To Love Twice (21 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

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“I will.  Drive safe.” Meaghan reached up for a hug.

“Talk to you soon, Pip,” Edward said.  “Rufus, let me
know if you need anything,” Edward said as he shook hands.

Kate ushered Mary out the door, followed by Edward and Izzy.

“Lovely to have met you both,” Izzy said as she hugged
Mary.  “Keep practicing your fishing, Mary.  Maybe next time you’ll
catch us some dinner!”

Mary laughed.  “I’ll get Mom to fill up the bathtub.”

Kate spluttered.  “Uh, no I don’t think so.  Ew,
no fish in my tub!”

“Where’s your sense of adventure, Kate?” Edward asked. 

“It stops at shoe shopping,” Kate replied.

“I like that!” Izzy said.  “Okay, well I’m off. 
Bye everyone!” Izzy waved as she walked over to her car. 

Edward helped Kate and Mary into his car and they drove off,
waving at Izzy when she took off like a dart down the driveway.

“Argh!” Edward said.  “She drives like the devil!”

“She’s fabulous.  Both of them are.  I really
enjoyed today,” Kate said.

“Me too.  I forget sometimes how much I love them and
enjoy them,” Edward said.

“It’s easy to do.  Life has a funny way of doing that.”

“Can we go to the lake tomorrow?” Mary asked from the

“You better believe it,” Edward said.

“Yes!” Mary said as she pumped her fists in the air. 
“Best vacation ever!”

Kate and Edward smiled at each other.  “Indeed,” Kate


Chapter Twenty-Three

The  next day they spent the morning at the lake,
enjoying the water and each other’s company.  Charlotte had joined them
for a little while, sitting on the beach with Kate while Edward played with
Mary in the water.

Charlotte and Mary had gone to bed early.  The exercise
and sun making them ready for sleep earlier than usual.

Kate and Edward were curled up on the couch in the library,
sipping wine.  The windows were open allowing for an occasional breeze to
blow through the room.  A small fire was crackling in the fireplace, more
for the comfort of it than a need for warmth. 

“Kate, there’s something I need to discuss with you,” Edward
said quietly as he stared into the fire. 

Kate turned her head toward him and waited patiently for him
to continue.

“When I told you that I work in the entertainment industry,
I wasn’t lying.  I wasn’t completely truthful, though.  With the way
I feel about you, I know I need to give you the whole truth,” he hesitated

Kate gently cupped his cheek with her hand.  “It can’t
be that bad, Edward.  Just tell me.”

Edward pressed his face deeper into his hand.  “I know,
but things will change when I tell you this.  And I don’t want them
to.”  He turned his face into her hand and kissed her palm.  He took
her glass of wine and set it with his on the table.  He gently tugged her
up his body so that she was now laying half on him with the couch behind her back. 
Leaning his head back along the armrest, he continued.  “I’m an
actor.  Here in Europe, I’m pretty popular and I’m starting to make some
inroads in America.”

Kate sighed and rubbed her cheek against his chest. 
“Well, that explains it,” Kate said.

“Explains what?” Edward asked.

“Your version of Buckingham Palace here,” Kate said.

Edward laughed.  “Really, that’s all you have to say?”

“What were you expecting?”

“I don’t know.  Not a joke, that’s for sure,” he paused
collecting his thoughts.  “I guess I thought you might be upset for
keeping it from you, or irritated about the inconvenience it’ll cause when
everyone finds out about you.”

“I’m not upset that you kept it from me.  I can
understand why you did.  I imagine being as famous as you are requires a
certain cautiousness when you meet new people.”

Edward was at a loss for words.  “You’re amazing,

Kate shook her head.  “What do you mean, specifically,
about the inconvenience?”

Edward sighed.  “Well, I’ve been considered quite the
eligible bachelor for a few years now.  Once the press finds out I’m
seeing someone, you’ll have to contend with paparazzi trying to photograph you
all the time.  Reporters will be calling you.  I can keep your name
out of the network for a while, but eventually someone will talk and they’ll
learn your name.  This will also put Mary in front of the camera as well,”
Edward said cautiously.

“Is there anything we can do to minimize the chances?”

“Well, we can spend time at your apartment.  We can
hide out here at the house.  And we can charter a private plane for trips
back and forth.  But eventually, we’ll be snapped together again.”

“What?”  Kate interrupted.  What do you mean,

“Remember the flash of light when we were dining at The


“It was a photographer.  They get paid for pictures of
me and they were published here in London,” Edward explained.

“My face has been splashed on your magazines?”

“And the newspapers.”  Edward reached behind him to the
table and retrieved the magazine,
The Moon
, which had photographs of the
two of them kissing at the show of
Kiss Me, Kate
.  Opening it to
the right page, he showed her the pictures.

“This was months ago,” Kate said, shocked.

“I know.  I bought the magazine when it came out. 
Look at the cover.” Edward quickly flipped the magazine closed so she could see

The color drained from Kate’s face as her brain processed
what she saw.  It was a grainy close up picture of the two of them kissing
in the box of The Old Vic’s theater.  The caption under the photograph was
undeniably rude.  “Edward Kent hide here!  Actor caught snogging
mystery woman at premiere of show.”  Kate hid her face in his chest,
embarrassment washing through her.

“I’m sorry, Kate.  I know it’s a lot to process. 
I’ve lived with this for a long time, and have had a lot of time to come to
terms with the intrusion.  I’ll do my best to shield you from them, but
they are relentless.”

“I know that,” Kate sighed.  “My main concern is
Mary.  I don’t want her face or her life splashed across magazines and
papers.  That’s hard enough to deal with as an adult.”

Edward rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. 
“I don’t want to lose you or Mary.”

Lifting her face to look into his eyes, Kate smiled at
him.  “Oh Edward, I don’t want that either.  This is who you are and
this is your life.  We’ll make this work somehow.”

Squeezing her tight, Edward released a breath he wasn’t
aware he’d been holding.  “I’ll get in touch with my publicist and see if
there’s anything that can be done to keep Mary out of the focus,” Edward

“That would make me feel so much better,” Kate said
gratefully.  Running her fingers over his chest, Kate decided now was as
good a time as any to give Edward a head’s up on her own secrets.  “While
we’re being open with each other, I guess it’s my turn to tell you a story…”

“Only if you want to, Kate.  No pressure,” Edward
assured her.

“You’ve been so patient.  But I’m sure you’re wondering
and my past will definitely be a headline story when they dig it up,” Kate’s
laugh was forced.  “I met Brad on the worst day of my life…”

Kate told Edward of the attack in the parking garage, her
stay in the hospital, her and Brad’s wedding and their life together. 
Then she recounted the awful months leading up to Mary’s birth, their
separation and his subsequent death.  She told him of her regrets, what if
scenarios and what were her wishes up until a couple of months ago.  “I’m
finally at peace with our life.  I know Brad would want me to be happy,
Edward.  And I’m finally with someone with whom I feel like I can find
that happiness,” Kate hesitated unsure if she wanted to tell him her last
secret.  Taking a steading breath, she decided to just go with it and put
it all out on the table.  “I’ve fallen head over toes in love with you,
Edward.  Some days it scares the shit out of me.  But most of the
time it fills me up with such joy, I feel like I’ll burst from it,” Kate
admitted quietly.

Edward had stilled when she told him of her feelings. 
Love?  They’d only known each other a short time.  Was it
possible?  Chuckling quietly to himself, he nodded his head.  He knew
it was.  His parents had fallen in love with each other after only an
hour.  He could sense that Kate’s feelings were real, and she believed in
them whole-heartedly.  Did he feel the same?  His head was full of
her, and had been since the first night they’d met.  He barely went five
minutes without thinking of her, wondering what she was doing, how she was
feeling, when he’d be able to spend more time with her.  He hadn’t looked
at another woman since he’d met her, though plenty had thrown themselves at
him.  The thought of losing her made him feel physical pain.  He was
scared as well, but the joy that Kate had just spoken of quickly filled him as
well.  Oh yes, he was definitely in love.  With Kate and her precious
daughter, Mary.

“And I love you, Kate,” Edward said earnestly.

Sighing with happiness, Kate raised her head seeking out
Edward’s lips.  Only to happy to oblige her, Edward showed her exactly how
much he loved her.



Kate startled awake, momentarily lost and unsure of her

“I’ll get her,” Edward said as he jumped off the
couch.  He quickly threw on his jeans and ran out of the library. 

Kate fumbled as she pulled on her clothes and then she
followed Edward out of the library.

She found Edward and Mary sitting on the stairs about
halfway up.  Mary was clinging to Edward, her face wet with tears.

Kate rushed up the steps.  “What’s wrong,” she asked.

“I don’t know.  She won’t say anything,” Edward said, worry
making his voice gruff.

Kate sat down next to Edward and stroked Mary’s hair. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“M-M-Monster,” Mary stuttered.  Fear was evident in her
eyes when she glanced at Kate. 

“She’s shaking life a leaf, Kate.”  He shifted Mary
over to Kate’s waiting arms, and trailed his hand down Mary’s hair.  “I’m
going to go check out her room.  You two stay here,” he said as he climbed
up the stairs.

Kate watched him go as she whispered soothing words into
Mary’s ear.  They sat together on the steps, Kate rocking Mary back and
forth as they waited for Edward to return.  It seemed like hours, but was
actually only a few minutes, and Kate’s breath rushed out in relief when Edward
rounded the corner.

“All clear,” Edward said.

Kate stood with Mary.  Edward leaned down and picked
Mary up.  Holding her close, he explained what he didn’t find in her
room.  “I didn’t find one single monster in your room, Mary.  The
windows were closed and locked, the door to the hallway was closed.  I looked
under your bed and only found a couple of dust bunnies.  Nothing in the
closet except some old clothes and shoes.  How about we all go up and give
it another search before you go back to bed?”

Whimpering, Mary shook her head and clung to Edward’s

“No?  Would you rather sleep somewhere else tonight?”

“With Mommy,” Mary whispered as she nodded her head against
Edward’s chest.

At Kate’s nod, Edward carried Mary the rest of the way up
the stairs.  When they entered Kate’s room, he gently laid Mary down in
the bed.  Pulling the covers up over Mary, he bent down and kissed her
cheek.  “Sleep well, princess,” he whispered.

Rising, he stared at Kate for a moment.  Kissing her
cheek, he whispered in her ear.  “Wish I was as lucky as Mary tonight.”

Kate giggled.  “If I remember correctly, you were very
lucky this evening already,” Kate whispered back.  “There’s always
tomorrow,” she promised.

“Until then.”  He bent down and gave her a quick, but
delicious, kiss on the lips.  “Sleep well, my love.”

“You too,” Kate said as she watched him go. 

Quickly changing into her pajamas, she snuggled in bed with
her daughter. 

“Would you like me to sing you to sleep?”  Kate asked

“Yes please,” Mary said as she burrowed closer to Kate.

As she sang, Kate’s mind wandered back to the library and
the time she had spent with Edward that evening.  All their secrets were
out and she couldn’t be happier with it.  Well, she wouldn’t lie to
herself and say she was totally thrilled with Edward’s career.  But she loved
him, and they’d somehow make it work.  She was glad they had a plan of
action to deal with the paparazzi for Mary’s sake. 

She was having a hard time believing he was famous.  He
was so down to earth and nice, not at all what she envisioned a famous actor to
be like. 

The best part of the evening though, was when he admitted he
loved her.  She’s been a little nervous, okay a lot nervous, when he’d
hesitated after she’d told him her feelings.  She’d been worried that he
wouldn’t return her feelings, but when she heard him say the words, with so
much of his heart in the words, she knew he meant it.  And then when he’d
shown her how much he loved her, who could doubt?

She had no idea where they’d go from here.  Her life
was in the States, and his was here in London.  Kate wasn’t sure if she
was prepared to leave everyone she knew and loved to make a new life
here.  Shaking her head, she scolded herself.  She was getting too
far ahead of the game.  There was no marriage proposal or any talk of
moving in together.  She needed to get a handle on her imagination. 
Oh, but a girl could dream…and dream is exactly what Kate did.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Mommy, why are you crying?”  Mary asked as she hugged
Kate’s leg.

Kate quickly swiped at her tears and put her arms around
Mary.  “Oh,” Kate let out a chuckle.  “I didn’t notice I was.  I
guess I’m just sad to be going home.”

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