A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (42 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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let's go before they arrive. I take you home now. Go and get your
things hurry.”

I nodded and rushed to the
kitchen to get my things. I grabbed my clothes and the script
hurriedly and then strolled with Blake outside. But I almost bumped
into David, who stared at me in shock. I stopped dead in my tracks as
I began to shake violently. He was just in front of the door. He had
a cocktail in his hand which he nearly dropped on the floor when he
saw me. He looked hurt. Panic and fear fizzled in my veins.

I whispered.

what are you doing here.. and.. My God what are you wearing?”

can explain.” I said weakly, my voice dropped to an almost
inaudible tone.

you can't..”

At that moment, we heard
more voice approaching. Some guest had arrived.

Bayne, come in here. We can talk here.” Blake invited him
seeing my pale face. I was going to pass out. I never trembled so
much in my life. David sighed undecided on what to do.

it's better if I go home. Claire tell your father that I...”

I shouted. “David, please come inside, you're jumping to the
wrong conclusion. It's not as it seems please.”I was sounding
desperate. Before he could say anything I grabbed his hand and pulled
him inside. Claire's eyes flared in anger as she saw me doing this.

do you think you're doing?” She shouted.

up Claire!” I retorted sharply. I had had enough. I just wanted
to talk to my boyfriend. I felt tears welling in my eyes. Claire
looked at me horrified.

nothing happened between me and Blake, please believe me.”

I wouldn't call this nothing.” She said triumphantly while she
gave her mobile to David. He looked down and I saw his face getting
paler. He looked at me with sadness. His eyes were full of pain. No,
I was making him suffer once again. He didn't say anything. Instead,
he just gave the mobile back to Claire and turned around to open the
door. I knew that if he went out that meant we were finished. I
couldn't let that happen.

David, please. Wait?” With tears in my eyes, I ran to him and
wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. I didn't really care
what Claire said this time. Nor I cared that I was letting my
feelings show for my teacher. David froze as I buried my face in his

what are you doing?” He asked shocked.

Just then Blake passed in
front of us and grabbed Claire from the arm.

the hell do you think you're doing?” She shouted. “Let me

up and let's go outside.”


He dragged her out and
locked the door. We were left alone. David grabbed my hands and
pushed me away gently.


we can't continue like this. I don't recognise you. This is not you.”

David please believe me. Nothing happened with Blake, we were trying
the parts and..”

you think I'm an idiot? Huh? First with Tyler, now with Blake. Who
will be the next?”

His tone was harsh. I had
never seen him like this. I cried.


calling me with my first name. My God Cassidy, why did you touch me
in front of Claire? Are you mad? Do you want me to lose my job? She
wants me at all costs, she could use this to blackmail me!”

He was angry and he was
right. What he didn't know was that she was already blackmailing me.
I felt a lump forming in my throat. I tried to touch his hand, but he
stepped back.

sorry. Please forgive me. I love you David.” I cried.

you don't.. you never really will. I was stupid to think that this
time it could happen. I have to go. Forget all about me, I'm not the
man you want.”

Saying that he strolled
towards the door and opened it. Outside there was Claire and Blake,
who were arguing. David walked past them and was going to leave when
a handsome man, extremely tall and elegant grabbed his arm and began
to talk with him. I looked better at him and I knew it was Blake's
father right away. They looked alike. I leaned against the wall and
cried. I hoped Claire wouldn't come back in. I really wouldn't bear
to hear her comments right now. I felt a hand grabbing at my shoulder
and I looked behind me and saw Blake. No trace of Claire.

what happened?”


me the truth. You and Mr Bayne have a relationship right?”

anymore," I despaired.

my God, why didn't you tell me that you had a relationship with him?
I would have never kissed you like that. Although I want you so much
I'm not a couple wrecker.”

I buried my face in my hands
as tears kept streaming down.“I'm sorry I had to lie. I got to
know David before I came to college, but things got complicated and I
thought that if someone discovered our relationship, he could lose
the job so I had to lie.” I strove to explain as I sobbed

my step sister know about this?”

I nodded.“She saw us

she's blackmailing you right?”

I nodded again, “She
wants me to stay away from him, to leave him..to..”

my God, I knew she was cruel but not to this point. I'll take care of

she can't know that you know.” I cried.


would report him. She said if she can't have him then neither I'll

love him this much to sacrifice yourself for him?” He seemed
startled. Suddenly his face had shadowed, his eyes dulled.

really do although he doesn't believe that. He thinks I'm some sort
of a whore who runs from a guy to another, but this is not true. I'm
weak yes and sometimes I get too flabbergasted to react. I should
have stopped you from kissing me!”

why didn't you? Do you have feelings for me Cassidy?” He asked
. My heart began to bounce in my chest.

handsome, a gorgeous guy.. you...”

not what I asked. I know I have good looks which I'm starting to
hate. I'm fed up with girls who love just my exterior and when it
comes to more deep feelings they step back. Cassidy do you love me or

I admitted. He exhaled. “Blake I love you as a friend and I'm
attracted to you, not just to your exterior. I like the way you think
and I like your personality, but my heart belongs to only one man.”

Bayne right? OK, I'm glad you told me this. ”

don't want to hurt you. I'm sorry.”

worry, I'm glad you've been honest even though it hurts. Let's go.”

you taking me home?” I asked as I rubbed my tears. I didn't
want to see me in this state.

I have to speak to Mr Bayne and tell him the truth about us.”

I looked up stunned at him. 

tell him that I tried to seduce you and that I forced you to kiss

Blake but that's not true.. you didn't force me to kiss you.”

a way I did, I can be very persuasive. I used the excuse of the play
to kiss you again. I shouldn't have. I'll talk to your boyfriend. He
will forgive you and you'll be happy.” He said kissing my

are you doing this?”

I have feelings for you. It's strange I know,since I've known you for
less than a week but I guess when it comes to love everything is
possible right?” He said smiling. “I want you to be happy
Cassidy and I can't force you to want me. And I wouldn't want you to
be with me while you think to another guy. So let's go.”

you Blake. You're such a nice guy, you'll find the right girl I'm
sure.” I felt better.

hope you're right.”

I grabbed my things once
more and we walked towards the exit. But when Blake opened the door
he saw Claire waiting outside. She had a dress in her hands.

it to her.” She said in an annoyed tone.

this?” Blaked asked confused.

a dress can't you see?”

know it's a dress. Why?”

Dad saw her coming in here and I told him she's your girlfriend.”

Are you mad?” He shouted.

were I suppose to tell him? She had your clothes on. Anyway, he wants
her to stay. He would love to meet her. I guess he was surprised.
It's not something you do every day bringing a girl home, Blake. Your
father had lost hope, actually he was beginning to think that you
were gay.” She said laughing.

Blake stared at me. I didn't
know what to say or do?

let him wait, you know how he is.”

Saying this, she put the
dress in Blake's hands and left.


Blake, you can't ask me this.” I said shaking my head while he
kept looking at me with pleading eyes.

Please Cassidy, you heard her. Do you want my father to think that
I'm gay?”

but what's the big deal, you're not right?” I said half amused.

He smiled wryly.“Of
course not, do you think I would have kissed you the way I did if I

I felt my face warming up,
remembering his lips on mine.


sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Listen if you stay here I'll talk
to Mr Bayne for you and you make peace tonight, here.”

with Claire here it will be really easy.” I said sarcastically.

Claire to me. Listen if you go now, God knows what she can invent.
She's capable of anything.”

noticed that.”

Why make things easier for her?” he questioned.

don't know, but David will get an even worse idea if I stay.”

if I talk to him. Go and get dressed!”He instructed.

I nodded although I wasn't
very sure I was taking the best decision by staying. And why would
Blake help me if he wanted me? That didn't make sense. I could have
kept thinking about it, but I didn't have much time. I stripped from
Blake's clothes and put Claire's dress on. I hated that  I had
to wear something that belonged to her, but I didn't have much
choice. The dress was very small and it fitted me like a second skin,
even if I hated to admit it Claire was probably slimmer than me. I
pulled up the zip and I had to hold my breath to be able to close it.
I looked at myself in the mirror and nearly fainted when I saw how
much of my cleavage was showing. This dress was surely sexy but
totally inappropriate. No, I couldn't get out wearing it. Claire was
really wicked. She wanted to embarrass me, I tried to walk and I
noticed that the slit at the back revealed up to my thighs arriving
to just under my bottom. I sighed  in frustration and I was
going to take it off again when Blake knocked on the door..

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