Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (150 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Everyone has that defining moment in their lives. That moment that changes everything there afterwards. Nicholas' happened with
His personal and business life permanently changed. Mine? My life changing moment happened under the roof of Club 69. And no... It wasn't the moment Carina walked through those doors.


It happened in the unlikeliest of situations. One moment I'm enjoying Carina and the girls giving the guys lap dances, of which I thoroughly enjoyed.
was predictable and pleasurable. But when Marco and the guys decided to turn the tables and dance for the girls I bowed out. I wanted to watch knowing it was better for me and the staff that I not get involved.

Marco's playful like that. Although he's the general manager the staff knows they can play around with him. With me? It's always business with a splash of playfulness but nothing that ever oversteps the boundaries. Even during the annual staff party, I never get more than buzzed. My staff has never seen me drunk. I don't fuck my employees. I'm always onstage.

But one song, one moment, changed everything for me, forever. For years I've functioned with "good enough". I've casually dated. I've had women fall in love with me. But in this moment the untethered pieces of me come together. Marco straddling Carina; gyrating his hips in her face; Carina watching his every movement with blatant desire. In that moment I don't get jealous. I'm not bitter. If anything I want to share Carina with Marco. I want him to see why I'm falling for the Spanish Beauty. I want to have a threesome with him and her, but one like I've never experienced before. I
to touch him this time. I
to feel his lips wrapped around my dick. I
Carina to finger herself while watching us.

Holy fuck.

"Move on" I bark but I know Brody and the others close by hear the gruffness in my voice. It's no secret what my sexual preferences are. I would just as willingly watch Marco bury himself balls deep into someone as I would easily pound the hell out of someone while being watched. Why Marco specifically? Because the man can fuck. It doesn't matter if he's buried in a guy's ass or a girl's pussy. I love to watch him just like I know he enjoys watching me.

The rest of the night I stay by Marco's side. Carina has her group of friends and she's having a great time. Her ex is hovering a little too closely but she isn't giving him the time of day. Marco's presence grounds me. It's taken me years to admit that I'm attracted to him. I acknowledge that even if it isn't out loud because I don't know what to do with that information. But he's more than just looks and a big dick. His laugh is contagious. His smile is infectious.

"Do I have a booger hanging out of my nose?" Marco snorts. His chest heaves; he's trying to play this off but can't. I've been staring at him too long with too much intensity.

"No" I quietly reply. I can't joke around with him right now. The ground around me has caved in. Everything I ever thought I knew is being questioned. I've been adamant for so long. But that dance, their moment, is making me question everything. Marco has never initiated anything with me directly. I'm the reason for that. But what if the tables were turned? Do I have the balls to own up to what I'm feeling? To what I want?

Marco stares back at me in silent wonder. The spark of hope is there. He swallows making his Adam 's apple move up and down. What would it feel like to lick his throat? Would his stubble turn me off or make me burn with need?

"V" He whispers hoarsely. "What's going on in your head right now?"

Carina's gaze burns right through me. She watches me watching Marco. She tilts her head curious. I can't go to her right now. I can't pull away from him.

"I'm thinking about the possibility..." I admit. His eyes widen. He opens and closes his mouth battling the need to jump in or let me finish. He knows this is bigger than just inviting him to have a threesome with Carina. This is about

"Mr. DeLuca" A voice interrupts our moment; my courage to admit what I'm thinking, feeling, deflates. "We have a situation outside that requires your attention." I sigh with I-don't-know-what: irritation, relief. They would only pull me outside for one of two situations. One: someone is demanding admittance and refusing to leave. Two: one of my not- so-sober employees is trying to drive home.

"I'll be right there" I tell him. I look back at Marco. His blank expression twists my stomach. I don't want to hurt him; I just don't know what to say. "We'll talk after, okay?" He nods. I don't want to leave his side but this is business. I need to figure some shit out before I open my mouth again.

Luckily for me the little vixen is already two steps ahead.

Present Day

Nicholas' words bounce around in my skull threatening to cause an aneurism. I press my hand against my chest trying to ease the pain there. Doubt suffocates me. Marco and I have so much history; well before Carina ever entered the picture. Just the thought of losing what we have devastates me. How can Nicholas insinuate that Marco's unhappy and somehow neglected?

The hairs on the back of my neck rise as my eyes scan the crowd within the club. It's a regular Friday night; the line outside is fucking insane, just the way I like it. Marco's hustling about ensuring the VIPs are taken care of and that everything's running smoothly. Me? I'm just watching my lover doing what he does best.

Anything warm and fuzzy just dissipates as my eyes lock onto someone best forgotten. My hands ball into fists as I watch his gaze lock onto Marco. The fucker has balls coming into my club seeking out my lover. My legs automatically guide me in their direction. Marco hasn't seen him yet but it won't take long. This fucking asshole will make sure of it. He rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt ensuring that his forearms are exposed.

Fucking pansy.

He runs his hand through his shoulder-length brown hair hoping that gets Marco's attention.

Ha! It didn't even earn him a sideways glance.

I stroll right up to Marco putting my body between him and the douche who's about to get a beat down if he tries anything. "Everything good" I murmur against his ear knowing that the only reason why he can hear me is because I'm right up on him. A few women in our proximity cast a glance at us with lust and wistful expressions plastered all over their faces. But they're easy to ignore when you have Marco and Carina as your lovers.

"Brody says he's handing out flyers to the eye candy outside. I told him to give out passes too." He leans into me not shy at all about our intimate contact. My dick presses against his hip demanding attention. Marco's lip curls. He loves it when I let him know how much I want him.

"Good" I nuzzle his neck not giving a shit that we're not being professional. A lot of the patrons love seeing our occasional public displays of affection. It doesn't happen often since we're always onstage. And those who don't like it can go somewhere else. I'm not hurting for business to give a shit about what they think.

voice causes Marco's spine to stiffen. I turn around ready to throttle the motherfucker. He has the fucking gall to interrupt my moment.

"Wow" Marco stutters, "Long time no see."

He blinks hard trying to comprehend the situation. I loop my finger in Marco's pocket quietly staking my claim. Normally I don't need to pull bullshit like this but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel threatened by this asshat. There aren't very many of Marco's exes that I would ever be concerned with but he is one of them. Marco denies it but to this day I still believe he was falling in love with him but wouldn't allow himself to. Garrett loved Marco and felt like I was an "issue" in their relationship. That may be true but what-fucking-ever.

"Yeah" Garrett tilts his head finally locking eyes on me. "Apparently I can foretell the future."

Marco lays a hand on my chest preventing me from saying something. Devon's carefully watching us paying attention to my body language. Good man. Need to give him a raise.

"You need something boss" Brody's massive frame gets everyone's attention. He looks between us and Garrett. I consider Brody and Devon more than just exceptional employees; they're also great friends proving just that in this moment.

"I'll let you know" I reply. Garrett's eyes widen accomplishing two things. First if he hadn't realized who owned Club 69 he now knows. Second, I wasn't just going to send Brody away. If he tries anything I'll have security throw him out within the blink of an eye. Call it insecurity. Call it petty jealousy. I don't give a flying fuck. All that matters is that Marco's with me and that Garrett understands that.

"I saw you standing here" Garrett has the audacity to continue trying to talk to Marco although he's quickly being surrounded. "I was hoping we could talk for a moment."

"About what" I snap. Marco rolls his eyes at me. He's used to me acting like a Neanderthal concerning both of them. I may enjoy watching them shamelessly flirt with others but I lay claim to what's mine when I sense a threat. The pulsating lights don't allow me to see if he's pleased with my possessiveness.

"Marco, need you in VIP" a flustered server stammers. We both tense, it was neglectful of us and the perfect reminder that we're working.

"Hopefully I'll see you later" Garrett calls out as Marco practically drags me away with him.

"What" I laugh. "It's not like I'm going to kick his ass right there" I playfully scoff.

"I wasn't sure if you were going to try and piss all over me to claim your territory either" he retorts.

"I thought you weren't into that kinky type of shit" I try to tease. It's a losing battle considering I know I'm in the wrong. He hadn't done anything wrong. I should've trusted that he could handle Garrett.

Marco stops abruptly almost causing me to run into him. "I love you" he firmly states. "I've never loved any other man. Just you"

My throat tightens with his admission. There's nothing but love and trust in his eyes. I wish those were the only things reflected in mine too but there's so much shit flowing through me right now. I suspect he sees love but he must see insecurity too.

"How long have you been in love with me for?" I finally ask the question that's always plagued me. When Carina threw that curveball at me to try this relationship between the three of us I had never once thought to reject the idea. If anything it was remiss of me not to be brave enough and approach him about it before. We'd danced around sexual relationships, being more than best friends, but never crossing over that "line". We've fucked in each other's presence; fucked the same girls; I was closer to Marco than any other person in my life. My friendship with Nicholas wasn't anything like what I called a friendship with Marco. Looking back now, we were soul mates even back then. I just denied what was already there.

"Where is this coming from" He deflects.

I stuff my hands in my pockets hating feeling so exposed. "I've always wondered" I mumble hoping the music drowns out my words. We're far enough away from the speakers and dance floor to have a civil conversation.

"For a long time" He vaguely admits.

"Well before Carina" I clarify recalling when Carina asked him if he loved me. At that time I'd convinced myself that he loved me as a best friend, not as a lover. I mean how could he when I'd told him over and over again that I wasn't into guys?

"Yes" He states before looking away. Pain and guilt pierce my heart. I pull him into my arms hating the small distance between us. Marco melts into me. If it's anything remotely close to what Nicholas claims, then Marco's been in love with me for years. I hate myself for taking his love for granted. In questioning myself, my sexuality, I've denied this amazing man the opportunity to openly and freely love me. Marco loves wholeheartedly, passionately, and undeniably. He only sees me and Carina when we walk into a room.

I grab a fistful of his hair pulling his head away from my shoulder. He shudders at the dominating gesture making all the blood in my body head straight to my dick. "I love you" I hoarsely whisper. I look in his eyes daring him to doubt it. "I don't deserve you but I'll spend forever trying to prove it."

Marco's sharp inhalation flays me. How have I been so ignorant to his needs? I've allowed everything around us to distract me from the reality that Marco needs the reassurance as much or more than I do. "Thank you" I whisper against his lips. He grabs my biceps holding on for dear life, "For loving me; for waiting for me while I got my shit straight."

He chuckles opening his mouth just enough to allow my tongue to slip in. His grip tightens on my arms as his hip presses against mine. I try to show him everything I'm feeling through this kiss. The desire. The commitment. The love. He is my everything.

Clapping and catcalls remind us where we're at. We pull away gasping for air. Marco's glazed eyes and brilliant smile strengthen me. We may not be where we need to be, but we'll get there.

"You don't deserve him."

I'm not surprised to hear his voice. I've been waiting to see when he'd finally grow a pair and approach me. The more I've thought about the other night the more I see the picture from Garrett's perspective. He honestly believed he could stroll into Club 69, approach Marco, and pick up where they left off. The delusional asshat actually believed that Marco missed him and would just fall right back into his arms forgetting all about their history.


Not happening.

Not with me in the picture now.

"Neither do you" I snap back. I already admitted to Marco that I was unworthy of his love but unlike Garrett I recognize it and am willing to do whatever necessary to keep him. Marco can have anyone he wants. He's just that phenomenal of a person but I am eternally grateful that he fell in love with me.

"Ah but I've never taken his love for granted" He narrows his eyes at me. "Marco's not around so let's stop pretending for a minute."

My eyebrows disappear into my hairline. He's actually rendered me speechless. What the hell does he think he has to share that he can't say it in Marco's presence?

"You and I both know that you've been aware of Marco's feelings for you" He accuses. He steps closer not letting me add something else before he continues. "You chose to pretend you didn't notice. I heard about the threesomes you two had but none of the women ever mentioned you and Marco getting it on. So why suddenly the change of heart? Why after all these years?"

I open my mouth to respond but looking at his expression apparently it was only a rhetorical question. "Did you finally open your eyes when you realized that Marco was capable of falling in love with someone else? Because the truth is if you weren't there, he and I would still be together!"

"You fucked that up" I remind him only further pissing him off.

"No one had a chance as long as you remained in the picture" Garrett seethes. "I never took Marco for granted! I always showed him how I felt even when I knew I was losing him. I fought like hell and yeah I may've lost but I'm not done yet. I made the mistake of thinking that if I gave him an ultimatum that he would choose me. But I've been watching you with him these last few weeks."

"Biding your time huh" I can't help but be snarky. The fucktard actually believes he has a chance.

"You think you're giving Marco what he wants but you're not. You pay more attention to your little girlfriend. You show her more love and affection in public. Marco has never hidden who he is. He's never been ashamed. I don't know why the hell he's taking a backseat in this farce of a relationship but you're just making things easier for me. It took me a while to realize that he was even included in the abomination you refer to as a relationship."

I have my hand wrapped around his throat before either of us realizes that I've shot forward. His eyes widen in surprise and fear. He claws at my arm trying to get me to loosen up. Just a little more pressure and I can cause serious damage to his windpipe. Something dark and primal takes over with his words. I want to eliminate him as potential competition. I refuse to stand here while he belittles my relationship.

"Boss man" Devon's voice breaks through the haze of red surrounding me. "Think the dude needs to breathe."

I loosen my grip just enough to hear him wheeze. "Don't even think about approaching him again" I snarl. "He's mine. He loves me. Always has. Always will. Nothing you do or say will change that."

I shove him against the wall allowing Devon to pull me away. Adrenaline courses through my veins. Garrett doesn't realize the monster he's just provoked. I may have taken a while to process and accept what I was feeling for Marco but now I know and own it. I fucking own it. I love Marco. I've never loved another man and I never will. He's it for me. He's the one.

"I won't have to" He hoarsely replies. "Keep doing what you're doing and he'll be back in no time."

"Shut the fuck up" Devon barks exasperated with the stupid fuck. "And get out." He roughly pushes Garrett out the front doors remaining at the entrance until he watches him drive away.

"You okay" He asks once we're alone again.

"Yeah. No. Fuck" I grab the closest object launching it across the room. Whatever it was crashes into the wall shattering into a million pieces. My chest heaves as adrenaline still courses through me. Between Marco and me I'm usually the level-headed one. Marco's the hothead but damn if Garrett doesn't make it so easy for me to lose my mind. A few choice words and I'm a ticking time bomb.

I look at my friend and employee. The words scald the tip of my tongue demanding to be set free. I want to know, need to know. But I'm afraid of his response. I grab the back of my neck and ask Devon the question that has plagued me since Nicholas first brought it up. I need to know if someone else sees the same thing because perception and intention are two catty bitches. "Am I alienating Marco?"

Devon looks away but not fast enough for me to catch him cringing. Fuck me. He ties up his dreads trying to give himself something to do while coming up with a good answer. "Just fucking say it" I bark. "I can't fix it if everyone else sees something different than what I think I'm doing. I have to be cognizant while at work but I don't think I've been maliciously negligent."

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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