Touched (6 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Touched
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“Shhhh. No need to worry, Jade. You’ll be well taken care of.” His voice soothing me and I relax into nothingness. The thought flashes in my mind of how I’m gonna kick Dirk’s ass for telling him my name.
§ § § §
I wanted to kill that bastard so badly! When I walked into the room the first thing I saw was Angel, laying on her side with her dress pushed up to her neck. The beautiful skin on her thigh and bottom red and welted then my eyes moved up to see her breast had bite marks around the nipple, bruises already forming there. When my eyes reached her face, I growled seeing an old rag bound across her mouth and tied behind her head. My eyes snapped to the bastard next to her. My first feeling is of pride knowing that she must have dick punched him, the way he was bent over and holding onto his balls, then I spot a belt gripped tightly in his hand, and anger overwhelmed me. It took all of two steps for me to get to him, grab him by the arm and hair, lifting him from the bed, then slamming him to the floor and reaching behind me to grab the belt. It took both bouncers to stop me from whipping him to death with his own weapon. After I gained my senses, I was immediately back by Angel’s side.
Her body was shivering, so I quickly reached for the blanket folded at the end of the bed, and covered her, by then she had pulled down the rag from over her mouth and was gasping for air. Immediately, I put an arm under legs and around her upper back lifting her shaking body into my arms causing her to cry out in pain. Dirk tried to stop me from taking her, but I explained that my physician would tend to her in private. She doesn’t need the headlines, and I know the club wouldn’t want that either. They could be shut down, so Dirk agreed fairly quickly. As I carried her down the dim hallway I glared at Dirk and whispered, “I need to know now. What is her real name?”
He was hesitant but finally caved. “Jade Morley.”
Once I got her settled into the limo and on my lap, her eyes closed and her body stilled. I was relieved yet worried. Once I got her to my place and into my bed, I walked into the sitting room, as I didn’t want to be too far from her, to call Phillip Whiteman. He’s been my physician for years and always comes when I need him and has the utmost discretion.
“Dr. Whiteman, nice to see you, sir.” My pacing stops from the interruption of Ralph’s voice greeting Phillip at the front door. I nod and walk over to Jade to check on her. She’s still out. I turn around as Phillip walks into my room, carrying his black bag, and I walk over to shake his hand.
“Thank you for coming, Phillip.” I pat his back and give him a small smile.
“What happened, Knox? Can you fill me in as I exam the patient?” I nod and lead him over to her. The bruising on her cheek is dark purple now, her left eye the same but swelling. I can only imagine what her thigh and bottom look like.
“Phillip, this is Jade Morley. She was hit in the face and then beaten with a man’s belt.” He pulls the covers down past her legs. “As you can see he whipped her thigh, leg and buttocks on her left side. There are also bite marks on her left breast and well, you can see her cheek and eye.” I watch as he sits in the chair beside the bed, looking at the redness and welts on her thigh.
“Do you know if there are any other injuries anywhere else, Knox?” He asks, as he continues to examine her.
“To be honest, no. When I got to her, she was lying on her right side, but I didn’t get a chance to check. I needed to get her out of there.” His head turns to me and nods.
“Why don’t you wait outside the room and let me give her a more thorough exam. I want to make sure what is visible is all that needs attention.” My brows lower as I contemplate leaving her but then my eyes widen with his words. He wants to make sure she wasn’t raped. God help that man if she was because he won’t be living much longer. Finally, I give him a slight nod and leave the room.
Knowing she’s in the best hands, I walk to the kitchen, open the liquor cabinet and grab the bottle of Jack, only filling an old fashioned glass halfway. I down the shot quickly, hoping it will take the edge off. My head turns toward the doorway when I hear footsteps, wondering how Phillip could be done already but anxious for news. Ralph walks in holding a woman’s purse. “I believe this may be Miss Morley’s.” He hands it to me, and I nod. Once he leaves I take it to the table, sit in a chair and dump the contents. Lipstick, mirror, iPod, small wallet and phone. Picking up her phone I turn it on and scroll through her contacts only finding three. Jimmy, Dirk and Amber. She really doesn’t have many people she knows or trust. She wasn’t lying. I look up quickly when Phillip walks into the kitchen and sits in the chair beside me.
“Well, good news. Her injuries are what you saw, nothing more. I’ve given her a shot for pain so she should sleep through the night and I’ve put a bottle of pain medication on the night table that she can take orally for the next day or so, if she needs them. There’s also some ointment there for the marks on her breast and the welts that will help prevent any scarring.” I simply nod, not knowing what to say. “Knox, she’s a brave woman. I don’t know what happened nor will I ask but anything this volatile can leave more than just visible marks. I know you understand.” My eyes move up when he rises to stand, extending his hand out to me. I rise as well, taking his hand and nod again.
“I’m very aware, Phillip. Thank you so much for coming on such short notice. Your payment will be in the mail.” He smiles and walks out of the room to leave.
I sit back down and begin to contemplate what I should do now. Scrolling through her contacts again, I press Amber. The phone rings several times, and I’m about to hang up when finally, she answers.
“Jade? What’s wrong?” Her voice is groggy. Clearly, I’ve woken her up. Looking at my watch quickly I see it’s two o’clock in the morning. “Jade?”
“Amber. I know you don’t know me but this is Knox Dunway, a friend of Jade’s and I…” I’m cut off quickly by the loudest squealing noise. Moving the phone away from my ear, I look at it to see if we are still connected. Finding we are still online I place it back against my ear to hear the girl rambling.
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Knox Dunway. The Knox Dunway. Wow, just wow!” The shrill of her voice is making my ear ache. “Wait! What’s wrong? Why are you calling me on Jade’s phone? How did you know her real name and great job on all the roses?” I can’t believe she said all that in one breath. Reminds me of someone.
“Amber, please slow down. This is my first time speaking with you and apparently I need to learn how to keep up.” There is a little humor in my voice, but really I just want to go back upstairs and lay down next to Jade, making sure she’s ok.
I hear a big deep breath and cringe at the thought of another outburst. “Sorry. Jade’s always telling me I need to breathe when talking. So, what happened? Is she ok?” Well, at least she breathed and talked a little slower.
“She’s going to be ok, bruised and battered and pretty shaken up. She’s one tough lady.” I just wonder what would have happened if the bouncers and I hadn’t been there, a few minutes later or not at all. When I couldn’t find her at the station, I headed to the club immediately. I was so angry at her. I told her no more clients, only me. Did she think I wasn’t serious or was it just her stubbornness, her rules? Of course, my anger subsided quickly when we couldn’t open her door and then hearing her muffled screams then the panic set in. I literally thought I was having a heart attack trying to get through the door and then when we got in my heart stopped all together. I’m falling so fast and hard for my angel.
“Thank God you were there. What scumbag did this to her? I’ll fucking kill the SOB. I’ve told her she needs to carry a gun in that purse of hers. Dammit! She’s so stubborn,” she screams in my ear again. I’m going to need to put her on speakerphone if I ever talk to her again.
“She’s sleeping right now and I had my private physician come and check her injuries. She’s in good hands here. Can you keep an eye on her place until she returns, please? Don’t expect her back this weekend.” My eyes are getting heavier the longer I sit here. I need to end this call quickly.
“No problem. I do it anyway. I’ll even go up and water the fifty million flowers all over her apartment. You just take care of our girl. You really like her, huh?” Snarky, but sweet. I like her.
“More than you know. I’ll let you know if anything comes up but she’ll be fine here.” With that, I hang up, put all Jade’s belongings back into her purse and head to my bedroom. She looks uncomfortable in her dress, so I sit beside her, remove it gently and pull one of my t-shirts over her head, pulling it carefully down her body. It’s rather large on her but makes for good sleeping attire. After removing my clothes, except for my boxers, I climb in bed next to her, my head laying on my hand and watch her sleep. She’s so lovely, so beautiful and such a strong woman, but she’s also so pig headed and stubborn, yet determined. I wonder what made her work at a strip club, why that path? I need to find out. I must find out. I want to know everything about her. Not being able to keep my eyes open any longer, I lay my head down on the pillow and let them close.
Damn, it hurts to move. Rolling slowly onto my right side, I feel some relief from my sore and aching body, but bump into another body. Opening my eyes quickly I look at the intrusion. Knox. Where am I? Disoriented, I look around the room, and memories begin to flash in my mind. He brought me back to his place. This is his bedroom. My eyes move back at him, and I watch him sleep. He looks exhausted, that’s how I feel, but damn he’s even sexy when he sleeps. The five o’clock shadow of scruff on his face has turned into a ten o’clock shadow, making him look even hotter, if that’s possible. He was so caring last night, so gentle and sweet. Fuck! I’m falling in so deep, and I don’t know if I can let go enough to fall all the way. I want to, God, I want to so badly, to be able to care about someone other than myself, to have someone actually love me, but I’m not sure I can. Shivers go throughout my body, so I snuggle up to his side to get warm, laying my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.
My eyes open slowly, squinting from the light coming in through the blinds on the window. My left eye hurts and feels swollen, but at least I could open it. The aroma of flowers fills my nose. Rolling over, I wince from the soreness in my body and the pain from my leg and bottom. I rub the sleep from my eyes and scan the room. I gasp when I see all the arrangements and bouquets of roses that were at my apartment are now filling his room. I try to sit up, but lay back down, exasperated from the pain and frustration. I’ve never really relied on anyone but myself, well Amber from time to time, but mostly I’ve always fended for myself. I’m so out of my element. I still when I hear a tap at the bedroom door, my hands immediately reaching for the covers and bringing them up to my neck. Why am I so shy now? I’m a stripper for Christ’s sake. The door opens slowly, and I’m shocked to see Knox walking in carrying a bed tray containing plates of food that are covered with silver lids, a pitcher of what looks like coffee, mugs, orange juice in a glass and a small vase with a single red rose. He casually walks over to the bed and sets the tray down at the end.
He crosses his muscular arms over his broad chest and smiles. “Good. You’re awake.” The look of concern replaces his smile. “Are you in pain? Of course, you are. What a stupid question.” He strides to the night table, opens the top drawer and reaches inside. “Remove the covers, pull up your shirt and roll onto your right side.”
What? So demanding. Doesn’t he know I’m hurt? What a stupid thought, of course he knows.
My face scrunches up as I try to figure out what’s going on. “Jade.” My eyes snap to his, and he’s gotten his smile back. “I need to put this ointment on your welts and I can’t do it with you on your backside.”
Pushing down the covers, I grasp the hem of my shirt and pull it up to the bottom of my breasts then roll over carefully. I know he’s near when the bed dips then I feel the gentleness of his touch on my behind. “What? Did you think I was going to take you when you’re hurt,” he chuckles.
My eyes roll on their own accord. “No! I mean, ok. I wasn’t sure what you were doing, at first but yeah, I guess that is a pretty stupid thought.” He’s still chuckling at me while applying the greasy ointment on my thigh now. I raise up a bit, leaning on my elbow with my head resting on my hand. My head turns slightly, and I give him my best smirk. “Hey, I’m injured and was a little disoriented waking up here this morning. I’ve never, ever, spent the night anywhere else and especially not with a man. Give a girl a break here.” His eyes move to me instantly, his hand stilling in midair. I look at his hand, then back to his eyes. “What?”
“You’ve… You’ve never… You’ve never spent the night with a man before?” he stumbles over his words, a frown in place and his eyebrows lowered in confusion. His hand begins to rub the ointment in again, and I wince, his brows lowering even more. “Sorry.” He looks down at my thigh and concentrates on what he’s doing. “I’m not really that surprised, I guess. Actually, I’d have been more shocked if you had.” His hand stops again when his eyes move to mine with a look of remorse in them. “You’re a very determined woman, one who knows what she wants and what she doesn’t. I admire that about you.” My eyes are fixated on his as he continues to stare at me, then he blinks a few times and looks back as he shifts on the bed. “Ok, time to turn onto your back again.” Grimacing, I turn over and look up at the ceiling. “Sorry, but I need to…” I look at him quickly in confusion. His hand motions at my breast that has the bite marks and without hesitation, I lift my shirt up higher until it’s uncovered. He’s actually biting his lower lip a little as he focuses on spreading the ointment on the marks.
That actually feels really wonderful.
Once done, he puts the cap back on the tube, places it back into the drawer and turns to me. “You can, um…” His hand motions again at my breast and I lower my shirt.

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