Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (153 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"The girls are heavy into school stuff right now too, right?" He asks although he already knows.

"Yeah but even then this would've been just me and Marco; no offense to the Troublemakers, but it wouldn't be the same if they joined us."

"That reminds me" Nicholas rubs his chin. "When was the last time we did mud wrestling for the members and staff?"

I throw my head back laughing. The last time Nicholas tried that shit it'd taken a professional cleaning crew to eradicate every last bit of mud throughout the estate. The members and staff had taken to it a little too well. It's funny how a little aggression tossed in with messiness makes for hot sex afterwards.

"Let's tone it down this time around" I diplomatically reply. Nicholas had bitched for weeks after that incident. Apparently enough time had passed that he'd forgotten about those details. "We can do a main event or something. Contain the mud and contestants."

"I can plan that during slow season" Nicholas muses aloud.

"Sounds good" I pat Nic on the shoulder. "I'm out." I don't bother saying anything else. He knows better than to call unless absolutely necessary. Leti knows to call Nic if she needs to contact someone. Only then can she attempt to reach out to us.


"I brought an extra set of everything." Marco states as he slides into his seat. He has two duffle bags with him. Instantly I'm incensed. Why does he feel the need to separate our stuff? He's moved into my condo and given up his townhouse to his cousin.

"What's with the face hot stuff" His tone further irritates me. "I brought the extra bag for our dirty stuff. Don't want to mix it in with the clean." His smirk and response tells me that I'm too easy for him to read.

My face heats. Shit. Why am I so fucking touchy lately? Marco reaches over caressing the ring on my right hand. It's the very ring he gave me when we proposed to Carina. Talk about being blindsided. The entire party I'd been nervous about presenting her with the promise ring. I've never doubted her love for us but she's been more than vocal about not rushing things. Everyone acknowledges that Carina's young. She isn't one of those girls who see the wedding before the groom.

"I'm looking forward to today" Marco says as he continues to caress my ring. "Should we place any wagers like our last date?"

My head snaps his way. Why am I being so adamant about the term
? This would be the complete opposite of what most people would consider a date to be. We're heading to an obstacle course designed and built by ex Navy Seals and Special Forces. But this is exactly our kind of thing.

"How about we see if we'll be in any shape afterwards to do anything?" I drawl. Marco and I are very competitive. Even if we don't bet anything I won't let him best me and he'll do his damnedest to ensure that I don't win.

"Sounds reasonable" He chuckles. "Let's leave our rings in the truck though. I don't want to lose them."

"Me either" I quietly admit. I grab his hand and kiss his ring. Carina may not have been in on the plan that day but she had ensured that we were all a part of it. I'd placed Carina's promise ring on her right hand, Marco had placed mine, and Carina had slipped on his ensuring that she wasn't left out. See how that worked? Our little circle, triangle... Always connecting the three of us.

"I don't know how we're going to top these" Marco grabs my hand. His soft lips reverently kiss my knuckle and ring. "We could just switch them over to the left side. It isn't like any of us are big jewelry people. We don't need two sets of rings."

My lip curls with amusement. Marco is so fucking proud of these rings, as he should be. He'd found them, custom ordered them, and managed to outsmart the both of us. The rings are the perfect epitome of our relationship. I wear mine proudly every day, rarely taking it off. Sometimes I have the burning need to align my ring with Carina's just to watch her gemstone heart encase my heart-shaped outline. I love wrapping my arms around Marco from behind so that our left hands can rest side-by-side. There's nothing more breathtaking than looking at our three rings. "Maybe... Or we could just do tattoos for the wedding since forever means fucking forever."

"I like the sound of that" His eyes shine with happiness. "Were you serious about Italy?"

"Fuck yes" I bark. Spring break wasn't that long ago. Our conversation is still fresh in my mind. "I meant what I said. We can either get married in that little church, at the family estate, wherever. You name it. I'll be there."

"God I love you" Marco bites his lip. He looks ready to tear off his seatbelt and devour me.

"Me too" I glance at him before refocusing on the road. Carina still has another two years of school left but time flies with those you love. It'll be here in a blink of an eye. I suspect Marco will be the one between the three of us already planning our weddings. Thanks to Desirae, we should have a custom-built home made specifically for us before Carina graduates.

"Showtime" Marco crows as I pull into the already packed parking lot. We carefully place our rings in the glove compartment. It doesn't take long to sign the waivers, get a locker for our stuff, and follow the staff member to the obstacle course.

"This is going to be fun" I almost sound giddy. It's been years since Marco and I have truly allowed ourselves to let loose and play. We've spent the last few years building our businesses and overseeing things. Now that we have the right people in place, and Carina, we can finally fully enjoy ourselves.

"Fuck yeah" Marco leans into me. He bounces in place eyeing the acres of numerous courses in front of us. "You keeping your shirt on" He asks as he eyes a group of shirtless guys climbing the 15-foot ladder wall in front of us.

"Don't want to intimidate anyone out here" I snort as we watch a shirtless muscle head wearing something resembling spandex, cockily approach the cargo net field. It's an endless field of cargo nets in this section. Some are attached to A-frame structures while others precariously hang daring contestants to cross without falling into the mud trench.

Marco leads the way. We spend the day traversing ropes, climbing ladder walls, besting the cargo nets, and sliding down bumpy tunnels. We don't spend much time in the paintball field since Nicholas has one on property. Instead we spend a good portion of the day going through army-like obstacle courses: crawling under barbed wire, wading through mud, and snaking through debris. Marco laughs his ass off when I lose my hold on the monkey bars and I spectacularly belly flop into the mud pit. Fucker.

By the end of the day we're sore everywhere with layers of mud caked on every inch of our body, but we're smiling so hard that our faces hurt. We manage to hose off a good portion of the mud before changing into sweatpants and a cotton shirt. It's one of the rare times anyone will ever see me in public looking so scrubby but it's all for a good cause.

"Can we just get take out and eat at home?" Marco stretches his arms causing his muscles to ripple. My body tingles and heats with his words. When he first moved in he still referred to the condo as
my place
but as the months have passed he's finally accepted that what's mine is his. Always has been. Always will be.

"Yeah go ahead and place the order now" I instruct as I pull back onto the highway. My eyes bounce between the road and my lover. I'm riveted by the simple sight of him tapping away at the screen of his smart phone. His nimble fingers, tanned skin, and strong hands easily distract me.

"Pay attention unless you want to kill us" Marco playfully scolds. I nod my head guiltily. It's too easy to get lost in him. I press my foot on the gas pedal hoping it'll get us home sooner. I may be too tired for sex; hell even my dick fucking hurts after all the exertion and scorching sun, but it doesn't mean I can't enjoy the rest of the evening with Marco. We'll be lucky if we don't pass out by the end of the meal. Forget watching SportsCenter on ESPN. I just need food, Marco, and sleep.


It's that dream again. The one I had while in college but this time I know for sure that it's Marco's mouth on me. My dick swells as the tip touches the back of his throat. He hums sending jolts of pleasure up my spine. I groan waking myself up. My eyes flutter open to a magnificent sight. Marco runs his fingers from my balls to my ass crack making my entire body shudder.

"I want some too" My gruff voice surprises him. He looks up at me with lust-filled eyes.

My dick pops out of his mouth. I arch my hips missing his wet warmth. The man knows how to suck cock. "Soon" he whispers against my sensitive tip. He's licking my slit, blowing warm air, driving me insane.

"No" I bark. "Together" I add unable to form complete sentences at the moment. I swear he's picked up a few pointers from Desirae. I'm mindless with need but I want him right there on the precipice with me.

"Gladly" he beams. Marco turns his body so that his dick is above me. I lift my knees giving him better access. He grabs my ankles while grinding his balls and dick in my face. His scent surrounds me making me harder than I already was. I arch my hips demanding for the same attention while I suck his balls. I grab his ass controlling his movements. Marco sucks me all the way in eliciting a gasp from me before copying him.

I relax my jaw allowing his thick cock to fill my mouth. His shaft slides past my tongue down my throat. I swallow loving the way his body trembles above me as my throat squeezes his dick.

"Fuck" he rasps. He slowly fucks my mouth while trying to refocus on my neglected cock. I don't mind though. I wake up every morning before him to give him head. Its how I've gotten so good at knowing what to do. A morning blowjob is my gift to him each and every day. His love is his gift to me always.

"Hmmm" I hum knowing it won't take much more to push him over the edge. Marco massages my balls making my spine tingle. My thighs tense letting him know I'm close. His thrusts lose finesse as my fingers dig in his ass. Marco's grip on my ankles tightens just as the first spurt of his salted caramel flavor spills down my throat. I follow him flooding his mouth with my seed. He collapses on me but doesn't roll off.

"Good morning" his breath tickles my thigh. I chuckle glowing in the warmth of my orgasm and his limp body.

"Morning" I slowly kiss his thighs, hips, and balls.

"I can't move" He confesses. We're both sore as hell from yesterday but I'm sure it's more than that too.

"Don't want you to" I admit wrapping my arms around him. Marco presses his body into me trying to get as close as possible.

"Love you V" he sleepily mumbles. We have a tendency to fall asleep right after a mind-blowing nut but this will be the first time that he falls asleep while still on top of me. I fucking love it.

"Love you too baby" I whisper over his slow breaths. He may not be awake to hear it but I know he can feel it.

"I don't know if the bastard's stupid or delusional" Brody's voice barks over my earpiece. I look around the club immediately spotting him. Garrett seats himself at the bar closest to the VIP section.

"Both" One of the other bouncers retorts. Brody has briefed everyone regarding Garrett. Normally I don't need staff all up in my business but I'm also not giving Garrett the opportunity to try anything.

My hand itches to touch the earpiece so I can command Marco to stay in the back and work on other stuff but I won't do it. I have to trust enough in what we have and not doubt that no matter what he tries Marco won't fall for it. That's easier said than done though.

Unlike Marco, Garrett isn't bisexual. He politely declines the advances from the pretty females approaching him. His eyes scan the club looking for Marco but finding me instead. I don't move from where I'm at. I just smirk and wink. That just pisses him off. He nods his head like I've just thrown the gauntlet down. Fair enough.

"Oh boss man" Brody's laughter lets me know that he's seen our little interaction.

"Who's out front tonight?" I go into boss-mode. It may only be Thursday night but business is starting to pick up. Neglected club patrons have learned that if they can't get in on a Friday or Saturday night, they can just change their clubbing ritual to a weeknight.

"We've got this" Brody replies. He's my head of security, has been from the start. His instincts are spot on and he's scary as fuck when he's mad.

Garrett jumps off his barstool completely ignoring the blonde bombshell at his side. He runs his hands through his hair before sauntering over to Marco. The rest of the club disappears as my focus narrows to them. I step back against the wall trying to blend into the background. I don't want Garrett to see that I'm watching. It might entice him to get bolder, more brazen. Can't have that under my roof.

Marco motions one of the servers to a table. His commanding presence has the table and the server at his complete attention. He's polite smiles and simple touches with staff and patrons. He occasionally flirts but nothing that would make someone think they had a chance. Staff members know that a little sweetness goes down smoother than something bitter. I don't tolerate cattiness between employees or with patrons. I entrust operations to Marco; I watch out for personnel and their actions.

Unknowingly I've maneuvered myself close enough to somewhat hear their interaction. Since Thursday nights aren't as insane as weekend nights I can actually hear conversations a few feet away. Garrett takes the opportunity to speak with Marco the second he walks away from the table.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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