Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax (18 page)

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His other hand came up to the side of my face, bracing me. Holding me in place until I appeased him and spoke the words I wondered if he wanted to hear.

“I…the motion of the bike…it…”

“It what.” His thumb was now at my mouth, stroking my bottom lip gently, making it harder for me to speak. Moisture was further pooling on the white lace panties that I’d never worn before today. I was feeling combustible and if he continued to tease me, I was going to erupt into an explosion of flames.

“You were so close.”

“Mmm hmmm.” The touch of his forehead to mine had me swooning.

“Like this?” He murmured.


“And what happens when I’m close like this?” He waited a moment for my answer but I was lost. “Say it.”

“I feel things.”


“Nice things.” Oh so nice.

“Mmm. I can smell your desire, Angel. Do you know what that is doing to me? What I’m thinking right now?”

Pulling some hair away from my ear, I could only shake my head and squeak as I felt his lips there. His breathing, substantial. Strained.

He clenched a wad of my hair at the back of my head, “Dirty things. So fucking filthy.”

I groaned at the words that ignited my need further. But it wasn’t until the small metal stud touched the underside of my earlobe as he pulled it into his mouth that I cried out, not caring who was around listening. “Jax!”

“You like the feel of that, don’t you?”

“I do. Please, I need something to take away this ache.”

Just as his breath moved from my ear, to my cheek and then down lower towards my lips, the annoying peal of my cell rang out. Jax snarled, letting me go and moving back. Taking my backpack off, I opened the front pocket and pulled out my cell.

“Hello?” I was still panting.

“Hi Holly, its Leah. I’m just returning your call.” I’d almost forgotten that I’d left her a message earlier.

“Leah, how are you? Did you make it home alright?”

“Yeah. I don’t remember much about the cab ride home but I woke up in my bedroom not long ago with a monster of a headache.”

“You were pretty drunk when I left.”

“Why did you leave and how did you get home?” She asked.

“Ah, Jax kinda took me home after some guy tried to hit on me.”

“Ohhh, did he punch the guy?”

“I’m pretty sure the sounds I heard were from a jaw being cracked and someone hitting the ground.”

“OMG! He punched a guy for you? I can’t remember it. This is serious, Holly!”

In a meek voice I responded, “I don’t know why he would do that!”

“He obviously likes you, that’s why!”

“Look, I can’t really talk now. Can I call you later? When I get home?”
“Holy Hell! Where are you?”
“I’m in Golden. We’re about to have coffee.”

“He took you to Golden on his bike?”

Why did she sound so surprised? “He did and the ride was amazing!”

“Okay, I want all the juicy gossip later. Promise me!”

“I promise. I gotta go.”
“Have fun!”

“Thanks Leah. Talk later.”

After we hung up, I waited for Jax to help me off the bike. I wasn’t sure if he’d been eavesdropping on my conversation with Leah or not because he’d wandered away.

“You ready?” He asked, reappearing, sliding an arm around my waist, bringing sensation back to me full force.

“Uh huh. I need caffeine.” I whimpered as I slid intimately down the front of his body, his large firm arm locking me in place. I came into contact with his groin on my way down. A very sizable, rigid bulge flush with my thigh that caught me off guard.

I cried, “Ooohh,” as he suspended me against him, my feet dangling off the ground.

“That’s right. Feel that right there? That’s what having you on the back of my bike, pressed in tight and rubbing yourself all over me has done. I’m so hard it hurts.”

“Put me down!” I quietly pleaded, desperate to put some space between us before I ended up doing something totally wicked.

He was in no hurry, torturing me. I could feel the curve of the bulge as he purposely angled me so that it would rub against my moist center before my feet touched the ground.

It was exquisite and hit the very spot that was begging for more as my hips reared up, frustratingly before he stood back and grabbed my hand, towing me behind him in a stupor.

He knew exactly what he was doing and how I was affected by him. He was toying with me.

Well two could play at that game. I knew I was biting off more than I could chew with Jax and had zero experience with men but he was doing things to me that I needed more of. I wanted to explore it more and see exactly what I had been missing out on. It was exciting. Dangerous and so not like me. Yet, I thirsted for what he had to offer more than anything.

Inside, Jax led me to a booth and helped me settle.

“You want your usual?”

I smiled. “Please.”

It was funny that I even had a ‘usual’. It was more like Chloe’s ‘usual’ but that was irrelevant because I loved coffee now.

Country music played in the background, the place filled with chatter. Cups and saucers clanged and the sound of coffee being made added to the cacophony.

More and more I was wishing I had my sight. I was being short-changed, not being able to garner the full experience of this day or others that were now just memories.

Should I risk another corneal transplant? The chances of it failing a second time surely were slim. Had I been selfish in my decision to refuse a second one?

I didn’t really have anything to lose, did I? If it failed I would be no worse off than I was now. And in all honesty, being in Golden with Jax even without my vision was not the worst thing I could think of.

“Penny for your thoughts.” His gritty voice had me look up as he placed my coffee in front of me.

“Thank you. I was just thinking about the whole corneal transplant thing.”

“You’re thinking of getting it done?” He moved to sit down opposite me.
“That’s great! What’s changed your mind?”

“I’ve been thinking about it more recently and coming out here with you today makes me a little sad that I can’t enjoy the beautiful scenery and surroundings.”

“It’s pretty country out this way. Golden is a nice town. Before we leave, I’ll take you down to Clear Creek River and describe it to you.”

“I’d like that.” Even though it wouldn’t be the same, I would try and etch an image into my mind from Jax’s descriptions.

We sat in silence for a bit, drinking our coffees. I gathered up any courage I might have had and decided now was as good a time as any to play my card.

Lifting a booted foot I honed in on my target and found his legs slightly open under the table. Enough for my foot to reach in and press against his crotch.

He gurgled, spitting some coffee out and coughing. I couldn’t resist laughing at his reaction.

“Oh, you think that’s funny do you?” His deep voice wasn’t angry. More like hungry.


Hearing movement, he was quick to respond at my side of the table. “Move over.”

I slid across the bench so that my arm hit the wall, wondering what he was doing.

He was over me, in my ear. “You really shouldn’t have done that, Angel.”

His presence surrounded me, momentarily suffocating me. He picked up my hand and placed it at the front of his jeans giving me access to his throbbing shaft that was still hard. “Don’t start something you can’t finish. I’m in agony here.”

His arm was around the back of the booth, his fingers tickling my neck under my hair. I couldn’t breathe. I was touching him, there. It was real and huge under my fingers as I let myself squeeze the denim barrier. He twitched under my touch and let out a painful grunt.

“Turn around to face me.”

I hoped to God we weren’t on full display for everyone to see and that he had a small amount of decorum. I guess I would just have to trust him.

Slowly turning so that my back was now against the wall, with my hand still fixed to his jeans, he leaned in and with the hand that had been tickling my neck, he held my chin and claimed my mouth hard and fast, covering my lips before prying them open with his warm, studded tongue. The silver, still slightly cooler, sent a blanket of shivers over me. I was helpless to his greed. I wanted him to consume me. Both of his hands came to the back of my head, angling it so he could feast like a starved beast. His ample lips felt glorious as they opened and closed with mine, desperately.

I was pushed into the wall as he thrust his hips forward into my hand as if to try and give himself some relief. The heat from his body was incredible, my hand fumbling for the zipper on his leather jacket and pulling it down to uncover what lay below. My fingers met the fabric of cotton. A tee maybe? I wasn’t sure but the material wasn’t my ultimate goal. It was to feel the hard planes of the flesh, underneath.

“Put a hand on me. Feel me.” He growled into my mouth.

I obliged willingly needing the contact of his skin. At the moment my hand touched his taut stomach a small shock went through my fingers causing us both to jump.

“Fuck,” he ground out, running his tongue stud over my bottom lip. “Do it again.”

I did, the shock not quite so harsh this time around as I mapped out his abs, wondering at the rippling muscles and soft skin. “You feel amazing.”

He was sucking in breaths at my touch, shaking when I dipped a finger into his belly button that sat just above the line of his low-hung jeans. His whole body tensed before he grabbed my wrist, pulled it out from under his shirt and swung around to face the table so that my other hand couldn’t touch his crotch either.

“Finish your drink.” I wasn’t sure what was in his voice, unable to read his face as he got up from the table, hurriedly. There had definitely been a temperamental shift. “I’ll be back in a minute. Stay here.”

Chapter Thirty One



Clutching the basin in the bathroom after splashing cold water on my face, I glared at myself in the mirror.

I was as readable as a neon sign. I’d wanted to nail Holly to that wall and make her scream with pleasure while I rammed into her again and again. Plain and simple. My eyes were black with lust, my lids half shut, lips swollen. Those brown eyes of hers had sex written all over them. Ever since the bike ride. And what the fuck was with her on my bike? Twice I’d nearly ran off the road at the sensation of her grinding her pussy on my ass. And damn, if I didn’t hear little noises coming from her even with my helmet on and the sound of the engine and rushing wind. I knew pleasure when I heard it and she’d been getting off.

Christ! How was I going to handle this? She was goddam squeaky clean! She sure wasn’t acting like it, though. She was acting more like Chloe… Shit! Shit! I don’t need to be going there.

Forget it man. Forget it. You’ve been doing good, not thinking of her. Let it go.

After banging my fist down on the edge of the basin I cupped more water in my hands and threw it over my face to try and snap out of it. I didn’t know how the hell I was going to survive the day.

Walking back out into the now stuffy café, I watched Holly as I approached. She looked like she’d been ravished. The back of her hair messy from the wall. Lips puffy like mine. I’d done that to her. I wanted to do so much more to the blind girl and I was fucked if I knew why. I’d asked myself a million times. Why her? Not once had I been able to answer. I had no fucking clue what I was doing or where this was going. Just the fact that if I didn’t deflower her and get her out of my system, I was going to seriously do some shit.

I needed fresh air. Time to go. “Let’s get out of here.” I stuck my hand out for her to take because I knew she’d left her cane at home. I’d told her she wouldn’t need it. Now I was wishing I hadn’t said that because even just her hand in mine kicked my testosterone into high gear.

Out in the snow-laced air I took some deep breaths letting the crispness of it settle my hormones. Holly placed her gloves back on, keeping a much needed barrier between us as I led her down the street a few blocks and across the road towards the river.

We took it slow as I made sure she didn’t stumble or fall over anything. The town was busy. Cars and bikes rolled in. Typical Sunday so there were quite a few people walking on the sidewalk that we had to dodge. With a firm right hand on her lower back and my left hand holding her arm, we reached our destination unscathed.  We could have brought the bike but I thought the walk would be good for both of us.

Even with snow on the surrounding hills, the icy air only added to the beauty of the town with its evergreen and deciduous trees littering the narrow, rocky, river.

A concrete path running parallel to the water made our approach to the stone wall where I planned on sitting, easier.

The running river sounded out over rocks of various sizes, creating a peaceful background noise that helped me clear my head and regain some composure from my earlier loss of control.

“It sounds beautiful,” Holly beamed, sitting next to me on the low wall.

“It is. The sky is perfectly blue without a cloud in it and the clear water is running pretty fast today.”

I watched as Holly lifted her face to the sun and inhaled fully. “The air smells so fresh out here.”

“No pollution. Plus there is snow on the hills surrounding us.”
“There is?”

“Yup. It’s scattered. Not enough to cover the ground down here but still enough to make the temperature close to freezing.”

“Do you ski?”

“I snowboard. Haven’t been this year. I normally go with Micah and a group of friends each year but things have happened…” My neck tightened along with the muscles in my shoulders.

Holly gave me an understanding nod, fidgeting with her gloved fingers. She seemed as uncomfortable as me addressing the immediate past.

I rolled my head in order to release some of the sudden tension I’d brought about, changing the subject. “Anyway, as I was attempting to describe our surroundings, I’ll continue. In summer you get people in kayaks, riding the river but at the moment it’s empty. Too cold. Some of the trees are barren and others are full, a nice contrast. There’s grass on the bank in front of us that leads down to the rocks at the edge.”

I didn’t know if she was drawing any images from my descriptions but it was the best I could come up with.

“I can hear ducks.”

Ducks? Trying to sharpen my hearing, I listened for the sound of anything resembling a duck. At first the noise of water, churning around and over the rocks overpowered everything but if I let that fade into the background, maybe, just maybe I could hear something like a quack.

She was pointing up river. “They’re up that way. There’s a few of them.”
“Do you have bionic hearing or something?”

Her careless laughter impaled me. A pleasing sound that caught my breath and held it for a second.

“My senses are quite sharp to make up for the loss of vision.”
“I’ll say. What else can you hear?”

She turned on her side towards me, the light catching her chocolate eyes. “You’ve just swallowed hard. Your breath. It’s like you’re puffing. And your teeth. You’re grinding them together.”

It’s you. You’ve done that to me. I couldn’t say it out loud as I stared at that perfect mouth I wanted to demolish again. I was in way over my head. I think it’s time we got back on the bike.

“You ready to hit the open road again?” I know I was. As long as she didn’t try any funny business.

“Sure. You got anywhere in mind or are you still happy to just fly like the wind?”

“Let’s just see where the road takes us.”

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