To Love Twice (13 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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Edward walked her back to her hotel.  “I’ve thoroughly
enjoyed our evening.”

“Me too.  Thank you very much, Edward.”

“Are you available tomorrow night?”

“I could be,” Kate said jokingly.

“Let me take you out again.  Would you like to catch a

Smiling, Kate nodded her head.  “Very much.”

“Is five-thirty ok?  We’ll have dinner before the

“Perfect, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Edward leaned down and brushed a soft kiss across her
cheek.  “Until tomorrow,” he whispered. 

Kate froze and as she watched him walk away, her hand came
up to touch her cheek.  She couldn’t believe it, he’d kissed her. 
And he wanted to take her out again.  It would be the third night in a row
that they’d spent time together.  She was getting spoiled.

Kate sighed as he disappeared into the crowd.  As she
turned to cross the lobby to the elevator, she thought she saw the same
body-builder man following behind Edward that she saw from the
restaurant.  She rose up on tippy-toes to get a better look, but they
turned a corner and were out of sight.  Shrugging her shoulders, she put
it out of her mind and got on the elevator.  Her life would be so boring
when she got home, she mused.  She’d be busy enough with Mary, work and
her friends and family.  But she was enjoying this time here, enjoying
meeting a man she liked.  Enjoying being romanced. 

It made her sad to think they’d lose touch, again, when she
left on Saturday.  She honestly couldn’t imagine he’d keep in touch for
long, if at all.  But oh, imagine the possibilities if they did.


Chapter Fourteen

Kate woke on Saturday morning torn between happiness at
seeing Mary in a few hours and slightly depressed at not spending more time
with Edward.

Their date the night before had been beyond compare. 
They had enjoyed a quiet dinner at Auberge in Waterloo before the play. 
They started with French baguettes and calamari.  Kate had worked through
lunch, completely forgetting to eat, and had been half starved when they
arrived at the restaurant.  Then they had moved on to their main
courses.  Kate chose the filet de saumon, Scottish salmon fillet with a
white wine, cream and dill sauce.  It was served with chive buttered new
potatoes and steamed spinach.  Edward had the Poisson parmentier, a fish
pie of cod, haddock, prawn and salmon in a creamy sauce of white wine and leek,
topped with mashed potato and cheese. 

Kate couldn’t believe the taste of the food lately.  In
the five years she’d been traveling to London, she’d never had food as good as
she’d had all the nights she’d dined with Edward.  She wasn’t sure if the
company was what improved the food, or if she had been cheaping out. 
Either way, Kate was sure she was going home with a couple extra pounds. 
Usually she and Edward would share a dessert, but last night, they couldn’t
agree on just one.  Kate ended up ordering the crème brûlée, and Edward
ordered the mousse au chocolat.  In the end, they did share, and Kate was
glad.  His chocolate mousse was as delicious as her crème brûlée.

“I am glad we walked,” Kate said to Edward once they’d
finally finished their desserts.


“Because I need to walk off some of this food!”  Kate
sighed as she sipped her tea.  “I’m having a delicious time, thank you!”

Laughing, Edward rose from his chair.  “That makes two
of us.  Come on, let’s get moving.  We don’t want to miss the show!”

They walked briskly to the theatre.  The Old Vic was
Kiss Me, Kate
, which Edward thought was fitting.  He’d
given her a few pecks here and there, but there was nothing he wanted more than
to sink into her lips.  Edward reached for her hand as they strolled down
the street.

He glanced across the street and saw a photographer snapping
their picture and watched as his bodyguard, Jason, moved the photographer
along, discouraging anymore photographs being taken.  Edward sighed but
thanked his lucky stars that Kate was headed out tomorrow and would most likely
miss this set of pictures being published.  Sometimes he wished he’d
become the lawyer his mother wanted him to be.  His life would be his own,
and strolling down the street would give him an anxiety attack.

Edward knew he should be up front with Kate about his
career.  It was definitely some information she needed, especially where
Mary was concerned.  He wasn’t overly famous in America yet, but it was
coming fast.  And once it did, neither Kate nor Mary would be safe from
the paparazzi.  This was something that Kate would have to consider in
being associated with him. 

He wanted normal for as long as he could get it.  And
he liked the anonymity of Kate not knowing who he really was.  He could
tell she liked him for who he was.  She didn’t put on airs, didn’t expect
him to lavish gifts on her, didn’t expect the best tables and restaurants to
cater to her.  She was such a breath of fresh air.  He loved that she
expected nothing from him but good company.

It was something that was lacking in his life.  He
loved his mother and his sisters, but even they had come to expect the
best.  They weren’t selfish or demanding about it.  Money changed
people, and there were times he wished he could go back to before.

Edward held the door for Kate and they stepped inside the
theatre.  He watched Kate as she openly gawked at the lobby. 
Thankfully, she was so busy taking in her surroundings, she didn’t notice all
the people stop and stare at him.  Fixing a ‘don’t come near me stare’ on
his face, he guided Kate to their box.  Settling her in, he took a seat
next to her.  “Have you seen this play before?”

“No, and honestly, it’s my first play,” Kate admitted.

“Are you serious?”

Kate nodded.  “Well, I’ve seen the productions the kids
did when I was in high school, but I’ve never seen a professional one.”

“I’m astounded,” Edward said.  From the little he’d
gleaned from her over the past few nights, Kate didn’t do or go many
places.  He wondered if that was by choice, or if she never had the opportunity. 
“I’ll be doubly interested in whether you like this or not, then.” Edward said.

“Oh, I’m sure I will.  Like traveling, this is
something I’ve always wanted to do.  It’s hard to get away.  But then
again, I work so much that I really only want to spend my free time with Mary,”
Kate explained.

“I understand.  What else is on your bucket list?”

Kate laughed.  “Oh so much, you can’t even imagine!”

The lights dimmed and Edward watched as people rushed to
their seats.  He glanced at Kate and was amused to see she was still
taking it all in.  He settled back into his seat and decided the show he
really wanted to watch was Kate.  He could imagine what was on her
list.  He’d once had a long list of things he wanted to do and see.  And
he’d steadily crossed them off.  He wanted to help Kate cross items off
her list.  He wondered if falling in love and getting married again was on
her list.

Trying to reign in his thoughts, he leaned forward and asked
her if she’d like a glass of wine or some water.  She chose water, so he
excused himself and went in search of some refreshments.  He’d learned
that the best time to get drinks was after the lights dimmed, just before the
show started.  Most everyone was in their seats and he wasn’t usually
bothered by people asking for autographs and such.

Securing their drinks, he headed back to their box.  He
dreaded the fact she was leaving tomorrow.  He’d enjoyed their evenings
together and wanted to spend more time with her.  She had told him she
came to town about every twelve weeks.  He wasn’t sure he could wait that
long to see her again.  Maybe they could exchange some phone calls between
now and then.  That would take some of the edge off.  She seemed to
be a little reserved, so he didn’t think that a trip to America would be
happening anytime soon.

As he entered the box, Kate glanced at him with a smile on
her face.  “I’m so glad you made it back.  It looks like it’s going
to start any second!”

Edward passed Kate her water.  “The lines aren’t long
if you wait until the lights dim,” Edward told her.

“Oh, you’ve been to a few of these shows, huh?  You
know all the secrets!” Kate laughed.

“Indeed, I do,” Edward said.  He wondered how she’d
react if he just leaned over and crushed her lips beneath his.  The
temptation to do so was so strong, it took his breath away. 

“Ooh, look, Edward!  I think it’s starting!”

Sipping his drink, Edward sat back in his seat and
concentrated on the show that was Kate Walker.  He was sure he was in for
a very interesting show.


Kate could feel Edward’s stare while she tried to pay
attention to the beginning of the show.  He was so attentive and it was
something she didn’t want to take for granted.  She’d had love once and as
time went by she realized that she’d taken it all for granted.  That he
would be there for her, to help her raise Mary, to share the highs and the lows
with, to grow old with.  She taken it all for granted.  It was
something that she’d promised herself she’d try to never let happen

She never wanted to take anything for granted.  Not
Mary, Erin, Georgie, her job, her travels, or even Edward.  She tried to
always be in the moment and to cherish every memory, no matter how small and
insignificant.  If Kate had learned anything from Brad’s death, it was
that those small insignificant memories were what kept you going when you
didn’t think you could take another step.

She’d only known Edward a short time, and she knew herself
well enough to know that she wasn’t quite ready to take the plunge into a
relationship, especially not a long distance one.  But if she was going to
choose anyone, it would be him.  She couldn’t help but wonder if they’d
stay in touch over the next twelve weeks or so until she came back to
London.  She wondered if he really was fine with just being friends with
her.  Maybe all he wanted was someone to have dinner with, go sight-seeing
with, someone to hang with every few months.  And she wondered how she’d
feel if that was truly all he wanted.  The thought depressed her a bit,
and she was truly surprised by that.

Just then, Edward shifted in his chair.  She felt him
lean closer and whisper into her ear.

“What’s wrong, Kate?”

Kate turned her head slightly.  “Nothing, why?

“You seem sad.  Are you not enjoying the show?”

“No, I’m fine,” Kate whispered. 
Her mind
shouted at her.  “And I’m enjoying the show very much!” 
Liar, you haven’t even been paying attention!

“Look at me,” Edward demanded.

Kate turned her head to look him straight in the eye.

“You’re not watching the show, Kate.”

Kate rolled her eyes.  “How do you know that?”

“Because I’ve been watching you the whole time.  You’re
staring into space, lost in your thoughts.  And something you just thought
made you unhappy,” Edward whispered urgently.  “What’s wrong?”

“I was just thinking that tonight is our last evening

“Does that make you sad, Kate?”


Edward leaned closer and gently touched his lips to
hers.  She was surprised, but didn’t pull away.  She had wondered
what it would be like to kiss Edward, and he was surpassing her
expectations.  His lips were warm and firm.  He didn’t pressure her
with an aggressive kiss.  He gently coaxed a response from her.  She
kissed him back and sighed softly against his lips. 

He pulled back slightly and whispered against her
lips.  “Me too, Kate.  I would like more time with you.”

Taking her lips again, more firmly this time, she felt
Edward trying to convey his feelings with his lips.  Kate knew just how he
felt.  She returned the kiss with equal fervor, wrapping her arms around
his neck.  She let her fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck
and turned her head slightly to the side for better access. 

God!  She’d missed this.  The connection between
two people.  The attraction.  The passion.  She could feel
herself sinking into him, falling into the sensations.  If they didn’t
stop soon, the theater-goers were going to get more of a show than they
bargained for.  A part of her didn’t care, though.  Five years is a
long time to go without this connection.  And she was a person who needed,
craved this connection.  Why had she kept herself closed off for so

Edward gently raised his head.  “If we don’t stop now,
we’ll be in trouble,” he whispered.

Still a bit dazed at her reaction to him and his kisses, she

He pulled his chair up next to hers and wrapped his arm
around her shoulders.  He gently tugged her closer to him until she was
leaning against him with her head cradled beneath his chin.

They stayed that way through the rest of the show. 
When it was over, Kate was reluctant to leave his side.  What was
happening to her?  Was she so lonely and deprived that she was going to
cling to him?  Maybe some time apart would be a good thing. 

It seemed Edward was in no rush either.  He kept his
arm around her and she silently watched as the people filed out of the
theater.  She wondered if he’d fallen asleep.  She peeked up at his
face and was startled to find his eyes on hers.

“Ready to go?” she asked quietly.

“Not even a little bit,” he said.

“No, me neither,” Kate said and laid her head back on his
chest.  “But my flight leaves pretty early and I can’t miss it,” Kate

“I know,” he sighed.  He kissed the top of her
head.  “Alright, let’s get you back to your hotel.  I don’t want to
be responsible for a little girl’s tears because her mum missed her plane.”

Edward took hold of her hand and held it the whole way to
the hotel.  Kate grinned inwardly, secretly happy that he was as attached
to her as she was to him.  She felt the same level of attachment.

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