The Living Bible (410 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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John 6:32
offers you true Bread from heaven.
1 Cor 5:8
pure bread of honor and sincerity
1 Cor 10:17
all eat from the same loaf,



Psa 45:13
The bride, a princess, waits within her
Isa 61:10
or a bride with her jewels.
Isa 62:4
new name will be The Bride,
Jer 2:2
as a young bride long ago
Rev 19:7
wedding banquet of the Lamb,
Rev 21:2
beautiful as a bride at her wedding.



Psa 19:5
as a bridegroom going to his wedding,
Isa 61:10
like a bridegroom in his wedding
Isa 62:5
as a bridegroom with his bride.


Nature and duties of

Deut 21:23
You must bury him the same day,
2 Chr 16:13-14
a bed perfumed with sweet spices
Jer 34:5
will burn incense in your memory,
Matt 26:12
to prepare my body for burial.
John 19:40
as is the Jewish custom of burial
Acts 9:37
prepared her for burial and laid

Unburied, desecration of

Deut 28:26
Your dead bodies will be food
2 Kgs 9:10
Dogs shall eat Ahabs wife
Psa 79:2
bodies of your people lie exposed
Jer 7:33
shall be food for the birds
Jer 16:4
no one mourn for them or bury them,
Ezek 39:15-16
whenever anyone sees some bones,

Examples of

Gen 23:19-20
Abraham buried Sarah there,
Gen 25:9-10
Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham
Gen 50:5
Canaan, to bury Isaac there.
2 Sam 3:32
They buried Abner in Hebron.
Matt 27:60
in his own new rock-hewn tomb,
Luke 23:53
laid it in a new, unused tomb
Acts 8:2
with great sorrow buried Stephen.


Rom 6:4
was buried with him by baptism
Col 2:12
your evil nature was buried with him;

, see
Offering, burnt

, see
; Slander


Examples of

Gen 12:1
God told him, Leave your country
Gen 28:13
At the top stood the Lord.
Exod 3:10
I am going to send you to Pharaoh
Judg 6:14
Go and save Israel from the Midianites
1 Sam 3:10
Lord called as before, Samuel!
Isa 6:8
Whom shall I send as a messenger
Jer 1:5
I sanctified you and appointed you
Ezek 2:3
I am sending you to Israel
Hos 1:2
The Lord said to Hosea, Go
Amos 1:2
God told him some of the things
Jon 1:2
Go to the great city of Nineveh,
Acts 9:4
Paul! Paul! Why are you persecuting me?

To repentance and salvation

Isa 45:20
Gather together and come, you nations
Isa 55:3
Come to me with your ears wide open.
Jer 35:15
prophet to tell you to turn back
Hos 6:1
Come, let us return to the Lord;
Hos 14:1
O Israel, return to the Lord,
Joel 2:12
Turn to me now, while there is time.
Jon 3:1
warn them of their doom, as I told
Matt 3:2
Turn from your sins . . . turn to God
Matt 4:17
Turn from sin, and turn to God.
2 Cor 5:20
God is using us to speak to you:


Psa 50:17
you have refused my discipline,
Prov 1:24
still you wont come. I have pleaded,
Isa 66:4
they refused to answer,
Jer 35:17
Because you refuse to listen or answer
John 12:48
all who reject me and my message
Acts 13:46
since you have rejected it,
2 Thes 2:10
they have refused to believe it
Heb 12:25
when they refused to listen to Moses,


As decorations

Gen 41:41-42
royal golden chain about his neck
Exod 28:13-14
Two chains of pure, twisted gold
Num 31:50
anklets, rings, earrings and necklaces.
1 Kgs 6:21-22
gold chains to protect the entrance
2 Chr 3:5
engraved with palm trees and chains.
2 Chr 3:16
placed chains on top of the pillars,
2 Chr 4:12-16
Two sets of chains on the capitals,
Isa 3:20
scarves and ankle chains, headbands,
Isa 40:19
with silver chains around its neck?
Dan 5:16
with a golden chain around your neck,
Dan 5:29
a golden chain hung around his neck,

For confinement

Gen 39:20
kings prisoners were kept in chains.
Gen 42:19
shall remain in chains in jail,
2 Kgs 17:4
in chains for his rebellion.
2 Chr 36:6
took away the king in chains
Isa 45:14
They shall follow you as prisoners in chains,
Matt 14:3
chained him in prison
Acts 16:26
the chains of every prisoner fell off!
Heb 11:36
others were chained in dungeons.


Lev 26:13
I have broken your chains
Psa 2:3
let us break his chains, they say,
Psa 18:4
Death bound me with chains,
Psa 73:6
sparkles like a jeweled necklace,
Psa 107:14
of death and snapped their chains.
Isa 9:4
God will break the chains that bind
Lam 3:7
has fastened me with heavy chains.
Gal 2:4
their rules, like slaves in chains.
Jude 1:6
chained up in prisons of darkness,
Rev 20:2
bound him in chains for 1,000 years,


Ideal, for Gods people

Deut 7:6
a holy people, dedicated to the Lord
Psa 15:2
leads a blameless life and is truly
Psa 37:26
Gnerous with their gifts and loans
Prov 16:20
God bless those who obey him;
Prov 16:21
known by his common sense,
Prov 28:1
the godly are bold as lions!
Isa 32:8
good men will be generous to others
Isa 57:15
those with contrite, humble spirits
Matt 5:6
who long to be just and good,
Matt 5:8
whose hearts are pure,
Luke 1:6
godly folk, careful to obey all of Gods
Luke 12:37
ready and waiting for his return.
Eph 2:10
spend these lives in helping others.
1 Pet 5:5
serve each other with humble spirits,
Rev 17:14
the called and chosen and faithful ones.

Of evil men

Deut 32:5
are a stubborn, twisted generation.
Psa 35:15
meetings filled with slander against me
Psa 37:21
Evil men borrow and cannot pay it
Psa 49:6
They trust in their wealth and boast
Prov 1:11
Well hide and rob and kill,
Prov 2:14
exult in doing wrong,
Prov 16:30
The wicked man stares into space
Isa 30:9
For they are stubborn rebels.
Isa 59:4
time plotting evil deeds and doing them.
Ezek 2:4
hardhearted, stiff-necked people.
Luke 6:35
to those who are very wicked.
Eph 4:17-18
they are blinded and confused.
1 Tim 3:2
will love only themselves
Titus 3:3
slaves to many evil pleasures
1 Pet 2:7
those who reject him,
Rev 21:8
unfaithful to me, and corrupt,

, see


Prov 19:17
When you help the poor
Matt 6:2
When you give a gift to a beggar,
Matt 19:21
give the money to the poor,
Luke 11:41
Purity is best demonstrated by generosity.
Luke 12:33
Sell and give to those in need.
Luke 18:22
give the money to the poor
Acts 10:2
He gave generously to charity
2 Cor 9:2
were ready to send an offering
3 Joh 1:6
on their way with a generous gift.

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