The Living Bible (403 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Proverbs 5:1-23
/ Wise Words about Sex

May 21

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14
/ A Summary of Life

May 22

Isaiah 6:1-13
/ God Calls Isaiah

May 23

Isaiah 53:1-12
/ The Suffering Servant

May 24

Jeremiah 1:1-9
/ God Calls Jeremiah

May 25

Jeremiah 36:1-32
/ The Book Burning

May 26

Jeremiah 38:1-13
/ Jeremiah in the Dungeon

May 27

Ezekiel 37:1-14
/ A Valley of Dry Bones

May 28

Daniel 1:1-21
/ Coping with Peer Pressure

May 29

Daniel 2:1-24
/ Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

May 30

Daniel 2:25-49
/ Daniel Interprets the Dream

May 31

Daniel 3:1-30
/ Three Friends in a Furnace

June 1

Daniel 5:1-30
/ The Writing on the Wall

June 2

Daniel 6:1-28
/ Daniel and the Lions

June 3

Jonah 1:2–2:10
/ Bending God’s Directions

June 4

Jonah 3:1–4:11
/ Wrong Motives

New Testament

June 5

Luke 1:1-4
John 1:1-18
/ Beginnings

June 6

Luke 1:5-25
/ The Angel and Zacharias

June 7

Luke 1:26-56
/ Mary and Elizabeth

June 8

Luke 1:57-80
/ Birth of John the Baptist

June 9

Matthew 1:1-25
/ Jesus’ Family Tree

June 10

Luke 2:1-20
/ Birth of Jesus

June 11

Luke 2:21-39
/ Baby Jesus at the Temple

June 12

Matthew 2:1-12
/ Jesus’ Foreign Visitors

June 13

Matthew 2:13-23
/ Escape and Return

June 14

Luke 2:41-52
/ Boy Jesus with the Teachers

June 15

Mark 1:1-13
/ Baptism and Temptation

June 16

John 1:19-34
/ John the Baptist and Jesus

June 17

John 1:35-51
/ Jesus’ First Disciples

June 18

John 2:1-25
/ Jesus and Surprises

June 19

John 3:1-21
/ Jesus and Nicodemus

June 20

John 3:22-36
Luke 3:19-20
/ John’s Trouble

June 21

John 4:1-42
/ Jesus Changes a Town

June 22

John 4:43-54
/ Jesus Preaches and Heals

June 23

Luke 4:16-30
/ Jesus Rejected

June 24

Mark 1:16-39
/ Jesus Calls His Followers

June 25

Luke 5:1-39
/ Miracles and Questions

June 26

John 5:1-47
/ Jesus as God’s Son

June 27

Mark 2:23–3:19
/ Jesus and His Disciples

June 28

Matthew 5:1-16
/ The Beatitudes

June 29

Matthew 5:17-30
/ Jesus on Anger and Lust

June 30

Matthew 5:31-48
/ Jesus on Relationships

July 1

Matthew 6:1-18
/ Jesus on Giving and Prayer

July 2

Matthew 6:19-34
/ Jesus on Money and Worry

July 3

Matthew 7:1-12
/ Jesus on Judging and Prayer

July 4

Matthew 7:13-29
/ True and False Disciples

July 5

Luke 7:1-17
/ Jesus and Foreigners

July 6

Matthew 11:1-30
/ Jesus Describes John

July 7

Luke 7:36–8:3
/ Jesus and Women

July 8

Matthew 12:22-50
/ Opposition against Jesus

July 9

Mark 4:1-29
/ Jesus Seeks, Plants, and Weeds

July 10

Matthew 13:24-43
/ More of Jesus’ Stories

July 11

Matthew 13:44-52
/ Still More of Jesus’ Stories

July 12

Luke 8:22-56
/ Jesus Demonstrates His Power

July 13

Matthew 9:27-38
/ Jesus Calls for Harvesters

July 14

Mark 6:1-13
/ Some Listen, Others Don’t

July 15

Matthew 10:16-42
/ Jesus Prepares His Disciples

July 16

Mark 6:14-29
/ Death of John the Baptist

July 17

Matthew 14:13-36
/ Jesus Performs Great Miracles

July 18

John 6:22-40
/ The Bread from Heaven

July 19

John 6:41-71
/ Jesus Criticized and Deserted

July 20

Mark 7:1-37
/ Jesus Teaches and Heals

July 21

Matthew 15:32–16:12
/ Jesus Feeds and Warns

July 22

Mark 8:22–9:1
/ Peter Identifies Jesus

July 23

Luke 9:28-45
/ Jesus Is Transfigured

July 24

Matthew 17:24–18:6
/ Who’s the Greatest?

July 25

Mark 9:38-50
/ Using the Name of Jesus

July 26

Matthew 18:10-22
/ Jesus Teaches with Stories

July 27

John 7:1-31
/ Jesus Teaches Openly

July 28

John 7:32-53
/ A Plan for Jesus’ Arrest

July 29

John 8:1-20
/ Jesus Is Forgiveness and Light

July 30

John 8:21-59
/ Jesus Promises Freedom

July 31

Luke 10:1-24
/ Jesus Sends His Followers

August 1

Luke 10:25-42
/ Jesus Teaches and Visits Friends

August 2

Luke 11:1-13
/ Jesus Teaches about Prayer

August 3

Luke 11:14-32
/ Accusations and Unbelief

August 4

Luke 11:33-54
/ True Spirituality

August 5

Luke 12:1-21
/ Religious and Rich Fools

August 6

Luke 12:22-48
/ Jesus Warns about Worry

August 7

Luke 12:49-59
/ Jesus Warns about Troubles

August 8

Luke 13:1-21
/ The Kingdom of God

August 9

John 9:1-41
/ Jesus and a Blind Man

August 10

John 10:1-18
/ Jesus Is the Good Shepherd

August 11

Luke 13:22-35
/ Jesus Grieves over Jerusalem

August 12

Luke 14:1-14
/ Jesus Warns about Seeking Honor

August 13

Luke 14:15-35
/ The Cost of Following Jesus

August 14

Luke 15:1-10
/ Stories of Losing and Finding

August 15

Luke 15:11-32
/ Story of Two Lost Sons

August 16

Luke 16:1-18
/ Story of the Shrewd Manager

August 17

Luke 16:19-31
/ The Rich Man and the Beggar

August 18

John 11:1-36
/ The Death of Lazarus

August 19

John 11:37-57
/ Jesus Raises Lazarus

August 20

Luke 17:1-19
/ Jesus and Ten Lepers

August 21

Luke 17:20-37
/ Jesus Teaches of the Kingdom

August 22

Luke 18:1-14
/ Jesus Teaches about Prayer

August 23

Mark 10:1-16
/ Jesus on Family Matters

August 24

Mark 10:17-31
/ Jesus and the Rich Man

August 25

Matthew 20:1-19
/ A Story about Equal Pay

August 26

Mark 10:35-52
/ Jesus on Serving Others

August 27

Luke 19:1-27
/ Jesus and Zacchaeus

August 28

John 12:1-11
/ A Woman Anoints Jesus

August 29

Matthew 21:1-17
/ Jesus Rides into Jerusalem

August 30

John 12:20-36
/ Jesus Predicts His Death

August 31

John 12:37-50
/ Jesus and His Message

September 1

Mark 11:20-33
/ More Teaching about Prayer

September 2

Matthew 21:28-45
/ Stories of Sons and Farmers

September 3

Matthew 22:1-14
/ Story of the Great Feast

September 4

Luke 20:20-40
/ Jesus Answers Questions

September 5

Mark 12:28-37
/ Questions Given and Taken

September 6

Matthew 23:1-39
/ Jesus Criticizes Religious Leaders

September 7

Luke 21:1-24
/ Jesus Talks about the Future

September 8

Luke 21:25-38
/ Jesus on Being Prepared

September 9

Matthew 25:1-30
/ Stories about Being Prepared

September 10

Matthew 25:31-46
/ Jesus on the Final Judgment

September 11

Luke 22:1-13
/ Preparing the Last Supper

September 12

John 13:1-20
/ Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet

September 13

John 13:21-38
/ A Sad Prediction

September 14

John 14:1-14
/ Jesus Is the Way

September 15

John 14:15-31
/ Jesus Promises a Helper

September 16

John 15:1-16
/ The Vine and the Branches

September 17

John 15:17–16:4
/ Jesus Warns of Troubles

September 18

John 16:5-33
/ Jesus on the Holy Spirit

September 19

John 17:1-26
/ The Prayer of Jesus

September 20

Mark 14:26-52
/ A Repeated Prediction

September 21

John 18:1-24
/ Jesus Betrayed and Abandoned

September 22

Matthew 26:57-75
/ Jesus’ Trial, Peter’s Denial

September 23

Matthew 27:1-10
/ Judas Hangs Himself

September 24

Luke 23:1-12
/ Two Political Trials

September 25

Mark 15:6-24
/ Sentencing and Torture

September 26

Luke 23:32-49
/ Jesus Is Crucified

September 27

Matthew 27:57-66
/ Jesus Is Buried in a Tomb

September 28

John 20:1-18
/ Jesus Is Alive!

September 29

Matthew 28:8-15
/ Reactions to the Resurrection

September 30

Luke 24:13-43
/ Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances

October 1

John 20:24–21:14
/ More Appearances of Jesus

October 2

John 21:15-25
/ Jesus Talks with Peter

October 3

Matthew 28:16-20
/ The Great Commission

October 4

Luke 24:44-53
/ Jesus Says Farewell

October 5

Acts 1:1-11
/ Ascension of Jesus

October 6

Acts 1:12-26
/ First Things First

October 7

Acts 2:1-13
/ An Amazing Gift

October 8

Acts 2:14-40
/ Peter’s First Sermon

October 9

Acts 2:41–3:11
/ Early Church Life

October 10

Acts 3:12–4:4
/ Peter’s Second Sermon

October 11

Acts 4:5-22
/ Hostile Reactions

October 12

Acts 4:23-37
/ Praying and Sharing

October 13

Acts 5:1-16
/ Strange Events

October 14

Acts 5:17-42
/ Opposition for the Apostles

October 15

Acts 6:1-5
/ Seven Chosen Servants

October 16

Acts 7:1-29
/ History Review I

October 17

Acts 7:30-60
/ History Review II

October 18

Acts 8:1-25
/ Benefits of Persecution

October 19

Acts 8:26-50
/ Unexpected Appointment

October 20

Acts 9:1-19
/ Paul Meets Jesus

October 21

Acts 9:20-31
/ Paul’s New Life

October 22

Acts 9:32-42
/ God Uses Peter

October 23

Acts 10:1-23
/ Peter Sees a Lesson

October 24

Acts 10:24-48
/ Peter Learns a Lesson

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