To Love Twice (12 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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She waited for the sad to come and was surprised when it
didn’t.  Instead she felt free, almost like she’d been waiting for his
permission to be happy, to be free.  And now that she had it, she wasn’t
quite sure what to do with it or how it made her feel.

“We’re all set Ms. Walker.  I hope you enjoyed your
massage.  Renee poked her head in a little bit ago and said that they’d be
happy to do a mani and pedi for you whenever you’re ready.”

A bit disoriented, Kate smiled and thanked Bree.  When
Bree left the room, Kate allowed herself a moment to reflect on the dream she’d
had.  Had it been real?  Kate shook her head.  Did it even
matter?  Brad was gone, never coming back.  She knew in her heart
that Brad would want her to be happy, and that she deserved to be happy. 

Was this her second chance at love?  Possibly. 
Would she allow herself to be open and accepting?  Yes.  Right then,
Kate made up her mind.  Even if Edward was not part of her end path, he
was a step toward it.  And that path would dissolve under her feet if she
kept herself closed off to new people and new experiences. 

Smiling, Kate got to her feet and put on her robe.  At
peace with life and herself, for the first time in a long time, she walked out
to the front of the spa for her mani and pedi.


Chapter Thirteen

“Kate, you look lovely!”  Edward greeted her as he
kissed Kate’s cheek. 

“Thank you, Edward” Kate said pleased that he noticed. 
“You are quite dashing, yourself!”  Kate said and then sighed, quickly
becoming embarrassed for saying something not only old-fashioned, but also so
clichéd.  “Ugh, did I really just say that?”

“You did, and I’m flattered!”  Laughing, Edward held
the door for Kate and ushered her into the restaurant.  “I took the
liberty of arriving a few minutes early and getting our table situated.  I
hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Kate said as she sat down.  They had a
table by the window and Kate glanced outside.  People were rushing here
and there and Kate realized that
was usually the one out there
rushing around.  Grateful for this respite, she turned her attention to
Edward, determined to enjoy every second she had with him.

“What were you thinking just now?” Edward asked as he
brushed her hand with his fingers.

“Oh just that I felt grateful to be in here with you and out
of the rat race for awhile.”


Smiling, Kate nodded.  “Truly.  I feel very
fortunate to have run into you again last night.  Fate and I are becoming
friends again.  You’re fascinating and I’m excited to get to know you

Fingers tightening on Kate’s hand, Edward smiled. 
“Thank you.”

Kate squeezed Edward’s hand and looked up at the approaching

“Good evening.  Would you be interested in trying our
house Pinot Noir?”

Edward looked at Kate and raised his eyebrows in
question.  Kate shrugged.  She really didn’t care, she was just happy
to be here.

“You know, I don’t think so.  Tonight is a champagne
night, wouldn’t you agree, Kate?”

Nodding her head, Kate agreed.  “Absolutely!”

“Right away, sir.”

“Give him another five years, and he’ll be a snooty maître’d
somewhere,” Kate giggled.

Edward laughed and Kate enjoyed hearing the sound. 
Edward had a great laugh, deep and full of life.  Exactly how she imagined
he was. 

“Fantastic, Kate, very intuitive.  How was your day?”

“It was great.  We got quite a bit done for the launch
of our new clothing line and then I splurged and pampered myself this

“Really?  How so?”

“Facial, massage, manicure and pedicure.  The usual
female stuff.  It’s been so long, I’d almost forgotten how lovely it

“All women should be pampered routinely,” Edward said.

“I can’t believe you really feel that way,” Kate said

“I have a mother and two sisters, I’ve been brainwashed,”
Edward said wryly.  “But beyond their brainwashing, I really do feel that
way.  Women should be cherished and pampered.”

“You must be the only man on the planet who feels that
way.  Most are annoyed by the cost associated with routine pampering,”
Kate laughed.

The waiter returned with their champagne.  Kate giggled
to herself as she watched the waiter pop the cork and pour their drinks. 
He was definitely on the road to snootyville. 

Edward raised his glass.  “To Fate!” 

“To Fate,” Kate repeated. 

As they touched glasses, Kate was blinded by a flash of
light outside their window.  Startled, she dropped her glass on the
table.  Thankfully it didn’t break, but the champagne spilled

Blinking furiously to clear her vision, Kate
apologized.  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said as she whipped her napkin off
her lap and tried to sop up the mess on the table.

“No worries, relax.”  Edward raised his hand and
motioned the waiter over.  The waiter came equipped with a new tablecloth,
dishes, silverware and in no time their table was clean, dry and good as

Glancing outside, Kate saw a tall, dark man standing in
front of the photographer.  The man looked as if he was in the business of
body-building.  He was dressed in black cargo pants, a black t-shirt that
stretched over his bulging muscles.  Kate watched as the man escorted the
photographer away from the window. 

“What was that light?”  Kate asked.

“A tourist, I think.  Probably taking pictures of the
restaurant.  Our bad luck for sitting here.  Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.  Just a bit embarrassed,” Kate said

“Nothing to be embarrassed about, it wasn’t your
fault.”  Edward refilled Kate’s glass.  “Shall we try again?”

“Please!”  This time, their toast was successful.

“Have you been here before?” Edward asked.

“No, I’ve wanted to, but I never took the time,” Kate
answered.  “Have you?”

“Oh, many times.  It’s another favorite of mine. 
I think you’ll really enjoy the food here.”

The waiter returned for their orders.  Edward glanced
at Kate, as if asking her permission to order for her.  She agreed and
Edward placed their orders.

“You’re not making me eat liver or something equally
disgusting, are you?” Kate asked after the waiter had walked away.

“Heavens no.  Who can stand the stuff?” Edward laughed.

Kate took a sip of her champagne.  “This is very
delicious.”  She set her glass down and leaned back in her chair. 
“So, how was your day?”

“It was good.  Not nearly as productive as yours,
though,” Edward laughed.

“Not much in the way of a facial man, are you?”

“No, that I’m not.  I visited with some friends and
hung around the house.  I cherish the days when I don’t have to be
somewhere or doing something.”

“Those are some of my favorite times as well.  My
daughter and I love to lounge around the house and just be with each other.”

“You’ve a daughter?  What’s her name?”

“Her name is Mary.  My miracle baby.  She’s five,
beautiful and full of life,” Kate said.  “My sister and her husband are
watching her while I’m here this week.  They’ll be heading out on a
two-week anniversary trip to Hawaii when I get back.”

“Hawaii, a beautiful, exotic place.  Hawaii is the only
place I’ve ever been to where just knowing I’m going there induces instant
relaxation.  Do you have a photo of your daughter?”

“Only a million of them!” Kate laughed as she turned on her
phone and brought up the pictures of Mary. 

The first picture that popped up was the one of her, Brad
and Mary at the hospital.  She tried to swipe past it quickly, but Edward
stopped her.  “Who is that?”  Edward asked.

“My husband, Brad,” Kate said sadly.  “He died five
years ago.”

Edward squeezed her hand.  “I’m so sorry, Kate.”

Shaking off her sadness, Kate offered a small smile. 
“Thank you.  He was a good man and it makes me sad to know that Mary won’t
ever know him.”  Kate swiped past the picture and showed off the rest that
she’d saved on her phone.

“Brilliant photos.  She’s a beautiful child and from
all I’ve seen, a happy one.”

“Indeed, she’s the light of my life!”  Kate took a sip
of her champagne.  “Do you have any children?”

“No.  I’ve haven’t met the right woman, yet.  But
I hope one day I’ll be lucky enough,” Edward said wistfully.

Smiling, Kate squeezed his hand.  “I’m astounded some
woman hasn’t snatched you up already,” she laughed.

“That’s what my mother says.  I tell her that I’m picky
and that my heart will know when I’ve met the right one.  My aunt tells me
I’m a hopeless romantic,” Edward laughed.

They paused in their conversation while their food was
delivered.  The aroma of the food was enticing and Kate couldn’t wait to
taste the cuisine.  The waiter refilled their glasses, and then left them
to their dinners.

Kate smiled and asked, “What am I eating, Edward?”

“Tonight, the lady is feasting on dressed Devon crab with
Amalfi lemon and melba toast.  Next is aged Scottish rib-eye with roasted
chicory and caramelized red onion.”

“Sounds delicious, thank you!”

“My pleasure, Kate.”

They ate in silence for a while.  As she was enjoying
every bite, Kate tried to remember the last time she had felt so content and
happy.  Her uncharacteristic moment that night when she’d asked Edward to
stay with her at her table was looking more and more like a really great
decision.  He was nice, complimentary and full of fascinating
stories.  He seemed genuinely pleased to be in her company.  Her
circle of friends was impossibly small, and she hoped that he would enter that
small circle and remain there.  Kate wouldn’t wish for love, she felt that
was reaching too far.  But friendship…one could never have too much of that.

“Edward, this food is just delectable,” Kate said as she
finished her last bite and sat back in her chair.

“I’m glad you liked it,” Edward said.  “How about some
flour-less chocolate cake with raspberries and mascarpone cream for dessert?”

“There’s no way,” Kate said laughing.  “You’ll have to
roll me out of here if I eat that.  How embarrassing would that be?”

“Not embarrassing in the least.  Food is meant to be
enjoyed.  Besides, we could always take a stroll through the park after,
to work off some of this food,” Edward suggested.

Kate sat up and looked at Edward.  His manner was so
refreshing.  She looked into his eyes and could see nothing but openness,
honesty, and amusement.  He really seemed to like her and she was enjoying
his company immensely.

“What are you thinking, Kate?”

She hesitated, but was unsure why she did.  She would
like his friendship, but was afraid he’d read more into it than she meant him
to.  He seemed like such a good man, and Kate would hate for him to get
the wrong impression.  She was not in the business of hurting
people.  She’d been hurt too much in her life for her to gain any pleasure
from someone’s pain.

“I’m thinking that I really enjoy your company,” Kate
finally said.

Edward smiled.  “More than that thought just flashed
across your face.  Please, share your thoughts with me.”

The waiter appeared and saved Kate from answering right
away.  Edward glanced at Kate as the waiter cleared their plates. 
Raising his eyebrow, he silently asked her about dessert.  She nodded her
head, and Edward ordered, remembering her preference for tea with
dessert.  Kate sighed, and wondered at the thrill that coursed through her
that he’d remembered.

Dropping her hands to her lap, she fiddled with her
napkin.  Not ready to meet his eyes, Kate looked out the window. 
“You’re right, that wasn’t all I was thinking.  I guess I didn’t think
you’d be so perceptive, as we’ve only been friends a short time,” Kate smiled
weakly and continued.  “My circle of friends is small, and I was thinking
that I would really like for you to be a part of it.  But at the same
time, I’m not sure that I’m ready for more than that and I would hate to lead
you to think I was or that I wanted more,” Kate paused and took a breath,
shaking her head.  “And that was incredibly arrogant of me to assume that
you are interested in more.  I live in a different country and am only
here four times a year.”  Embarrassed, Kate hung her head, feeling the
heat creep up her face.

“Kate, look at me,” Edward implored.

As she lifted her eyes, they met Edward’s.  His were
such beautiful eyes and in them she saw friendship, understanding and something
else she couldn’t quite put her finger on.  Whatever it was, it made her
feel special and important.

“You’re not arrogant, Kate, and I don’t think you’re out of
line in the least to lay out your boundaries.  I can tell that you’ve been
through hell and back, and I hope that when you’re ready, you’ll confide in
me.  I would be honored to be your friend, to be included in your circle.
I find you to be special, amusing, interesting, and don’t be mad – but I
find you incredibly sexy,” Edward smiled.  “This, right here,” Edward
gestured to the two of them and their finished dinner.  “This is enough
for me, right now.  My circle is quite small as well.”

Releasing a breath, Kate blinked her eyes.  She placed
her hand in his and squeezed.  He was such a breath of fresh air and she
was going to breathe in as much of him as she could before she headed back to
the U.S.  “Thank you, Edward.”

They walked through Hyde Park and Kate couldn’t believe
it.  If she were a superstitious person, she thought she’d be able to feel
the ghosts of all the members of the
who’d come before her. 
What it must have been like to have lived during that time. 

She and Edward talked as they strolled.  She told him
about Mary and her life in the States.  She told him about her work and
her sister.  He told more of his travels and some fun stories of when he
was a boy.

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