Touched (4 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Touched
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“I know what you mean, Tabbie. Stop now will you?” My patience is growing thin rapidly, but the annoyance of the horrible memories start to die down. “Tabbie, she seems familiar, like I know her but I can’t… I can’t place where I know her from. Someone in my past, perhaps, or a dream but I’m not sure. I…” A sandbox, a sand covered small face, blue eyes… I shake my head.
“Knox? Have you been having any nightmares lately? Are you still seeing Dr. Johnson?” I can tell she’s trying to be nice as she asks hesitantly.
“Yes and yes. Now, I have to go. Don’t worry. I’m going on the date if I have to make myself and don’t have Stan stalk me anymore. Look, I know you mean well and… I love you too. You just be the good girl you are and I’ll see you soon, ok?” I end the call before she can respond. She’s done enough damage without intending to, and now I have to get my courage in check to go pick up Angel. What in the hell am I getting myself into and why now? Why her? Gathering up my keys and cash, placing them into the pocket of my dress pants, I head towards the door only to stop short. Because she’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of, everything I’ve ever wanted and never thought I could have. That’s why.
“You’re gonna be fine, relax, Jade. Damn woman! You’re like a lunatic getting ready for this date.” My eyes snap to her. My brows furrowed, and my hand stops mid brush in my hair as I look at her incredulously. “Ok. Ok! I know it’s your first date ever in your life and you never, ever do it normally but hey… He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen and I know you have feelings for him” My brows raise. “What? I can tell. I’ve known you for a year now, held you when you’ve cried, been beaten within an inch of your life, been there when you’ve had nightmares so I think know you.”
My heart plummets as I’m feeling that I’m making the biggest mistake of my entire life. Am I crazy? What makes me think this man is any different than any of the others? What makes me think this is ok to do? Memories flow into my head of the night in the club, his touch making my body react in ways it never has before, the feelings that soared through my body, his lips, his fingers and his mouth. Sighing, I quickly finish brushing my hair, then pick up my lip gloss and lean forward closer to the mirror applying it on my upper lip but eyeing Amber from the glass. “I know. It’s just…” I swipe my bottom lip with the gloss, put the cap on then turn around, leaning back against the counter. “Ok. I’m nervous. Sometimes I wonder about my brain. You know there are reasons I don’t date and God knows this time… This time I really want to but…”
She stands from the bed, walking towards me with a sad look on her face. She places her hands on my upper arms, shakes me and then envelopes me in a hug. “I know. I know, Jade. But everything happens for a reason. There are good people in the world, they just have never found you yet but that’s changing.” She moves back, her eyes a little teary but smiles. “I have a good feeling about him, Jade. I think finally it’s time for you to have some happiness in your life. God knows you deserve it.” Her finger reaches up and wipes away a lone tear from my face, and I quickly turn towards the mirror to fix my mascara.
“Damn, now look what you made me do,” I laugh. “I don’t cry. Now stop it and go get my jacket.” I can see her smiling as she starts to turn, then walks out of the bathroom. I love that girl.
I’ve paced the floor about a million times when I hear a light tap on the door, making me almost fall over when I stop. My heart beating so hard I feel like it could explode from my chest. Why am I so nervous? I’m the queen of cool. I shouldn’t be letting him affect me this way. I shake my head, getting the hair away from my face, square my shoulders back and stand up straight. I can do this. Walking to the door, I twist all the locks open and pull the knob. I swallow hard when I see his back, but as he turns around my heart speeds up so fast, my nipples peak instantly and I push my legs together to try to keep the wetness from making its way down my leg. Damn, he’s fucking hot!
His black suit with his black hair magnifies his light blue eyes, making them even sexier than normal and the fitted suit defines his muscles, making them show in all the right places. His lips form into a cocky grin as I lick my lips. He walks towards me until his body is as close as it can get to mine, his arm wraps around me as his hand slides underneath my hair, cupping the back of my neck and his eyes stare into mine. “You look ravishing. Love the black cocktail dress.” His index finger on his other hand touches the base of my neck and I watch as his eyes follow it. My body shivers in desire as it leaves a hot trail while traveling down my chest and into my cleavage. “The cut of your neckline is most becoming, displaying my girls proudly I see.”
His girls?
My eyes snap back up to his when he stops speaking. “Yes. My girls and they will stay that way.” Abruptly, he lets go of my neck and takes my hand as he starts through the door. “Come. We’ll be late for our reservation.”
The wetness between my legs is uncomfortable. I must find a bathroom as soon as we get there. This is going to be a long night.
It was bad enough when he led me to a black limo, with a driver standing there with the door opened for us, but when it pulled up in front of the Bel Angelo Bistro, I about died. This is the finest Italian restaurant in the city, and I’ve only dreamt about eating here one day, but I never imagined I would be here now and with the most handsome man in the world. He crooks his arm and looks at me. His eyes light up and his mouth turned up in a grin. I put my arm through his, with my hand lying on his forearm, and he leads us towards the door. Two doormen open both the doors in unison and we walk in, the Maître D rushing over to us in an instant.
“Ah! Signore Dunway. So nice to see you this fine evening. May I take you and your lovely companion to your table?” My eyes shift to Knox. He nods to the gentleman, and then we follow him to the back of the restaurant. “Your table, Signore Dunway. Signorina? Please enjoy your dinner.” Knox pulls out a chair for me then helps me push it back to the table and takes the chair across from me. Now that I have a minute my eyes scan my surroundings, and I am in awe of them. Lush red carpet, white tablecloths with red cloth napkins, sparkling silverware beside beautiful plates, candles lit as centerpieces around beautiful flowers, however, on our table instead of matching the other flower arrangements, there is a dozen red roses.
“You like? Everything is for you, Angel.” His face is serious, his eyes glaring into mine, and I feel special, cared for and almost significant, but then my survival instincts wants to know why, what’s up his sleeve? There’s only one thing men want me for, why would he be any different? But they don’t take me out on the town, spend money on me unless… “You seem distracted. Is there something wrong?”
Shaking my head from my thoughts I give him a sincere smile. “No, sorry. I’m just…” I look around the restaurant and back into his eyes. “I’m just not used to going out with anyone and to such a fine establishment. Forgive me.”
His mouth opens as if to speak when we’re interrupted by our waiter. Knox looks at me, eyes wide and smiles. “Would you like me to order for us?” My head nods, and I watch as he gives our orders. He closes the menu and looks up at the waiter. “The lady will have the Linguine with clam sauce, place three different dressings for her salad on the side and I will have the Fettuccine Alfredo, same with my salad. Then we will have your best red wine with two glasses. Grazie.” The waiter takes our menus, smiling as he nods his head and leaves us.
He places his elbows on the table, clasps his hands and stares at me. “Now, Angel. Tell me something about yourself.”
Crap! I knew this would come at some point, but I’m really not ready for it.
I hesitate, then clear my throat, sitting up straight. “Well, there’s not much to tell really. I’m a Disc Jockey for 69.5 The Touch radio station. I work at The Sensations club and I work out a lot at the gym. Boring really.” My shoulders shrug, and I can tell by the look on his face that wasn’t what he wanted to know.
The waiter arrives just in time. A woman server is beside him holding a serving tray with our salads, bread basket and wine glasses while he carries our bottle of wine. He set the wine down on our table, reaches for our salads and places them and the bread in front of us. He nods at the server who smiles at Knox, then leaves. Our waiter then proceeds to uncork the bottle, pours just a little into one of the glasses and hands it to Knox. I watch in fascination as Knox holds the glass up, looking at the wine and tilting his head. As he moves the glass around, I watch the wine swirling, and the amber color glowing by the light from the candles on the table. My heart begins to beat a little faster as he brings the glass under his nose. His eyes closing as he takes a whiff, his nose moving into the glass slightly. Then my legs cross tighter to help with the ache that begins as I watch his sensual lips fold around the edge of the glass as he takes a small sip. My body starts to heat as he rolls the wine around in his mouth. Once he swallows his eyes open and snap to the waiter. His head nods once quickly, the waiter smiles, nods and begins filling my glass.
That was one of the most sensual things I think I’ve ever watched, and I’ve seen plenty in my young life.
I may need to use the restroom fairly soon now, or I won’t make it through dinner.
The waiter bows again and thanks us then turns away, leaving us alone yet again. My hand grips the stem of the wine glass, bringing it up to my lips, and I relax as the wonderful taste envelopes me when the alcohol flows down my body.
Damn, he picked out some great wine.
Not realizing I had closed my eyes and hoping I didn’t release the moan I felt in my gut, I look at Knox, who’s watching me with lust filled eyes.
Oh, dear.
A grin apparent on his lips, he finally looks down at his salad, picks up the appropriate fork and begins to stab into the bowl, his eyes then returning to mine. “Eat. You’re too skinny.” I do as I’m told, but a little uncomfortable as he continues to watch me. “So, continue. Since I already know everything you so openly told me about yourself, please enlighten me with things I don’t know.”
My fork stops in midair over my salad and I cringe and then just as quickly I relax and begin moving the food around in the bowl. “Well, I don’t give out much information about myself, especially to those I don’t know well. I’m a very private person,” I state as I watch my food being slaughtered by my fork. Coyly my eyes shift to his, mine hiding as much as possible under my long lashes. I can tell the smirk on his face that my enlightening didn’t go over well.
He wipes the corners of his smirking mouth with his napkin, then places it back in his lap. “Yes. I’m fully aware of your secretiveness but since we are trying to get to know each other better, perhaps now would be a good time to tell me something about you that you wouldn’t normally share? After all, how will we become better acquainted if you aren’t at least a little more open with me?”
Ok. He has a point, but do I want to be better acquainted with him? Yes. I do. Dammit!
He stands abruptly when I push my chair back and rise. “I’m sorry. Please excuse me for a few minutes while I freshen up,” I blurt with a small smile.
“But, of course.” He nods, then a look comes over his face that I can’t quite place. I begin to walk away when I hear, “Don’t be long or I’ll be forced to come after you.” I stumble a step, then raise my head up high and continue walking.
§ § § §
As I sit back down I watch her bottom swaying in her black dress as she walks towards the ladies room, confused and frustrated at her lack of information. Oh, I understand privacy and the need to keep your acquaintances at a minimum, but I know she has feelings for me. I’ve felt them, so why won’t she confide in me? Even if it’s just a little tidbit of information? I can’t help but sigh as I take a sip of wine. Maybe if I share a little more about myself, she’ll provide me with a tiny bit of her life? Why didn’t I think of that earlier? Idiot.
I’ve finished my salad by the time she returns to our table, sitting gracefully, and her long leg crossing over the other as she places her napkin in her lap and begins playing with her salad once again. Obviously, I’ve made her uncomfortable. When I clear my throat her head snaps up, her eyes giving the look of surprise. “I feel it’s only fair to divulge a little about myself, hoping you’ll feel a little more agreeable in sharing.” I watch as the lump in her throat slides down her delectable neck and then back up. My tongue sneaks out, licking my lips and the sensations start to tingle in my body. Shifting in my seat, I take another sip of wine, then return the glass to the table. “Fine then. I am a very busy and wealthy man, finding little time for relaxation. With very little family or friends I spend the majority of my time running my graphic design business, working out or reading a good book. I don’t trust many people, as you can imagine, as most only want money from me. There now, your turn.”
“Oh, my God! You’re the Knox Dunway that owns K Dunway Designs?” she blurts, wine spewing from her mouth across the table. She jumps out of her chair and begins to wipe off the front of my jacket with her napkin. I grab her hands, holding them against my chest, which stops her immediately. The look of concern spread across her lovely features.
“It’s fine, Angel. Please return to your seat.” My lips are pressed against each other as I try to hide the smile that wants to release along with a laugh. She is just too cute and sexy for words. My cock twitches again and it may be my turn to excuse myself shortly if I don’t get it under control. After sitting back in her seat, napkin placed back in her lap, she takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Now you know who I am. Who are you, Angel, if that’s even your real name?” Again, her eyes jolt to mine with the element of surprise once again upon them.

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