The Living Bible (408 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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By John

Matt 3:6
he baptized them in the Jordan
Mark 1:4
baptized as a public announcement or repentance
Mark 1:9
Jesus was baptized by John
Luke 3:3
people should be baptized to show that
John 4:1
crowds came to John to be baptized
Acts 1:5
John baptized you with water,
Acts 19:3
What John the Baptist taught.

By the Holy Spirit

Matt 3:11
He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit
Matt 3:16
Spirit of God coming down in the form of a dove
Acts 1:5
baptized with the Holy Spirit
Acts 8:17
they received the Holy Spirit.
Acts 11:16
be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
1 Cor 12:13
baptized into Christs body by

Of Christians

Matt 28:19
baptizing them in the name of
Mark 16:16
who believe and are baptized will be saved.
Acts 2:38
baptized in the name of Jesus
Acts 8:38
into the water and Philip baptized him.
Acts 18:8
household believed and were baptized
Rom 6:2-3
sins power broken when we were baptized into Jesus
Gal 3:27
baptized into union with Christ
Eph 4:5
one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Heb 6:2
instruction about baptism and spiritual gifts


Examples of

Gen 16:1
Sarai and Abram had no children.
Gen 25:21
Rebekah had no children.
Judg 13:2-3
you have been barren so long,
1 Sam 1:6
because of her barrenness.
Luke 1:7
for Elizabeth was barren;


Examples of

Num 31:4-5
men were sent to battle by Moses.
Deut 28:25
march out to battle gloriously,
Josh 10:16
battle the five kings escaped
Judg 2:15
Israel went out to battle against the enemies,
Judg 20:18
Before the battle the Israeli army asked God
1 Sam 4:4
Eli, accompanied it into battle.
1 Sam 11:7
follow Saul and Samuel to battle!
1 Sam 24:1
Sauls return from his battle
2 Sam 2:18
in the battle, Asahel could run
2 Sam 4:4
killed at the battle of Jezreel.
2 Sam 21:12-14
in battle on Mount Gilboa
1 Kgs 22:30
Ahab into battle disguised
2 Kgs 8:28
Joram was wounded in the battle,
1 Chr 20:6-7
in battle, at Gath, a giant was killed
2 Chr 35:22
battle at the Valley of Megiddo.
Jer 37:11
engage Pharaohs army in battle,
Jer 46:2
battle of Carchemish
Rev 12:8
Dragon lost the battle

Exemptions from

Deut 20:5
Has anyone just built a new house,
Deut 20:6
just planted a vineyard but not yet
Deut 20:7
Has anyone just become engaged?
Deut 20:8
And now, is anyone afraid?

Directions concerning

Num 10:9
sound the alarm with these trumpets.
Num 19:16
who has been killed in battle,
Deut 20:2
Before you begin the battle,
Deut 21:10
When you go to war


Psa 55:18
battle runs strongly against me,
Psa 118:14
He is my son in the heat of battle,
Eccl 8:8
battle with death
1 Cor 15:28
When Christ has won the battle
Eph 6:16
in every battle you will need faith
1 Joh 2:13
won your battle with Satan.
1 Joh 5:5
win this battle except by believing


Punishment for wrongdoing

Deut 25:1
penalty is a beating
1 Pet 2:20
are beaten for doing wrong

Of Christ

Matt 27:30
stick and beat him on the head
Mark 15:19
beat him on the head with a cane,
Luke 20:11
he was beaten up and insulted


Examples of

Gen 12:11-13
You are very beautiful, he told
Gen 24:15-16
a beautiful young girl named Rebekah
Gen 29:17
in every way a beauty.
2 Sam 11:2
woman of unusual beauty
2 Sam 13:1
a beautiful sister named Tamar.
1 Kgs 1:3-4
most beautiful girl in all the land.
Est 1:11
was a very beautiful woman.
Song 1:5
I am dark but beautiful,


Psa 96:9
Lord with the beauty of holy lives.
Isa 52:7
how beautiful upon the mountains
Zec 9:16-17
beautiful all shall be
Acts 7:20
a child of divine beauty.
Rom 10:15
How beautiful are the feet
1 Pet 3:4
Be beautiful inside, in your hearts,

Overemphasis on beauty condemned

Prov 6:25
Dont lust for their beauty.
Prov 31:30
beauty doesnt last
Isa 3:24
All their beauty will be gone
Ezek 16:15
you trusted in your beauty instead;
Ezek 28:17
pride because of all your beauty;
1 Pet 3:3
beauty that depends on jewelry


Examples of

Mark 10:46
a blind beggar named Bartimaeus
Luke 16:20
Lazarus, a diseased beggar,
John 9:8
knew him as a blind beggar
Acts 3:10
he was the lame beggar

Treatment of

Matt 5:42
Give to those who ask, and dont
Matt 6:2
When you give a gift to a beggar,

, see


Examples of

1 Sam 23:12
men of Keilah betray me to Saul?
Psa 54:3
violent men have risen against me
Jer 3:20
you have betrayed me;
Hos 5:7
betrayed the honor of the Lord,
1 Tim 3:4
They will betray their friends;
Rev 20:10
the devil who had betrayed them

Of Christ

Matt 26:16
an opportunity to betray Jesus
Matt 27:3
Judas, who betrayed him, when he
Mark 3:16-19
Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him).
Mark 14:10
arrange to betray Jesus to them.
Luke 22:4
discuss the best way to betray Jesus
Luke 22:48
betray the Messiah with a kiss?
Acts 1:16
Judas, who betrayed Jesus by
1 Cor 11:23
night when Judas betrayed him,


Examples of

1 Sam 3:13
Elis sons are blaspheming God,
2 Kgs 19:22
have you defied and blasphemed?
Psa 74:18
arrogant nation has blasphemed
Psa 139:20
They blaspheme your name
Isa 37:3
trouble and frustration and blasphemy;
Isa 52:5
my name is constantly blasphemed,
Dan 11:36
blaspheming the God of gods,
Matt 26:65-66
shouting, Blasphemy! What need
Mark 2:7
What? This is blasphemy! Does he
Rev 13:5
Creature to speak great blasphemies
Rev 17:3
with blasphemies against God.

Laws concerning

Exod 22:28
You shall not blaspheme God,
Lev 24:11
mans son cursed God,
Lev 24:15-16
Israelite who blasphemes
Num 15:30
is blaspheming Jehovah,

Punishment for

Lev 24:15-16
pay the penalty: he must die.
1 Kgs 21:10
take him out and execute him.
Acts 7:58
out of the city to stone him.

Against the Holy Spirit

Matt 12:31-32
speaking against the Holy Spirit
Mark 3:29
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
Luke 12:10
who speak against the Holy Spirit

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