt 20:30
Two blind men were beside the road
Mark 8:22
brought a blind man to him
John 9:2
why was this man born blind?
Acts 9:8-9
he found that he was blind.
Acts 13:11
be stricken awhile with blindness.

As a punishment

Deut 28:28
send madness, blindness, fear,
2 Kgs 6:18
Elisha prayed, Lord, please make
Psa 69:23
let darkness, blindness and great

Healed by Christ

Matt 9:30
suddenly they could see!
Matt 12:22
Jesus healed him so that he
Mark 10:52
instantly the blind man could see,
Luke 7:20-22
healing the lame and the blind
John 9:7
washed and came back seeing!


Deut 29:4
eyes that see or ears that hear!
Psa 81:12
letting them go their blind and stubborn
Eccl 2:13-14
sees, while the fool is blind.
Isa 29:9
go ahead and be blind
Isa 42:16
He will bring blind Israel along
Isa 44:18
God has shut their eyes
Matt 15:13-14
blind guides leading the blind,
Matt 16:2-3
you cant read the obvious signs
Matt 23:16
Blind guides! Woe unto you!
John 9:39
those who are spiritually blind
2 Cor 3:15
their hearts are blind
2 Cor 4:4
has made him blind,
1 Joh 2:11
wandering in spiritual darkness

, see

Examples of

Gen 37:9
Listen to my latest dream, he boasted.
1 Sam 17:8
shouted across to the Israelis,
2 Kgs 18:19
No one can save you from my power!
Est 5:11
boasted to them about his wealth,
Isa 10:16
Because of all your evil boasting,
Ezek 7:10-11
All your boasting will die away,
Luke 18:9
story to some who boasted of their virtue
2 Cor 9:2
I have boasted to the friends
2 Pet 2:18
They proudly boast about their sins

Prohibitions against

Prov 27:1
Dont brag about your plans
Matt 6:2
dont shout about it as the hypocrites
Rom 3:27
what can we boast about doing,
Rom 11:18
be careful not to brag about

, see

Laws concerning

Lev 19:28
You shall not cut yourselves
Lev 21:5
or beards, nor cut their flesh.
Deut 14:1
nor shave the front halves of your heads

To be pure

Rom 12:1
give your bodies to God.
1 Cor 6:13
Lord wants to fill our bodies with himself.
1 Thes 4:3-4
wants you to be holy and pure,


Lev 21:11
the presence of any dead person
Num 5:1
been defiled by touching a dead person.
Num 9:6-7
defiled by having touched the dead,
Num 19:11
touches a dead human body
Deut 21:23
must bury him the same day,
Hag 2:13
if someone touches a dead person,

Resurrection of, see

Of Jesus

Matt 28:6
Come in and see where his body
Mark 15:46
taking Jesus body down
Luke 23:53
took down Jesus body
John 19:42
at hand, they laid him there.
Heb 10:5
you have made ready this body

As a name for the church

Rom 12:4-5
so it is with Christs body.
1 Cor 10:17
parts of the one body of Christ.
1 Cor 12:12
parts make up only one body
Eph 1:23
church which is his body,
Eph 4:12
the church, the body of Christ,
Eph 5:23
in charge of his body the church.
Col 1:18
the Head of the body
Col 3:15
as members of his body.



John 8:34
You are slaves of sin, every one
Acts 8:23
there is jealousy and sin
Rom 6:16
he will take you and be your master
Rom 8:2
the vicious circle of sin
Gal 2:4
their rules, like slaves in chains.
1 Tim 3:7
leave him without freedom to lead
2 Tim 2:26
Satans trap of slavery
Heb 2:14
in dying break the power of the devil
2 Pet 2:19
are themselves slaves to sin

Deliverance by Christ

Luke 4:18-19
announce that captives shall be
John 8:36
free, you will indeed be free
Rom 8:2
Christ Jesushas freed me from
Gal 3:13
Christ has bought us out


Used in sacrifice

Lev 2:12
may offer yeast bread and honey
Lev 7:12
bread shall be included with
Lev 7:13
with loaves of leavened bread.
Lev 23:13
A grain offering shall accompany it,
Deut 16:3
the sacrifice with unleavened bread.


Gen 19:3
freshly baked unleavened bread.
Exod 29:2
bread made without yeast,
Exod 29:23
the basket of unleavened bread
Lev 8:1
bread made without yeast;
Num 9:11
with unleavened bread and bitter
Num 28:17
but no leavened bread shall be
Deut 16:8
shall eat no bread made with yeast.
1 Sam 28:24
dough and baked unleavened bread.
Ezra 6:21-22
the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Luke 22:7
eaten with unleavened bread.

Preparation of, see

Exod 29:2
made with finely ground wheat
2 Sam 13:8
she baked some special bread
1 Kgs 14:3
a gift of ten loaves of bread,
Jer 7:18
dough and make cakes to offer
Hos 7:4
kneads the dough and waits for it
John 21:9
over it, and there was bread.

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