Touched (5 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Touched
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She moves uneasily in her chair, then her body straightens, and her eyes soften. “I have no family, one friend and I have a few names but I don’t give out my real name to someone I don’t know well.” Picking up her wine glass her lips encase the edge, and I’m enraptured in watching her take a sip. Her body gives a slight shiver as she sets her glass down all the while her eyes remaining on mine. My cock jerks again.
The waiter picks an awkward time to bring us our food, but is quick to nod and leave us. She begins eating right away seeming as if she’s starved. My mind is racing, contemplating my next move. Her plate is half empty by the time I take my first bite, but my fork clatters on my plate as I set it down abruptly, causing her to stop, form mid raised, and staring at me. “I have a proposition.” Now her fork clanks on her plate as she drops it. My eyes survey the room to see people have stopped talking and eating as they stare. My brows raise as my head tilts, and I give my best ‘mind your own business’ look at them. Soon they have all begun their feasting and chattering again, and I position my elbows on the table once again, clasping my fingers together.
“I want you. Quit the club. You may keep your disc jockey job but you are exclusively mine. You will either come to my apartment or I to yours whenever I call, complete discretion on both our parts. Be prepared to leave town, stay the night or weekend to be determined by myself and be paid handsomely for any expenses that may occur. Agreed?” This may have been too much too soon, but I’m determined to have what I want. I want this. I need this.
Just as I expected, but had hoped she wouldn’t, she throws her napkin onto her plate as her chair moves back in a flash, causing it to tumble over backwards when she stands abruptly leaning against the table with her flat stomach, making everything shake and clatter. Her body shakes with her anger as she points her finger at me, waving it back and forth. “Look K… K… Mr. Dunway! There is not a chance in hell that I would accept your offer or any offer you throw at me. I. Am. Not. A. Whore! And for you to make that offer to me completely insinuates you think I am.” She starts to walk away from the table, and I start to stand, but slam back into my seat when she turns to me quickly. “I got news for you asswipe. You’re nothing special, nothing that great so I wouldn’t get so…” Her eyes move up and down my body, but when they reach my eyes, I can see the faint glimmer of wetness in them. “So… So… Cocky. You son of a bitch!” She stumbles as she turns so quickly and heads for the door.
I let her go, scanning the room with my eyes and giving my ‘fuck off’ look and as the room returns to somewhat normal, I wipe my mouth with my napkin, wave at our waiter for my bill and take a last, long gulp of my wine. Well, that went a little better than I imagined. At least, she didn’t slap me across the face.
I’m so pissed right now I can’t see straight. Imagine him propositioning ME! I give the rules, my rules, not anyone else’s. Fuck him! After leaving the restaurant and flagging down a cab that was sitting down the street, I arrive at my apartment building. I unlock the front door, stomp up the stairs and almost break a nail or two trying to unfasten all the locks on my door with my shaking hands. Since I had taken the night off from both jobs, I had nothing to do but retrieve a bottle of wine from my hanging wine rack, pour myself a glass and down it. Taking the bottle and glass into the living room, I sit on the couch and pour myself another full glass. I set the bottle on my coffee table and lean back, staring out the picture frame window into the darkness outside. The nerve of him! Who does he think he is, making demands about my life? What I will and won’t do is my decision. Not his. Taking another big gulp, I rest the glass on my leg and sigh. Then why was I actually contemplating saying ‘yes’ for a second? Why am I a little upset with myself for leaving? I must be a raving lunatic. Maybe I need to be committed. More wine. I need more wine. The memories of the night haunt me as I finish the bottle.
KNOCK. TAP. KNOCK. “What the fuck time is it?” I speak out loud, look up at the clock on the wall and see its eight o’clock in the morning. I’m sprawled out on the couch, the bottle of wine empty, and my head feels like it’s going to explode. Maybe that would be a good end for me. I can see the headlines now.




TAP. TAP. TAP. KNOCK. “Okay. Okay. I’m coming.” I struggle to my feet, stopping quickly and grabbing my head with both hands when dizziness hits as well as a wave of nausea. This is not going to be a pleasant day. Finally making it to the door the process of unlocking everything is a lot longer with my shaking hands. “What the hell do you want so early…?” My mouth clamps shut, and my eyes are wide when I see all the different colored bouquets and arrangements of roses littering the hallway as well as what I think is a person behind the biggest vase of what has to be two dozen red roses directly in front of me that I’ve ever seen in my life.
A young man’s head peeks around the monstrosity and smiles. “Sorry, Miss, but he said I must have these here no later than eight o’clock this morning and paid me double to ensure it.” My blood is starting to boil along with my head and stomach. I crook my arm, place my hand on my hip and scowl at the poor delivery boy.
“Well, you can just take them all back. I don’t want them.” I take a step back and begin to shut the door when a hand stops it before it slams. “UH!” Flies out of my mouth then he peeks around the enormous arrangement apologetically.
“Sorry, but um… If you don’t take all of these I have no choice but to leave them all in the hallway and I’d hate to do that. Please. Just let me bring them in, ok?” Taking a deep breath and sighing loudly I step back, opening the door wide and wave my arm out to the dining room table. The flowers about knock me over as he walks passed so I move out of the way against the inside wall, crossing my arms over my chest. It takes him several trips to get everything inside my apartment, but when he’s finally finished, I reach into my purse and give him some money for a tip, giving him a small wave. When I turn around, leaning against the door as it shuts, I’m stunned as I view my apartment and inhale the fragrant smell, almost causing me to vomit. Vases of roses on almost every surface in the living room, two on the breakfast bar, one in the middle of the dining table and one on the entry table. Then bouquets wrapped in different colored tissue paper are laying on the table and countertops in the kitchen as well as the corner bar full of roses and baby’s breath. I turn to the flowers on the entry table and pull out the small card. However, before reading it, I walk around and pluck the notes out of all the arrangements. My aching head is begging for coffee, so I set the stack of cards on the breakfast bar on my way past and quickly go into the kitchen to make some. Coffee in hand, I sit on a stool, take a sip of the much needed liquid, and as my head thanks me, I gasp. I flip through each card, but they all say the same thing.


Forgive Me
Call please!
888-868-2433 (touched)


Over and over the cards repeating his plea. His handwriting impeccable and his number I’m sure is his private one. Slapping the cards down, they spray all over the floor around the stool, and I let out a sigh. Damn him! Before I could get screamed at, I called Amber to tell her everything, and of course, she screamed into my ear anyway. Once I finally got her off the phone I had finished my coffee, so after cleaning up the kitchen, I went into my bathroom, took a couple of aspirin with a glass of cold water, and took a nice long shower. Once dried off I slipped into my workout attire, finished my bathroom duties, grabbed my bag, and headed to a much needed time of sweating out my hangover and frustrations.
I spent two hours working out and was drenched with sweat. I took another shower in the locker room, then went grocery shopping. I manage to get my mail even though my arms are full with grocery bags and my gym bag. When I finally got all the locks and the door open, I throw it on the entryway table. Feeling better, I filled the rest of my day with a nap, another shower after dinner, waxing and plucking all the unwanted hair on my body and then around ten o’clock I headed for the club. I was a little surprised that I hadn’t heard from Knox the rest of the day, but I have bills to pay and clothes to buy.
I’m actually bored walking through the club even though the place is packed with drunken men and the few other women who work here. After taking a shot of Jack and placing the glass on the bar, I turn finding an older man in front of me. The grin on his face telling me he wants some action. Winking, I hold out my hand, he clasps his fingers through mine, and I lead him to my private room. Once I have unlocked the door and walked into the room I’m stopped suddenly by the sound of the lock clicking behind me. Cautiously, I turn around and see him standing there already naked. His belt is in his hand slinging it against his other hand, making me jump every time it hits.
“Unlock the door,” I say through gritted teeth. His smile widens as he shakes his head and takes a step towards me, making me take a step back of my own. “Now. The rules are clear as I pointed out before we came in here. Unlock the door.”
As his free hand reaches down to his pants on the floor, I turn and start to run to the bathroom only to be grabbed from behind, my body lifted effortlessly and swung around as he carries me over to the bed then tossing me down like it was nothing, my face planted into the comforter. Pressing his naked body on top of me, I feel his fingers twist in my hair, my head pulled back roughly then a cloth is placed over my mouth. Releasing my hair, he is quick to tie the material around and ties it at the back of my head, tight. My struggles are no use against his strength, my arms pinned beneath me and my screams muffled by the cloth over my mouth as he pushes up my dress until it’s scrunched up on my upper back. The sear of pain soars through me when my panties are ripped from me, and his belt slaps hard on my thigh and bottom. He rolls to his side, his leg trapping me over my now sore and aching bottom as he begins smacking me hard on my back with his leather belt. Tears are screaming out of the corners of my eyes, and then more mortification develops when the belt stops and a finger penetrates my puckered entrance, a place no one has ever been before.
“Come on, baby. Take it like a woman. You know you’re loving every minute of it, now aren’t you?” My sobs muffled by the cloth and the mattress as he adds another finger, pushing deeper into me. He licks the side of my face, then rolls me over onto my side, one of his hands grabbing both of my wrists as his cock hits my pussy and starts sliding up and down. “Yeah. We’re gonna have a great fucking time. I’m gonna make you so sore you won’t be able to walk or sit down any time soon.” His mouth covers my breast, his teeth biting my nipple so hard stars form in my wet eyes, determined I slam my forehead into the side of his head, which hurt like a motherfucker. His fingers are quickly removed from my backside, and his fist connects with my cheek, the sound echoing in the small room.
“ANGEL? ANGEL! OPEN UP!” Pounding sounds on my door making my heart pound along with them. “UNLOCK THE DOOR, MAN OR WE’LL BUST IT DOWN. EITHER WAY YOU’RE IN A WORLD OF HURT!” Dirk. Thank God, it’s Dirk. “GOD DAMMIT! GET OUT OF THE WAY, KNOX!” My heart stops when I hear his name, tears flow heavily down my face clouding my vision even more as I begin to struggle against this vulgar man’s hold.
With all my might I gather my strength, bend my leg, swinging my knee up fast and hard with a direct hit into this man’s dick as the sounds of wood splintering bounce around the room. The asshat man screams in pain as his body bends into a fetal position, but then he’s gone from the bed in a heartbeat. Sounds of a body hitting the floor with a thud and shouts of pain as I hear someone being hit over and over. My eyes close in relief, my body shaking uncontrollably as the pain radiates through me, and I try to calm myself by taking some shallow breaths. Pulling the cloth down off my mouth, I take in the much needed air into my lungs, then hiss when I feel a blanket thrown over my sore legs and bottom. I cry out in pain as I’m lifted into someone’s arms. “UH!” My head lulls back onto their shoulder as their grip tightens around me.
“I’m sorry, Angel. I’m sorry. I’m trying to be careful.” My mind recognizes Knox’s voice, and I’m somewhat comforted as I feel us moving and can hear other voices around us.
“Mr. Dunway, I think it’s better if we call an ambulance but I’m nervous about the police showing up.” Dirk’s voice is making me nervous as well. That’s the last thing they want at the club is the police, but right now I don’t care.
“No need. I’m taking her with me. My private physician will tend to her. I want this kept as private as possible as much as you do but for her sake, not the clubs.” Knox’s voice sounds far away as I drift from reality to another place, my body stinging from the belt and my cheek pulsing in pain.
“I wanna go home,” I choke out as I feel cool air hit my face, my hair blowing in the breeze. “Just take me home.” Sounds of a car door opening, hushed whispers and then I’m jostled across his lap, a click of a seat belt and warm fingers brushing back the hair from my face. I feel the car as it starts to move, but I’m too tired to open my eyes to see where we’re headed. “Home,” is all I can manage to say, my throat dry from screaming, my body too exhausted.

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