The Living Bible (411 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Examples of

Gen 39:12
He tore himself away, but as he did
Ruth 3:11
what a wonderful person you are.
1 Cor 7:7
could get along without marrying,


Job 31:1
not to look with lust upon a girl.
Prov 5:18
Let your manhood be a blessing;
Prov 6:25
Dont let their coyness seduce you.
Prov 31:3
not spend your time with women
Matt 5:28
looks at a woman with lust in his
1 Cor 7:1
if you do not marry, it is good.
Col 3:5
have nothing to do with sexual sin,


Duties of

Exod 20:12
Honor your father and mother,
Lev 19:2
respect your mothers and fathers,
Deut 5:16
Honor your father and mother
Prov 1:7-9
Listen to your father and mother.
Prov 6:20
Young man, obey your father and mother
Prov 24:21-22
watch your step before the Lord
Eccl 12:1
Honor him in your youth
Eph 6:1
children obey your parents;
Col 3:20
children must always obey your parents,
1 Tim 5:4
at home, supporting needy parents.
Heb 12:9
submit to Gods training
1 Pet 5:5
follow the leadership of those who

Examples of obedient

Judg 11:36
you must do whatever you promised
1 Sam 2:26
he was a favorite of the Lords,
Luke 2:51
was obedient to them;

Promises concerning

Prov 3:1
If you want a long and satisfying
Prov 23:24-25
what a pleasure a wise son is!
Isa 54:13
their prosperity shall be great.
Matt 18:4
child, is the greatest in the Kingdom
Matt 19:14
of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Acts 2:39
to your children
1 Joh 2:12
children your sins have been forgiven

A blessing

Psa 127:3
Children are a gift from God;
Prov 15:20
A sensible son gladdens his father.
Prov 17:6
mans grandchildren are his crowning glory.
Prov 29:3
A wise son makes his father happy,

Discipline of

Exod 21:15
anyone who strikes father or mother
Deut 21:21
shall stone him to death,
Deut 27:16
Cursed is anyone who despises his
Prov 13:24
you will be prompt to punish him.
Prov 19:18
Discipline your son in his early years
Prov 22:15
but punishment will drive it out of
Prov 23:13-14
Dont fail to correct your children;
Matt 15:4
who reviles his parents must die.

Blessed by Christ

Matt 19:13
Jesus to lay his hands on them and pray.
Mark 10:13
their children to Jesus to bless them,
Luke 18:15
brought their babies to him to bless.

Of God

Matt 5:9
shall be called the sons of God.
Luke 20:36
like angels, and are sons of God,
Rom 8:16
we really are Gods children.
Rom 9:26
be called sons of the Living God.
Eph 5:1
loved child imitates his father.
Heb 12:5
words God spoke to you, his child?
1 Pet 1:14
Obey God because you are his children;
1 Joh 3:10
can tell who is a child of God

Of light

John 12:36
then you will become light bearers.
Eph 5:8
now it is full of light from the Lord,
1 Thes 5:5
all children of the light


1 Cor 13:11
I have put away childish things.
1 Cor 14:20
innocent babies when it comes to evil,
1 Pet 2:2-3
as a baby cries for his milk.


Lord Jesus

Matt 1:21
name him Jesus (meaning Savior)
Luke 2:11
the Messiah, the Lordhas been born
John 4:42
He is indeed the Savior of the world.
Acts 5:31
God exalted him to be a Prince
Rom 5:1
Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
Rom 6:23
life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rom 15:6
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Cor 1:10
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
1 Cor 5:3-4
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Eph 5:23
Christ is in charge of his body
1 Tim 1:10
Savior Jesus Christ, who broke
Heb 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
Jas 1:1
God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Pet 2:20
about our Lord and Savior Jesus

Son of God

Matt 2:15
I have called my Son from Egypt.
Matt 3:17
This is my beloved Son,
Luke 1:32
shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 3:22
are my much beloved Son, yes,
Luke 4:34
who you arethe Holy Son of God.
John 3:16
he gave his only Son so that anyone who
John 5:22
all judgment of sin to his Son,
John 6:40
everyone who sees his Son and believes
John 14:12-13
of what I, the Son, will do for you.
Rom 1:9
telling others the Good News about his Son.
Rom 8:3
He sent his own Son in a human body
1 Cor 1:9
friendship with his Son, even Christ
Gal 4:4
he sent his Son, born of a woman,
Heb 3:6
Gods faithful Son, is in complete charge
Heb 6:6
if you have nailed the Son of God to
Heb 7:3
like that of the Son of Goda priest
1 Joh 4:2
agree that Jesus Christ, Gods Son,
1 Joh 5:9
God declares that Jesus is his Son.


Luke 2:11
The Savioryes the Messiah, the Lord
John 4:42
indeed the Savior of the world.
Acts 5:31
to be a Prince and Savior,
Acts 13:23
who is Gods promised Savior
Eph 5:23
to take care of it and be its Savior!)
2 Pet 3:1-2
you the words of our Lord and Savior.
1 Joh 4:14
God sent his own Son to be their Savior.

The Word

Rev 19:13
his title was The Word of God.

The Lamb of God

John 1:29
Look! There is the Lamb of God
John 1:36
See! There is the Lamb of God!
Rev 5:6
saw a Lamb standing there before
Rev 12:11
by the blood of the Lamb,
Rev 13:8
in the slain Lambs Book of Life

The Mediator

1 Tim 2:5
himself man, is between them to bring
Heb 2:17
merciful and faithful High Priest
Heb 7:15
for Christ, the new High Priest
Heb 10:10
by Christs dying for us once and for
Heb 12:24
Jesus himself, who has brought us
Heb 13:15
With Jesus help we will continually

The Lord of glory

1 Cor 2:8
would have crucified the Lord of Glory.
Jas 2:1
Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory,

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Rev 19:16
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The Messiah

Psa 2:2
the Lord and his Messiah, Christ the King.
Matt 11:2
the miracles the Messiah was doing,
Matt 26:63
the Messiah, the Son of God.
Mark 14:61
Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?
John 1:45
We have found the Messiah!

The Branch

Jer 23:5-6
A righteous Branch upon King Davids throne.
Zec 3:8
The Branch whom I will send.
Zec 6:12
whose name is The Branch

Son of Man

Dan 7:13
Next I saw the arrival of a Man
Matt 16:27
I, the Son of Mankind, shall come
John 5:27
because he is the Son of Man

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