To Love Twice (24 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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Edward followed her and dropped to his knees beside
her.  He wrapped her in his arms and placed a soft kiss on her
temple.  “We’ll find her, Kate.  I promise.”

“What’s going on, Edward?”  Georgie demanded.

“A note was left on your chair.  It was a picture of
them at the London airport and demanding five million dollars for the safe
return of Mary,” Edward explained.

Georgie’s face paled.  “Five million dollars? 
Where will we get the money?”

Edward sighed.  “From me, Georgie.”

“You?” Georgie asked in confusion.

“Didn’t Kate tell you?  I’m Edward Kent, The Edward
Kent.  Europe’s famous a-list actor and most eligible bachelor,” Edward
explained bitterly.

Georgie’s mouth dropped open.  “Seriously?”

Kate raised her head and glared at Edward.  “Yes,

“Kate, you’re blaming Mary’s abduction on Edward’s fame?”
Georgie asked incredulously.

Kate moved out of Edward’s grasp and stood on her
feet.  “Yes.  We were nobody’s.  We’d still be nobody’s.” Kate
glanced off into the distance.  “I wish I’d never gone in that

Georgie gasped.  “Kate!  You don’t mean that!”

Kate’s gaze snapped to Edward’s.  “Oh, but I do,” Kate
said as she removed the ring Edward had given her less than an hour
before.  Holding it up, she placed it in Edward’s shirt pocket.  “Get
my baby back and then get out of my life,” Kate said.

And for the second time in less than ten minutes, Kate
turned and walked away from Edward.


Chapter Twenty-Six

Edward stood rooted to the spot watching the love of his
life walk away.  She was right and he didn’t blame her for her
reactions.  It was his fault Mary had been kidnapped and he’d do
everything in his power to find Mary and bring her home to Kate. 

But Kate was wrong if she thought he was going to let them
walk out of his life.  He loved them both to distraction and this
situation only cemented his feelings.  They were his life and he
understood that to keep them safe and with him, he was going to have to make
big changes in his life. 

Officer Finney walked up to him, interrupting his
musings.  “Uh, sir.  I need to ask you some questions.”

“Fire away,” Edward said.

“How long have you known the Walkers?”

“About nine months.”

“How did you meet?”

“We met at a restaurant in London.”

“You’re from London?”


“And you’re an actor?”

“Yes.”  Edward ran his hand through his hair in frustration. 
“Look, I know you have to ask these questions, but this isn’t getting us any
closer to finding Mary.”  Edward paced in a tight circle.  “I need to
call my bank and get started on the money transfer.”

“Sir, there are procedures we must follow.”

“Bloody Hell!”  Edward growled, thrusting his hands
through his hair.  “Screw the procedures!  I’m going to get Mary

“My captain will be here in a few minutes, sir.  You
can talk to him…”

A high-pitched scream interrupted Officer Finney. 
“Mary!”  Kate screamed.

Edward ran over to Kate.  “Kate, what’s happened?”

“The kidnapper sent her a picture of Mary.”  Georgie

Edward grabbed Kate’s phone. 

“Is it another media picture?”  Officer Finney asked.

“No,” Edward said.  His hand trembled as he showed
Officer Finney the picture.  “It’s a current picture.”

“Isn’t that what she was wearing today?”  Officer
Finney asked as he flipped through his notes.

“Yes,” Edward said.  “This picture is from
today.”  He scrolled down on the image.  “And here are the
instructions, Officer.”

Officer Finney read the words aloud on the image. 
“Five million, corner of Isaac Street and Monroe Street.  6am
tomorrow.  No police, just Mr. Kent and Ms. Walker.”

“Six am,
?” Kate said.  “No!  We
need to find her NOW.  I’m not going to stand around and let some monsters
scare her.  No!”  Kate ran her hands through her hair.  She
stopped pacing in front of Edward and gazed up at him with pleading eyes. 
“Please Edward, I’m begging you.  Find my baby.  Please, bring her back
to me!”

Edward reached out, wanting to feel their connection. 
But fearing another rejection, he dropped his hand at the last second.  “I
will, Kate.”

“Officer Finney!”  A large man strolled over to their
group.  He looked to be in his mid-fifties and had to be over six feet
tall.  He had a clean-shaven head, broad shoulders and dark chocolate
eyes.  He fixed his stare on Edward, even as he spoke to Officer Finney.

Officer Finney snapped to attention.  “Sir!”

“Brief me,” the man snapped.

“Sir.  A six year old child was taken from the center
stage.  The victim and her guardians were taking in the pre-show
festivities.  The victim was standing between her aunt and uncle. 
When the aunt reached down to take the victim’s hand, she realized the victim
was missing.  This note was left on their chairs, and a few minutes ago an
image and instructions were sent to the victim’s mother’s phone.”

The man inspected the note and the phone image. 
Handing both back to Officer Finney, he once again focused on Edward.

“You’d be Edward Kent?”

Edward nodded.  “I am.”

The man stuck out his hand.  Edward took it, not
surprised at the firm shake.  “Captain Tom Driscoll.”  Dropping his
hand, the Captain continued to eye Edward as he issued orders to Officer

“Officer Finney, we need to set up a command post.  It
can’t be here, let’s set up at the victim’s home.”

“Yes sir.”  Officer Finney ran off.

“Mr. Kent, I understand you’ll be putting up the cash for
the ransom drop?”

“Yes,” Edward said.

“Well, let’s get this started.  I’ll send a
plainclothes officer with you,” the captain said.

“Sir, with all due respect, that’s unnecessary.  I have
my own security team and I’d prefer they accompany me to the bank.”

The captain shook his head.  “Everything I’ve heard and
read about you made me think you were a logical and reasonable man,” the
captain said.

“Excuse me?”  Edward sneered.

“Oh, you think I don’t know who you are?” The captain
grinned.  “My wife is your number one fan, Mr. Kent.  I’ve seen every
movie and heard every piece of gossip concerning you.  If it’s to be found
in the magazines, papers or on the Internet, my wife has heard about it and
therefore so have I.”

Edward grimaced.  “I’m sorry to hear that, sir.”

“Don’t be.  My wife needs something to occupy her
time.  Our kids are grown and I’m always at work.”  The captain
crossed his arms and focused his intense stare on Edward’s face.  “Now, we
need to get moving on this situation.  I’ll be taking Ms. Walker and her
family back to her apartment.  You go to the bank and get started on the
money.  Once you’ve finished at the bank, please join us at the
apartment.  We’ll work on a plan for the drop.”

Edward struggled with his emotions.  There was no way
he was letting the cops anywhere near this situation.  The instructions
had been clear and Edward wasn’t going to allow them to mess up the drop. 
He and Kate would deliver the money, and if he could manage it, it would be his
security people that would keep them safe.

“Sounds like a plan,” Edward agreed.

The captain motioned to one of his officers.  “Good
luck, Mr. Kent.”

Edward watched the captain walk over to Kate and

“Sir, ready to go?”  The officer asked.

“Yes,” Edward nodded.  He followed the officer into the
lobby.  “I need to use the restroom before we go,” Edward said. 

“We’ll pass one on our way out.  It’s just down here a
bit,” the officer pointed further down the lobby.

Once they reached the restroom, Edward excused himself and
went inside.  He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed his bodyguard,
Jason.  He never traveled without him, but Edward rarely had to use Jason
when he was visiting Kate. 

“Mr. Kent?”

“Mary’s been taken.  I’m on my way to Bank of
America.  Meet me there.”

“On my way.”

Edward hung up and walked back out to the waiting officer.  “Let’s
go,” Edward said.

Ten minutes later they pulled up in front of Bank of
America.  They both exited the car and walked into the bank.

“Hello sir, how may we help you today?”  The lobby
attendant asked.

“Hello.  I need to speak with your bank manager.”

“I’m sorry sir, he’s gone home for the evening.  We’ll
be closing in fifteen minutes.”

“Get him on the phone, please.  I need to speak with

“Sir, is this something that can wait until tomorrow

Edward pierced her with his cold stare.  “If it could,
I wouldn’t be standing in front of you asking you to call him, would I?”

“Uh, no sir.  I guess you wouldn’t,” she
stammered.  She snatched up the phone and dialed.  “Sir, this is
Amanda Anderson.  I have a gentleman here that would like to speak with
you.”  She paused as the man on the other line replied.  “Yes, I know
sir, but he’s very adamant.”

Tired of waiting, Edward grabbed the phone from her. 
“This is Edward Kent, to whom am I speaking?”

“Richard Lenovo.  I am the bank manager.  What is
the meaning of this?” The man asked indignantly.

“I suggest you get down here now as I am in need of a large
amount of cash.  My daughter has been kidnapped and I need to withdraw
funds for the ransom.”

“How much are we talking?”

“Five million.  I need it by six tomorrow morning.”

“Five million?  There’s no way we can accommodate you
for that large a sum.”

Edward held the phone to his chest and glared at
Amanda.  “Who’s in charge of this bank?”

“Mr. Robbins.  He’s the bank president.”

Edward hung up the phone.  “Call him, now, please.”

Edward watched as she dialed the phone again.  “Hello,
Mr. Robbins?  This is Amanda Anderson at the bank.  I have someone
who needs to speak with you.”  She handed the phone to Edward.

“This is Edward Kent.  I’m here at your bank and I’m in
need of a large sum of money.  My daughter was kidnapped and I need the
money by six tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

Edward passed the phone to Amanda.  “He’ll be here in
twenty minutes,” Edward said as he walked over and sat down in one of the lobby

The phone rang and Edward watched the color drain from
Amanda’s face when she answered.  He could hear the bank manager’s voice
through the phone and it sounded as if Amanda was getting an earful. 
“Just hang up on him,” Edward said loudly.

Amanda’s eyes widened at his suggestion, but she continued
to take the abuse.  “Sir, there’s no need.  Mr. Robbins is on his way
down here.”  Amanda winced as the bank manager piled more abuse on the
defenseless lobby attendant.  “Yes, sir.”  Amanda gently replaced the
receiver and glanced at Edward.  “He’s on his way, too,” she explained.

“Great, it’ll be a party!”  Edward said sarcastically.

“Not one that I want to attend,” Amanda said.  Color
immediately infused her face as she realized what she’d said aloud.

Jason walked through the doors just then and Edward stood to
greet him.  “Thanks for getting here so fast,” Edward said as he shook
Jason’s hand.

Jason nodded.  Edward guided him over to the
chairs.  Sitting down, he quietly explained the situation and his
wishes.  Jason listened intently, only interrupting when he had a

“We need to get rid of this cop and somehow get Kate away
from her apartment.  All without the cops knowing or following.  I
don’t want this drop screwed up, Jason.  Mary’s life depends on it.”

Jason nodded.  “Yes sir.  When we’re done here,
let’s go back to the hotel.  We’ll call in some of my men and get the plan
worked out.”

“Great.  Let me go tell the cop to get lost and that
I’ll find my own way over to the apartment.”  Edward stood and walked over
to the doors where the cop was waiting.  “Officer, my bodyguard has
arrived.  Once I’m finished here at the bank, I’ll be heading back to the
hotel to get a change of clothes and then I’ll head over to the
apartment.  I’m no longer in need of your services and I’m sure the
captain has something that needs your attention.”

“Sir, the captain told me to stay with you.”

“Well, let’s call your captain and see what he has to say,”
Edward suggested. 

Edward watched the officer pull out his phone and
dial.  “Sir, Officer Wyatt here.  Mr. Kent says his bodyguard will
deliver him to the apartment when he’s finished at the bank.  Is there
somewhere else I could be useful?”  The officer listened intently to his
captain.  “Yes sir, I know you did, sir.  No, I’m not questioning
your orders, sir.  That’s why I’m calling, to get clarification.  Yes
sir.  Thank you,” the officer hung up and glared at Edward.  “I’m not
to let you out of my sight, Mr. Kent.”

Edward smiled.  “Splendid.”  He turned and walked
back toward Jason.  “No joy,” Edward said to Jason.

“We’ll figure out a way to get by him.”  Jason pulled
out his phone.  “Might as well make myself useful.  I’ll call in some
favors and have them waiting for us at the hotel.  How long do you think
this will take?”

“I’ve no idea.  The bank president should be here

Jason nodded.  “I’ll have them waiting for us at the
hotel.”  Jason walked away to make his calls and Edward watched him go
with envy.  He sorely wished he had something to do to take his mind off
the situation and make him feel useful.

He sent a quick text message to Kate explaining where he was
and what he was doing.  He hoped her phone wasn’t being monitored, but
until he knew for sure, he’d have to keep his messages to the point.  Done
with that, he also sent a message to his mother.  The last thing he wanted
was her waking up to the news without hearing it from him.

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