Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (149 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"What are the rules between us?" Marco asks. It's the first time we're ever doing something like this. We've always watched but never participated together.

My grip tightens on the steering wheel. We're almost to this chick's place and the tension in the car is fucking thick. It doesn't bode well for my dick. I don't want drama. I just want a nut. "We won't be having sex with each other if that's what you're asking."

Marco flinches. He tries to hide it but I see. We've been best friends for years now. I know him better than anyone else. He graduated with a business degree with the intention of working alongside with me. He's been with me every step of the way in our business ventures. We helped Nicholas realize his dream of opening the doors to
and he in turn helped me find a failing nightclub that I've made into Club 69.

"Of course not" Marco tries to play it off by rolling his eyes for effect. "But do you want to take turns or do we want to see if she wants double penetration?"

My dick comes back to life with his words. The visualization has all the blood rushing right to my dick. Fuck, I'm just a little too eager for this shit. "You're more versed in threesomes than me" I smirk as his eyes widen in surprise. I love watching his expressive face. I know more by looking than talking.

"The only threesome I've experienced was with two females" He quietly confesses which totally throws me for a loop seeing as he's bisexual.

"Oh..." I swallow hating but needing to voice this other part. In the years we've lived together Marco blatantly watches me while I'm having sex, which I absolutely enjoy but have never encouraged anything more. "I'm not comfortable kissing another dude" I admit.

He bites his lip. I hold my breath wanting but dreading his response. "Then I guess I won't ask you to suck my dick" He jokes. I burst out laughing. He always knows how to diffuse a situation.

Marco turns toward the window looking anywhere but at me. My chest constricts. I'm second-guessing everything. Should we have said yes to Miss Thing? Should I have just hit it and shot down her suggestion of the threesome? I don't even know if Marco really wants to be here.

The moment I park my SUV Marco flies out of the car like he's on fire. He has a fake smile plastered on his face. I've done this to him; me and my big mouth... Guilt suffocates me. I step out of the car stiffly following them. I'm the one who initiated this; I can't back out now.

"I'd give you a tour but I know you don't really care" Her voice echoes around us.

"We only need to know where the bedroom is" Marco smirks. His eyes don't sparkle though. Every ounce of anticipation has dissipated from him. I am such a fucking prick.

The three of us awkwardly stand in the bedroom. She's expectantly looking at us while I'm looking everywhere but at them. I hope she doesn't think Marco and I are going to do anything. Her dramatic sigh snaps my eyes towards her. She sashays over to Marco rubbing up against his body while kicking off her shoes. Marco glances at me furrowing his brows. I'm not joining them, yet, but that's nothing new. I like to watch as much as I like to give a good show.

Within a few beats all her clothes are on the floor. She's managed to strip Marco by the time I get with the program. I chuck my shoes by the door not wanting to have to look for them later. I take my time removing my pants and boxer briefs. She's all over Marco touching and kissing him. A flare of jealousy roars through me causing my dick to deflate. What. The. Fuck.

Marco watches me from the corner of his eye. He's trying to focus on the horny redhead but he seems more distracted by my presence. I stalk over to the bed irritated with my mixed reactions. My dick twitches at the sight of a naked Marco but my mind balks at the prospect of any kind of contact. He's a dude. I've never reacted to a guy like this. How is it I can be attracted to Marco but not other guys? I can't seem to wrap my head around it.

Marco and the redhead climb into bed. They're kissing and I'm still there like a third-fucking-wheel. She grabs my dick causing a surprised gasp to escape my lips. Marco's hand follows; I automatically jerk away. His hand freezes. He positions himself so that he doesn't tumble backwards, apparently not reaching for my dick. I am such an asshole.

Hurt flashes in his eyes. This is all falling apart and I don't know how to fix it. I grab my floundering dick trying to get it back with the program. I stroke myself as she goes down on Marco. His eyes close as she cups his balls. I mimic her rhythm trying to pretend that she's giving me head. A flash of Marco's face at my hips makes my dick jump. I squeeze the horny bastard chiding it for sending me mixed messages.

Marco angles his head trying to watch me. My dick swells in my hand. My slit leaks fluid. My balls tighten. All thanks to his predatory stare. I shift behind the redhead wanting to be inside her before I come. His stare is too intense. It makes my skin burn, makes me want things I don't quite comprehend.

I cover my junk with a rubber before sliding into her hot, soaked core. Knowing Marco is within proximity drives me fucking insane. He's watched me have sex countless times... but this time it's different. This time he's involved and its making me lose my valued self control.

I grip the redhead's waist trying to ground myself. My deep thrusts cause her pussy to quiver. Her moans drown out my heavy pants of air. My knee brushes against Marco's thigh causing him to stiffen. He grunts just as he comes. He won't look at me. I can't tell if it was a decent nut.

Marco rolls away not bothering to stay until we finish. I pound into the redhead just wanting to get this over with. The second her walls clamp around my dick I let go. She falls face-first into the mattress sated and glowing. Too bad neither Marco nor I look or feel the same.

"Call me this time" she yells from the room as we practically sprint out of her apartment. Marco snorts at her audacity; if he hadn't called her the first time he had no intention of calling her this time around.

I follow as Marco stalks to my SUV. "Are we okay" The words pass my lips before I can stop them. I know we're not. That was fucking awful. We may have gotten a nut but neither of us enjoyed it.

"We're straight" he replies. I wince at my perception of the double entendre. "Like I said it wasn't great but she'll do."

I can't help but chuckle. She really wasn't that great of a lay. But it wasn't entirely her fault. Over the years I've waged a war with myself. Tonight proved something; something that I've been in denial about for a long time. I'm attracted to Marco, both inside and out. He's my best friend. He's a phenomenal general manager. He's a great person. The man is fine as hell. I can admit that. But I don't know what to do with it.


I haven't gotten a damn thing done today and it's all her fault. My eyes drink in the dark-haired beauty in fur plastered on my computer screen. I should be working on invoices and payroll; instead I'm staring at her luscious figure. She's got a body to die for with soft curves, generous breasts, and a gorgeous face.

Carina Lobos, my little Spanish beauty. One night with her isn't enough. My hands long to reach out for my phone and check for the umpteenth time to see if she's called. She hasn't. My dick lengthens at the memory of last night. I remember her more vividly than the Indian beauty. Carina exudes sensuality. Her eyes shine with intelligence. I can't wait to discover the depths of her.

"Have you gotten a chance to approve the photos we're putting up on the site?" Marco strolls in without knocking. He's the only one I allow to get away with that.

I close the browser not wanting him to see that's the only thing I've managed to accomplish this afternoon. I've still got the smell of her pussy on my dick. I can't believe I went bareback with her but it goes to show I lose my mind with that girl.

"I'm still working on some other stuff" I gruffly reply. Marco's been short with me since I came in. I don't know what the hell I did to piss him off but whatever. I'm flying high on fucktastic pussy. He can't bring me down.

"Well we need it by Wednesday to ensure it hits before Friday night" He states looking everywhere else but at me.

"Something else" I arch my eyebrow curious to know what's eating at him. There was choice pussy, and dick in his case, available last night. I don't know why he's being such an ass.

"Why didn't..." Marco's cut off by Brody barging in.

"We got a situation" he looks at both of us. Damn, not good if we're both needed.

"Ok" I state without requiring him to explain himself. I've had Brody with me about as long as I've had Devon. They're rare finds in this industry: loyal, intelligent, and dependable. I trust their judgment. Marco and I walk side-by-side but for some reason I feel like some chasm opened up between us overnight.


"Dude what the fuck is your problem? You've been moping around for the last two weeks?" Marco tosses me a cold beer. He's right. I'm in a fucking slump and I can't seem to pull myself out of it. Those initial days after our rendezvous I actually believed she'd call. Giving my business card is almost always a guarantee that the chick calls. It makes them feel special. I rarely collect phone numbers, don't need to. But in this instance I'm beginning to regret it.

"She hasn't called" I finally admit. Marco and I haven't talked about that night. I know he's surprised that I invited the Indian beauty as the third and not him. But he and I aren't in a relationship. I don't have to extend the invitation only to him when I'm jonesing for a threesome.

"Her loss" He shrugs like it's no big deal; and to him it may not be. There was just something about her that's completely bewitched me and I doubt it's just her pussy. She was the life of the party while not vying for attention. She was grateful the entire night rather than expectant or whiny like so many other patrons. The girl was just different.

"Mine too" I mumble. "Are we ready to open yet?"

Marco nods knowing that I'm not discussing Carina any further with him. I sense the barrage of questions burning the tip of his tongue. I don't usually have a problem talking to him about my conquests or potential relationships but this time is different. Marco and I are at an impasse. We've ended up dating the same women the last few times, doesn't matter who had who first. He hasn't steadily dated a guy in over a year. I know it isn't that his sexuality has changed; it's more like he wants something specific and he can't find it with the guys he's hooked up with.

Our paths are becoming more and more entwined. It's like he sees our destination while I'm still muddling through the journey. I've suffered a few sleepless nights with my sudden epiphanies. What if I can't keep a real relationship without Marco's involvement? He's always there for me, as a best friend and confidant. He voices his opinion on who he thinks is a keeper and who needs to go. We both can spot the gold diggers a mile away but sometimes it's harder to spot the ones who claim they understand what a fuck buddy is when in reality they're looking for a husband. Guys may think with their dicks but females seem to believe the key to the heart is through their pussy.

"I'll be out there shortly" I state as Brody's voice comes through our headpieces. I don't have to be out there from the moment the club opens until it closes. I've hired the right people and the place operates like a well-oiled machine with all cylinders running. Devon manages the bar and his staff; Brody is head of security and is in charge of the walls of muscle throughout the club; Marco oversees everyone else. There are layers of personnel and management without the excess. You might say I'm not needed; I just like being here.

Once alone I click on the picture image just so I can see her again. One night was all I had but I'm determined to find and reconnect with her again. Even if it means that I need some assistance in tracking her down. Something about Carina calls to me. I want to possess her. I want to cherish her. I have to have her.

The answer comes to me in a pretty package of black hair, small perky breasts, and smoky dark eyes. My eyes dart around the club trying to see if she's with her group of girls. Usually where there's one there's more of them. She might not be Carina but she was with me that night too. My dick lengthens with the memory of the two dark-haired beauties grinding against each other for my viewing pleasure. She finally spots me. Her smile is mischievous. Sati has a sweet pussy, not as divine as Carina's, but maybe it's time I reassess that.

"Hey sunshine" Sati playfully greets. She bites her lip basking in my lustful gaze. "Looks like it's just you and me tonight," I keep my expression frozen. I don't want her to see my disappointment. I really wanted Carina to be here but maybe it's for the best. Maybe I need to have another night with Sati. Hell... Maybe I can have another taste and learn about Carina while I'm at it. Nothing against this beauty right in front of me but there's just something about that sexy Latina that's enraptured me.


I have Carina's parent's address and her cell phone number. My night with Sati was enjoyable but it's obvious to both of us that it won't go any further from there. If anything she surprised me by offering up Carina's information. I need to know once and for all if I made more of that night than it actually was. It's all about opportunity: flowers to let her know I'm thinking about her. A phone call to ensure she got them, and to hear her voice. Ensure I'm the one to pick her up at the airport just so I can see her again. I'll know if she's interested. Marco's going to wonder what the hell I'm doing. He's already asked me more than once if she's that good of a lay. And even though she is, it pisses me the hell off to hear him ask it.

Game on beautiful. Time to make you mine.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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