Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (156 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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I bend my knees encouraging Marco to get a better position while still remaining inside her. Her hands grip my shoulder as Marco squeezes lube down her ass crack. I try to look over her shoulder but the swing prohibits the movement. Carina gasps throwing her head back the moment Marco's dick presses against her backside. I close my eyes just wanting to feel these next few moments. My fingers dig into Carina's thighs as Marco eases into her inch by slow inch. The thin membrane that separates our shafts allows me to feel virtually everything.

Carina leans forward allowing Marco to fully penetrate. Our gasps echo in the room. I can't ignore her luscious tits, they're right here in my face. I curl my tongue around one nipple loving how they tighten under my touch. Marco sets a slow rhythm allowing Carina to adjust to us. She rests her head against my shoulder giving me complete access to watch Marco. Our gazes collide causing all the blood to rush down to my dick. If I wasn't already swollen and taking up a lot of space in Carina's core I sure as hell have taken it now. Marco's lips part, his breaths uneven as he angles himself to make the most contact with me inside of her. Carina clamps onto both of us garbling our names as another orgasm rocks her. There's no way I can stop the freight train roaring down my spine slamming into her. My knees buckle as Marco clings to Carina pounding once, twice, into her before groaning our names.

I don't how long it takes for us to recover from that mind-blowing orgasm. Once I manage to catch my breath I turn to help Carina get out of the swing but I'm stopped short. Her pussy and ass drip with our fluids. Her breasts and shoulders have bite marks from me and Marco. She looks fucking magnificent.

"Why don't we have one of these at your place?" Her barely audible voice questions us.

"Good point" Marco chuckles. He stumbles to her side trying to help her slip out of the swing.

"When we get a new place for the three of us we'll make sure we have one" The words slip out of my mouth before my brain has enough time to filter it. Marco's brilliant smile warms me but I glance at Carina needing to see her reaction. Ironically she's the reticent one between us. It isn't that she's had a negative experience with relationships; hardly since she's almost 20 and been with us for the majority of her "adult" years. I know. I know. Cradle robbers. But when you find a gem like her you snatch her up and allow her to shine.

It's the complete opposite of what I expect. She's smirking at me like she knows I didn't mean to say that aloud. "You've already got a ring on me" She teases, "Now you want me to move in."

"Hey" Marco pulls her onto the bed curling behind her. "Desirae should be closing on the plot of land soon. We can start jotting down what we want for our place and look for an architect to put it together."

My lungs freeze at Marco's audacious statement. I don't want to push Carina too hard, too quickly. If it were up to me we'd all be married, trying to get her pregnant as we speak, but she's still young.

"Nic mentioned wanting to use the same general contractor for everyone" Carina cheerily adds instantly relaxing my tense muscles. "Des said she'll even let us get first pick on where we want our place!"

"You mean after she's laid claim to where the main house will be" Marco adds.

"Of course" Carina shrugs. "But we can start making a list of wants and needs."

"Should we work on it together or compile our list after we make them?" I finally jump into the conversation. If she's ready to talk about this then I'm more than willing to go full-speed ahead.

"I'd rather do everything together" Marco firmly states staring directly at me. I don't miss the enormity of that statement. For too long I've gone about this the wrong way.

"I'd love that" My voice drops an octave. He shudders. As much as I'd love to be inside him again my dick isn't cooperating. It's spent, relaxed, and content just hanging around.

"Can we start now?" Carina sits up between us. Instantly our eyes drop to her perky tits. One day our children may or may not drink from them. But one thing I can be sure of is that one day she will have a round belly carrying our children.

"Of course" Marco and I reply. She rolls her eyes realizing that although we've responded to her, we're talking to her tits.

incorrigible" She mutters before crawling out of the bed. Her thighs are sticky with our seed but she hasn't bothered to clean it up knowing that we love to see the remnants of our spent fluids on her. She smells of sex and looks thoroughly fucked, just like we like it.

"It's how you like us best" Marco taunts as she sashays out the door.

I roll into Carina's spot needing to get closer to him. Marco's expression softens, love lighting up his gorgeous face as I entwine my body with his. I bask in his love failing to comprehend how I've denied myself this for so long.

"I love you" I whisper against his lips. I stare unblinking needing him to see that I mean it.

"I love you too" Marco trembles beneath my touch. Carina slips behind Marco snuggling into his back, not demanding for her place back. Now instead of Carina as the center, Marco is. I peek at Carina smiling at her content expression. We are three. There will always be someone in the middle... Take that literally and symbolically. It's just a fact of our relationship. Carina's letting me know without words that she doesn't always have to be at the center of it. She saw and understood sooner than I did that Marco needs this just as much as she does. I on the other hand don't need to be the center of them. I want nothing more than to pour my love and attention on them.

"How many bedrooms will we want" Carina sits up ready to take notes.

"Four" Marco states as I say "Five."

"Why that many" Carina scrunches her nose making her look downright cute rather than the sexy vixen we're accustomed to.

"Master bedroom, guest room, then the kids' rooms." I state matter-of-factly.

Carina rolls her eyes muttering something indecipherable but she doesn't object. We discuss number of bathrooms proportion to bedrooms, living room and family room versus great room, having a library
a den, and everything else in between.

"This isn't going to be a house" Carina indignantly scoffs, "It's going to be a fucking mansion. Shouldn't all this extravagance go into the main house and we keep it simple?"

"Nope" Marco and I simultaneously reply. "This will be our forever house; needs to have it all." I add for good measure.

"I like the sound of that" Carina quietly replies.

"Me too" Marco kisses Carina's temple. It isn't long after that before we're making love.

My fingers tremble as I log out of my personal email account. Marco's birthday gift is ready, the main one that is. I have several for him this year. Unlike previous years when we were just friends, birthdays now carry a slightly different connotation.

My recent introspection led me to truly analyze all aspects of our relationship, in and out of bed. Sex wasn't the only thing I'd been neglectful with regarding Marco. My outward affection was another. But as I watch Carina slip into a stunning Alexander McQueen dress I realize that Marco and I constantly bought Carina things. Dresses, shoes, accessories... They're tokens of our love, reminders of moments we thought of her and had to give this specific item or that. Looking back at this past year I realized that I've never done that for Marco. How many times have I passed something in a store and known that Marco would love it but neglected to get it anyways? Yet again, I have been remiss.

I finger the small gift in my hand. Carina loves to wrap gifts. She's done an amazing job with this one. The burlap ribbon gives it just enough of a masculine touch to tone down the impressive gift wrapping paper.

"You said you have three things for him today right?" Carina's sexy voice has me sitting up. She wraps her arms around me. Her soft breasts press against my shoulder blades. I want nothing more than to take her into the bedroom and bury myself in her but today's not about her. We've spent all week leading up to today with countless love notes to Marco at work and throughout the condo. We've alternated date days: Carina, me, both of us. If we didn't give him a single thing he'd still be ecstatic.

"I do" I reply as I hold up the gift she wrapped. "I plan to give him this one now; the other one you wrapped at lunch, and the last one after dinner."

"You still haven't showed me what the last one is" She pouts unhappy that I've left her out of the surprise.

mio amore
" Earning a shiver from her. I don't often throw in Italian but I figured it would soften the blow. This last gift has taken 9 months to work out. Well worth the wait though.

"Good morning" Marco's husky voice makes both of us shudder. His heated eyes appraise us.

"Good morning handsome" Carina struts over to him. She pulls a fistful of his silky black hair earning a groan from both of us. She devours his mouth pressing her luscious curves against him. Marco lifts her onto the kitchen counter pressing his dick against her heat. I palm my jealous cock trying to calm him down. It isn't his time. Carina digs her heels into Marco's ass making my dick twitch. They pull away gasping for breath. Their eyes shine with love and mirth.

"Happy birthday" She purrs stroking his tented sweatpants. In one fluid motion she tugs his pants down to his knees. Marco steps back surprised. Carina takes full advantage. She hops off the counter nearly swallowing his dick as her knees touch the tile floor.

"Fuck" Marco groans throwing his head back. I lift my hips quietly pushing my basketball shorts off my hips. My dick pops out relieved to be free of its confinement. I press my thumb against my leaking slit watching in silent reverence as Carina takes good care of our man. Marco holds her head still slowly thrusting his hips back and forth. His lips part as he watches his dick sliding in and out of her mouth. I wrap my hand around my dick stroking to the same tempo that he's set. Our staccato breaths are the only sounds in the condo. My balls tighten as Marco's thighs begin to tremble. I so badly want to stand behind him and bury myself into his tight ass but I won't. Today isn't about me.

"That's it baby girl" Marco gasps. I stroke faster watching as Carina fingers herself coating her fingers with her juices. She wastes no time massaging her fingers against his perineum then inserting half her finger into his ass. Marco gasps spreading his legs to give her better access. His thrusts shorten, quicken, allowing her finger to slide in knuckle deep.

Marco throws his head back getting lost in sensation. I want him to look at me; to lock eyes with me when he comes but I'll take this as the consolation prize. His eyes roll in the back of his head as he fucks Carina's face. "Press it harder" he commands. Carina moans her acquiesce. I know the moment she's followed instructions to the letter. Marco roars arching his back in mindless pleasure.

Pearly fluids leak from the corner of Carina's mouth making me explode. My seed splashes on the floor as I close my eyes to the wave of pleasure. "God" Marco rasps. I open my eyes to lock onto his half-lidded ones. He's looking at me and the mess I've made.

Carina pulls back, fluid still dribbling on her face. I yank my shorts back up striding over to her as I grab her face. I lick every bit of the sticky mess loving the taste. Carina relaxes in my arms allowing me to lick half her face. She opens her mouth ready for me to clean out whatever she hasn't yet swallowed.

"I'll take these kinds of birthday gifts all day" Marco's warm voice pulls me away from Carina's stunned face. I yoke him into my arms relishing the feel of his semi pressing against me.

"Happy birthday lover" I murmur before reverently kissing him. Unlike Carina, I take my time worshipping his lips, tongue, and taste. "I love you" I whisper before reluctantly pulling away. Carina quietly cleans up my mess while I serve breakfast. After breakfast, I place my gift on his placemat with Carina's next to mine.

"Two lovers, double the gifts" He muses. His eyes light up in adoration as they bounce between me and Carina. I hold her hand, my breath trapped in my lungs waiting for him to open his gift. This is only one of three but each one is important to me.

"Ladies first" Marco waggles his eyebrows. He carefully picks up her gift slowly unwrapping it. His hands shake as he uncovers a 36mm, platinum banded Rolex with a diamond-paved dial. The breathtaking watch is eye-catching without being ostentatious.

"It has the day of the week and month on it" Carina nervously states. With the amount of diamonds on the face of the watch I know it cost a pretty penny. She only asked for my opinion. This watch is all her.

"I love it" Marco whispers.

"Look at the back" She fidgets next to me. I wrap my arm around her waist. She has nothing to worry about. Even if it weren't engraved Marco already loves it. He's always griping about wanting a "real" watch, well now he has one.

Marco carefully flips the watch over. His eyes widen brimming with tears as he caresses the back of the watch. I lean in closer trying to get a glimpse. She hadn't mentioned getting it engraved but I wouldn't expect anything less from her.

" is the only inscription on the back of the watch, nothing else; no words, no names, just that simple equation that so aptly describes us.

"It's perfect baby girl" Marco hoarsely whispers.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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