Touched (11 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Touched
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“Yes! I’m high on life. How are you, Tabbie?” I do feel quite high, literally. What’s wrong with me? My chuckles start again.
“MmKay, you’re starting to scare me. Wait! It’s sexy lady isn’t it? You went through with the date and you’re seeing her again, aren’t you. Well?” She’s always been so inquisitive and normally correct. I feel like I’m about to burst.
“YES! Um. I mean, yes. We went out and well, it’s a long story but yes… I…” I can’t seem to get it all out of my mouth. It’s like I want to tell her everything, but then I’m afraid it will jinx it all or something.
“Say no more, bro. I gotcha. She’s there isn’t she? Hey, promise we’ll get together soon and you’ll tell me all about it ok? Promise?” Just then I feel a hand on my back, lightly moving across then to my shoulder, and as it goes down my arm. Jade walks around me, her smile even bigger than mine.
“Ok, sis. I promise. I gotta run now. Talk to you soon.” I end the call just as Jade’s mouth attaches to mine. My arm wraps around her shoulder, while my hand slides under her long hair and grasps the back of her neck, pressing her mouth harder against mine. Damn, I could get used to this. When we need air, I release her mouth, pecking it twice and then move back enough to see her smiling and flushed face. “Well, good morning again.”
“I’m starving,” she blurts. She laughs and bows her head shyly. Then looks back up at me with her eyes sparkling. “What do you have that we can make?” She takes my hand and leads me over to the refrigerator and abruptly stops, my front crashing into her back. She turns and puts her arms around my neck. “I know! Everyone has stuff in their fridge to make omelets. You just sit and I’ll make them.” She kisses my mouth, turns and opens the fridge.
I sit down in the nearest chair and watch her cute bottom wiggle as she cooks. This is what it could be like every day. Not her cooking necessarily, although that’s very nice, but my place actually feels like a home with her here. She brings the food to the table and after taking one bite I know she’s a great cook as well. What can’t she do?
“So, you have a sister?” she asks after swallowing her food. Chewing, I nod and smile. “Any other siblings or just the one?” She takes another bite, her eyebrow raising. I guess it is time she knows about Tabitha, after all I did tell her about my nightmare, so she knows about my ugly past now.
I smile thinking about Tabbie. “Just the one. She’s actually my stepsister but I couldn’t love her any more than if she were my real sister. I…” I look down at my plate and stare at my food. “I always protected her.” My eyes move back to Jade’s and see true concern in her eyes. “From her mother. She was such a small girl, so sweet and kind and I couldn’t let her mother hurt her.”
She reaches her hand to me and cups my face, her thumb rubbing my jawline. “Your nightmare. You’re such a good brother. Taking that for her, it must have been horrible though. I’m so proud of you.” My eyes grow wide with her statement as my heart beats wildly. I swallow hard, my eyes wet with tears. The look of concern on her face magnifying. “What? What’s wrong, darling? Did I say something wrong?”
Releasing her hand, I rise quickly, as the hand on my face falls, and I take a step, pick her up by her arms, holding her close and burying my face into her neck. “No one’s ever said they were proud of me before. I… I just…” Her arms move around my waist and squeeze me closer to her. “All my life I’ve been determined to be the best. To show that bitch of a stepmother that I would amount to something.” Moving my head from her neck, I look down into her tear filled eyes. “I’ve been alone and so lonely in my life that I’ve had no one to share my success with. You have to know I went down a bad road early on, women after women, I’m not proud of that.” I pull her into me again and find comfort as she lays her head on my chest, her hands rubbing my back. “Until you. Not one of them meant anything or mattered to me, until you.” I take one step back, bend so our eyes are even, and my look is serious as I search her eyes. “Please don’t ever leave me. No matter what you hear, what you see or whatever happens, just please… Please don’t leave me. Always hear me out, always give me a chance to explain.” She nods slowly, and I pull her into me again. “Thank you.”
My phone starts ringing, perfect timing, so I release my hold and retrieve it from the counter. “Knox.” My secretary, Harriott.
“Mr. Dunway. Sorry to interrupt but there is an urgent matter that requires your attention,” she answers.
“On my way.” I end the call and turn to Jade. “I have to go into the office. I won’t be long.” Leaning over, I kiss her full lips and hesitate leaving. Smiling, I flick her nose with my finger. “Take a long shower or I have some bath salts in the cabinet if you prefer. Pamper yourself, sweetheart.” She leans back into me and kisses me. Damn, I don’t want to go.
“Hurry back to me.” I kiss her one more time, gather my things and leave. The sooner I get things handled the sooner I can be back here with my girl.
“I know! I’m so out of my element here but… He’s so sweet, tender and caring and OH. MY. GOD! He told me he loved me!”
“Eeeekkkk! I told you! When are you going to admit I’m always right?” Amber squeals into my ear.
I’ve been laying in the warm water, for a while now, inhaling the rose smells from the huge arrangement in the bedroom and the salts in the bath and decided to call Amber to have some girl time. “I know. I know. So I’m a slow learner about some things. Oh, Amber. You can’t tell anyone, please promise me you won’t blab?”
Silence, then giggling. “Yeah, ok, but you will owe me yet again.” I hear some rustling on her end of the phone, then a splash of water.
“Are you settled in the tub yet? Geez, it takes you forever, I swear!” I joke giggling along with her.
“Yes, oh, my God! Hurry up and tell me. You know I’m not a patient person.”
That’s definitely no joke.
I settle back, laying my head against the wall and sigh. “I’m in love.”
“ABOUT FREAKING TIME!” Her voice about breaks my eardrum, so I move the phone away until she’s done screaming. “Damn, Jade! I’m so happy for you! Knox is not only a fucking genius but hot as hell. You’re so lucky. Ok, so I’m a little, tiny bit jealous but you make the perfect couple. Oh! I got a raise after only working there for two days!!! And weekends off! Score! I love my job!”
Once the ringing in my ear drops to a much lower volume, I place the phone back up, so I can talk. “Quit yelling in my ear, girl.” A giggle leaves my mouth, but I can’t stop it. I’m so giddy in my newfound feelings. “I can’t describe what I’m feeling. My heart won’t quit racing. My body feels alive and I can’t stop thinking about him. His face, his shoulders, his strong arms, his…”
“Oh, my God! I get the picture already. No need to rub it in,” she laughs.
I sit up quickly, water sloshing out onto the floor in my speed. “Amber, I want to have sex.”
Her laughter makes my heart stop. Why is she laughing at me? “Seriously, Jade? You’ve had more sex in your young life than anyone on this earth. This is so not news.” She starts laughing again, and she has a point.
“No, I want him to make love to me. I want slow, pure, loving, gentle sex. Ok, I still want a hard fuck, I still love that and with Knox? I’m sure that would be to die for but I want him to make love to me. Am I crazy? Yes, I’m crazy.” She’s rubbing off on me. Now I’m talking in one breath.
The silence starts grating on me until she finally speaks but is she crying? “Sexy lady, I love you so much and I’m so happy for you. You deserve so much happiness and more. You’ve been through so much and have so much ahead of you. And I just… Just remember one thing.”
My tears are now flowing and mixing with the salted water in the tub. “What?” I whisper.
“Just remember, I will be your kickass maid of honor at your wedding. I expect the most beautiful dress, not to outshine you, of course, and no foo foo kind of dress either. No big ass puffy sleeves, hideous color or material that goes up to my neck.” Laughter spews from my mouth so hard that my stomach muscles begin to hurt. “Hey! I mean it! It must be the most gorgeous dress or I’m not going to stand up there with you!” I almost fall over the tub, nearly dropping my phone into the water, I’m laughing so hard.
Finally calming down, my hand on my sore stomach, I take some deep breaths in and out through my nose. “Amber, oh my God, stop it. I’m not getting married any time soon, if ever. No one said anything about that. Sheesh. I just want to make love that’s all.”
“Ok. Baby steps. But mark my words. You’ll be married before the years out.” My head falls back as my eyes roll. She’s so full of shit sometimes but God, I love her.
We finally end the call when my skin is shriveled and the water turns cold, but I quickly washed my hair before getting out, did all my bathroom duties and got dressed for the day. I lazily walked around the house out of boredom. I wish Knox would hurry and get home. Home. It’s not my home, but somehow it’s starting to feel that way. I give up my roaming and settle on the couch, turn the TV on and find an old movie. After crying at a sad scene, I lay down and get comfortable, my wet and tired eyes close, and I listen to the sounds of the movie.
My eyes open slowly when I feel something running through my hair gently, soothing me, and I look up to see Knox sitting on the couch. My head in his lap, but I notice right away something’s wrong. His face is as white as a sheet, and he’s staring at the TV but not blinking. “Knox?” my voice croaking from sleeping. He still doesn’t blink, and his fingers are still twisting and moving through my hair. I push myself up, half sitting and move my head into his line of vision. His eyes slowly move to mine. They look so sad. “Darling, what is it? What’s wrong? You’re scaring me.” He finally blinks, and a small, sad smile appears.
“She’s dead. I have to go to Pennsylvania.”
What? What is he talking about?
I reach up to his face, my hand cupping his jaw as my fingers push through his soft hair. “Who’s dead, darling?” My eyes search his vacant ones, but nothing.
“Leah. She killed herself last night. I don’t know all the specifics. I only know I need to go there for Tabbie.” I’m assuming this must be the horrible stepmother. Dammit! Can nothing go right for just a little while? Just when we’re getting closer, and I was ready to tell him I love him today, and this happens. What else is going to be thrown in the way of our newly forming relationship? Is this karma trying to tell me we aren’t meant for each other? No! I won’t let that happen! I want and need him too much now. I truly believe we are meant to be together.
“Babe, is Leah your stepmother?” His eyes finally light up, but with anger and fear instead of the life in them I wanted to invoke.
“Yes, I have to go.” He starts to rise, but I push against his chest stopping him.
“Let me go with you. You need support as much as Tabbie and I can give that to both of you.” He frowns, his brows lowering down to the tops of his eyes. “Please let me go with you. I’m afraid…”
Finally, his eyes show concern, and he cups my face. “Afraid? Afraid of what, Angel?”
My chin begins to quiver, but I can’t stop it. “I’m afraid of losing you.”
He grabs me in one swift movement, his arms around me in an instant, hugging me and holding on for dear life. “You’re never going to lose me, sweetheart. Not ever. That’s something you never have to fear. Ever.” My tears fall freely now, and I clutch on to him and bury my face into his chest. “I would love if you would accompany me. I’m sure Tabbie will love you. Not as much as me, of course, but she will love you like the sister she always wanted.” My crying worsens as he speaks while rubbing my back.
Damn, I’ve done nothing but cry today.
He finally pushes me back, wiping the tears from my face and smiles a little more. “Come on. Let’s get packed so we can catch a flight later tonight. I’ll let Ralph know you’ll be joining me. Is there anything else you need before we leave?”
I nod, sniffling, then try to give him a smile. “Just you.” He brings me back into his arms, and we just sit there for a few more minutes in silence, his lips kissing the top of my head every once in a while.
Guess we’re going to Pennsylvania. I never thought I’d ever go back there. I hope where we’re going is nowhere near where my past lies.
I shiver, and his arms tighten around me.
§ § § §
Ralph drove Jade back to her apartment, so she could pack a few more things before we leave tonight, so I’m spending some time on my computer in my office at home. I’m sending out a few emails as I feel we may be gone for about a week. I stop and stare out the window thinking what a lucky son of a bitch I am to have found Jade and how much my life is turning into one of true happiness instead of how it’s been one of just making it through each day in loneliness. After the morning I’ve had, getting things squared away at the office, finishing up some things on my desk and Tabbie calling turned my world upside down, I had spent the rest of my time calming her down while trying to steady my racing heart and trying not to throw up in the process. This should have been good news, finally ridding myself of the evil stepmother, but instead I just wanted to console my sister. Even though Leah was horrible to me, she was wonderful to Tabbie and loved her like a mother should. No, it doesn’t make everything alright, but she meant something to Tabbie and for that, I’m thankful. But when I had gotten back home, my girl turned my world upright by being there for me.

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