Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (154 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Hey" He greets, tucking his hands into his pockets. He looks nervous. I'd almost feel sorry for the guy if it weren't for the fact that he was trying to make a play with my man.

"Good evening" Marco politely replies. His eyes roam the club; I'm sure looking for me.

"We never got to talk the other night" Garrett isn't discouraged though.

"I was working" Marco arches his brow, "Like I am tonight."

"Can we talk during your break?"

"I'm with Valentino" Marco cuts him off.

"And that Spanish girl" Garrett harshly adds. "I guess in the end you couldn't have a fulfilling relationship without both."

"You always said I wasn't like anyone you knew" Marco throws back. His shoulders are stiff and his hands are balled at his sides. He's pissed. Garrett doesn't care that he's having this private conversation in front of avid spectators.

"Look can you get away for a few minutes so we can talk?"

"For what, we said all we needed to say back then. Nothing's changed. Wait, I take that back; everything's changed." Marco waves a concerned bouncer away. I can barely hear what they're saying over the roaring in my ears.

"Fifteen minutes" Garrett pleads. Fuck he isn't even asking for five, he wants fifteen.

"There's nothing you can say in fifteen minutes that will change anything" Marco scoffs. I'm screaming
that's right motherfucker
in my head but I also want them to talk. They need this closure once and for all.

"Just give me this. If you don't want to see me again I'll be out of your life forever."

"Have a seat in the last booth of the VIP section. I'll be there shortly." Marco flatly states. He waits for Garrett to practically skip away before speaking into the earpiece. "Boss man I'm taking 15 minutes to get this thorn out of my ass."

The guys with earpieces smirk and chuckle. I reply with a soft
hoping he hasn't noticed my proximity. I take the long route to them making my presence known. Marco can see me but he doesn't let Garrett know. A server approaches delaying me but it's okay. I'm torn between wanting to listen in or just waiting for Marco to tell me. Neither becomes necessary as their conversation comes through my earpiece. I don't know if it's Brody working his magic or if Marco wants me listening in for full disclosure.

"It's been years Garrett" Marco sighs. "Why now?"

"It was always you Marco... You were the one who didn't choose me."

I want to look their way; to see Marco's expression but I don't do it. This conversation needs to happen without my interference. If Marco ever wondered
what if
with Garrett then he needs to let it out now.

"If you're here now to ask me the same question Garrett, the answer hasn't changed" Marco's voice is quiet but firm. There's no doubt in his response. My heart swells at his admission. I may have been too ignorant, too afraid of what I was experiencing during our college years but Marco always knew what he wanted. I can't make up for lost time but I can spend the rest of eternity loving him.

"You may finally have him but you've settled for far less than you deserve."

"I won't stay here listening to you belittle my relationship" Marco growls.

"Please just listen" Garrett pleads. "Let me say what's on my chest, regardless if you agree with it or don't want to hear it. You can tell me to fuck off afterwards but at least I know I've given it a shot."

"Remember ultimatums and throwing shit in my face doesn't work out well for you." Garrett grimaces and nods acknowledging Marco's statement.

"Fair enough" He exhales slowly. "Look, I'm glad you finally got your chance with Valentino." Ok so I have to peek then. Marco arches his brows in disbelief. Garrett puts his hands up in surrender. "No I mean it. You needed to know. I want to be happy for you Marco, you've finally gotten what you've always wanted but I think you're selling yourself short."

Marco opens his mouth but snaps it shut as if remembering his promise to hear Garrett out. Garrett continues, "I believe that he loves you but not the same way you love him. I don't think he's ever going to fully commit to you like I said I would. One day this little threesome is going to be stale and he'll move on with the Spanish girl, alone, or he'll leave both of you altogether."

"You speak like you know him so well" Marco snidely remarks. He's trying to appear unaffected but I see the anger, hurt, and audacity brimming beneath his indifferent façade.

"I see that he doesn't shower you with the same love and affection that he does with your shared girlfriend." Garrett challenges. "I see that he doesn't lay claim to you until he feels threatened. Why do you allow it? Are you so desperate for his love that you'll settle for whatever he gives you? Even if it's just bullshit"

"Enough" Marco seethes. My knees buckle. My ass barely makes it into the chair. I can't see them anymore but I don't need to. Marco may be mad as hell but Garrett's words hold a grain of truth to them. How many times have I gone caveman on him when someone gets his attention? But the same can't always be said when there's nobody else vying for his attention and affection. My heart hurts. I'm a callous bastard.

"My times up" Garrett quietly replies. "Open your eyes and really see what you have. You are
for me Marco. You never have to wonder with me." He's a smart man. Plant the seed of doubt. Walk away. Let it fester; feed it from time to time. Watch and wait for it to bloom.

Marco numbly walks out of the VIP section into the back hallway leading to the offices. I start to slide out of my seat but am stopped by a bouncer trying to get my attention. I want nothing more than to blow him off and go after Marco but this is business. This is our livelihood. I can barely breathe, terrified of what Marco may be thinking about. Is he reminiscing about his time with Garrett? Is he replaying all the times I've scorned his advances or played indifferent?

No matter what I'll fight to the death. I don't give a flying fuck if Garrett
Marco is the one, his happily-ever-after. No one else on this planet loves Marco the way I do. I wake up early every morning hoping to open my eyes before he does so that I can watch him sleep for a little while before my mouth worships his dick starting the day off right. I may not be Marco, Garrett, Carina, or someone else. I'm me. Saying those three words is easy but showing them is something else entirely.
who I am. I show. I act. I love.

Bring it on Garrett. We're both players in this game of love and life only I intend to win it all.

My jaw drops as my brain tries to play catch up. I really hope Nicholas is fucking with me but considering the fact that he asked to meet in his office, without Marco, says everything.

"Are you actually considering it" I balk. Since Nicholas opened the doors to the estate I've only asked him to deny someone access once. Jaxon Wright bulldozed through that demand and although he was a thorn in my side for some time I can fondly say the man has more than made up for the drama he's caused.

"I'm informing you as a courtesy" Nic's terse tone isn't lost on me. The last time I'd made a demand like this he'd had to make it up to Jaxon who was and is a VIP member of the estate. The Wright Family is fucking gold in Nicholas' world. Without Jaxon's father, he would've never gotten off the ground running full speed. Preston Wright may not have wanted his name directly affiliated with
but he'd done everything necessary to ensure that Nicholas got the estate open and operating in no time.

"I'm aware of that" I growl not liking his tone. "But why even bother telling me if you don't intend to include me in the process." My chagrin tone has Nicholas scowling.

"I remember that he dated Marco a few years back and I wanted to see if there's anything I need to be aware of. His criminal and background check cleared but I won't proceed with the physical until I find out what happened between them. I was done with school by the time they broke up."

"I happened" I petulantly mutter.

"How did
happen if you and Marco didn't get together until last year?" Nicholas crosses his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair knowing there's a story here.

"Marco and Garrett dated for a few months. Garrett was in love with him but Marco didn't feel the same way. Garrett demanded that Marco stop living with me and to stop being friends with me. He thought if Marco and I cut off all ties that it would give Marco the chance to fall in love with him."

"And Marco broke up with him because of it" Nicholas deduces.

"Yep" I don't bother to hide the smugness in my voice. "But the bastard came into the club a few weeks ago and approached Marco. I thought he'd given up."

"And now he's here trying to become a member" Nicholas ponders aloud. "I don't like convenient coincidences."

"Is he just going for basic membership?" I inquire. Nic has non-disclosure agreements with every member of the club regardless of their status and tenure.

"For now" Nic replies. "I haven't looked too deeply into his financial background. I just wanted to see if I was wasting my time entertaining his application."

My automatic reaction is to tell him to decline the application but on what grounds. We haven't seen Garrett in a few weeks but I knew that he'd show back up eventually. Garrett is delusional enough to believe that worming his way back into Marco's life is enough to win him back. The ignorant fuck has no idea what Marco and I have been through.

"Can you give him something probationary" I try for diplomacy.

"I can work with that" Nic replies. My shoulders slump in relief. I won't allow Garrett to be an issue. I love Marco and he loves me. I trust him. Garrett can give everything he's got but it won't be enough.

"Let me know when you plan to give him a private tour" The idea forms in my head as the words escape my mouth. "Maybe Marco and I can do a scene in one of the glass rooms."

"You're bad" Nicholas chuckles, "But I like it. I've had a few members ask for just you and Marco. This would appease them."

"Do you mind if Carina directs?"

"That would be fun to watch" Nicholas smirks. "If she does a good job I can pass over the reins."

"You're out of your fucking mind" I retort. "She does enough for you already!"

"If he clears the physical and blood work I'll set the date and time" He finally says the words I want to hear. With that I walk out of his office eager to let this fucker see what he never had.

"So let me get this straight" Carina nervously shifts side to side. "You want me to direct the scene."

"Yep" I reply. Marco's over the moon with my idea. Garrett may have been a motivating factor but Marco is the ultimate reason why I asked Nic to do this. Now it's only getting Carina onboard too. "You'll be there to guide us if the audience can't see us from a certain angle or if we're losing them. These rooms are specifically for an audience. There are other rooms throughout the estate for people wanting to have sex with the possibility of someone happening upon them. Those rooms are more for the occupants; the thrill of getting caught or being watched. These rooms here are considered onstage and are for the occupants as much as for the viewers."

Carina breathes in slowly. She looks at the four glass walls. Her eyes slightly glaze over letting me know that she's recalling the times she's been a star attraction for these kinds of scenes. "So the audience won't really be noticing me."

"No" I confirm, "Nic wants you to a part of the background. As much as I'd love to have you join us he's had numerous requests for me and Marco to perform a scene."

"Heaven forbid we disappoint the members" She rolls her eyes. I playfully smack her luscious ass making her squeak in surprise.

"Don't act like you won't enjoy this" I pull her into me. The staff have already been here sanitizing everything, and ensuring that the drawers are stocked with condoms, lube, and toys. Carina wraps her arms around my waist. I stroke her long black hair cherishing this quiet time.

"Nicholas says they will open up seating in about five minutes" Marco announces as he saunters into the transparent room. He wraps his arms around me and Carina kissing up both before stepping away. "Ok baby girl" he motions over to the stool tucked between the end table and mini fridge. "Have a seat and enjoy the show." He winks at her causing all of us to laugh. Although she won't be actively participating she's most certainly part of this.

Since Nic okayed the scene I've thought of a hundred different ways this could play out. I've contemplated letting Marco lead and even top me but just as quickly as the idea came, it went. I'm perfectly fine and accepting of Marco pounding me from behind but I don't give in as often and Marco sees that as a gift. I don't know if I can do that with an audience. It's too intimate, too precious for us. I may be an exhibitionist but even I have limits.

I don't give either of them a chance to decide how we're going to start things off. I press Marco into the wall. His gasp of surprise gives me access to devour his mouth. I grab his wrists placing them over his head. Marco tilts his hips into mine letting me know that he likes what I'm doing. I hold onto his wrists with one hand as I grab his ass with the other. Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm present enough to be aware of the trickling members sitting into the chairs on the other side of the glass enclosure. I've angled our bodies so the arm facing away from the audience is the one holding his wrists.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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