The Living Bible (414 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Of the believer

Rom 5:2
we confidently and joyfully look forward
Rom 8:25
teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.
2 Cor 5:6
look forward with confidence
1 Tim 3:13
developing their own confidence
Heb 11:10
was confidently waiting for God to bring
1 Joh 4:17
love grows more perfect and complete;

Confirmed by love

1 Joh 3:14
If we love other Christians it proves
1 Joh 4:18
his perfect love for us eliminates all


Clear (good)

Gen 39:9
How can I do such a wicked thing
Neh 5:15
but I obeyed God and did not act that
Dan 1:8
Daniel made up his mind not to eat
Matt 6:22
If your eye is pure, there will be
Acts 4:19
You decide whether God wants us to
Acts 5:29
We must obey God rather than men.
Acts 23:1
before God in all good conscience!
Acts 24:16
always maintain a clear conscience
1 Cor 4:4
My conscience is clear, but even that
1 Tim 1:19
always keep your conscience clear,
Heb 13:18
for our conscience is clear
1 Joh 3:19
our consciences will be clear,

Convicts of sin

Gen 3:10
didnt want you to see me naked.
Gen 42:21
This has all happened because of what
1 Sam 24:5
Sauls conscience began bothering him.
Prov 20:27
A mans conscience is the Lords
Matt 27:3
Judas deeply regretted what he had done,
Luke 9:7
Herod was worried and puzzled, for some


Gen 37:26-27
kill him and have a guilty conscience?
Judg 5:16
Reuben has an uneasy conscience.
2 Sam 24:10
Davids conscience began to bother him,
Psa 51:3
it haunts me day and night.
Psa 73:21
what turmoil filled my heart!
Rom 7:16
I know that what I am doing is wrong,
1 Cor 10:27
wont risk having a bad conscience
1 Cor 14:24
his conscience will be pricked
1 Joh 3:20
if we have bad consciences and feel

Of others to be respected

Rom 14:21
anything else that offends your brother
1 Cor 8:11
a brother with a tender conscience
1 Cor 10:28
dont eat it for the sake of the man

Non-functioning (dead)

1 Kgs 21:13
two men who had no conscience
Prov 30:20
then say, Whats wrong with that?
Jer 6:15
they didnt even blush.
Rom 1:21
foolish minds became dark and confused.
1 Tim 4:2
tell lies with straight faces
Titus 1:15
untrusting finds evil in everything,

, see


Examples of

Gen 33:9
Esau laughed. Keep what you have.
Deut 11:15
you yourselves shall have plenty to eat
2 Sam 19:30
I am content just to have you back
1 Kgs 4:20
wealthy, populous, contented nation
Psa 17:15
my contentment is not in wealth
Luke 2:29-31
now I can die content!
Phil 4:12
I have learned the secret of contentment

Exhortation to

Luke 3:14
Dont extort money by threats and violence;
1 Cor 7:20
a person should keep on with the work
Heb 13:5
Stay away from the love of money;


Examples of

Ruth 1:16
your God shall be my God;
Jon 3:4-5
began to preach, the people repented.
Luke 23:42
Jesus, remember me when you come into
John 4:28-29
Can this be the Messiah?
Acts 8:37
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of
Acts 9:17
may be filled with the Holy Spirit
Acts 10:44
Holy Spirit fell upon all those listening!
Acts 13:12
he believed and was astonished
Acts 13:48
as many as wanted eternal life, believed.
Acts 16:14
Lydia opened her heart and she accepted
Acts 16:30
Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
Acts 17:4
Some who listened were persuaded

Comes from God

1 Kgs 18:37
you have brought them back
Prov 1:23
Ill pour out the spirit of wisdom
Jer 31:18
Turn me again to you and restore me,
John 6:44
Father who sent me draws him to me,
Acts 3:26
by turning you back from your sins.
Acts 11:21
large numbers of these Gentiles became

Of the Jews

Acts 2:41
those who believed Peter were baptized
Acts 6:7
many of the Jewish priests were converted
Rom 10:1
that the Jewish people might be saved.

Of the Gentiles

Acts 8:27
the Treasurer of Ethiopia, a eunuch
Acts 10:45
Holy Spirit would be given to Gentiles
Acts 15:3
that the Gentiles, too, were being converted.
Rom 11:13
a special messenger to you Gentiles.
1 Cor 1:24
to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles,
Eph 2:18
Gentiles, may come to God the Father
Eph 3:1
you Gentiles are a part of Gods house.


Advantages of good

Prov 12:15
but a wise man listens to others.
Prov 13:10
be humble, take advice and become wise.
Prov 20:18
plans without the advice of others;
Prov 27:9
Friendly suggestions are as pleasant

Asked of God

Judg 20:18
first to ask counsel from God.
1 Sam 14:37
so Saul asked God, Shall we go
1 Sam 23:2
David asked the Lord, Shall I go
1 Chr 14:10
David asked the Lord,

Danger in rejecting

2 Chr 25:16
God has determined to destroy you
Prov 1:25
you have spurned my counsel and reproof.
Jer 23:19
the Lord is sending a furious whirlwind
Luke 7:30
They rejected Gods plan for them

Of the wicked, condemned

Job 5:13
traps; he thwarts their schemes.
Job 21:16
I refuse even to deal with people like

Examples of

1 Kgs 12:8
Rehoboam refused the old mens counsel
Matt 19:21
go and sell everything you have and give


Examples of

Judg 7:15
the Lord is going to use you to conquer
Judg 11:29
Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah
Judg 16:28
please strengthen me one more time,
1 Sam 14:6
Perhaps the Lord will do a miracle
1 Sam 17:35
a club and take the lamb from its
Neh 6:11
Should I, the governor, run away from
Dan 6:10
Daniel knew about it, he went home
Heb 11:8
Abraham trusted God, and when God told him

Exhortations for

Num 13:20
Dont be afraid, and bring back some
Deut 31:6
Be strong! Be courageous! Do not be
Josh 1:6
Be strong and brave, for you will
Josh 10:25
Dont ever be afraid or discouraged,
2 Sam 10:12
Courage! We must really act like men
2 Sam 13:28
Take courage and do it!
Ezra 10:4
Take courage and tell us how to proceed
Psa 31:24
Take courage if you are depending on
Psa 42:4-5
Take courage, my soul!
Hag 2:4
But take courage, O Zerubbabel
Acts 27:25
So take courage! For I believe God!
Jas 5:8
take courage, for the coming of

Loss of, see


Examples of

Gen 8:22
As long as the earth remains, there will be
Gen 12:2
I will bless you and make your name
Gen 17:2-4
I will prepare a contract between us,
Gen 17:19
I will sign my covenant with him
Gen 28:13
ground you are lying on is yours!
Exod 6:4
into a solemn covenant with them;
Deut 5:2-3
God made a contract with you at Mount Horeb
Deut 29:1
Moses restated the covenant
2 Sam 23:5
An everlasting covenant with me;
Isa 55:3
an everlasting covenant with you,

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