The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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“Morning, sleeping beauty,” says Rachel, all perky as though last night never affected her. I’m sure I look like death warmed up
compared to these guys.

“Ugh…Why are you all here?” I croak. “You scared the crap out of me,
slamming pots and pans around.”

“Because your house was the closest, don’t you remember inviting us all here?”
Rach queries, a cheeky grin on her face.

“Umm…No…I don’t remember. Last night is a blac
k hole in my memory right now.”

Laughter erupts, the loud noise hurting my head. I glare at them and rub m
y head to try to ease the pain.

“Not feeling so good, hey? Doesn’t surprise me since you were doing those shots last night, you big party animal,” Flick
throws in her two cents worth.

I really need to go back to bed; I can hear it calling my name. I get up, heading to the bathroom, ignoring everyone making jokes at my expense. I take two painkillers and return to bed

“I’m going back t
o bed guys; just keep it down.”

“Yeah, sure you are…”
Rach replies with a wicked look on her face as if she knows something I don’t. It’s the same look she gave me last night before she threw me at Corban. Whatever, I couldn’t care less. I need my bed.

I walk in my room and collapse across my comfy bed in the hope of
getting a few more hours sleep.

are you doing laying over me?”

A terrifying, loud scream erupts from me. The gang from the kitchen flies into my room to see what’s going on. The blankets are push
ed back, revealing Corban looking as wasted as me, his dishevelled hair making him more attractive than yesterday. What—what is he doing in my bed?
Corban Andrews is in my bed…

Wh—what are you doing here?” I practically yell at him and everyone but him and me are snickering. A brilliant, bright smile crosses his face.

“She totally doesn’t remember anything,” Flick says as she ho
lds her stomach while laughing.

I scowl at her. “Shut up you—” I turn back to
Corban, “—and what are you doing in my bed?”

“You invited me, beautiful.” He gives me one of his crooked grins. My heart feels like it’s going to erupt at his term of endearment toward me. No one has ever called me beautiful. I can’t help but beam back at him. As annoyed as I am, I’m still very pl
eased to have him here with me.

I turn to everyone. “Okay, everyone, the fun is over. Yes, I can’t remember much from last night. Sorry for freaking you all out.” I begin pushing every
one out of my room, literally.

Once they retreat from my room and go back to the kitchen, I walk to the edge of the bed, standing over
Corban laying back, relaxing in my bed. With his hands placed behind his head, he’s looking totally sexy and inviting. I don’t think I can wipe the cheesy grin off my face. The way he stares at me makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

“I don’t think I would have invited a stranger into my bed,” I say innocently, folding my arms across my chest, never losing contact
with those swimming blue eyes.

“Oh, you did, and I even had to reject your advances last night,” he laughs, reaching up, grabbing my arms, and pulling me on top of him. The blanket is the only thing separating our body contact. I can’t help but giggle, forgetting about my off stomach, which has miraculously stopped churning and now has a million butte
rflies dancing inside instead.

“Shut up, I totally wasn’t myself last night.” I lean in, giving him a light kiss on the lips. His lips are like a familiar road I have walked many times, and one I will enjoy walki
ng for a long time to come.

Can this really be happening?
Me here with Corban in my bed? Am I another notch in his belt of women? I decide to enjoy this time with him, until we go back to work on Monday, when I’m sure to be ignored.

“You were this crazy party animal last night,” he says, seductively brushing my loose
strands of hair out of my face.

“I let loose. It was fun; although, I think I’m paying for it this morning,” I say, rolling off him and wriggling under the blan
kets so I can cuddle up to him.

His body heat fills me with
a new warmth I have never experienced and his scent is tickling my senses. We cuddle up, laying my head on his chest, feeling it rise and fall with each slow, even breath. I close my eyes, savouring the moment. His heartbeat is a song thumping away in my ears. Laying here, taking in everything about him, I can only hope there are more moments like this to come.

He has no shirt on and I run my hand up his stomach to his chest, caressing his skin. We aren’t speaking, but it’s not an awkward silence. He has one arm wrapped around my shoulders, and his thumb is rubbing gentle circles
over my already sensitive skin.

With his free hand, he lifts my chin off his chest, lightly guiding me to his luscious lips, which are awaiting my own. As our lips touch, my st
omach clenches with excitement.

Our kisses become more passionate as though we can’t get enough of each other’s flavours. He tastes sweet, no morning breath here, and honestly, I couldn’t care less how my breath smells. If he has a p
roblem, he should tell me.

His hand glides up my shirt.
Oh, crap, I don’t have a bra on
. This could get interesting. He slides his hand to my back, pulling me to him. Our legs entwine and I pull him closer to me. I don’t think we could get any closer. His fingers trail in slow motion over my back, clearly noticing my lack of a bra.

Mmm, free access,” he breathes, sending a shiver down my body as his fingertips graze my breasts.

I lose all control. Climbing on top of him and straddling him, our kisses intensify. Every touch he places on my scorching skin ignites me. I want him to touch every inch of me. He grabs the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head and exposing me. His eyes dance over me. Taking in my curves, a smile crosses his face, indicating he l
ikes what he sees.

The electricity in the air is like an electrical storm surrounding only us. What I was putting off last night inevitability is going to happen right now. His hands caress me in ways I have never been touched before. My stomach dances to a new tune making me feel giddy and exci
ted for what’s about to happen.

He’s looking me straight in the eyes, his own showing a burning desire within his crystal blue depths. I’m sure mine are a mirror image of his. He is right though. We have only known each other for a short time. Even though that’s the case, he is the one I want to be with. I want him. I need him…all of him.

Chapter Fifteen

When people talk about sex, they use words such as enjoyable, fun, exhilarating, and breathtaking. But when you ask someone about their first sexual experience, you’ll usually get the complete the opposite. Most women would say it was uncomfortable or it hurt like hell. Today, yes, it hurt and I’m sure I’ll be feeling the repercussions of it later, but Corban was so gentle and made sure I was okay with everything. I got to experience the enjoyable, exhilarating, and breathtaking side everyone talks about. After I got through the sore stage, I just wanted more and I can’t wait till it happens again. For all my nervousness, I was equally excited. The butterflies are still swimming in my stomach.

As we come down from our high,
Corban pulls me to him, my back to his front. All thoughts of inadequacy leave my mind as he nuzzles into my neck, placing a light kiss there. I feel so secure and cared for in Corban’s arms. I am sure he is trying to talk to me, but a curtain of black veils my eyes, sending me to a dreamless sleep.

I wake from my dreamless sleep to find an empty bed, except for a note.

Hey Beautiful,
Sorry to leave you. It was really hard to do. You looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb you. I had some business to take care of. I will be picking you up at four, so be ready.
C-man (sorry, it’s kind of stuck)

A big goofy grin spreads across my face as I read it once again.
Crap! What’s the time?
I realise I’m still bare from my early morning of bliss with Corban as I roll over to check my phone.
3:15 p.m.. Double crap!
I throw the covers back, and stumble to the closet, picking out a pair of faded blue skinny jeans and fitted white t-shirt. I wonder if anyone is still here.

I walk out to see Flick and Liam still here cuddled up on the lounge. I’m just glad they aren’t naked on my chair.
I wouldn’t put that past Flick.

“Hey guys,” I say, sitting on the back of
the lounge.

They look to me smiling, but it isn’t long before Fli
ck is pissing herself laughing.

“And she is no longer the Virgin Mary, everybody!” She stands up as if she is making an announcement to numerous people. I blush, feeling my face heat with emb

“Oh, shut up.”

“I want, no need, details!” she practically shouts at me. Poor Liam, having to listen to me telling Flick all details. He has turned his attention back to the movie.

“No way.
Maybe if it was just us girls, but poor Liam doesn’t need to hear these details.”

“Thanks, Mel,” he answers, sounding relieved. I laugh at him.
Jumping up from the lounge, I continue, “Plus, I have to shower and get ready to go out. Corban is coming to get me at four. I don’t have much time.”

“Oh, oh, can I help you get ready? Doll you up a little?” Flick runs around the lounge, heading for m
y room before I can even speak.

“I’ve already picked my clothes out, but you can help with my hair and a little makeup as I’m not sure what he has planned,” I yell to her.

She comes back to the lounge room smiling. “Okay,” she beams, before I turn toward the bathroom.




After a quick shower, I find myself sitting on my bed while Flick applies some makeup and braids my long deep red hair. I enjoy my hair being played with. It was something Abby would do to me while we had one of our late night chats.

“So…tell me what happened?” Flick asks excitedly, pulling me back from my happy

I’m glad I have those memories; they always bring a smile to my face. I try to avoid thinking about the hurtful ones of how she closed off and even stopped talking with me. Sadness begins to make its appearance in my heart. I quickly push those thoughts to the back of my mind, locking them away to never be opened again. I turn my attention back to Flick, who is
waiting patiently for my reply.

“Oh, Flick, it was amazing.
was amazing.
was amazing!” My face hurts from smiling. “He was so gentle. Every touch brought new feelings I have never before experienced.” Happiness ripples from me. I’m sure it’s going to happen again and it’s going to be just as magical. Sparks seriously ignited between us.

I can still feel every touch, every kiss he placed upon my flesh. Flick is sitting beside me, beaming at me like a proud mother would when her child cleans t
heir room without being asked.

Aww…you finally popped that cherry, and with one fine ass man—” she grabs my shoulders shaking them gently before pulling me into a hug, “—and he is an awesome guy. He got up earlier and sat with us, chatting about you. You know, trying to find out the things you like and stuff. Let’s just say he is smitten with you big time, girl.” She releases me from her bear hug.

I can’t help but beam at her. I’m sure by the end of the
day, my face is going to be sore, either from laughing or smiling too much. A knock at the door sets my heart racing, knowing it’s him.

Why am I nervous? It could be the fact he’s seen me naked and knows every curve of my body. At least he’s back and wants to see me again, so I can’t be that bad

I hear Liam answer the door, but I can’t hear
That’s weird
. I look at Flick who looks a little confused as well. We get up and head out to see who is here. Standing in my doorway is a young man, maybe late twenties, in a plain black suit and white shirt with a red tie.

I look to Liam for some answers. “He says he is here to pick you up.
Corban has arranged it,” he says, answering my silent question.

“Oh, okay. Do I need to bring anything with me?” I
ask, looking to the young man.

“No, miss, everything i
s sorted,” he politely replies.

“Okay, I’ll go grab my bag and be right out. Can you tell me where we’re going?” Being the nosey and cautious perso
n I am, I’m hoping he tells me.

“No, it’s a surprise. Mr Andrews said to only tell your friends

“Okay, well tell me!” Flick screams at t
he guy, startling him a little.

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