Touched (9 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Touched
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What the hell? I only told him about her talent earlier this evening. How? “Amber. How…? What…?” Oh, my God, I can’t even get the words out. She starts jumping up and down in her seat like a little kid. “Damn, Amber. Calm down, catch a breath and spill.”
After a few more minutes of squealing, she takes a deep breath and calms down. “When he called me last night to tell me what happened to you, telling me he was taking care of you, he called me back later for an update when you were sleeping and we got to talking. He asked me to send over some of my work by email and this morning he offered me a job. He told me I had a natural talent and at such a young age that I’m a gold mine and he had to have me work for him.” She squeals again, and my head begins to shake.
Wait! He already knew about her when I brought it up at dinner and didn’t act like he knew. Again, just when I feel like I can trust him, he deceives me, and he wants me to trust him? How can I? He’s definitely not trying to sway me over by doing shit like this constantly.
A knock sounds on my door and I check the clock on the wall. Who in the hell would knock on my door at ten o’clock in the evening? Amber stands and I grab her arm, shaking my head. “Don’t worry, I’ll look through the peephole first.” She pats my hand, and I release her and watch wearily as she walks to the door. My heart rate increases when she gasps, and I start to stand as she clicks open all the locks then opens the door. Muffled voices are straining my ears, but then the same delivery boy who came here before starts carrying in boxes of roses in various colors and sizes. What the fuck? Amber’s soon to follow, her arms full of the same and then as the delivery boy heads back out he winks at me. I start to walk towards the door when Amber runs back out, and the boy comes back in with boxes of different sizes then Amber returns with more roses. Pretty soon my entire living room, dining room and kitchen begin smelling with the beautiful aroma of roses that are setting all over them.
As the boy stands in the doorway, smiling, Amber hands him some money, and he winks at me again. “Hey, I deliver whenever Mr. Dunway calls. Don’t blame me. Enjoy.” He grabs the doorknob and closes the door, leaving me breathless and bewildered.
“Whelp, there’s one thing about Knox, he sure knows how to wow a lady.” She shakes a small box in her hands and eyes me suspiciously. “Aren’t you going to open these? I’m dying to know what’s in this one.”
I walk over to her and take the box out of her hands and set it on the coffee table then cross my arms around my waist. “Nope. It’s all going back in the morning. Don’t get attached. He can’t buy me or my trust with gifts, Amber.” I place my hands on her shoulders, turning her around towards the door. “Now go. I’m tired and need about twelve hours of sleep. I’ll call you in the morning.” She huffs but lets me push her to the door. Once she’s gone, and I’ve relocked the door I turn around to survey the rooms. Who does he think he is? Shaking my head, I turn off all the lights and head to bed.
§ § § §
I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling and sigh. I was really hoping she would have called me by now. Damn, I overdid it with the gifts. I smack my hand on the mattress and let out a breath. I need her back. I must have her. I’ve got to figure out a way! It’s Monday and even though I don’t normally go into the office, I feel I should today with Amber starting her first day. The girl has major potential and knew I must hire her as soon as I saw her work. I only let on I didn’t know she was a graphic artist to Jade so that she would feel she was helping her friend. Once I’ve taken my shower and put on my suit, I get to the office as everyone there nods and smiles as if I cared that they were sucking up to me, as usual, until I rounded the corner to the rows of desk cubes and saw Amber sitting in the one right outside my office. Perfect. I walked right over and took a peek at what she was working on, displaying on her draft board, and smiled. Yes, such a good decision. She has a fabulous raw and natural talent. Before she could notice me, I walk pass her cube and into my office, shutting the door behind me. I’m sure I shocked the shit out of everyone since I hardly ever show my face here anymore.
I’ve actually gotten quite a bit of work done in the three hours I’ve been here when a tap comes at my door. “In,” I shout as I keep my eyes on my computer screen. Amber had just sent me her first project, and I am in the middle of typing back a response. It’s actually very good, but I can visualize a few adjustments that will enhance the quality tenfold. My brows furrow as a ton of noise sweeps into my normally quiet office and I look up and do a double take. The delivery boy I hired walks in pushing a cart full of the roses and gifts I had him take to Jade’s place last night. He leaves the room and brings another cart full in, looking exasperated and a little fearful when his eyes move to mine. Once he’s done, he sighs, looking tired and shrugs his shoulders, leaving me alone in an office crammed with roses and boxes, the aroma almost making me gag in the small environment.
I reach over and push a button on my call box and yell, “AMBER, in my office NOW!” She runs into my office, slamming the door behind her and almost falls over a huge bouquet of red roses and the enormous vase they’re in. She looks at me with a little fear, but then smirks and crosses her arms over her chest. I clear my throat and wave my hand out to the chairs in front of my desk. “Please sit.” She hesitates, then rolls her eyes and navigates around all the bouquets until she safely takes a seat. I sit forward in my seat, fold my hands together on top of the desk and sigh. “I take it she didn’t like my gifts very much?”
A laugh spews from her mouth, but she quickly covers it with her hand. “Um, well, I think you’ve gotten to know Jade. What did you expect? That she’d just come running back because you showered her with flowers and gifts?” Her head turns to my bookcase, eyeing one of the small boxes and turns back to me. “What’s in that one?”
I close my eyes and open them quickly. Reaching for my phone I push a button, then another. Ringing comes out of the speaker then a click. “Good morning, sir. How may I be of service?” Amber’s eyes widen, the smirk returning to her face as Ralph’s voice comes out loud and clear. “Ralph, Jade’s gifts have been returned to my office. Please call our delivery boy and have him take them all back to Jade’s apartment. I will have a note waiting for him to take to her as well.” I end the call and give Amber a smirk of my own.
“Well played but you won’t win her with them. She’s leery of you now. You’ve opened her heart and then stomped on it. I didn’t tell you those things to have you use them against her. You’ll lose her completely if you keep pushing so hard.” She stands and begins to walk to the door.
“I’m not going to lose her. I’ll die trying to get her back, and you didn’t tell me everything, I found out most of it on my own. Have a good day. Good work by the way.” She smiles and leaves me to write the note I need to before the delivery boy shows up.
I end up leaving the office around one, stopping by Amber’s cube on the way out and compliment her on her drawing. She’s really quite good and will go far in my company. But when she smirked at me about returning all the gifts, I didn’t let her know that I’d thought that. She’ll find out soon enough when she advances quickly. I decide to make a detour on the way home and ended up in front of Jade’s apartment building. Without even thinking I walk to the front door and buzz her number. I look around as I wait for an answer finding her street pretty vacant of people and cars when her voice brings me back to the speaker.
“Who is it?” She sounds stronger, but maybe it’s just her trying to be her stubborn and determined self.
“Jade, it’s Knox. May I come up, please? I promise I won’t stay long. I just want… I just want a few minutes.” My hearts beating so fast that I feel it could choke me, but I need to see her. I need to try to make things right between us. I need her. Silence. It seems to last forever, but then I hear the door unlock, and I grab the handle, pushing it open and head upstairs. When I reach the third floor, she’s standing in the doorway, arms crossed and looking gorgeous. She steps aside, and I walk in. The smell of roses is thick, and I notice she’s placed all the arrangements beautifully throughout her apartment. As she walks past me, I observe the way she walks, her sway is back in her hips yet she’s walking a bit slower from her injuries, but her head is held high, and she moves with confidence and determination.
I follow her into the kitchen in silence and stand next to the breakfast bar. She pours two cups of coffee and brings one over to me, setting it on the counter then leans her hip against it. “Thank you for the flowers even though they weren’t necessary and totally extreme. I can’t accept the gifts though, please understand that I can’t be bought. However, I am a woman in need of a job but I won’t move in with you. I will, however, come when you ask or stay when needed. I can’t… I haven’t…” She starts fumbling over her words and my heart breaks.
I reach over and touch her arm, and she startles. “It’s ok, Jade. I’ve changed my mind.” Her eyes spread wide in shock. “What I mean is, I still want to pay you but I don’t want to pay you for sex. I’m falling…” I move closer and cup her face. “I’m falling in love with you. I know it’s crazy. We don’t know each other that well but there’s something familiar about you and…” Her mouth presses against mine, one of my hands moves to the back of her head, fingers twisting in her hair as our tongues meet and our mouths press against each other’s harder. My mouth releases long enough for my head to change directions and smash against hers again. Her moan is music to my ears as the kiss becomes very heated. Finally, I stop, but lay my forehead against hers. “I want us to date. Officially date.” My head moves with hers as she nods and my smile could be a permanent fixture, one that I’m looking forward to.
“Be patient with me. I’ve never dated anyone before and have a lot to learn and I’m embarrassed to say, a little nervous.” Her finger draws a pattern on my shirt, and her smile is a big as mine.
I step over and sit on a stool and take a drink of my cooled coffee, and it’s the best damn thing I’ve ever tasted. “So, what else can you do? What skills do you have other than…” My hand moves up and down her body and now I’m a bit embarrassed.
She laughs. “Ha, well actually I have excellent typing and secretary skills. I can do other ‘things’ with my body.” Her brows raise, and I can’t help but chuckle.
I cover my mouth with my hand and then place it on my leg. “Well, now. We always can use another secretary at my office. And, don’t worry, it wouldn’t be on my floor nor would I be your boss. Well, yes, I own the company but you know what I mean.” I reach over the counter, take her hand and pull her around to me, my legs opening wide to let her stand in between them then I take her other hand too. “But for tonight? I think dinner at my place and I miss you in my bed, even if it’s just cuddling and sleeping, for now. Okay with you?”
“Hey, don’t knock the cuddling and sleeping. It happens to be my favorites.” She leans into me, her mouth on mine and then moves back and smiles. “And I would love a job in your building and maybe I can see if Jimmy will let me work only on the weekends at the station. I really do enjoy being a DJ. You don’t have to face people. They don’t know what you look like and you can just be yourself.”
I bring one of her hands up to my lips and kiss the top softly. “Sounds good. Now. Go pack a bag and let’s go. I think I will cook dinner tonight and give Ralph the night off. I need some alone time with my girl.” She winks at me and turns to walk to her bedroom, a little more pep in her step. I’m relieved that she’s coming home with me. Wow, I actually have a girlfriend, my first and hopefully my last.
Oh, my God! What am I doing? My emotions are all over the place. Can I really date someone? Him? Closing my eyes faint memories try to appear, but they don’t come in clearly. I feel like I’ve met him before or know him from somewhere, but I can’t place it. He seems so familiar but not. I must be crazy. I am crazy! But I can’t stop the feelings I have and not sure I want to. I can’t believe I have my first boyfriend. I’m scared, nervous, excited and out of my mind. Boyfriend. That sounds so great, but is that what he is? I made a decision today that I needed to get my life back in order. Healthy eating, working out, get a job and get Knox back into my life. I want to trust him and let him take care of me. I need that. I want that. But can I do that? Can I overcome my past? I don’t know, but as stubborn as I am, I’m gonna damn well try.
After packing my bag, Knox takes it from me, and I pick up my purse along with my favorite vase of roses, lock up my apartment and head out and into his car. He held my hand all the way over to his place and then once we were inside he led me into his bedroom. He took the vase from me and set it on the night table next to the side of the bed that I slept on before. Well, I guess we claimed whose side of the bed is whose, that’s a start. Then he took my hand again, and I followed him to the kitchen where he sat me at the table, got me a glass of wine and then proceeded to make dinner. I have no idea what he’s cooking, but it smells heavenly. He decided informal tonight, so we’re eating in the kitchen, no signs of Ralph to bother us. I’m about to take a bite of the delicious chicken when he gives me a serious look.
“I don’t want to put a damper on our evening but I want you to know that by us dating there could be, well there will be, um…”
Smiling, I reach across the table and grasp his hand. “Just spit it out, ok? I can take it.” He looks a little relieved, but not much.

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