To Love Twice (17 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

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With that he slammed the door and motioned for Jason to

Brent watched the car drive off and cursed under his
breath.  “Thinks everything is about him and can’t share.  I’ll show
him.  Somehow or another, I’ll show him how it is.  Scratch my back,
and I’ll scratch yours.”  Kicking at the curb, he turned around and headed
back to the office.  Mr. Kent wasn’t going to like what was coming down
the road.  Not now, and certainly not later.  He’d find out what was
going on in America, and he’d certainly find out who the little filly was that
Mr. Kent was so gone on.  Nothing got by Brent for long.  Nothing.


Chapter Nineteen

“Edward, over here.”

He glanced up and saw James waving to him from across the
lot.  He waved and worked his way toward his assistant.

“James.”  Edward nodded and shook hands with him.

“Your trailer is over here,” James said as he led Edward
through a maze of trailers.

Stepping up into the trailer, Edward threw his coat onto the
nearest chair.  He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottled

After taking a long drink, he turned to James.  “What’s
on the agenda?”

“First thing is a meeting with the director and
writers.  Starts in twenty minutes.”

“Good, that gives me a few minutes to freshen up.” 
Edward finished the water and put the empty bottle in the recycling bin. 
Turning, he headed to the restroom to freshen up and change his clothes, but
stopped in his tracks when James spoke.

“So, what was so important that you had to delay your

“A personal matter.  Nothing you need to concern
yourself with,” Edward said tersely.

“I disagree,” James argued with a bit of heat in his
voice.  “When
the Edward Kent
disappears for a whole weekend, I do
need to concern myself with it.  Especially since people look to me to
know every step he takes.”

Edward sighed.  “Listen, I know we haven’t worked
together for long.  Understand that my personal life is off-limits. 
I won’t be discussing it with you or anyone.”

A scowl appeared on James’ face.  “I’m not asking for
all the gritty details, Edward.  I’m asking for common courtesy.  You
were off having a brilliant time, I hope, and I was here trying to assure
people that you were well, and committed to this project, and not dead in some

Edward leaned against the wall and sighed.  “I
apologize, James.  You’re right, that was selfish and rude of me.  I
will do my best to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

“Apology accepted.”

Edward turned his back to James, but paused to drop a bomb
before he went into the bathroom.  “I need a break, James.  Once this
project is complete, I want you to clear six months off my calendar.”

“Wh-what?  Six months?  Consecutive?”

Smiling to himself, Edward nodded.  “A consecutive six
months.  I’ve been five years without a break, James.  I’m burning
out, and I don’t think you want
Edward Kent
burning out on your
watch.  Do you?”

“No, sir.  I don’t.  What about the Jane Austen
period piece?  That’s your next project.”

“Figure out a way to get them to graciously postpone. 
I’m sure you can handle it.”

“Sir, six months?  You’re not going into rehab are

Edward laughed and moved into the restroom.  Speaking
loudly, he replied, “Rehab, no.  Vacation and spending time with family,
yes.  Make it happen, James.”


He was running late for dinner.  No one had been able
to leave well enough alone.  The director wasn’t happy with a scene, so
the writers fixed it.  Then the actors weren’t happy.  Another fix,
another argument.  He understood everyone’s need to be happy, but going
over one scene for three hours was enough to drive him to the rehab James had
suggested earlier.

Pulling out his blackberry, he quickly sent a text to his
dinner date.  “Mum, leaving studio now.  Be there in fifteen. 
Writers, grrr.  Sorry.”

“Ok.  I’m here at our usual table.  Red or white?”

“Red, please.  See you soon.”

True to his word, he walked through the doors fifteen
minutes later.  He smiled when he saw his favorite maitre d standing by
the podium.  “Barnaby!  How are you?  How’s your wife doing?”

“Mr. Kent, nice to see you.  She’s doing much better,
thank you for asking.  It was touch and go there for a bit, but she’s on
the mend.  Doctors are saying full recovery.”

Barnaby’s wife had been stabbed on the tube.  The
person hadn’t been caught and Barnaby’s wife had been in the hospital for
several weeks.  Edward made a mental note to send some more flowers and a
card.  “I’m glad to hear that.  Give her my love.”

“I will, enjoy your dinner.”

Edward walked over to his table and leaned down to kiss his
mother’s cheek.  “Mum, sorry I’m late.  How are you?”

“Stop apologizing, Edward.  It’s fine.  I don’t
mind cooling my heels for a few minutes.  Besides, I’ve just returned from
your Aunt’s house and I’m still enjoying the peace and quiet,” she

“And how is Aunt Imogen?”

“She’s good.  Busy.  That’s a woman you’d better
not keep waiting!”

“Indeed, she’ll box my ears!”

Laughing, Charlotte Kent scrutinized her son’s face. 
As her only son, he held special place in her heart.  She loved each of
her three children, but Edward was near and dear to her heart.  She
suspected it was because he reminded her so much of his father.  Daniel
Kent had been a special man, and Edward was the same.  Seeing nothing to
cause her serious concern, she patted his hand.  “How was America?”

“Well, to be honest, it was amazing.  And scary.”

He was interrupted by the waiter.  After giving their
order, Charlotte touched his hand to get his attention.  “A woman?”

Smiling, he squeezed her hand.  It was comforting to
have someone who knew him so well.  He nodded.  “Yes.  Her name
is Kate.  I met her about four months ago here in London.  Chance
meeting at Tempo in Mayfair.  She was having dinner and asking the waiter
about Pappagallo’s.  I sat with her and we just fell into
conversation.  She went back to the States and when she returned last
month, we went to dinner every night she was in town.  Then she went home
again and I got called back to Jamaica.  We didn’t speak for a
month.  I called her when I got back to London and it was like time had
stood still for that month.  I hopped on a plane and spent the weekend
with her.”

Grinning broadly, Charlotte clapped her hands.  “That’s
lovely!  But why are you scared?”

“I don’t know?  I feel like it should be harder. 
We should be going slower.  We’re both a bit scared.  It feels like
we’ve known each other forever and were just waiting for the right time to meet

“Edward, the saying ‘too good to be true’ doesn’t apply to

Edward blanched.  “Love?  Mum, slow down. 
I’ve only known her a couple of months.”

Sighing softly, Charlotte tutted.  “Do you know how
long I knew your father before I fell in love with him?”

Edward groaned and rolled his eyes.  “An hour. 
Mum, you and Dad have told us this story a million times.”

“It’s not a work of fiction, Edward.  It’s not a movie
or a script or a book.  It’s my life.  It’s real and it
happened.  An hour was all it took and I knew I wanted to spend the rest
of my life with him.  It’s not inconceiveable to think it couldn’t happen
to you.”

“You don’t think I’m crazy?”

“No, not in the least.  In fact, I think it’s wonderful
that you’ve finally met someone you feel this strongly about.  When do I
get to meet her?”

Edward laughed.  “Soon.  She’ll be here in about
six weeks for work, but I’ll be in Italy.  She’s planning to come back
with Mary when I return.”

“Who’s Mary?”

“Her daughter.”

Charlotte clapped her hands again.  “Oh, a
grand-baby!  You melt my heart, Edward!”

“Mum!  Don’t get too attached yet,” Edward
warned.  “What if it doesn’t work?  What if I’m wrong?”

“Edward, it’s not like you to be so serious and
negative.”  She reached for his hand again.  “Love isn’t something to
be stressed about.  It has a life of its own.  A little weeding here
and there, some water and lots of sun and fresh air.  That’s what it takes
to have a beautiful garden of love and affection with someone.  A
wonderful story to tell your children and grandchildren.”

“It feels so right, Mum.  She’s so amazing.  She’s
kind and considerate, beautiful, a great sense of humor.  She’s devoted to
Mary and is an amazing mother.”

“She sounds like the perfect woman for you.”

“She doesn’t know about me, though.”

“What?  How could she have doubts as to the kind of
person you are?”

Edward laughed.  “No, not like that.  I mean, she
doesn’t know I’m ‘Edward Kent’,” he explained, using air quotes when he said
his name.


“Well, I’m making some in-roads in America, but I’m not as
famous there.  I don’t think she’s made the connection.”

“Do you think it’ll matter?”

“I hope not.  She’s very private and I don’t know how
she’ll feel about living in the public eye – something that will
definitely happen if we take our relationship to the next level.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out.”

“True.  I felt safer visiting her in America. 
There’s less of a chance that I’ll be recognized.  Although, we’ve been
photographed, a few times here and once there.  I was able to brush off
the ones she noticed.”

“When they visit, will you be in London or out at the

“We’ll go out to the estate.  It’s private and I won’t
have to worry about the paparazzi.”

“You said she’s bringing the baby?”

“Yes, Mary, but she’s not really a baby.  She’s five
and the sweetest little thing.”

“Where’s the father?”

“Died, about five years ago.  I don’t know the whole
story.  I think it’s still pretty painful for her to talk about yet.”

“Is she ready for this?”

“I’m not sure.  And I don’t know if she knows.  I
do know she’s scared and worried at how fast we’re moving,” he said.  He
looked up with a mischievous grin.  “I guess we’ll just have to see how it

Smiling, Charlotte patted his hand.  “Yes.  Take
it a day at a time, but be sure to care for it.  Otherwise it’ll wither.”

Ready to change the subject, Edward sipped his wine. 
“How are my sisters?”

“Oh, I have some news and I can’t believe it took me so long
to tell you!  Meaghan is pregnant!  But, you didn’t hear that from
me,” Charlotte added sternly.  The huge smile on her face lessened the
effect her stern voice had.

“She is?  That’s bloody brilliant!”  Edward was so
pleased.  Meaghan and Rufus had been trying for seven years to get
pregnant.  “I have to call her.  I’ll take her to lunch this
week.  They must be over the moon.”

Charlotte was shaking her head.  “No.  I mean,
they are thrilled, but she’s on bed-rest.”

“What?  Already?  How far along is she?”

“Twelve weeks, but the doctors don’t want anything to go
wrong.  They are taking all the precautions.”

Edward nodded in understanding.  Six miscarriages had
taken their toll and he was of the same opinion.  Do everything to keep
her safe.  “I’ll go visit her this weekend.  How’s Izzy?”

“She’s herself.  Apparently she broke up with Nico, but
that’s not really any big upset.  She’s top of her class at University.”

“Fabulous.  And you, Mum,” Edward asked as he placed
his hand over hers.  “How are you?”

Charlotte squeezed his fingers in understanding.  “I’m
fine.  I have good days and bad days, like everyone else.  I miss
him, everyday.” She paused to take a sip of water.  “I’m thinking about
taking a cruise this winter.  Get away from the snow and cold.”

They’d lost Daniel Kent six months ago to a heart
attack.  They’d all been to church together and were sitting down to
lunch, when he collapsed next to the table.  Edward had immediately
started CPR, but it hadn’t helped.  The doctors said he had died before he
even hit the floor.  The wound was still raw and Edward tried to block all
thoughts of his father.  Their father had been a rock, the rock, of the

“Do you want company?”

“I would, but who would go with me?”

“Me.  I told James to work out a six month break after
this project.”

“Are you serious?  When was the last time you took some
time off?”

“I think it’s been about five years.  I’m due, don’t
you think?”

“Indeed.  Oh Edward, I would adore that, truly!”

“Then it’s set.”  Edward pushed his plate away. 
“Dessert, Mum?”

“No thank you, I’m full.  But I wouldn’t mind some tea,

Edward ordered her tea and a glass of port for
himself.  “Thank you for having dinner with me, Mum.”

“Thank you for inviting me.  It makes my heart happy to
know you kids still need me.”

“Always.  You’re our Mum.”

“I want to meet your Kate when she come to visit.  And
I want to spoil little Mary.  You’ll tell me when they’re coming?”

“Like I could keep it from you!”


Chapter Twenty

The time dragged by slowly in Kate’s opinion.  She and
Edward spoke on the phone several times a week.  During the week, he
always called after Mary was in bed, ever conscious of how much the down time
with Mary meant to her.  On the weekends, he would call during the day so
that he got the chance to talk to Mary.  An ocean between them and still
Mary had him wrapped around her tiny finger. 

After Kate’s talk with Erin about her relationship with
Edward, she had decided a second opinion was warranted.  Georgie had
gotten Tim to agree to watch Mary and Kate had escaped with Georgie on an
overnight heart-to-heart disguised as a spa getaway.

Georgie, having known more about Kate’s life with Brad, was
a little more cautious with her advice than Erin was.  But in the end,
their advice was similar in that the relationship wouldn’t get anywhere unless
Kate tried.  Taking it one day at a time was the smartest solution, but
not be so cautious as to ruin a good thing. 

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