A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (56 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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don't know actually but she was devastated. She spoke with Blake and
then said she would go to her mum's house. I'm worried I never saw
her like that.”

David looked at me worried.

go there.” I said reading his mind. Probably he was thinking
the same thing I was.

Lexie,” David told her before jumping in my car. I drove as
fast as I could to Angela's house. Hoping nothing had happened to
her. We remained silent during the journey. I knew he was feeling the
same as I was. We had hated each other during these years, we had
fought and argued but I knew he loved her as much as I did. When we
arrived, he looked at me. I just nodded and we both walked to the
door. I knocked, once, twice... nothing..

David was going to call her
on her mobile when suddenly the door opened and there she stood, her
eyes swollen, her face pale and her gaze sad. She seemed shattered
and distraught. What had happened?



are you two doing here?”she asked in an angry tone.

were worried about you, Lexie told us you left school and returned
home? What happened?” David asked.

are you crying?” I asked concerned.

in both of you. We have to talk.”

We followed her in, but she
didn't stop in the living room.

“ she said weakly.

Upstairs? Why? David and I
looked at each other but we didn't ask her anything else and just
climbed the stairs after her. She took us in her mother's room. The
room was a total mess everything was scattered all over the floor.

what happened here? Did someone try to rob you?” David asked.

Why did you lie to me?” She queried.

We both stood still
motionless looking at her. My heart had increased the rhythm as many
thoughts whirled in my head.

of you. You hid things from me why? Why did you do this?” She

are you talking about Cassy?” I asked although I already knew
the answer.

She didn't reply instead she
pressed the start button of the DVD, and our Wedding movie started.

Tyler... and this David..” She said giving the album to David.
“Why did you do this to me? I had the right now. My God, David
we have a child and you Tyler.. you're my husband!” She shouted
in a strangled voice.

I saw David becoming pale
and I felt my knees going weak. We had arrived late; she had
discovered everything. I sat down on the armchair as I wasn't feeling
well. I couldn't stand her gaze, so sad and disappointed.

sorry Cassidy.” David was the first to talk. “I have
tried to tell you many times, but you either didn't want to listen or
else we were interrupted. Remember last time I told you that I had to
tell you something about Kylie. I was going to tell you that you are
her mother but then the mobile rang and we left to go to hospital.
I'm really sorry.”

She shook her head and then
turned her gaze in my direction.

you?”I shivered as she looked directly in my eyes.“When
were you going to tell me that you're my husband? For God sake Tyler.
How could you hide something like this? How?”

I had told you, would you have chosen me? Would you have forgotten
all about him and returned home with me?” I asked holding my

She didn't reply. She just
kept staring at me in turmoil.

your answer Cassidy? Would you have chosen him?” David asked
nervously. He looked sick and anxious. He kept swallowing as he
looked at her with pleading us. Hoping to get the answer he wished
for and the one I dreaded.

A hostile silence had fallen
as we both glared at her. Then she finally spoke.

No you can't do this to me! You just can't!” She groaned.

answer, please I need to know. What will you do now that you know?
Huh, will you honour your husband?Will you stand to the vows we
exchanged years ago?” My voice came out weak as a hard and
hurting lump swelled in my throat.

will you stay with me and our daughter?” David continued.

She shook her head as she
shifted her gaze from David to me.

Please leave me alone. I need to think. I need to get used to the
truth. Oh my God.” She whimpered.

David took a step towards
her and grabbed her by the arm. “Cassidy I love you. Please
don't break my heart again. We are happy together. You love me as
well; the truth won't change anything.”

it changes!” I retorted. “You're my wife. You can't even
marry him. Look at this ring Cassidy, this was your gift for me, the
ring that tied our lives together. Doesn't that mean anything to

Silence stretched the room

can't leave us hanging, we have to know. It's either me or David. You
have to decide.” I insisted.

She took a few steps back
freeing herself from David's grip and then without saying a word she
stormed out. We ran after her, calling her desperately. She had
already arrived halfway the stairs when suddenly she stopped and
looked up...

David called her.

need time OK. I need time,just leave me alone, please.” She

No, I couldn't wait any
longer; I had to know now or else I was going to get mad. I hurriedly
went down a few steps to stop her. She froze for a second but then
when she registered my intention, she turned abruptly around to
escape again, but she stumbled and fell down the stairs. I froze in
shock as I saw her rolling down until she hit the floor. I heard
David shouting and then running past me to go to her. In a moment he
was near her, he scooped her up in his arms and shouted...

an ambulance... hurry!”

I felt my mouth drying with
fear.“Is..is she OK?”

don't know. There's blood coming out of her mouth. My God.
Cassidy...Cassidy please wake up!”He cried.

I was anchored to the floor.
When he saw this, he pulled out his mobile from his pocket and called
for an ambulance. I just stood there watching in horror, breathing
heavily, not knowing what to do, how to react. My knees wobbled. It
was my fault again. She was going to escape from me and placed badly
her foot and tripped. I felt a tear running down my cheek..

the hell are you doing standing there... come here!”

I pulled myself together and
walked down the steps stopping near them.

do you hear me? It's me David. Come on honey, please wake up. The
ambulance will soon be here. Cassidy! please Cassidy.” I kept
looking at him trying to do his best to wake her up. I was never
going to be like him. I was never going to be able to protect her and
to love her the way he did. I was afraid. I was weak, and I didn't
deserve her.

A few minutes later the
ambulance arrived, and we went with her to the hospital. David phoned
Angela and told her what happened. She went to pick Kylie from school
and then came immediately to the hospital. We all stayed in the
waiting room waiting in silence. David couldn't even sit down; he
kept walking back and forth, he was nervous, anxious and worried.
While I was seated in my corner praying that she will be OK. The same
corner where I had waited the day of the accident.

me it's my fault!” I said looking at David. He stopped and
looked down at me.

would never do that. It was an accident.” He said. I was
surprised by his answer. I wouldn't have reacted like this; I would
have blamed him like I did when we had the accident.

she will OK, I'm sure. She's strong.. she will be OK.” he said.
He was trying to encourage me while I knew that he was the one who
needed to be encouraged. He was distraught. He was crying even though
he tried to hide it. Finally the doctor came in. We both ran to him,
and we both started talking together. It was the same doctor who had
taken care of Cassidy when she had the accident.

down both of you. Cassidy is fine.”

We both sighed with relief.

just bumped her head a little badly but she will be fine. The blood
you saw coming out of her mouth was because she hit her face and
broke a tooth. But it's nothing serious. All she needs is to rest. We
have made some tests to be sure that there is no haemorrhage or
anything, and everything looks OK... and..

we see her?” I asked.

she awake?

We both started to talk
again. The doctor smiled.

and you'll have a nice surprise when you'll see her. I won't tell you
what it is. Just go, you'll find out by yourselves.”

We looked at each other
quizzically. And hurriedly went to her. I opened the door, and went
in and David followed me. She was lying on the bed. She was pale, and
she was crying, why?

David called her.

She looked up at us. My
heart sank. She had a strange expression on her face.

are you feeling sweetheart?” He asked her.

have been worse,” she said sobbingly.

We both sat down near her.
She kept looking at us without saying anything; then she looked at me
and with tears in her eyes she told me something that nearly made me
lose my balance. 

we lost our baby... I can't believe it.”

David and I looked stunned
at her...

baby? Who told you? The doctor...” I said. She interrupted.

I remember everything now.”

I felt my stomach
contracting. David became pale.

remember David's concert, I remember our fight and then the
accident,” she said crying. “ My memory is back. The
doctor said that although it's very rare probably having hit my head
so badly have made the blockage dissolve. I remember everything.”

We both froze and looked at
her in silence. We both felt miserable. We knew this was going to
change a lot of things. I hoped it would be of advantage to me, but I
was also worried. Now she knew that because of my jealousy she had
lost the baby. The story was getting more complicated.

have lost my baby and I couldn't even cry. My God, I can't believe
that during the past months I had forgotten who I were. I had
forgotten even about my daughter.” she said tears streaming
down her face.

I grabbed her hand and
squeezed it.

me Cassidy..Forgive me for the accident. It was all my fault; we lost
our baby because of me. I'm really sorry.” I murmured with
tears in my eyes.

She smiled at me weakly and
asked me to get near, then she wrapped her arms around me and hugged
me. My heart lost a beat. It felt so good to have her in my arms

blame yourself Tyler. It wasn't just your fault. I did my part as

Just then David stood up...

just wait outside. When you're ready tell me Tyler,” he said. I
knew he was suffering. His expression said it all.

don't leave, I have to talk to you.” Cassidy told him.

I'll be outside,” he said leaving us alone. I smiled at her.

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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