To Love Twice (16 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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“You must come here often?”

“Oh yes, at least once a week.  Mary and I adore this
place.  Nan is like the mother mine wishes she could be.  It’s sad,
but true.  Everyone here treats Mary like she’s their favorite granddaughter. 
Nan’s husband, Mario, is the evening chef.  They’ve been trying to find a
daytime chef, but no one compares to Emilio, their son.  He’s abroad right
now, training under some big-shot chef in France.  They are so proud of

“This sounds like a wonderful place.”

Kate nodded as she placed her napkin in her lap.  “It
is.  The first couple of times I went to London, Pappagallo’s reminded me
of Emilio’s.  I guess that’s part of the reason I went there so
often.  I was homesick and missing Mary, and that place felt like home.”

Edward laced his fingers with hers.  “Home is
important,” Edward said solemnly.  “What’s good here?” Edward asked as he
gestured to the menu. 

“I’ve never had a bad meal here, and I’ve eaten just about
everything they offer.  Mary’s favorite is the ravioli.  I’m partial
to the lasagna, and of course the wedding soup.”

“And are you getting the lasagna today?”

“You better believe it,” Kate said laughing.  “I need
the extra carbs for the things I have planned for us tonight.”

Spying Nan coming toward their table, his whispered “You’re
wicked!” was the only reply he could give.

Putting their waters down on the table, Nan gathered up
their menus.  “Ready to order?”

Kate nodded to Edward and he gave Nan their order. 
“I’d like to try the ravioli.  Kate would like the lasagna and we’d like
to share a bowl of the wedding soup, please.”

“Excellent choices,” Nan replied.  “Would you like any
wine with your meal?”

“Please, do you offer Pinot Noir?”

“We do.  Would you like a glass or the bottle?”

Glancing at Kate, Edward smiled playfully.  “Oh, I
think the bottle will do us quite well, thank you.”

Kate nudged Edward’s leg with her foot as Nan walked
away.  “A whole bottle?  It’s good we’re walking!”

Edward laughed, I doubt we’ll get too smashed sharing a
bottle between us and all this food we’re about to eat.”

“I suppose you’re right.  It just sounds so decadent.”

“We’re together and sharing a romantic meal.  This is
the best weekend of my life.  We should indulge, Kate.”

“You’re too sweet,” Kate said as she rubbed her hand on his

He laced his fingers with hers and raised his water
glass.  “To Fate.”

Kate tapped her glass to his.  “To Fate,” she murmured.


The rest of the weekend was heaven.  After the late
lunch at Emilio’s, they went to the art gallery.  They spent the afternoon
looking through the gallery and speaking to the owner.  They stopped at
the old theater and took in a showing of
The King and I
.  It was
well past dark when they arrived back at the apartment. 

Kate went into the kitchen to call Georgie about keeping
Mary an extra night.  While she was doing that, Edward poured them more
wine and stood at the window enjoying the view.

“How’s Mary?” Edward asked when she joined him at the
window.  He handed her a glass of wine.

“Perfect.  She loves them, and it makes me so happy and
relieved to know that.  Georgie is off work tomorrow, some federal holiday
that only government workers and bankers get off.  She’s fine with keeping
Mary again tonight and watching her tomorrow while I’m at work.”

“You’re sad though,”  Edward prompted.

“No, not sad.  Just down, I guess,” Kate
shrugged.  “I don’t know exactly how I’m feeling.  I know that I
don’t want tomorrow to come, but it will.”

“I know,” Edward ran his hand through Kate’s hair. 
“I’m not ready for our weekend to end, either.”

“This long distance stuff is going to be hard.”

“Indeed.  We can do it though.”

“I don’t want you to go, Edward.”  Kate laid her head
on his chest, breathing in his unique scent.  “I’m not crazy, am I? 
I sometimes feel crazy.  Like I’m some love-sick teenager that has no

“If you’re crazy, then I’m headed to the madhouse with
you.  I feel the same.”  He wrapped his arms around her and they sat
in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

A playful smile appeared on Edward’s face.  “I think I
can take your mind off your woes, if you’ll allow me.”

Kate’s smile mirrored Edward’s.  “I’ll allow this.”


Chapter Eighteen

“You don’t look happy,” Erin remarked upon seeing the look
on Kate’s face when she walked into the office.

“I am happy, just sad the weekend is over.”  Kate sat
her bag down on her desk and looked up at Erin.  “We had such an amazing
time, Erin.  Neither one of us was ready for it to be over.”

Erin dropped down into one of Kate’s guest chairs and glared
up at Kate.  “I canceled my eight o’clock meeting to hear all the gory
details of your weekend.  I’ve been married for fifteen years.  I am
now living vicariously through you,” Erin said as she brushed an imaginary
piece of lint on her skirt.  “So, I don’t want to hear any vague ‘oh we
had a lovely time, blah blah blah’.  I want all the details!”

Grinning at Erin’s eagerness, Kate sat down and leaned back
into her chair.  “I don’t know where to start, Erin.  We talked,
drank wine, took Mary to the beach, went out to dinner and the art gallery,
went to a movie,” Kate rambled.  A wicked smile graced her lips as she
continued.  “And had lots, and lots, and lots of sex,” Kate said wickedly.

“Yes, this is what I’m talking about!”  Erin
exclaimed.  “I knew it.  How much is lots and lots and lots?”

“Pretty much non-stop after Mary left for Georgie’s,” Kate

“Ugh.  You’re so lucky.  I don’t remember marathon
sex weekends.  That’s what happens when you have kids.  No more
marathon sex weekends.  Hell, no more sex period!”

Kate grinned.  “The moment I opened the door to him
Friday night, it was like no time had passed since I saw him last,” Kate said
glancing out her office window.

“That scares you,” Erin said softly.

Kate blinked and looked into Erin’s eyes.  “So much.”


“Because it’s so fast!”  Kate stood and paced back and
forth behind her desk.  “Erin, we fell into bed with each other like we’ve
been married for years.  There was no awkwardness, no shyness.”  Kate
glanced up and saw Erin’s patented eye roll.  “Hey!  What’s with the
eye roll?”

“If I had something handy, I’d throw it at you,” Erin said
while slowly shaking her head.  “Sit down, you’re making me
nervous.”  Erin waited until Kate was settled and then she speared her
with a glare.  “Brad’s gone Kate,” Erin said quietly.

Sucking in her breath, Kate’s face drained of color. 
“You think I don’t know that?”

“I know you know it.  I watched you grieve for
him.  I continue to watch you grieve for him.  When are you going to
forgive yourself? 
made the choice, Kate.  He made
the choices.  You have to let it go.  You have to let
go.  You deserve happiness and Edward seems like an amazing catch.”

Kate’s expression was bleak.  “But what if it
ends?  What if he’s not my happy ever after?  It’s not just me that I
have to be concerned about anymore.”

“Then you’ll move on and find someone new.  But I think
the bigger and more important question is ‘What if he

Two hours later, Kate was still mulling over that question. 
‘What if he is?’  Erin was good at asking the questions.  But Kate
didn’t have the answers.  She liked Edward a lot.  And if she was
completely honest with herself, she was half in love with him already. 

Sighing, she decided to put that alarming thought and all
the questions out of her mind for the time being.  She had a lot of work
to do, and sitting here mulling over her personal life wasn’t getting it done.


Edward’s mind was moving in the same direction as Kate’s as
he flew across the ocean back to London.  Their morning had been amazing,
hell the whole weekend had been beyond amazing.  Was it really possible,
in real life, to feel a lasting connection with someone so fast?  If he
was going to take the plunge, he wanted it to last.  He didn’t want to be
another in a long line of failed romances, gracing the covers of all the news

The chiming of his blackberry drew him from his
thoughts.  He glanced at the screen and sighed. 
Back to the

“Are you on your way back?”  This from his assistant,

Typing fast and hoping James just wanted confirmation,
Edward replied.  “Yes.  Expect to land around noon.”

“Good.  Producers not happy with delay.”

“They’ll get over it,” Edward texted back.

“Not the best attitude to have at the beginning of a
project, Edward.”

Edward rolled his eyes and sighed.  “I’m not going to
apologize for taking an extra day of vacation.”

“I’m just saying it might be wise to tone down your

“And I’m saying if it’s that big a deal, they can find
someone else.  I don’t need this grief, and I certainly don’t need this

“Whoa.  No grief, just giving you a head’s up.”

“Appreciate the head’s up.  And that’s what I’m giving
you as well.”

“Noted.  Are you coming straight to the studio?”


“Brilliant, I’ll meet you there.”

Edward tossed his blackberry onto the table, and poured
himself some coffee.  Sinking into the seat, Edward stared out the window
as he drank the coffee.  Five years.  He’d been working straight for
five years with no real breaks in between.  A week here and there between
projects didn’t really constitute a vacation. 

Maybe that’s why his relationship with Kate was running so
hot.  Picking up his blackberry, he texted the one person he knew would be
completely honest with him. 

“Mum, you busy?”

“Never too busy to talk to you.”

Edward smiled.  “I’m on my way back from America. 
Headed to the studio.  Join me for dinner tonight?”

“Love to.  You ok?”

“Yes, just want to talk.  I’ll send a car for you
around six.  Ok?”

“Yes.  Fancy or normal?”

Edward chuckled.  “Normal.  Love you, Mum.”

“Love you more.  See you tonight.”

He drained his coffee cup and set it down on the
table.  Leaning his head back, his eyes drifted closed.  Better grab
some sleep now before he entered the lion’s den.  He’ll need his wits
about him, especially if what James said was true and the producers were


If his day could get worse, Edward didn’t see how.  He
politely swerved his way through the throngs of people in the terminal. 
He ignored the surprised looks from people he passed and didn’t look anyone in
the eye.  He didn’t have time to get held up by an admiring fan, he was
due at the studio in ten minutes.  Unless there was a helicopter waiting
for him in the parking lot, there was no way he’d make it on time.  It
wasn’t what he needed, especially given James’ warning earlier.  Sighing
deeply, he glanced at his watch again and groaned inwardly.  Make that
five minutes.  Stepping outside of the terminal, he looked up and down for
his car. 
Jason must have gotten held up in the parking garage.
Edward pulled out his phone and quickly sent James a text to let him know he
was running behind schedule.  Shoving his phone back in his pocket, Edward
started to pace as he waited for Jason to arrive with the car.  He was
distracted by his thoughts and didn’t notice the small group of fans that were
watching his every move.

“This is my lucky day!  Mr. Kent, may I have a moment
of your time?”

Edward glanced up and rolled his eyes.  A reporter, he
was wrong.  His day could get worse.  “I’m waiting on my car, I don’t
really have time for a chat.”

“Just a couple of questions, while you wait for your
car?”  The reporter walked closer and stood just in front of Edward,
blocking any chance of escape.

Edward drew himself up to his full height, his clear blue
gaze settling on the reporter’s face.  He fixed a bored stare on his face
and nodded slightly to the reporter.  “And you are?”

“Brent, sir.  From
The Moon
,” he said proudly.

Edward shook his head, disgust rolling through him.  A
gossip rag, just wonderful.  Anything he said would be twisted around
until it barely resembled anything he said.

“Mr. Kent, is it true that you’re just returning from

“It is,” Edward said carefully.

“Are you investigating a new project over there? 
Leaving us for the glam and glitz of Hollywood?”

Edward smiled.  “My home is here, not Hollywood. 
Surely you know that?”

“You’ve been photographed several times with a new
lady.  She wouldn’t happen to be the reason for your trip to America?”

Edward’s demeanor transformed instantly.  His muscles
bunched, ready to fight.  A cold light entered his eyes and a scowl
replaced the bored smile on his face.  He stepped forward, invading the
reporter’s personal space.  “My personal life if my own.  I don’t answer
questions relating to it for anyone, you should already know that.”

Brent stepped back, a little bit of fear creeping along his
skin.  He cleared his throat before he continued.  “Surely just a
nibble, sir?  Our readers want to know if England’s most eligible bachelor
is no longer eligible.”

Edward smiled thinly.  “No comment.”  He reached
down and grabbed his bag.  Wasting one last glance at the reporter, Edward
moved to the curb.  Jason pulled up right in front of him and Edward
opened the door before Jason had a chance to come around and open it for him.

“Mr. Kent, please.  Give me something to take back with
me!”  Brent begged before Edward could close the car door.

Edward started to close the door and then
reconsidered.  “If you were the last reporter on Earth, if my survival
depended on you getting a sound bite, I’d still say No Comment.”

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