Touched (12 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Touched
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While Jade is gone, I already feel alone in my apartment without her and almost feel a little lost. I walk into the bedroom and begin packing my bag, hoping it will give me something to do until she returns. It seems to be taking her forever, and I have the oddest feeling, wondering if she’s changed her mind about going. About us. The feeling of dread begins to overwhelm me when I hear the front door open. Throwing down the shirts in my hand onto the bed, I jog out of the room and speed up when I see Jade stepping through the doorway. Ralph walks passed me, carrying her bag, as I run right up to her, lifting her from the floor in my arms and kissing the hell out of her. When I let her breathe, she smiles, searching my eyes, her hand on my face. “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you ok, darling?” I let out the breath I’d been holding, in relief and set her down.
“I’m just happy to see you is all. I was worried…” Her smile fades and forms into a frown. I take her hand and start to lead her from the entryway. “It’s nothing, just me being silly. Come, let’s…” I’m stopped by her hand pulling on mine and look back to see she’s stopped walking. When I turn towards her, she steps close to me and takes my other hand as well, gripping them both tightly.
“You thought I wasn’t coming back.” It was a statement, not a question. I look down at our hands, giving a small nod and shrug my shoulders. “Hey.” One of her hands releases mine, and she pushed up my head by my chin. “I’m not going anywhere unless it’s with you. Never again if I can help it.”
I pull her into my arms, my fears diminishing with every second she’s in them. “I would die if you ever left me. You’re my life now, my everything. I never really knew how horrible my life was, filled with loneliness, until I first laid eyes on you. You’ve brought me back from a mechanical empty void and into the world again, full of life and happiness I didn’t know could ever exist. I love you so much it hurts, right here.” I move our hands up together, placing hers over my heart and cover it with mine. The tears that were once dried up in her eyes are back with a vengeance. “Don’t cry, my love. No more tears for you, no more for me, unless they are tears of joy. Promise?” She nods and leans up, her sweet lips touching mine. My lips press harder and harder against hers, my breathing becoming labored as we kiss. So much feeling, so much love pouring into just one kiss.
She breaks free and smiles. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” Her eyes look into mine like they’re looking deep into my soul. “I love you.” If my heart beat any faster I would swear I was having a heart attack, but instead the feelings of love, happiness, and so many other emotions are consuming me as I lift her up and swing her around while our mouths connect again with the love we now share for each other. I slow our turning, feeling dizzy from my feelings more than with the motion, and release her mouth.
“Do you have any idea how happy I am? How just those three words from your gorgeous lips just took my breath away?” I lean down and kiss her again, then press my forehead against hers. “Do you have any idea how madly and desperately in love I am with you? How you’ve just turned my lonely existence into one full of warmth, love and happiness?”
We both jump a bit when Ralph walks in. “Sir, we need to leave for the airport shortly.” I nod to him and then look back at Jade.
“Are you ready?” She smiles, kisses me quickly and runs towards the bedroom, turning her head to me along the way.
“Yes, just want to freshen up. I’ll be quick.” She blows me a kiss and I pretend to catch it, laying my closed hand on top of my heart. I’ve got it so bad.
An hour and a half later we’re sitting on my private jet, and Jade is sitting next to me looking a little nervous as our flight attendant goes over all the safety procedures. I reach over and take her hand, her eyes instantly moving to mine. I give her a wink and smile, her body noticeably relaxing a little. I keep an eye on her when her eyes close as we takeoff, a few minutes later, her grip on my hand almost painful, but I’d take it for her. I almost asked her if she wanted a sedative, but thought better of it. When we were told we could move about the cabin, she unhooked her seatbelt and made a mad dash for the bathroom and that made me a little worried. But I quickly went to the bathroom door and knocked.
“Are you ok, Angel?” Even with the loud jet engines I could still hear her getting sick. It wasn’t long that she stopped, and I heard the water turn on in the sink. “Angel? Let me in, please.” The door slowly opens, and I look at her paled face. Bringing her into my arms, I rub her back and hope I’m giving her some comfort. “What’s wrong? Are you ill?”
She lays her head against my chest, shaking it and then sniffs. “I’m such a wimp. I’ve never flown before but I had no idea I’d be this nervous.” I try really hard to stifle my laugh, but it is really, really hard. Her eyes move up to my face, and she lightly smacks my chest. “It’s not funny. You’re probably used to flying all over God’s country in this thing but I’ve never, ever flown before in my life.” My arms tighten around her as the flight attendant walks over to us.
“Is she ok? Can I get you all anything?” Brenda asks.
“Yes. Please get Jade some Sprite and something for her upset stomach from the medicine kit. Oh, and I’ll have a beer.” She nods and walks away, and I lead Jade back over to our seats. She leans her head back against the seat and sighs, looking over at me.
“I’m sorry. I’m quite the handful aren’t I?” She rolls her eyes and then closes them.
I moved onto my side facing her and place my hand on her stomach, softly and gently rubbing. “Nah, not yet anyway.” I smile when she opens one eye and smirks at me. “Just kidding. She smiles and closes her eye as I continue to rub soothingly. “It takes some getting used to and some never can tolerate it but I only take the jet when I have to.” Just then Brenda brings our drinks, crackers for Jade and some pink liquid for her stomach, smiles and walks away. I sit up, pour a spoonful of the chalky substance and press it against Jade’s lips. “Open up.” Her one eye opens, looks at me then at the spoon holding the pink medicine and opens her mouth. I watch as she encases the spoon with her full lips, drinking it down and then releases it, licking her lips to wipe off the excess.
Damn, she even made taking medicine look sexy.
Both her eyes open this time as she smiles. I hand her a cracker and she nibbles on it. “That’s my good girl.” She sits up enough to reach her drink, taking a sip then setting it back down and then rests against the chair again.
I take my beer in my other hand, so I can keep rubbing her stomach and take a huge swig. I reach over and hit the remote button for the TV, choosing a movie and hoping that it will take her mind off the flight. It’s not long into the movie that I look over, and she’s sound asleep.
My eyes open slowly when I’m bumped by the plane touching down. Land! Thank God! When I look over at Knox, his eyes are closed and his hand is still covering my stomach. I take a minute just to look at him. His dark hair is all mussed up from sleeping. His long dark lashes are fanning over his cheeks, and his luscious lips are pouting in his slumber. Damn, he’s so fine. His eyes roll around under his lids and then open, the biggest smile forming on his lips.
“Hello, my Angel.” He shifts in his seat until he’s completely facing me as his hand begins rubbing my stomach.
“Why do you call me Angel? That was my stripper name and now I’m formally retired.” I laugh, but stop quickly when his face turns serious.
“Because you’re an angel. My angel,” he whispers.
My heart just did a one eighty and is beating so fast. How in the world did this man turn out to be such a loving, caring and sweet person when he was beaten as a child and treated so horribly? I’ll never know. But then, I’ll never understand how someone can do that to a defenseless child in the first place. I lean in to kiss him, then stop when my lips are an inch from his and cover my mouth. “Uh, my breath has to be horrible.” He starts laughing, unclasps his seat belt and rises, reaching above us to get my small bag.
After handing me my bag, I dig through to find my essentials and head to the small bathroom. I feel a little better after brushing my teeth, brushing out my hair and washing my face then applying a little makeup. When I walk back out into the cabin, Knox is talking with Ralph, looks at me and smiles then looks back at Ralph and nods. He walks over to me plants his mouth against mine, and I know he’s brushed his teeth as well from his minty breath. “I used the sink in the galley,” he whispers against my lips. As he steps back, he takes my hand and starts leading me to the front of the plane, grabbing a couple of jackets on the way. “Come. The sooner we get there the sooner this will be over. And it’s a little chilly out so let’s put this on you.” I slide my arms into his way too big jacket as he holds it out for me then I look up and smile. He thinks of everything.
I know he’s dreading this, and that he’s only here for his sister, but I think he needs this closure as well, and I must be strong for him. We walk down the steps from the plane, out into the fresh and chilly air, then move towards a waiting black SUV, Ralph is standing with the back door open for us. We slide in then Ralph closes the door and walks to the front. Knox immediately puts his arm around me, and I snuggle into his side. He takes a pair of sunglasses out of his jacket pocket and puts them on, then takes out another pair, handing them to me. “You’ll need to put these on. There’ll be paparazzi, I’m sure. It’s not every day I return to the place I grew up and I’m sure they’ve already caught wind I’m here so they’ll be flocking.” Nodding, I place the sunglasses over my eyes and feel the car starting to move.
I haven’t been back here for so many years, and it’s scaring the hell outta me. It’s a bit chilly for September, but then I’m used to our Florida sun and temperatures now. We end up driving for about thirty minutes when we turn onto a street filled with houses. They’re all worn and unkempt, children running around in the front yards and in the street. As we approach the end of the road faces of several people become clearer, holding cameras, some with them aimed at the car, and I feel Knox shift in his seat. Ralph pulls into the driveway, as close as he can get to the garage door and parks. “Don’t move,” he says over his shoulder. My body stiffens but I feel Knox’s arm tighten around me, and I look over at him, his face full of worry and concern but he gives me a small smile.
“Just stay as close to me as you can. Don’t look at anyone, keep your head down and I’ll lead you into the house, ok?” My smile is as small as his, but I nod and take a deep breath. Quickly, our door opens and I’m being ushered out by Knox, his arm never leaving my shoulder as he helps me out, and I huddle against him as we make our way to the front door.
“Mr. Dunway, over here!”
“Knox! Knox! Just one picture!”
“Who’s the girl flavor of this month?”
“Are you glad to be home or wanting to run the hell away fast?”
“Mr. Dunway, just one picture. Please!”
“Nice looking woman! Which one is this one, I get them confused.”
The front door opens, and a young woman stands there waving us in. As soon as we enter, she slams the door shut, locking it and turns around, leaning against it blowing out a breath, moving her bangs up in the air. “Damn! They’ve been here since the obit hit the papers yesterday. Motherfuckers!” She stands up straight and walks right over to me, hand out and smiling. “Hi! Jade, right? I’m Tabitha, but please call me Tabbie.”
Shaking her hand, I smile and let out the breath I’d been holding. “My pleasure, Tabbie. Is it always like this when Knox is around?” I ask with a little laugh.
She laughs and nods. “Well, yes, pretty much. But ole Knox here’s used to it.” She smacks Knox playfully on his shoulder, and he gives her a smirk. “But me? I’m not and totally hate it.” She takes my hand and starts walking me through the house. “Come. Let me get you a drink. Alcohol or non, what’s your poison?” I follow at her fast pace, turning my head to see Knox hasn’t moved, and he’s just standing there looking around. I turn back to Tabbie when she speaks softly. “Don’t worry about him. This house holds very painful memories and I’m sure it will take him a minute or hour to adjust to being here again.” She leads me into a small kitchen, and I notice at least it’s clean even though it needs to be updated to this century. I quietly walk over and sit in a chair at the table and watch as she moves about the room, filling glasses with ice and then opening the refrigerator door, grabbing a pitcher and then pouring some amber liquid into each glass. She brings two of the glasses over to the table and sets one in front of me. “It’s just sweet tea, nothing special.”
Smiling, I take a sip, and I’m in love. This is great! As she drinks I take a good look at her. She is lovely, fair skin. Long brown hair pulled back into a high ponytail, large brown eyes with long lashes and high cheekbones. Seriously, she could be a model. My head turns towards the kitchen door and I start biting my fingernail. “Don’t worry about him.” I turn to her quickly not realizing I was that obvious. “I love that you are, worried that is. Just proves even more of what a great woman you are for him. He deserves nothing but the best.” She leans her arms on the table, laying her chin on her raised hands. “You know I was shocked when he told me about you.” Fear peeks its ugly head thinking he told her about my past. “I couldn’t believe he found his true love after all this time.” My body relaxes in relief, and I smile. “I’m so happy for him and you too. Did he…? Did he tell you about his past? Not just his womanizing ways but his childhood and…” I only nod not wanting to say it out loud. “Good. He needed to do that, not something he can talk about very easily. I’m proud of him.”

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